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Nama : Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah : Kelas : V SD
Tahun ajaran : 2017 - 2018 Bab : III (What’s the Matter)

What’s the matter = what’s wrong = what’s the problem

What’s the matter digunakan untuk menanyakan keadaan seseorang
What’s the matter bila di tulis secara lengkap dan jelas adalah what is the matter

Pertanyaan Jawaban dari

What’s the matter with What’s the matter
diawali dengan
1. You
2. Them 1. I
3. Us 2. They
4. Him 3. We
5. Her 4. He
6. Andi 5. She
7. Shinta

Doctor : What`s wrong with you today , Mrs Lie?

Mrs Lie : I have got a headache. I have a sore throat and runny nose. I keep sneezing
as well.
Doctor : Let me see. Well, You`ve got the flue. Just dissolve this pill in water and drink
it. Keep in mind, to be taken three times daily, Okay?.
Mrs Lie : Thank you doctor.

1. Who is the patients in that story ?
2. What’s the matter with Mrs Lie ?
3. How many times Mrs Lie drink it ?
d t Teka Teki Silang Bahasa Inggris 5 SD
Bab 3 (What’s The Matter)
i o
f r p

e h

Kebawah Mendatar
1. Lebih baik 2. Dokter gigi
4. Sakit flu 3. Luka
7. Obat 5. Sakit perut
9. Sakit mata 6. Demam
10. Sakit gigi 8. Minum
11. Psikiater 12. Batuk
13. Sakit kepala
14. Sakit tenggorokan
15 Minuman
d e n t i s t
h u r t
i s t o m a c h a c h e
n e e y t
f e v e r d p e o
l i s s c o u g h
u c y o t
e d r i n k c r h
n n h e a d a c h e
z e i c
a a h
s o r e t h r o a t e
b e v e r a g e s
Nama : Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah : Kelas : V SD
Tahun ajaran : 2017 - 2018 Bab : III (What’s the Matter)

Nino : What’s the matter Angela? You look so pale.

Angela : I’m not feeling well Nino.
Nino : Let me take you home.
Angela : That’s nice of you Nino, but I still have a class after this.
Nino : Okey, but don’t push yourself to hard.
Angela : Sure, Thank you.
Note : `
Pale = Pucat
Nosebleed = Mimisan

1. What’s wrong with Angela ?

2. Who want to take Angela home ?
3. Why Angela reject to go home ?

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb

1. Buy (b) likes (c) sweeps (d) drinks (e) need (f) like (g) playing
1. Rindi ______ the floor everyday
2. Sandi is a hunter. He ______ hunting
3. We ____ stamps in the post office
4. I _____ a cup of tea for breakfast
5. Adeline ______ a glass of milk every morning
6. I ______ to play a volley ball
7. My hobby is ______ a guitar

Fill in the blanks with correct object pronouns

1. A: What’s the matter with _________? 6. Q : What’s the matter with you ?
B : He has got a stomachache.. R : ___________ got a headache
2. C : What’s the matter with ________ ? 7. P : What’s the matter with him ?
D : I have got a cold K : __________ got a sorethroat
3. F : What’s matter with ___________? 8. S : What’s the matter with her ?
G : Ani has got a fever T : __________ got an influenza
4. K : What’s the matter with ________? 9. Q : Whats the matter with Susan ?
L : Dita has got a toothache W : ____________ got a cough
5. T : What’s the matter with ________? 10. Y : What’s the matter with them ?
U : I have got an eyesore G : ___________ got a nosebleed

3 5




12 14


Menurun Mendatar
1 Pucat 3 Psikiater
2 Batuk 4 Sakit tenggorokan
5 Sakit perut 7 Sakit Flu
6 Luka 9 Sakit kepala
8 Sakit gigi 11 Pilek
10 Minuman 12 Demam
13 lebih baik 14 Sakit mata
15 Dokter gigi
p o
a u
l g p s y c h i a t r i s t
s o r e t h r o a t
o t
h m o
i n f l u e n z a o
r c t
t h e a d a c h e
b a a
e c o l d c
v h b h
f e v e r e y e s o r e
r t
a t
g d e n t i s t
e r

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