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American Heart Health Association
We know your mouth
watered at
the sight of
these salty, delectable
chips. These companies
want you to salivate upon
looking at their products'
Favo ew
er H rite
Sup !
dium Junk
in So !

That's ok.

Ditch those Cheetos, Parents!

June 2nd, 2013
56%-70% of your calories
come from "junk food" after
To my beloved readers, all
As you all know, I love sharing ways you and your children can stay happy and healthy,
however I have recently discovered some new information regarding our children in the US That's.. not that okay...
82% of our children's sugar intake comes from JUNK FOOD?! But how can we fix that absurd percentage???
What to avoid: Foods high in: calories, added sodium, saturated fat, and
Yes, you read that right. Is this okay? Is this right? Are we failing as parents? The American added sugar, EVEN JUICE
Avoid these and be a happier, healthier American. We're just lookin' out for
Heart Health Association reccomends that number be ya... unlike our chip company friend here...


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American Journal of Preventative Medicine

Drink stuff like this? Your kids are too! You and your children are falling victim to junk food companies, I simply want to bring your
From 2013 to 2016 we have seen drastic levels of children's
attention to it. You can help your child, just like how I helped mine.
junk food consumption!

Why should YOU care? about 88% of these junk food companies use branding tactics to fool you and your child into
a very high amount of junk food intake in the US, and these high junk food buying their product
diets lead to obesity in CHILDREN and thus a higher chance of being obese
when they are OLDER!

I mean, if we look at thecold hard facts from scientists and doctors in the U.S. we can see
that any group of children, wether they be rich or poor, black or hispanic or white, were all
getting more than 69% of their calories from JUNK.

Mothers and Fathers everywhere, we need to wake up and take back our children's health!

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US Children get 82% of sugar in a day from "JUNK"

We need to get that number down to at least 10%

about 88% of these junk food companies use branding tactics to fool you and your child into
buying their product

I mean, if we look
Hold your corporations and legislators at thecold hard
accountable! facts from scientists
Unhealthy food and doctors in the U.S. we can see
that any group of children, wether they be rich or poor, black or hispanic or white, were all
companies need to stop catering to children. getting
more than 69% of their calories from JUNK.
And reduce our children's "bad sugar" intake!

Mothers and Fathers everywhere, we need to wake up and take back our children's health!

Whenever I take my babies to the store, I used to let them put things in the shopping cart. Now, I realize this is just what the junk food
companies expect. The kids would put in the pretty, colorful cereal boxes that probably have as much sugar as a bag of skittles per

I want to help all of you and your children out, I think this info should be
spread around more, we need to help keep our kids healthy!
Tonight, I will be making a homemade ice cream, with fresh pureed strawberries to help my
kids make those healthy decisions.
As always,
with so much love,

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