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(Từ ngày 20/12/2021 đến ngày 26/12/2021)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 20/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “BREAK”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. break away: trốn thoát (khỏi ai đang bắt giữ mình); ra khỏi (đảng, nhóm để lập đảng, nhóm mới)
2. break down: suy sụp, hỏng hóc, thất bại, chia tách
3. break in: ngắt lời, chen ngang; đột nhập vào
4. break into: đột nhiên bắt đầu làm gì; đột nhập; thành công
5. break off: chấm dứt mối quan hệ; ngừng lại một lúc
6. break out: bùng phát, nổ ra
=> break out of sth: thoát ra khỏi đâu
7. break up: chia tay, chấm dứt; mất sóng
8. break with: dứt bỏ, không theo
9. break through: có những đột phá (có những phát hiện mới và quan trọng)
II. Bài tập
1. Our car _____________ and we had to push it off the road.
A. broke off B. broke out C. broke away D. broke down
2. As she was talking, he suddenly__________, saying, "That's a lie."
A. broke away B. broke in C. broke into D. broke through
3. He felt so happy that he ____________ song.
A. broke away B. broke in C. broke into D. broke through
4. The people of the province wished to __________and form a new state.

A. break off B. break up C. break with D. break away
5. Burglars had _____________while we were away.
A. broke down B. broke out C. broke in D. broke through
6. He’s had his apartment _____________ twice.
A. broken down B. broken into C. broken up D. broken through
7. When we gave her the bad news, she ____________ and cried.
A. broke down B. broke up C. broke into D. broke through
8. He grabbed her, but she managed to___________.
A. break out B. break in C. break away D. break through
9. The company is having difficulty ____________ new markets.
A. breaking off B. breaking into C. breaking out D. breaking away
10. Negotiations with management___________.
A. broke down B. broke with C. broke away D. broke through
11. She returned the ring and they ___________ their engagement.
A. broke down B. broke off C. broke into D. broke through
12. They had escaped to America shortly before war ___________ in 1939.
A. broke off B. broke out C. broke away D. broke down
13. She needed to ___________of her daily routine and do something exciting.
A. break out B. break in C. break away D. break through
14. She ______________ from the conversation to answer the telephone.
A. broke away B. broke off C. broke in D. broke through
15. The data ____________ into three main categories.
A. breaks up B. breaks into C. breaks down D. breaks off

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 21/12/2021

(Ôn Tập Cụm động từ với “BREAK”)
1. Scientists think they are beginning to __________ in the fight against cancer.
A. break off B. break through C. break with D. break away
2. Thieves __________ our office downtown and stole the computers.

A. broke away B. broke out C. broke into D. broke through
3. The governments ____________ diplomatic relations.
A. broke off B. broke out C. broke in D. broke through
4. Rising from humble beginnings, he succeeded in Hollywood, __________politics, and became President.
A. broke down B. broke into C. broke up D. broke through
5. We decided to ___________tradition and not spend Christmas with our family.
A. break off B. break up C. break with D. break away
6. The lift has _________ again.
A. broken down B. broken into C. broken up D. broken through
7. The First World War __________ in 1914.
A. broke off B. broke out C. broke away D. broke down
8. She longed to _____________ on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude.
A. break out B. break in C. break away D. break through
9. The girl ____________ and cried when she got a bad grade.
A. broke down B. broke with C. broke away D. broke through
10. She walked quickly, occasionally ___________ a run.
A. breaking off B. breaking into C. breaking out D. breaking away
11. He ___________ in the middle of a sentence.
A. broke away B. broke in C. broke off D. broke through
12. Can you ____________ our expenses by month and by region?
A. break down B. break into C. break up D. break through
13. They _________ of prison and fled the country.
A. broke away B. broke off C. broke in D. broke out
14. She's just ____________ with her boyfriend.
A. broken up B. broken out C. broken in D. broke through
15. He was on the subway when he called and started to _____________before I could answer.
A. break off B. break up C. break with D. break away

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 22/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “BRING”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. bring down: giảm xuống; hạ bệ; làm ngã
2. bring forward: diễn ra sớm hơn; đề xuất, gợi ý đưa ra để bàn bạc/xem xét
3. bring in: nhờ ai làm một công việc cụ thể nào đó, đưa về đồn cánh sát để tra hỏi/bắt giữ; ban hành một
đạo luật mới
4. bring off: thành công
5. bring sb on: giúp ai cải thiện/tiến bộ; đưa ai vào sân để thi đấu
6. bring out: làm nổi bật; đưa ra, làm ra để bán trên thị trường
7. bring sb over to: dẫn ai tới đâu
8. bring sb round/around: làm ai tỉnh lại sau khi ngất; thuyết phục ai
9. bring forth: tạo ra; gây ra; khiến cho; sinh ra
10. bring sb through: giúp ai đó vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn
11. bring about: gây ra, đem lại
12. bring back: mang trả lại, gợi nhớ; giới thiệu lại, ban hành lại
13. bring before: mang ra trước (cuộc họp/tòa) để thảo luận/phán quyết
14. bring up: nuôi dưỡng, đề cập tới
II. Bài tập
1. The meeting has been ____________ from 10 May to 3 May.
A. brought over B. brought forward C. brought before D. brought out
2. Opposition parties are threatening to ___________the government.
A. bring down B. bring about C. bring forth D. bring around
3. Two men were ____________for questioning.
A. brought off B. brought through C. brought in D. brought forward
4. Please bring the matter _________at the next meeting.
A. on B. forward C. over D. out
5. It was a difficult task but we___________.
A. brought it off B. brought it back C. brought it down D. brought it before
6. Harold’s working to _______ changes in the industry.
A. bring about B. bring in C. bring round D. bring off
7. Most people are against ____________ the death penalty.
A. bringing forth B. bringing through C. binging about D. bringing back
8. Both my children have brought me __________extremely difficult times since my husband died.
A. off B. forward C. through D. out
9. They've really ___________ the price of laptops recently.
A. brought over B. brought down C. brought in D. brought out
10. We need to ___________an expert to deal with this problem.
A. bring down B. bring in C. bring forward D. bring off
11. Johnson was _____________by an aggressive tackle just a few feet from the goal.
A. brought over B. brought down C. brought on D. brought out
12. Please ___________ all library books by the end of the week.
A. bring back B. bring before C. bring through D. bring off
13. The matter will be _____________the committee.
A. brought up B. brought off C. brought before D. brought out
14. That dress really _____________ the colour of your eyes.
A. brings out B. brings up C. brings down D. brings back
15. Her new piano teacher has really brought her_________.
A. back B. through C. over D. on
16. He’s bringing his new girlfriend ___________our house tonight.
A. over to B. around to C. forward D. forth

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 23/12/2021

(Ôn Tập Cụm động từ với “BRING”)
1. They've really ____________ the price of DVD players.
A. brought down B. brought forward C. brought off D. brought out
2. The army was ____________ to try to prevent further bloodshed.
A. brought off B. brought through C. brought in D. brought forward
3. What ____________the change in his attitude?
A. brought over B. brought down C. brought about D. brought out

4. The photographs ____________ many pleasant memories.
A. brought round B. brought back C. brought on D. brought through
5. They want to ____________a bill to limit arms exports.
A. bring in B. bring before C. bring up D. bring off
6. The police ____________ some new evidence in the case.
A. brought over B. brought forward C. brought before D. brought out
7. Strong winds _____________ power lines across the region.
A. brought back B. brought down C. brought on D. brought in
8. The elections were _______________by three months.
A. brought up B. brought off C. brought before D. brought forward
9. The manager brought him ____________in the second half.
A. back B. through C. over D. on
10. The band have just ______________their second album.
A. brought over B. brought down C. brought in D. brought out
11. Her letter to the paper ___________a flood of supportive comments.
A. brought forth B. brought off C. brought before D. brought out
12. It was an important event, and she's managed to bring it ___________wonderfully.
A. over B. off C. forward D. forth
13. I gave him a sniff of smelling salts to bring him________.
A. back B. through C. around D. on
14. At first they refused but I managed to ___________to my way of thinking.
A. bring them around B. bring them on C. bring them back D. bring them over
15. The new TV didn't work, so I ____________to the store.
A. brought it down B. brought it back C. brought it off D. brought it about

CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ NGÀY 24/12/2021

(Cụm động từ với “GROW”)
I. Lý thuyết
1. grow into: trở thành, biến thành; lớn để mặc vừa quần áo; thành thục, thành thạo

2. grow on: dần khiến cho ai đó thấy thích
3. grow out of: không còn thích/làm như thế khi lớn lên; quá lớn để mặc vừa thứ gì; phát triển từ cái gì
4. grow up: lớn lên, trưởng thành; bảo ai dừng cư xử ngốc nghếch (hành xử người lớn/bớt trẻ con đi);
phát triển từ từ
5. grow up on: lớn lên cùng
II. Bài tập
1. Living in a small town was tough at first, but the place grows ___________ you.
A. up B. up on C. on D. into
2. Most children suck their thumbs but they _____________it.
A. grow up on B. grow out of C. grow into D. grow on
3. Our company actually ______________ a failed attempt at creating a social media application.
A. grew out of B. grew into C. grew on D. grew up
4. We grew _________________these fairy tales.
A. out of B. up on C. on D. into
5. Their children have all ______________and left home now.
A. grown up on B. grown out of C. grown into D. grown up
6. Lucas says he wants to join the army when he turns 18, but I hope he'll grow ____________the idea.
A. out of B. up on C. on D. into
7. The town where I used to live has grown _____________a city.
A. out B. up C. on D. into
8. I wasn't sure about this album when I bought it, but it's really ____________ me.
A. grown out of B. grown on C. grown up D. grown up on
9. He's already grown ___________ his school uniform.
A. on B. up on C. out of D. into
10. The dress is too long for her now but she'll ____________it.
A. grow into B. grow up C. grow out of D. grow on
11. I didn't like her bubbly new assistant at first, but she grew ____________ me in time.
A. out B. up C. on D. into
12. Why don't you_____________?
A. grow up on B. grow up C. grow into D. grow on
13. She's still ____________ her new role as a mother.
A. growing out B. growing into C. growing up D. growing on
14. A closeness _____________ between the two girls.
A. grew out of B. grew into C. grew on D. grew up
15. Everyone should just _____________ and treat each other with respect.
A. grow up B. grow out of C. grow into D. grow on

1. They ___________ from the national union and set up their own local organization.

A. looked through B. broke away C. brought off D. grew on

2. She ___________ from him and ran to the door.

A. broke away B. looked over C. brought down D. went along

3. She ___________ in tears when she heard the news.

A. went ahead B. grew up on C. broke down D. brought back

4. The printing machines are always ____________.

A. breaking down B. looking away C. bringing forward D. going at

5. He showed us the whole dance, then ________ it __________ so that we could learn it more easily.

A. looked – for B. broke – down C. grew – out of D. went – away

6. Negotiations ____________ after only two days.

A. broke down B. brought over to C. looked up to D. grew into

7. Thieves ____________ and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.

A. brought before B. broke in C. went along with D. looked up to

8. I didn’t want to __________ on his telephone conversation.

A. bring off B. grow on C. break in D. look for

9. He ____________ a run as he came round the corner.

A. broke into B. brought through C. grew up on D. went against

10. Someone _____________ my car and stole the radio.

A. went about B. grew on C. brought before D. broke into

11. We see the deal with China as a way of ____________ markets in the Far East.

A. breaking into B. bringing back C. looking down on D. growing on

12. The two countries have ____________ diplomatic relations.

A. brought over to B. broken off C. looked out D. gone with

13. People would ___________ their conversations when she came into the room.

A. break off B. bring out C. grow out of D. go off

14. We got married a month before the war ___________.

A. went up to B. brought in C. broke out D. grew into

15. Seventeen people died when a blaze _____________ on the fourth floor of the hotel.

A. broke out B. looked out C. gone with D. brought over to

16. Six prisoners have ____________ a top-security jail in Yorkshire.

A. gone down with B. grown up on C. broken out of D. brought over to

17. He’s just ___________ with his girlfriend.

A. broken up B. brought back C. gone up D. looked away

18. The talks didn’t __________ until after midnight.

A. look for B. go away C. break up D. bring forth

19. I can’t hear you, you’re _____________.

A. breaking up B. bringing on C. going along D. looking around

20. That was the year he ___________ the Labour Party.

A. broke with B. looked through C. went down D. grew up on

21. Some women _____________ tradition by going to study abroad.

A. brought over to B. broke with C. went by D. grew into

22. He’s a very talented young actor who’s just ready to ___________.

A. go down B. bring before C. break through D. go out

23. Opposition parties are threatening to ___________ the government.

A. bring down B. go off C. look up to D. grow up on

24. Our principal responsibility is to ____________ the level of unemployment.

A. grow up on B. bring down C. go along D. look in

25. Johnson was __________ by an aggressive tackle just a few feet from the goal.

A. brought down B. broken with C. looked for D. gone over

26. The match has been ___________ to 1.00 pm.

A. gone after B. broken in C. brought forward D. looked on

27. The various departments have not yet ___________ their spending plans.

A. brought forward B. broken up C. looked away D. grown up on

28. An independent investigator will be ____________ to look at the allegations.

A. looked out B. brought in C. broken out D. gone at

29. She said the government would _____________ the necessary legislation to deal with the problem.

A. go at B. break away C. bring in D. look up to

30. The concerto is a huge challenge but she __________ it ___________ magnificently.

A. brought – off B. went – away C. broke – out D. looked – in

31. Her new violin teacher has really __________ her _________.

A. gone – away B. brought – on C. broken – out D. looked – into

32. The manager __________ him ___________ in the second half.

A. brought – on B. broke – in C. looked – up to D. went – back

33. The next year they ____________ a low-priced car to compete with Ford.

A. brought out B. looked on C. went away D. grew into

34. The wine really ____________ the spicy flavour of the meat.

A. looks away B. brings out C. grows on D. goes under

35. He’s ___________ his new girlfriend ___________ our house tonight.

A. going – up to B. bringing – over to C. breaking – down D. looking – up

36. I slapped his face a couple of times to try to ___________ him __________.

A. go – down B. break – through C. bring – round D. look – over

37. Her letter to the paper ___________ a flood of supportive comments.

A. brought forth B. looked in C. broke away D. grew up on

38. Both my children have ___________ me __________ extremely difficult times since my husband died.

A. gone – by B. brought – through C. looked – away D. grown – on

39. Major spending is required to ___________ substantial improvements in housing.

A. go away B. look on C. bring about D. break through

40. Do these stories ____________ any memories?

A. go ahead B. look down on C. grow up on D. bring back

41. ____________ the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.

A. Growing on B. Bringing back C. Break through D. Going by

42. He had never been charged or ____________ a judge.

A. brought before B. gone back C. broken off D. looked back

43. She had ___________ a beautiful woman.

A. gone away B. grown into C. broken out D. brought over to

44. She needs time to ___________ her new role.

A. grow into B. break in C. look through D. go against

45. The new house slowly began to ____________ her.

A. break down B. look out C. grow on D. go at

46. Mike finally seems to be ____________ his rebelliousness.

A. growing out of B. bringing off C. going up to D. looking to

47. His art ___________ his love of nature.

A. looked ahead B. grew out of C. went along D. broke up

48. What do you want to be when you ___________?

A. break in B. go along C. grow up D. look into

49. We __________ these stories.

A. grew up on B. broke out C. brought over to D. went along

50. Our company actually ___________ a failed attempt at creating a social media application.

A. went down B. grew out of C. brought back D. looked in


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