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While they were the dominant group of avialans during

the Cretaceous period, enantiornithes came defunct

along with numerous other dinosaur groups at the end of
the Mesozoic period.( 36) numerous species of the
alternate major avialan lineage to diversify, the
Euornithes( meaning" true catcalls", because they
include the ancestors of ultramodern catcalls), weresemi-
aquatic and specialised in eating fish and other small
submarine organisms. Unlike the Enantiornithes, which
dominated land- grounded and arboreal territories,
utmost early euornithes demanded perching
acclimations and feel to have included shorebird-
suchlike species, waders, and swimming and diving
species.( citation demanded) The ultimate included the
superficially chump- suchlike Ichthyornis( 40) and the
Hesperornithiformes, which came so well acclimated to
hunting fish in marine surroundings that they lost the
capability to fly and came primarily submarine.( 36) The
early euornithes also saw the development of numerous
traits associated with ultramodern catcalls,

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