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Mogadishu was largely destroyed in the fighting between clans

during the civil war of the 1990s. In 2000 a Somali assembly

suggested to make Mogadishu the new chairman's base but to
move other government functions to the megacity of Baidoa,
northwest of Mogadishu, until the capital could be rebuilt.
Demography. No tale was taken in Somalia until 1975, and
those numbers weren't reported. The large number of
maunderers makes it delicate to get an accurate population
count. Population estimates have been made rested on the
1986 – 1987 tale, which recorded a population of7.1 million. In
malignancy of the death trouble due to deficiency and civil war
in the 1990s, 2000 population estimates range from 9 million
to14.5 million. About three- diggings of the people live in
pastoral areas and one- quarter in the megalopolises. ethnical
Somalis make up about 95 percent of the population.

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