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numerous species resettle annually over great distances

and across abysses; several families of catcalls have

acclimated to life both on the world's abysses and in
them, and some seabird species come ashore only to
strain,( 67) while some penguins have been recorded
diving up to 300 metres( 980 ft) deep.( 68) numerous
raspberry species have established breeding populations
in areas to which they've been introduced by humans.
Some of these prolusions have been deliberate; the ring-
necked pheasant, for illustration, has been introduced
around the world as a game raspberry.( 69) Others have
been accidental, similar as the establishment of wild
monk parakeets in several North American metropolises
after their escape from prison.( 70) Some species,
including cattle egret,( 71) unheroic- headed
caracara( 72) and galah,( 73) have spread naturally far
beyond their original ranges

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