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Research has helped me to develop my music video project as there are many
elements in research that help in different ways and help to develop my idea
further. These types of research are Quantitative Research, Qualitative
Research, Primary Research, Secondary Research, Content Research, Market
Research and Production Research. All these elements are extremely helpful in
the media industry as when you are creating a project, you always need to
research your locations, actors, etc. This essay will explore the importance of
research and how it can make an idea go from well to excellent just by
following a few links off a website.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

“Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analysing numerical
data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test
causal relationships, and generalise results to wider populations.” I have used
quantitative research in my Weebly (Weebly is a website where you can
evidence all your work). I have used quantitative research in a survey that I
made to find out what types of music the people in my class listen to and
which artists music they most relate to. This has helped me as before making
the survey I did not have any ideas to which artist to choose but when my
college class began to fill in the survey of yes and no questions, it started to
generate an idea and eventually an idea came to my head.

“Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data

(e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It
can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas
for research.” Along with quantitative research, I have also used qualitative
research to develop my music video idea as in the survey these are more open
questions and require more of an answer so when filling in a survey, you can
give more of an explanation to why you have chosen the answer that you have
put and so you can express exactly why you have chosen that specific answer.
Therefore, qualitative research helped me and my team a lot with our idea
development as we have generated more ideas and more creative ideas due to
creating a survey filled with quantitative and qualitative questions.
Primary and Secondary Research
“Primary research is defined as a methodology used by researchers to collect
data directly, rather than depending on data collected from previously done
research. Technically, they “own” the data. Primary research is solely carried
out to address a certain problem, which requires in-depth analysis.” Primary
research is particularly important in the media industry as it is seen as more
professional as rather than collecting others research, you are putting in the
work, finding the research for yourself, and collecting accurate data. I have
included more Secondary research on my Weebly although, I have collected
some primary research such as the survey (which included quantitative and
qualitative questions in them). Primary research is done in everyday life, but
you might not know it, asking questions to classmates/teachers can develop
your idea and help you improve on your projects, but you do not always write
it down and evidence it. I would like to include more primary research in my
project as it is shown as more accurate, helpful and helps to develop your idea

“Secondary research is a common approach to a systematic investigation in

which the researcher depends solely on existing data in the course of the
research process. This research design involves organizing, collating, and
analysing these data samples for valid research conclusions.” Throughout my
music video project, I have been using secondary research as the information is
already there for you to have and is easily accessible. I have used sites such as
Wikipedia, YouTube, BBC news, Atlantic Records, etc. Secondary research is a
lot easier to evidence as when you are researching, you just want to stay in
one place so that is why I have used more secondary research on Weebly than
Primary Research. Secondary research has helped me the most throughout my
project as I have looked at videos of artists with a similar music video design as
I am going for and it has inspired me and helped me develop my idea faster
and more efficiently.

Content Research
“Content research is all about analysing online content, picking out the best-
performing ideas, and crafting a unique content strategy based on those
conclusions.” In my Weebly, Content Research is my strongest section, content
research is the most important part of research as it helps you to develop your
idea the furthest. I have researched into artists, songs, lyrics, and news articles.
Researching into these subjects have helped me to develop my idea as it has
shown me other artists work and how different and unique a music video can
be and how I can make something original. Researching into lyrics help you to
create more of an image in your head of what you are wanting to create and
can help you to see an image and show it on screen as the artist is singing that
lyric. I have learned a lot about content research and how important as I did
not think that research was needed in the media industry, but I was incorrect
as it is especially important, and I would argue that content research is the
most important and helps develop your idea to the best it can be.

Market Research
“Market research is the process of determining the viability of a new service or
product through research conducted directly with potential customers. Market
research allows a company to discover the target market and get opinions and
other feedback from consumers about their interest in the product or service.”
Market research helps you to decide which target audience best fits your
music video and how helps you find out ways to promote your music video.
Market research also includes Psychographic and Demographic, Demographic
research is a monthly peer-reviewed, direct access academic journal covering
demography and Psychographic research is statistics classifying population
groups according to psychological variables. I have used target audience and
both demographic and psychographic research in my Weebly and I have
evidenced them all in much detail. Market research is an excellent way to
remain on top of current events. Secondary research is frequently used to
investigate patterns. For example, industry data or competition research can
disclose what new product features people are interested in and can also
provide an audience with something that is relevant.

Production Research
“The purpose of production research is to help companies to decide on a
number of factors that will affect how they create their product. One of the
factors that the company will have to research is how it would be best to show
their product to their specific target audience.” Product research allows you to
spot potential problems and avoid making costly mistakes. It aids in
determining whether your product has a market, identifying what your
competitors are doing well and what you can do even better and estimating
how much buyers will pay. I have included multiple parts of production
research on my Weebly as I have needed to research into locations for filming
as you may not know that location so researching into it will help you with risk
assessments and will make you prepared for that location. I have learned with
production research; you need to be extremely specific and accurate with your
research as you must know the correct locations, actors, etc so therefore you
should always be accurate with Production research. Finally, Other variables
that will have to be taken into thought will be; the cast and group, as this will
majorly effect on the success of the item, area, where suitable areas will have
to be found and in case shooting will be permitted to require put there, fund,
where the budget will got to be carefully evaluated and given out in like
manner into different ranges to remain in budget, providers, which the
generation company will got to source out to discover companies who would
be willing to contribute in their item, offices, taking under consideration the
shooting and altering gear and the substance required to form the item. So
therefore, Production research is something that needs to be extremely

A comprehensive media research study will help you figure out how to
properly structure news and make it more accessible to your target audience.
It assists you in analysing and composing points of view, news, and facts.
Research is particularly important in everyday life and especially in the media
industry and I enjoy researching to help to develop my ideas much further as it
can make an idea ten times better and more professional. Overall, Research
has helped me throughout a lot of my projects as it has provided me with
information that I was not aware of before-hand and has drastically made my
projects a lot easier and better quality.

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