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Title of lesson: Which one doesn’t belong?

Type: Primary - Grade 1

Topic: Problem solving, analytical thinking,

Teaching Methods from Module 2: Big ideas:

● Problem solving ● Objects and shapes have attributes

● You/y’all/we that can be described, measured, and
● Sense making/not answer getting compared
● Characteristics of a Japanese math

Curricular Compentencies Content

● Use reasoning to explore and make ● Comparing 2D shapes and 3D objects

● Develop, demonstrated and apply
math understanding through play,
inquiry, and problem solving
● Communicate math thinking in many
● Use mathematical vocabulary to
contribute to discussions
● Explain and justify ideas and
● Reflect on mathematical thinking

FNMI Connections Differentiations

● Learning is experiential - students are ● Students dictate the level of analysis

active participants they are comfortable with. Students
● Learning is occurring through oral who want to be challenged can try to
discussions find multiple reasons why a certain
shape does or doesn’t belong
● For students with learning disabilities,
check-in with them quickly to see if
they require any further or additional
guiding or cues

Materials and Technology Pre-class Preparation

● Paper and pencil (to write down ideas) ● Projector set-up

● Review pictures to come up with
possible ideas students will share

Resources and References Assessment and Evaluation

● ● Are students using correct

● Are rudest justifying their ideas?

Adaptations and Modifications Extensions and Cross-curricular

● Review vocabulary prior to beginning
lesson ● Français Langue Seconde 1 - lots of
● Write vocabulary with picture on French vocabulary and oral practice

● Review the names of the shapes and objects seen so far by drawing shapes on white
board - as students are French Language Learners (not ELL) the visuals will help
students with vocabulary. The support will remain on the board for the duration of the
lesson // Students to provide names and teacher write next to shape
● Review ways to describe characteristics of shapes - students will have the visual
support on the board throughout the entire lesson to support language learning //
Student to provide characteristics, and teacher compiles them on board
● Bring up the first picture (1) and explain the activity - which one doesn’t belong, there
is a possible answer for each box, use vocabulary and characteristics we have
identified, take some time alone to come up with ideas, then share with your table,
then whole class discussion. Teacher will circulate during group discussion to assess
how students are understanding // Students will analyze shapes, and come up with
possible reasons as to why each shape doesn’t belong, then they will share ideas with
their table, then share ideas in a class discussion
● Teacher will answer any questions from students before moving on to the next picture,
and ask students to show a thumbs up if they understood or a thumbs down if they
need extra support or don’t quite understand // Students will pose any questions if they
have them, students show thumb up or down
● Bring up the second picture (2) and provide a brief review explanation of the activity,
and remind students that the visual support is still on the board. Teacher will circulate
during group discussion to assess how students are understanding // Students will
analyze the shapes, and come up with possible reasons as to why each shape doesn’t
belong, then they will share with their table, then share ideas in a class discussion
● Teacher will answer any questions from the students and ask students to show a
thumbs up if they understood or a thumbs down if they need extra support or don’t
quite understand // Students will pose any questions they have, and show thumb up or
● Teacher will summarize lesson, reviewing the shapes and ways of describing them,
then ask each table to discuss what they have learned today. Teacher will then ask
each table to share one thing they have learned // Students will participate with
discussion about reviewing lesson. They will then share what they learned at their
tables then share with the class one thing they learned

New ideas from Module 2:

● Coming up with possible student answers for each picture to enhance the whole class
● Students viewed as active constructor of their knowledge, not just passively absorbing
● Creates interest in math, actively using skills
● Stimulates creativity when identifying why a certain shape doesn’t belong
● Understanding math and applying knowledge and justifying VS. Only getting an


Grade: 1
Curricular compentency elaborations:
● Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways (by using spoke language to
express, describe, explain, justify, and apply mathematical ideas
● Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions
● How are these shapes alike and different? (Big Idea elaboration)
● Sharing the mathematical thinking of self and others
● Develop and use oral and visual strategies to engage in problem solving
FPPL Connections:
● Stimulating students’ innate curiosity and desire to explore
● Communicating a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward mathematics
● This is mostly an oral based lesson. Understanding is embedded in language, and
knowledge is structured and transmitted through language
Core Competencies
● Communication
○ Acquiring and presenting information
○ Connecting and engaging with others
● Collaboration
○ Supporting group interactions
○ Working collectively
● Creative Thinking
○ Generating and incubating
● Critical and Reflective Thinking
○ Analyzing and critiquing
● Personal Awareness and Responsibility
○ Self-regulating
● Social Awareness and Responsibility
○ Resolving problems

Assessment Rubric

Emerging Developing Proficient Extending

Mathematical Beginning to Uses applicable Uses applicable Uses

Vocabulary use mathematical mathematical mathematical
mathematical vocabulary with vocabulary in vocabulary in a
vocabulary with some teacher the right context sophisticated
teacher support support way in the right

Correct Beginning to Identifies Identifies Identifies

identification identify shapes shapes and shapes and shapes and
of shape and their their their their
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics,
with teacher with some and it able to
support teacher support help others

Communicates Can sometimes Can Is able to Sophistically

mathematical communicate communicate communicate communicates
thinking justification and justification and justification and justification and
mathematical mathematical mathematical mathematical
thinking with thinking with thinking thinking
teacher support some teacher

Shares ideas Can sometimes Can share idea Shares ideas Shares ideas
of self and share ideas with with peers with with peers with peers and
others peers with some teacher listens to others
teacher support support ideas, and adds
on to their
Can sometimes Can listen to Listens to thinking
listen to others’ others’ ideas others ideas
ideas with with some
teacher support teacher support

Uses Can sometimes Can think of Thinks of Thinks of

strategies to think of different different ways to different ways to different ways to
engage in ways to solve a solve a problem solve a problem solve a
problem problem with with some problem, and is
solving teacher support teacher support able to help
Assessment Notes

● This lesson will be used as an opportunity for formative assessment

● Teacher will take anecdotal notes throughout the lesson about students who stand out
(either emerging or extending) and in which areas. This will help to identify areas for
growth and where students need more of a challenge
● Teacher will spend time with individuals/groups during the discussion to observe
communication and strategies being used, and provide support when necessary

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