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Rana Saqib Sultan

Hassan Ali
Ebad Hassan

A Project Report submitted to the

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science & Technology,
August, 2021


Rana Saqib Sultan

Hassan Ali
Ebad Hassan

A Project Report submitted to the

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science & Technology,
August, 2021

Copyright  2016 by CUST Student

All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form requires the prior written
permission of Rana Saqib Sultan, Hassan Ali and Ebad Hassan.


The project is about the fabrication of automatic cleaning system of solar panel which is
supervised by Mr. Tauseef Ahmed. We thanks to him for being supervise the project and
share the techniques and his experience to continue the project in a way that we can complete
the project efficiently in the required time period. Also thankful to DME faculty for their
support and guidance during the project.

It is certified that the project titled “AUTOMATIC CLEANING SYSTEM OF SOLAR
PANEL” carried out by Rana Saqib Sultan BME173005, Hassan Ali BME173007, Ebad
Hassan BME173017 under the supervision of Mr. Touseef Ahmed, Capital University of
Science & Technology, Islamabad, is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a final year
project for the degree of BS of Mechanical Engineering.

Supervisor: -------------------------
Mr.Saif Ullah
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad

HOD: ----------------------------

Dr. Muhammad Mahabat Khan

Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science & Technology, Islamabad


It is declared that this is an original piece of my own work, except where otherwise
acknowledged in text and references. This work has not been submitted in any form for
another degree or diploma at any university or other institution for tertiary education and
shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from this or any other
University or Institution.

Rana Saqib Sultan


Hassan Ali

Ebad Hassan

August, 2021

Solar energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources, has an important role in meeting
the increasing electrical energy demand of our globe. In recent years, many researchers have
been working on solar panel efficiency, maximum energy extraction from the sun, control
and power electronics. To extract continuously maximum energy level from the sun reduces
installation costs and makes it easier to meet the demanded peak electrical power. Physical
conditions such as muddy rain, snow and dust etc results in the reduced electrical power
extraction level which can be technically produced with clean solar panel surface. Therefore,
it is also very important to keep the solar panels clean.

In this project, a solar panel cleaning robot has been designed and tested in real time. The
goal of our project is to design and create an automated solar panel cleaning robot that will
address the adverse impact of soiling on commercial photovoltaic cells. Our robot will move
horizontally and vertically across the panel. Thus to clean overall solar panel surface, which
will result in the overall improved efficiency of the solar panel.

We performed some experiments on the solar panel installed at Capital University of Science
and Technology (CUST) and found that the after 8 days of dirty panel the power and
efficiency can be improved about 10% and 20% respectively. Also, at 250g of dust the drop
in efficiency noted was about 23%. As a result, the loss of energy production is eliminated
without having to wait for the cleaning time, and the efficiency is raised by 15-20%.
Moreover the power can be increased about 7-10%.

Table of Contents

CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL..............................................................................................v


LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................xi

LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................xii

LIST OF ACRONYMS..........................................................................................................xiii


Chapter 1.............................................................................................1

1.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of Problem.........................................................................................................1

1.3 Specifications of the Proposed Solution.............................................................................2

1.4 Purpose of the Project.........................................................................................................2

1.5 Applications of the Project.................................................................................................2

1.6 Project Plan:........................................................................................................................3

1.6.1 Road Map:..............................................................................................................3

1.6.2 Gantt chart:.............................................................................................................4

Chapter 2.............................................................................................5

Literature Review.................................................................................5
2.1 Related Technologies..........................................................................................................6

2.1.1 Mechanical Dust Removal System.........................................................................6

2.1.2 Crawler mounted mechanism:................................................................................7

2.2 Related Projects..................................................................................................................8

2.2.1 Automatic solar panel cleaning mechanism using IoT...........................................8

2.2.2 Smart self-cleaning robot for PV cells:..................................................................8

2.3 Related Studies/Research....................................................................................................9

2.3.1 Automated Solar Panel Cleaning System using IoT:.............................................9

2.4 Their Limitations and Bottlenecks:..................................................................................10

2.5 Summary...........................................................................................................................10

Chapter 3...........................................................................................11

Project Design.....................................................................................11
3.1 Design of the Project Hardware/Software........................................................................11

3.1.1 Block Diagrams and Flowchart Later...................................................................11

3.2 Details about Hardware....................................................................................................13

3.2.1 Frame Design........................................................................................................13

3.3 Robot Body Design..........................................................................................................13

3.4 Details about Software/Algorithm....................................................................................14

3.4.1 Arduino IDE.........................................................................................................15

3.4.2 Proteus Design Suite.............................................................................................17

3.4.3 Creo 4.0................................................................................................................18

3.4.4 Algorithm..............................................................................................................20

3.5 Details of final working prototype....................................................................................20

3.6 Details of Simulation........................................................................................................22

3.7 Summary...........................................................................................................................26

Chapter 4...........................................................................................27
Tools and Techniques.........................................................................27
4.1 Hardware Used.................................................................................................................27

4.1.1 Arduino UNO.......................................................................................................27

4.1.2 Motor Driver L298...............................................................................................28

4.1.3 Limit Switches......................................................................................................30

4.1.4 Geared DC Motors................................................................................................30

4.1.5 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)..........................................................................31

4.2 Software Used...................................................................................................................32

4.2.1 Arduino IDE.........................................................................................................32

4.3 Proteus Design Suite.........................................................................................................35

4.4 Creo 4.0............................................................................................................................35

4.5 Summary...........................................................................................................................36

Chapter 5...........................................................................................37

Project Results and Evaluation...........................................................37

5.1 Presentation of the findings..............................................................................................37

5.1.1 Hardware Results..................................................................................................42

5.1.2 Software Results...................................................................................................42

5.2 Verification of the design functionalities.........................................................................42

5.3 Limitations........................................................................................................................43

5.4 Recommendations.............................................................................................................43

5.5 Summary...........................................................................................................................43

Chapter 6...........................................................................................44

6.1 Future scope of project.....................................................................................................44



Figure 1.1 Road Map..............................................................................................................17

Figure 1.2 Gantt Chart...........................................................................................................18

Figure 2.1 Mechanical Dust Removal System.........................................................................20

Figure 2.2 Crawler Mounted Mechanism................................................................................21

Figure 2.3 Automatic solar panel cleaning mechanism using IoT..........................................22

Figure 2.4 Smart self-cleaning robot for PV cells...................................................................23

Figure 3.1 Frame Motor Block Diagram................................................................................25

Figure 3-2 Body Motor Block Diagram..................................................................................26

Figure 3.3 Brush Motor Block Diagram.................................................................................26

Figure 3.4: Block Diagram......................................................................................................26

Figure 3.5 Solar Panel.............................................................................................................27

Figure 3.6 Robot Body.............................................................................................................28

Figure 3.7 Frame of the robot..................................................................................................28

Figure 3.8: Proteus Circuit Design.........................................................................................32

Figure 3.9 Final Design of the Robot.....................................................................................35

Figure 3.10 Final Design of the Solar Panel...........................................................................36

Figure 4.1 Arduino UNO.........................................................................................................41

Figure 4.2 Motor Driver L298.................................................................................................43

Figure 4.3 Limit Switch............................................................................................................44

Figure 4.4 DC gear Motor.......................................................................................................45

Figure 4.5 LDR Sensor............................................................................................................46

Table 5.1 2 Days Dirty Panel..................................................................................................54

Table 5.2 4 Days Dirty Panel..................................................................................................54

Table 5.3 8 Days Dirty Panel...................................................................................................55

PV Photovoltaic

EDS Electrodynamic system

DC Direct Current

MS Mild Steel

LED Light Emitting Diode

IC Integrated Circuit

PCB Printed Circuit board

PD.P Power of dusty panel

P c.p Power of clean panel

V D.P Voltage of dusty panel

V c.p Voltage of clean panel

Ƞ D.P Efficiency of dusty panel

Ƞ c.p Efficiency of clean panel

(Pmax) Maximum Power

Chapter 1


1.1 Overview
Direct sunlight produces solar energy, which is a non-polluting form of energy that doesn't
create any harmful gases or other pollutants. This makes the sun a significant source of
energy, as its energy output is 20 thousand times more than what the globe uses in a year.
Due to its simplicity of conversion, electricity is the most often used energy source today,
making it a viable alternative to other forms of energy 1.

The physics of the PV cell is very similar to the classical p-n junction diode. When light is
absorbed by the junction, the energy of the absorbed photons is transferred to the electron
system of the material, resulting in the creation of charge carriers that are separated at the
junction. The charge carriers may be electron-ion pairs in a liquid electrolyte or electron hole
pairs in a solid semiconducting material. The charge carriers in the junction region create a
potential gradient, get accelerated under the electric field and circulate as the current through
an external circuit 1.

With photovoltaic (PV) panels, you can convert solar energy, which is an endless supply of
heat and light, into electricity. During this phase, all of the radiation reaching the PV panel's
surface cannot be turned into energy, resulting in a net loss of energy. Photovoltaic incident
causes several losses. All of these forms of losses are caused by reflections, shadowing,
contaminations, inconsistencies in module specifications, low radiation, low temperature,
conductivity, and inverter losses 2. Factors such as selecting an appropriate geographical
location and beam angle, selecting adequate equipment, and maintaining clean panel surfaces
should be considered in order to decrease these losses 3.

During the last decade, Pakistan has seen a substantial increase in its reliance on solar power
as a source of energy. A growing demand for solar energy has made the efficiency of solar
panels more important than ever. When it comes to turning solar energy into useable energy,
solar panels, on the other hand, are inefficient. As a result of pollution, PV panels lose even
more efficiency.

1.2 Statement of Problem
The influence of a coating of dust on the photovoltaic's surface has a significant impact on
the electric energy generated by the solar. A dust coating on the photovoltaic surface can

restrict the amount of solar energy that photovoltaic panels can take . As a result, the amount

of energy generated and the efficiency of the solar system will be reduced . The goals of our
project are to build a method that can clean the cluttered and dust-covered surface of solar

1.3 Specifications of the Proposed Solution

The suggested solution's specs should be based on the design that we choose to carry out the
project. The project's specs are as follows:

1. It should be automated in the first place.

2. Solar panel and Arduino UNO-based assembly.

3. There is no need for manpower to operate the mechanism.

4. The system does not require any external electricity to operate..

1.4 Purpose of the Project

Solar panels must be thoroughly cleaned, in order to capture the greatest amount of energy .
To meet this demand for a cleaning method, our team created an automatic solar panel
cleaning system. Our invention will improve efficiency by rapidly and cost-effectively

enhancing the energy output of solar panels. The system's automation will also reduce the
possibility that an operator may injure himself in a high-voltage condition.

1.5 Applications of the Project

The following are the applications of the associated project:

1. In solar power plants.

2. In residential houses that use solar power.

1.6 Project Plan:
The plan to precede the project in a simple way that we divided the whole project in two
phases first, we performed experiments to identify the efficiency loss, and then we designed a
project to clean the solar panel mechanism without utilising external sources, and we outlined
the technique step by step in the road map that follows.

1.6.1 Road Map:

1.6.2 Gantt chart: Figure 1-1 Road Map

The Gantt chart is used to determine the time frame for completing the project based on the
work that has to be done:

Figure 1-2 Gantt Chart

Chapter 2

Literature Review
The power output delivered from a photovoltaic module highly depends on the amount of
irradiance, which reaches the solar cells. However, the environment is one of the contributing
parameters which directly affect the photovoltaic performance. Depending on where the PV
forms are installed, yearly losses due to dirt particles range from 15% to 62 % . The study also

discovered that dust particles lower power production by 2% to 50% in certain places4.

According to Nurul F.Zainuddin's research, external resistance affects panel performance up

to 22%. The detailed investigation reveals that the radiation landing on the panel's surface
creates a barrier between the surface and the radiation, resulting in resistance in the passage
of current 5.

During winter months, Muhammad Bashir and team compared the performances of the
photovoltaic module. Within the scope of this research, the hourly output power, module
efficiency, and performance ratio of three modules were measured and variation of these
parameters with solar irradiance and backside surface temperature of PV modules was
investigated. The study concluded that output power of modules increases linearly with
increase of solar irradiance. The effectiveness of the system might be reduced by 50% owing
to dust collection, according to research. It will be seen if there hasn't been any major rain.

Energy losses on a daily basis might range from 20% to 25% or even more . The microscopic

particles operate as billions of resistors, lowering performance by 85% 7.

This was also observed in a study done by the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Boston University in Lovington, New Mexico. Over a month period efficiency
the drop in efficiency was 24 percent, according to the study. When it comes to washing solar
panels, rain is the most effective cleaning agent. 4. In the Boston University study, the costs
and advantages of three existing solar panel cleaning methods were also reviewed. There are
several ways to clean, including using natural methods such as rain and snow, cleaning by
hand, and using an electrodynamic system (EDS). They found that in order to have an
optimal rain cleaning effect, the panels needed to have a glass screen and to be set almost

vertically. It was successful, but required planning for manpower (45.7% of total cost) and
petrol (22.7% of total cost) (20.5 percent of the total cost). Interdigitated electrodes in a
transparent dielectric layer form the basis of the EDS, a novel technology. The cleaning
process is controlled by low-power, three-phase pulsed voltages (from 5 to 20 Hz). A few
minutes later, the surface was back to 90 percent reflectivity.

The University of Sonora studied the effects of dust and residue on the energy production of
solar panels 5. A typical ‘dirt' layer was chosen and tested on monocrystalline,

polycrystalline, and amorphous photovoltaic cells. For monocrystalline and polycrystalline

materials, the largest drop in electric generation was 6%, while for amorphous materials, it
was 12%.

2.1 Related Studies/Research

2.1.1 Automated Solar Panel Cleaning System using IoT:

The model mechanism can be categorized in two Units

1. Robotic Unit

2. Autonomous Unit

Robotic Unit

This unit is dependent on the autonomous unit, and it obeys the autonomous unit's
commands. The user handbook is used by the autonomous unit . The user issues the command

to the autonomous unit, which then sends it to the robotic unit . The system includes motors

that travel back and forth across the panel's rails . Brushes for cleaning the panel are also


Autonomous unit

The autonomous unit, often known as the "master unit," gives the robotic portion the order to
clean the panel. The three variables, illuminance, currents, and voltage, are used to compute

the input and time. When the system detects a change in variables, it sends a signal to the

robotic unit, which it continues to transmit until the performance is restored 7.

From the above literature, we can easily conclude that a dirty solar panel would be less
efficient than that of a clean panel. So it is mandatory to clean the panel frequently in order to
attain higher efficiency.

2.2 Related Technologies

2.2.1 Mechanical Dust Removal System

Blowing, brushing, and vibrating are some of the methods used by the mechanical dust
removal system. Blowing may clean the panel by directing high-pressure air at it, which
cleans the panel and improves efficiency, although brushing may also clean the panel but to a
lesser extent. The problem with the blower might make it difficult to maintain it, and the

vibrating mechanism requires a lot of electricity to produce a jolt to clean the solar panels.6.

Figure 2-0-3 Mechanical Dust Removal System

With the use of surface acoustic waves, this study offers an auto-cleaning system for
eliminating droplets from the surface of automobile sensors (SAW). Assorted droplets of
varying sizes and viscosities are transported and removed by the SAW wave created by the
self-cleaning system. In addition to cameras and sensors in autonomous vehicles, the self-
cleaning technology presented here may be used to a number of other devices, such as glass
in electronics. An auto-cleaning system that uses surface acoustic waves to remove water
droplets off automobile sensors is described in this study (SAW). Assorted droplets of
varying sizes and viscosities are transported and removed by the SAW wave created by the
self-cleaning system. In addition to cameras and sensors in autonomous vehicles, the self-
cleaning technology presented here may be used to a number of other devices, such as glass
in electronics.

Brushing cleans the panel, but only to a limited extent. The blower could make maintenance
difficult, and the vibrating mechanism uses a lot of electricity to provide a jolt that cleans the
solar panels.

2.2.2 Crawler mounted mechanism:

The crawler mounted panel cleaner mechanism and the tractor mounted panel cleaner
mechanism, both known as MA40BA, are two alternative technologies on the market . A 4m

brush length requires 63KW of electricity . The same mechanism may be mounted on a
crawler, but the disadvantage is that it is powered by engines, and the cleaning system emits
carbon dioxide, so this technique is not completely clean . It also contains a large amount of


Figure 2-4 Crawler Mounted Mechanism

2.2.3 Piezoelectric system

Piezoelectric actuators are being used in various optical adjustments, biomedical

manipulation, space explorations and other areas due to higher torque to volume ratio,
flexible structure and high positioning precision. The piezoelectric system is being used in the
cleaning of solar panels. The acoustic piezoelectric system with water as a cleaning agent,
spread 0.1 to 1 mm depth of water around the surface of the solar panel cleans during the
rarefaction cycle of the compression waves. A vacuum is created in liquid during the
rarefaction called an ultrasonic cavity, and this cavity cleans the panel by sucking the dust

present in the solar panel surface. For the medium of air, the mechanism is similar to change
in the cleaning medium only. Linear Piezoelectric actuator based solar PV panel cleaning
system has a proper pressure force between the wiper and solar panel is adjusted where the
actuator can drive the wiper to effectively clean and wipe a dust layer by vibrating the dust
away from the solar panel’s surface. Figure 2.3 shows a linear piezoelectric system.

Figure 2-5 Piezoelectric System

2.2.4 Self-cleaning mechanism

A translucent self-cleaning Nano-film can be coated to the surface of a solar panel to avoid
deposition of dust in the panel. The self-cleaning nano-film is made of super hydrophilicity
material or super-hydrophobic material. In the super-hydrophilicity method, the rainwater
gets scattered throughout the solar module and cleaning the dust. Thus, this method is not
popular and various researches is going on. In case of super-hydrophobic material, the water
droplets quickly fall off carrying dust particles with them like in the leaf of a lotus plant.

Various researches are going on to realize super hydrophobic surfaces by forming
microstructures or nanostructures. Usage of these materials in the surface of the solar panel
would be questionable as solar farms are situated where seldom rains are present. Thus, in the
case of solar panel, these materials need to be studied in depth.

2.3 Developing Technologies

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of solar energy power plants
that are based on conversion of solar energy into electricity. It is also important to investigate
the general losses in the conversion of solar energy to electricity in these solar power plants.

On a daily basis, a great number of projects are carried out all over the world, and various
tests are carried out in order to develop methods that may considerably improve the total
efficiency of solar panels.

2.3.1 Automatic solar panel cleaning mechanism using IoT.

The system can be controlled from anywhere in the globe thanks to the Internet of Things .

Wi-Fi technology appears to be helpful in cleaning solar cells. For cleaning, the project needs

a lot of water and soap. The presented cleaning system provides about 32% more energy
output compared to the dust accumulated solar panel. this system reduces manpower for
cleaning of solar panel.

This solar panel cleaning system is operated by using mobile application. The power supply
is giving to the solar panel cleaning system through the rechargeable battery (12 volt) and it
occur by triggering switch from mobile application. The cleaning tool (wiper mechanism) is
move horizontally by pushing button in mobile application, this give output signal through
Wi-Fi to the gear motors. Gear motor is connected with rack and pinion mechanism; and it
give the movement to rubber wiper.

In this system no external power is required, system uses rechargeable battery and also
battery is recharge directly from solar panel. This system is made up of light weight- long
lasting material, so the cost and power consumption is less compare to other system.

Figure 2-6 Automatic solar panel cleaning mechanism using IoT

2.3.2 Smart self-cleaning robot for PV cells:

The prototype of this system comprises of a cleaning robot and a cloud interface: the cleaning
robot is mobile and able to clean the entire solar array back and forth, with its separately
driven cleaning rotatory brush; whereas, the cloud interface is a human-machine interface
featuring the distant monitoring and control of the robot. Additionally, to notify the
performance of distantly placed solar farm, a sensing unit consisting of sensors was added to
this system. Furthermore, to add an automatic cleaning feature, a month-long data of totally
clean and dusty panel was processed with regression analysis, and the developed regression
model was programmed into the sensing unit. According to the system evaluation done on a
demonstration PV module, it was found that the designed system can clean dry dust
accumulated over the panel’s surface. Moreover, by attaching the metal rail tracks on a long
solar array, the system seems to be implementable on a large scale solar farm.

Figure 2-7 Smart self-cleaning robot for PV cells

2.4 Their Limitations and Bottlenecks:

Many studies and researches have been done in this regard as discussed in detail. But,
somehow they all lack some features e.g some panel robots just work in one way horizontally
or vertically. Thus they accumulate all the dust on either sides.

The following are some of the limitations:

 Brushing cleans the panel, but only to a limited extent.

 The blower could make maintenance difficult, and the vibrating mechanism uses a lot of

 In case of Crawler mounted mechanism the disadvantage is that it is powered by engines,

and the cleaning system emits carbon dioxide, so this technique is not completely clean . It

also consumes a large amount of diesel.

 Some Processes Aren't Completely Automated Some situations need the use of labour.

 Some systems are expensive and not suitable for home installation.

 The designed mechanisms are expensive and not suitable for home installation.

2.5 Summary
The solar panel is exposed to the open air, and dust particles reduce the power output of the
panel when dust is deposited on the panel. Various research have been conducted to

determine how dust particles reduce the power output of the panel. The research Nasser had a

drop of 8.91 percent every eleven days. Because the small dust particles operate as billions of
resistors that may restrict the passage of current, the value of a decrease in power output
varies depending on the location.When the tilt angle is increased to 48 degrees, the factor of

dust particles that reduces efficiency falls. Another research of Muhammad RazaMaghani

found a daily loss of 0.2% owing to dust collection on solar panels that needed to be cleaned .
When the pump is located in the tank below the panel and the nozzle is connected to the
pump's piping system, the method described is heliotex technology . The disadvantage is that

the cleaning mechanism must be turned on and off by the user . The other is automated solar

panel cleaning using a microcontroller. Different nations utilise different technologies; for
example, in Turkey, a business called “Mazaka” makes cleaning mechanisms for tractors and
crawlers, but utilising them on engines may result in emissions . We are planning to construct

a zero-emission design.Two autonomous units and a robotic unit make up the smart solar

photo photovoltaic cleaning mechanism. Until the power output is not the same as in clean

condition, the autonomous unit sends a message to the robotic.

Chapter 3

Project Design
Using a powerful-soft microfiber brush, we want to remove 99 percent of dust each day,
while maintaining optimal panel manufacturing rates.

Considering that the majority of PV farms are located in the desert, we reduced the amount of
electricity and water consumed in this robot in order to highlight the rarity of these resources.
The robot is designed to work in any environment without the need for water. Water is scarce
in this area, therefore we may say that the other aim is to make the robot simpler to manage
and move.

3.1 Design of the Project Hardware/Software

As the robot moves horizontally along the array, it creates a path for its robot body to follow
in order to clean the cells vertically. Ankle-mounted brush is made of microfibre to avoid
harming the solar cells. It is driven by a DC motor with a high speed. An Arduino mega
controller is used to operate the robot. Limit switches, proximity sensors, and an encoder are
used to drive the robot.

As the robot moves vertically along the frame, a set of rolling brushes are linked to a body.
Neither water nor a water source is required.

3.1.1 Block Diagrams and Flowchart Later

This system contains three separate motors, each with its own block diagram. Frame Motor

Figure 3-8 Frame Motor Block Diagram

Controlled by an encoder and two proximity sensors, it moves horizontally along the X-axis. Body Motor

Figure 3-9 Body Motor Block Diagram

In charge of travelling vertically along the Y-axis, with two limit switches defining
movement direction (upward and downward). Brush Motor

Figure 3-10 Brush Motor Block Diagram

The brush is moved by a limit switch, which is controlled by the brush (on and off)

Block diagram of our whole project is as follows.

Figure 3-11 Block Diagram

3.2 Details about Hardware

Frame, robot body, and brush are the three components of the robot.

Mild Steel (MS) is used to construct the robot's frame and body.

3.2.1 Frame Design

One module at a time can be covered by an MS rectangle with dimensions of 200,67 cm by

139,7 cm. Second, a robot body is moved vertically. Two proximity sensors detect when the
frame has reached the array's borders, and an encoder initiates a cleaning cycle when it
reaches a certain distance from those boundaries.

Frame measurements were designed to cover a fourth of the plant's surface area . The width of
the plant is 139.7 cm, and the length is 200.67 cm, which is the breadth of the plant plus a
space for the spool and the power system.

Figure 3-12 Solar Panel

3.3 Robot Body Design

Two microfiber brushes travel vertically from the top to the bottom of a MS square with
dimensions of 30.48cm x 30.48cm, ensuring that dust is swept towards the bottom and not
only moved sideways. To ensure that the dust is swept precisely, there will be two strokes

(top to bottom, bottom to top).

Figure 3-13 Robot Body

Another two microfiber brushes travel horizontally from right to the left of a MS square with
dimensions of 219.71cm x 30.48cm, ensuring that dust is swept towards the left and not only
moved sidewards. To ensure that the dust is swept precisely, there will be two strokes (top to

bottom, bottom to top).

Figure 3-14 Frame of the robot

3.4 Details about Software/Algorithm

Software used for this project are Proteus, Arduino and Creo.

3.4.1 Arduino IDE

Arduino is an open source PC equipment and programming organization, venture, and client
network that designs and fabricates single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller units
for structure advanced gadgets and intelligent articles that can detect and control protests in
the physical world. The venture's items are disseminated as open-source equipment and
programming, which are authorized under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
or the GNU General Public License (GPL) allowing the assembling of Arduino sheets and
programming dispersion by anybody. Arduino sheets are accessible economically in

preassembled structure, or as do-it-without anyone's help (DIY) units. Introduction

Arduino is an open-source contraptions arrange reliant on easy to-use gear and programming.
Arduino sheets can examine inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a catch, or a Twitter
message - and change it into a yield - ordering a motor, turning on a LED, dispersing

something on the web. You can control your board by sending a great deal of headings to the
microcontroller on the board. To do accordingly you use the Arduino programming language
(in light of Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), in perspective on Processing.

During the time Arduino has been the cerebrum of thousands of endeavors, from standard
articles to complex logical instruments. An overall system of makers - understudies,
authorities, skilled workers, designers, and specialists - has aggregated around this open-
source organize, their duties have demonstrated an inconceivable proportion of accessible
data that can be of remarkable help to students and pros alike.

Arduino was considered at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as a straightforward device
for fast prototyping, went for understudies without an establishment in devices and
programming. When it accomplished a more extensive system, the Arduino board started
changing to conform to new needs and troubles, isolating its thought from fundamental 8-bit
sheets to things for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded circumstances. All
Arduino sheets are thoroughly open-source, empowering customers to create them
unreservedly and at last alter them to their particular needs. The item, also, is open-source,
and it is becoming through the duties of customers around the world. Why Arduino?

In view of its clear and accessible customer experience, Arduino has been used in an
enormous number of different endeavors and applications. The Arduino writing computer
programs is definitely not hard to-use for beginners, yet adequately versatile for forefront
customers. It continues running on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Instructors and understudies
use it to fabricate insignificant exertion logical instruments, to exhibit science and material
science standards, or in any case programming and robotics. Creators and organizers collect
wise models, entertainers and pros use it for foundations and to attempt various things with
new melodic instruments. Makers, clearly, use it to develop a significant parcel of the
endeavors appeared at the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key instrument to adjust
new things. Anyone - youths, experts, skilled workers, programming engineers - can start
tinkering just after the well-requested headings of a pack, or sharing considerations online
with various people from the Arduino social order.

There are various distinctive microcontrollers and microcontroller stages available for
physical figuring. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard,
and various others offer tantamount value. These instruments take the chaotic nuances of
microcontroller programming and encompass it with an easy to-use pack. Arduino moreover
streamlines the path toward working with microcontrollers, anyway it offers some favored
stance for teachers, understudies, and interested novices over various structures:

1. Inexpensive

Arduino sheets are decently practical stood out from other microcontroller stages. The most
reasonable variation of the Arduino module can be accumulated by hand, and even the pre-
gathered Arduino modules cost under $50

2. Cross-Platform

The Arduino Software (IDE) continues running on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux
working structures. Most microcontroller systems are confined to Windows.

3. Simple, Clear Programming Environment

The Arduino Software (IDE) is definitely not hard to-use for juveniles, yet adequately
versatile for bleeding edge customers to abuse moreover. For teachers, it's favorably
established on the Processing programming condition, so understudies making sense of how
to program in that condition will be alright with how the Arduino IDE capacities.

4. Open Source and Extensible Software

The Arduino writing computer programs is disseminated as open source gadgets, available
for development by experienced programming engineers. The language can be reached out
through C++ libraries, and people expecting to fathom the particular nuances can make the
hop from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based. Additionally,
you can incorporate AVR-C code really into your Arduino programs if you have to.

5. Open Source and Extensible Hardware

The plans of the Arduino sheets are conveyed under a Creative Commons license, so
experienced circuit creators can make their own one of a kind interpretation of the module,
expanding it and improving it. In fact, even reasonably fresh customers can develop the
breadboard type of the module in order to perceive how it capacities and put aside additional
3.4.2 Proteus Design Suite

Proteus programming is created by Labcenter Electronics . Proteus is programming utilized

for electronic circuits, microprocessor based circuits recreation and for designing printed
circuit board (PCB). The primary element of Proteus design programming is its multiple

framework parts. Proteus is a bundle which has ISIS Schematic Capture which is an
instrument utilized for circuit design and recreations, Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design
known as ARES PCB Layout, VSM (Virtual System Modeling) which is installed
programming with famous microcontrollers and equipment design. Equipment execution of

electronic circuits isn't a simple assignment . To actualize any equipment continuously, it is

important to examine the evaluations of the circuit parts. The rating of circuit segments are

relies upon the application. For any circuits, the parts for equipment can be chosen in the

wake of finishing the scientific estimations. The designed circuits are reenacted for

examining the exhibition and conduct of circuits before equipment usage . Reenacting the
circuit with a similar equipment segments could give more exact outcomes than playing out
the recreation utilizing summed up circuit segments . In Proteus ISIS schematic catch, most
ordinarily utilized segments of many driving maker are recorded with their part number and
the evaluations. Subsequently, the client can reenact the circuit with same segments which

will be utilized for the execution of equipment . In addition, the PCB design of the designed

circuits can likewise be produced by Proteus ARES PCB format.

Figure 3-15 Proteus Circuit Design

3.4.3 Creo 4.0

Creo is a software suite that includes programmes for 3D modelling, drafting, analysis,
simulation, mechanism design, animation, and more. Optimization, solver, and other features
CREO is a strong tool. Software that is a mash-up of numerous design techniques tools.
Many of the world's most influential people utilise it. Manufacturing firms all across the
world It had been PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation) created the design.
Corporation). CREO employs a variety of techniques. Numerous applications, for example

 Creo Parametric

 Creo simulate

 Creo Directs

 Creo Layout

 Creo Options Modeler

Every CREO application has a certain goal in mind when it comes to product creation. As a
result, a single CREO software package can manage all aspects of product design, including
concept development, design, and analysis. It also aids in client communication,
manufacturer communication, and technical publication.


CREO works on a variety of product development stages. As a result, CREO is beneficial to

every department inside the firm. In addition, there are four distinct elements that determine
the software's usefulness. They really are.

1. Flexibility

CREO provides scalable access to designers working on any stage of the product
development process. A dedicated CREO application, on the other hand, assists developers
who are only involved in one process. As a result, CREO can be tailored to serve a particular
process as well as used to service the needs of the entire process with the same efficiency.

2. Interoperability

Because every CREO application is created under the same roof, communication between
them is seamless. When any programme interacts with another application, there are no data
lags, which saves designers a lot of time.

3. Combined Benefits Of Both CAD Modeling Approach

Working on CREO necessitates the use of both parametric and direct modelling techniques in
CAD. As a result, you achieve two objectives with a single piece of software. On the one
hand, designers can benefit from the control provided by parametric modelling, while on the
other hand, they can benefit from the speed and flexibility provided by direct modelling.

4. Operating On Multi-CAD Data

Working with Multi-CAD Data CREO can deal with any CAD data source with ease. As a
result, designers can save a lot of time and effort while using CREO and working on several
platforms. While rebuilding the same design, it also eliminates the slight risk of human error.
As a result, it is beneficial to both designers and organisations.

As a result, CREO is a software solution that assists businesses in designing products at a

cheaper cost and in less time. The demand for professionals who can operate on CREO has
surged as a result of its usefulness. CREO certification is one of the most effective ways for a
professional to demonstrate his CREO skills. Furthermore, CREO certification assists
professionals in both professional and personal development. As a result, the demand for
CREO certification has risen among design engineers and other design graduates.

3.4.4 Algorithm

3.5 Details of final working prototype

Figure 3-16 Final Design of the Robot

Figure 3-17 Final Design of the Solar Panel

3.6 Summary
Every day, 99 percent of dust is removed using a strong, soft microfiber brush. This allows
for excellent panel manufacturing speeds. The majority of PV farms are located in the desert,
we concentrated on decreasing the number of power sources utilised in this robot to
emphasise the rarity of these sources, such as water, and to guarantee that the robot can
operate in any location without requiring water. We also know how tough it is to acquire

water in this location, so the second aim may be to make the robot structure simpler to

Chapter 4

Tools and Techniques

4.1 Hardware Used

We have tried to use cost-efficient hardware for

4.1.1 Arduino UNO

Open-source microcontroller Arduino is capable of being programmed, deleted and copied at

will. This organisation, which was introduced in 2005, was intended to provide a decent and
simple path for experts, understudies, and pros to build up contraptions that adapt to their
surroundings utilising sensors and actuators. The Arduino organisation was formally
presented in 2005. As a result of the fundamental microcontroller sheets, it is a stage for
constructing and programming electrical contraptions. Similar to various microcontrollers, it
may also act as a smaller-than-average PC, gathering data sources and altering outputs for a
range of equipment devices. Numerous Arduino shields, which are covered in this article,
may also be used to acquire and send data via the internet. If you want to improve your code,
you may utilise the Arduino IDE to do so (Integrated Development Environment).
Microcontrollers built using Atmel's 8-bit AVR or 32-bit Atmel ARM microcontrollers may
be modified in large part using the Arduino IDE's C or C++ programming language 11.

Figure 4-18 Arduino UNO

4.1.2 Motor Driver L298

When choosing a driver for an integrated circuit (IC), there were limited alternatives. The
L298N dual full bridge driver was selected as the most suitable IC (STMicroelectronics).
Because the motor's usual operating circumstances require a certain amount of current, this
IC was selected. In addition, it has a pin that can be used to measure the current drawn by the
load when it's running, which is a nice feature. For example, a separate circuit would no
longer be necessary in order to detect the current flowing through it. When choosing a driver
for an integrated circuit (IC), there were limited alternatives. The L298N dual full bridge
driver was selected as the best suited IC (STMicroelectronics). Because the motor's usual
operating circumstances require a certain amount of current, this IC was selected. Also, it has
a built-in sensor for measuring the current drawn by a loaded circuit during operation. For
example, a separate circuit would no longer be necessary in order to detect the current
flowing through it.

There were only a few possible IC drivers that could be used in this project, and none of them
were suitable. Driver IC of choice: The L298N dual full bridge driver (STMicroelectronics).
We picked this particular IC since its current rating matches that of the motor. Besides that, it
has a built-in pin that detects when a load is in use and measures the current drawn by it. So,
a separate current-detecting mechanism is no longer required, saving time and money 12.

Based on the L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver IC, this dual bidirectional motor driver is
capable of driving two motors in opposite directions. You can easily control two motors in
both directions using this circuit. With only a few control lines per motor, it can be connected
to a microcontroller for robotics applications. In addition to basic manual switches, TTL logic
gates, relays and other electronic devices may also be connected to the device. In addition,
the board features a +5V regulator and safety diodes.

Figure 4-19 Motor Driver L298 Specifications

 Input Voltage: 3.2V~40Vdc.

 Driver: L298N Dual H Bridge DC Motor Driver

 Power Supply: DC 5 V - 35 V

 Peak current: 2 Amp

 Operating current range: 0 ~ 36mA

 Control signal input voltage range :

 Low: -0.3V ≤ Vin ≤ 1.5V.

 High: 2.3V ≤ Vin ≤ Vss.

 Enable signal input voltage range :

 Low: -0.3 ≤ Vin ≤ 1.5V (control signal is invalid).

 High: 2.3V ≤ Vin ≤ Vss (control signal active).

 Maximum power consumption: 20W (when the temperature T = 75 ℃).

 Storage temperature: -25 ℃ ~ +130 ℃.

 On-board +5V regulated Output supply (supply to controller board i.e.Arduino).

 Size: 3.4cm x 4.3cm x 2.7cm

4.1.3 Limit Switches

Interlocks are used to govern equipment as part of a control system. Electromechanical limit
switches have an actuator physically linked to contacts. When an object comes in touch with
the actuator, the contacts are activated to establish or break an electrical connection 13.

Because of their robustness, convenience of installation, and dependability of

operation, limit switches are utilised in a wide range of applications and settings . They can
detect the existence or absence of an item, as well as its passage, placement, and end of
journey. They were initially used to specify an object's maximum range of motion, thus the

term "Limit Switch."

Figure 4 -20 Limit Switch

4.1.4 Geared DC Motors

Electricity is converted into mechanical energy via a DC motor, which is a form of electrical
equipment. It is based on the magnetic field forces, which are the most popular. With a
variable supply voltage or a variable field current, a DC motor's speed may be controlled
across a wide range. Specifications

 Power - 6W

 Current - 2 A

 Speed - 30 rpm

 Voltage - 12 V

Figure 4-21 DC gear Motor

4.1.5 Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

The photosensitive sensor module is the most sensitive for measuring the ambient light
intensity. It will not approach the threshold if there is no light, resulting in a low level output.
However, if the external environment light intensity surpasses the threshold, a high level
output will occur. In this way, the microcontroller is able to detect changes in ambient
intensity. The relay module, which can be made of a photoelectric switch, can be driven
directly from a small digital output. Through the AD conversion, a small analogue output
may be used to acquire a more precise numerical estimate of ambient light intensity. Specifications

 Input Voltage: 3.3V-5V

 Output: Analog voltage form

 Digital Switching form

 Main chip: LM393 Photosensitive sensor

 Output can be directly connected to the microcontroller I/O port.

 The sensitivity of the signal detection can be adjusted.

 Reserve a line voltage to compare circuit.

 PCB size: 30mm x 15mm.

Figure 4-22 LDR Sensor

4.2 Software Used

4.2.1 Arduino IDE

Arduino is an open source PC hardware and programming firm, venture, and customer
network that develops and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller
units for constructing sophisticated gadgets and intelligent items that can detect and regulate
protests in the real world. As open-source hardware and software licenced under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL), the
venture's goods are available to everyone who wants to build Arduino sheets and write code.

At a reasonable cost, Arduino sheets are available in preassembled constructions or as do-it-
yourself modules. Introduction

An open-source gadget collection based on basic hardware and programming, Arduino is a

collection of open-source devices. This allows Arduino sheets to take inputs like as light from
sensors or fingers touching catchers and turn them into outputs such as ordering a motor,
turning on an LED, or posting anything to the internet. By sending a huge number of headers
to the microcontroller, you can control your board. Use the Arduino programming language
(in light of Wiring) and the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), both of
which are compatible with Processing, in order to achieve this goal.

Arduino has been used in tens of thousands of projects throughout the years, ranging from
basic articles to complex instruments. Around this open-source framework has gathered a
large network of producers that has unearthed an inconceivable amount of info that may be of
amazing assistance to pupils as well as pros.

Arduino was considered as a basic tool for speedy prototyping at the Ivrea Interaction Design
Institute. Students with no prior knowledge with gadgets or programming were encouraged to
use the Arduino platform. From simple 8-bit sheets to IoT applications and wearables to 3D
printers and embedded scenarios, the Arduino board evolved to meet new demands and
issues. A client can build and alter any Arduino sheet to match his or her needs. The item is
also open-source, and it is evolving as a consequence of the contributions of customers all
over the world. Why Arduino?

Due to its simple and accessible client experience, Arduino has been used in a wide range of
projects. Beginners will find Arduino programming to be simple to use, while advanced users

will find it to be sufficiently diverse . It is still available for Mac, Windows, and Linux . It is
used by instructors and students to make low-effort logical instruments, to display scientific
and material scientific standards, and in any case programming and robotics .Creators and
organisers gather smart models, while performers and professionals utilise it as a basis and to
try out new melodic instruments. A large majority of the creations displayed at Maker Faire,

for example, are developed using this software. When adapting new things, Arduino is a key
tool. Whether it be youngsters, professionals, skilled professionals, programming engineers -
can begin fiddling right after the well-requested headings of a pack, or share their thoughts
online with various Arduino social order members.

A range of microcontrollers and microcontroller stages are available for use in physical
figuring. These items, as well as the BX-24 from Netmedia, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard,
and a number of others, are all highly valuable. In an easy-to-use package, these tools reduce
the complexity of microcontroller programming to a manageable level. A second benefit of
Arduino is that it makes it easier to work with microcontrollers, but it also provides certain
preferred positions for professors, understudies, and interested novices across many

1. Inexpensive

Unlike traditional microcontroller stages, Arduino sheets are an excellent alternative to them.
Even pre-built Arduino modules cost less than $50, and even the most cost-effective Arduino
modules may be assembled by hand.

2. Cross-Platform

For usage on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems, the Arduino Software
(IDE) is still available for download. In fact, Windows is required for the majority of
microcontroller systems.

3. Simple, Clear Programming Environment

In spite of its ease of use, the Arduino Software (IDE) is sufficiently flexible to be misused
by even the savviest of clients. Students who are learning how to programme in Processing
will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE operates.

4. Open Source and Extensible Software

Arduino is an open source platform for generating computer programmes that is available to
skilled programmers for development. People who want to learn more about the language can
utilise C++ libraries, and those who want to learn more about the nuances of the AVR C
programming language can go from Arduino to AVR C. You may also integrate AVR-C code
straight into your Arduino projects if necessary.

5. Open Source and Extensible Hardware

The designs for the Arduino sheets are released under a Creative Commons licence, allowing
experienced circuit designers to build their own unique take on the module, extending and
enhancing it. In fact, even new customers may utilise the module's breadboard version to gain
an idea of how it works while saving money.

4.3 Proteus Design Suite

Labcenter Electronics developed Proteus programming. Proteus is a computer language used
to create electrical circuits, microprocessor-based circuits, and printed circuit boards (PCB).
The primary element of Proteus design programming is its multiple framework parts . Proteus
is a bundle which has ISIS Schematic Capture which is an instrument utilized for circuit
design and recreations, Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design known as ARES PCB Layout,
VSM (Virtual System Modelling) which is installed programming with famous
microcontrollers and equipment design. Equipment execution of electronic circuits isn't a

simple assignment. It is critical to check the evaluations of the circuit parts in order to
continually actualize any device. The rating of circuit segments is determined by the
application. Following the completion of the scientific estimations, the parts for equipment
for any circuits can be picked. Before using the equipment, the planned circuits are re-enacted
to examine the exhibition and operation of the circuits. Reenacting the circuit with a similar
equipment segments could give more exact outcomes than playing out the recreation utilizing
summed up circuit segments. Most commonly used segments of many driving makers are
recorded with their part number and evaluations in Proteus ISIS schematic catch. Following
that, the client can reenact the circuit using the same segments that will be used for
equipment execution. Furthermore, the PCB design of the designed circuits may be generated
using the Proteus ARES PCB format.

4.4 Creo 4.0

PTC's Creo is a family or suite of Computer-aided design (CAD) apps that support product
design for discrete manufacturers. The suite is made up of apps, each of which provides a
unique set of capabilities for a specific user role in product development.

Creo is a 3D CAD parametric feature solid modelling, 3D direct modelling, 2D orthographic
views, Finite Element Analysis and simulation, schematic design, technical illustrations, and
viewing and visualisation application that runs on Microsoft Windows.

CATIA, Siemens NX/Solid Edge, and SolidWorks are all direct competitors for Creo
Elements and Creo Parametric. PTC's products formerly known as Pro/ENGINEER,
CoCreate, and ProductView have been replaced and superseded by the Creosuite of
applications. Creo offers a wide range of software package solutions and features. Creo
Illustrate is an excellent example.

4.5 Summary
The following tools and techniques were used in this project that includes; Arduino UNO,
Motor Driver L298, Limit Switches and Geared DC motors . The softwares that were used in

this project was Arduino IDE, Proteus and Creo . We used this software because they are

user-friendly. They are also available on many platforms so is accessible to almost everyone .

It is an open source and has a simple and clear programming environment.

Chapter 5

Project Results and Evaluation

5.1 Presentation of the findings

As part of the experimenting, the project is being carried out. To assess the behaviour of dust
and other pollutants in real time, we conduct experiments at several places throughout the
world. A certain quantity of dust will cause a certain amount of power to be lost from a solar
panel. In order to conserve as much electricity as feasible, we will build a system that
minimises the required losses. The project's payback period is stated in the project's overall
design. After installing the system, we can assure our customer that the system will pay for
itself after a period of time and will deliver the same amount of voltage and current as before.

Experiment 1

To quantify the loss in efficiency when exposed to open environment for 8 days


 Stainless Steel Stand for clamping panels

 2 Solar Panel

 Voltmeter

Experimental Setup

Two panels with a maximum power output of 85W are selected. The panels are installed on
the roof of Jinnah Hostel, which is located in front of CUST, and have an orientation of 25 o.
Assumedly, the panels are arranged in such a way that they will collect the same quantity of
dust as the panels at the university. Angle of inclination of the panels is 25 o. At an angle, the
panel's efficiency is maximised.


1. In the beginning, we took 2 panels, cleaned them, and then exposed them to an
open-air setting.

2. Take readings on panel A after two days.

3. Inspect filthy panels for readings.

4. Determine the efficiency of panel after that.

5. Day 4 and day 6 are the same as day 5.


PD.P Power of dusty panel

P c.pPower of clean panel

V D.P Voltage of dusty panel

V c.pVoltage of clean panel

Ƞ D.P efficiency of dusty panel

Ƞ c.pefficiency of clean panel


Maximum Power (Pmax) 86W

Maximum Power Voltage 180V

Maximum power current 4.72A

Open Circuit Voltage 21.6v ± 3%

Short Circuit Voltage 5.09 ± 3 %

2 Days Dirty Panel

Date: 06/07/2021

Temperature 400c

Humidity: 34%

UV index: extreme

Irradiance: 1000 w/m2

Location: Jinnah Hostel infront of CUST

Tilt Angle: 25o

Time V C.P V D.P I C.P I D.P P C.P P D.P Ƞ D.P

12:00 18 17.5 4.5 4.27 81 74.27 92.2%

14:00 18 17.8 4.6 4.23 82.8 75.3 90.93%

16:00 17.8 17.67 4.42 4.19 76.68 74.1 94.09%

Table 5.1 2 Days Dirty Panel

4 Days Dirty Panel

Date: 08/07/2021

Temperature 380c

Humidity: 34%

UV index: extreme

Irradiance: 1000 w/m2

Location: Jinnah Hostel infront of CUST

Tilt Angle: 25o

Time V C.P V D.P I C.P I D.P P C.P P D.P Ƞ D.P

12:00 17.8 16.9 4.49 4.1 79.92 69.29 86.6%

14:00 17.9 17.2 4.5 4.0 80.55 68.8 85.44%

16:00 18 16.8 4.6 3.8 82.8 61.56 77.34%

Table 5 2 4 Days Dirty Panel

8 Days Dirty Panel

Date: 10/07/2021

Temperature 390c

Humidity: 35%
UV index: extreme

Irradiance: 1000 w/m2

Location: Jinnah Hostel infront of CUST

Tilt Angle: 25o

Time V C.P V D.P I C.P I D.P P C.P P D.P Ƞ D.P

12:00 17.78 15.8 4.6 4.1 81.78 64.76 86.6%

14:00 17.9 15.53 4.5 3.87 80.55 60.10 85.44%

16:00 17.7 15.47 4.3 3.83 76.71 69.25 77.84%

Table 5.3 8 Days Dirty Panel

Experiment No 2:

To determine the drop in efficiency when the specified amount of dust is spread over the
surface of solar panel.


1. The experiment is performed in the site near F-8 National Institute of Electronic
2. The outside environment was clean and dust was sprinkled over the surface of solar
3. The panel adjusted at an angle of 25 degrees at that angle the panel shows maximum
4. After the procedure D.M.M was connected to the panel without load and current was
5. The readings are explained as below:


After 50g of dust:

Sr. Date Time Real time Output Efficiency Drop in
No. Voltages Current %

1. 24/01/2021 12:00pm 16.94 6.12 94.24 5.7

2. 24/01/2021 01:00pm 16.84 6.11 93.94 6.06

3. 24/01/2021 03:00pm 16.83 6.10 93.72 6.21

Table 5 4After 50g of Dust

After 100 g of dust deposition:

Sr. Date Time Real time Output Efficiency Drop in

No. Voltages Current %

1. 24/01/2021 12:00pm 16.76 5.92 90.21 9.8

2. 24/01/2021 01:00pm 16.75 5.90 89.84 10.16

3. 24/01/2021 03:00pm 16.73 5.91 89.83 10.11

Table 5 5 After 100g of dust

After 150g of dust deposition:

Sr. Date Time Real time Output Efficiency Drop in

No. Voltages Current %

1. 24/01/2021 12:00pm 16.66 5.69 86.17 13.83

2. 24/01/2021 01:00pm 16.63 5.67 85.72 14.28

3. 24/01/2021 03:00pm 16.62 5.65 85.36 14.64

Table 5 6 After 150g of dust

After 200g of dust deposition

Sr. Date Time Real time Output Efficiency Drop in
No. Voltages Current %

1. 24/01/2021 12:00pm 16.51 4.93 73.99 26.00

2. 24/01/2021 01:00pm 16.49 5.02 75.25 24.7

3. 24/01/2021 03:00pm 16.42 5.13 76.57 24.75

Table 5.7 After 200 g of dust

After 250g of dust

Sr. Date Time Real time Output Efficiency Drop in

No. Voltages Current %

1. 24/01/2021 12:00pm 16.57 5.32 80.13 19.8

2. 24/01/2021 01:00pm 16.59 5.27 79.48 20.5

3. 24/01/2021 03:00pm 16.51 5.1 76.54 23.45

Table 5.8 After 250g of dust

5.1.1 Hardware Results

Here, we compare the solar panel's efficiency after observing its efficiency with and without
dust. Solar panels with no dust have the highest value of efficiency. The efficiency of the
solar system increases as the dust is removed from the surface of the solar panel.

5.1.2 Software Results

5.2 Verification of the design functionalities

The following conclusions were made from the aforementioned experimental analysis:

In the event of a solar panel without dust, the value of efficiency for all isolation is the
highest. The effectiveness of the solar system rises when dust is removed from the surface of
the solar panel. As the roller's rotation speed rises, the solar system's efficiency falls.

5.3 Limitations
In order to go from one solar array to another, our robot is not entirely automated. A wet day
might also be a challenge for this design, as rain generates mud when coupled with dust, and
mud is difficult to remove with brushes alone.

5.4 Recommendations
After that, we need to design a system that would allow the robot to travel across arrays
without the need for humans to exert any effort. As a result, the system's workforce needs to
be reduced, making it more cost-effective.

5.5 Summary
Here, we compare the solar panel's efficiency after observing its efficiency with and without
dust. Solar panels with no dust have the highest value of efficiency. The efficiency of the
solar system increases as the dust is removed from the surface of the solar panel.

Chapter 6

In this study, the effect of pollution (dust) on the efficiency of PV panels was examined.
Arduino-controlled solar panel cleaning robot automatically cleans the PV panels' surfaces.

Use of an auto-cleaning system that detects dust build-up on the surface of the solar panel and
cleans the soiling effect automatically can increase the total output power and efficiency of
the solar panel. Aside from increased output power and efficiency, there are a few more
advantages to employing an auto cleaning system for solar panels. To begin with, this method
of solar PV cleaning is cost effective because no money is given to firms and no labour is
necessary. Another benefit is that because it is an autonomous system, it is very efficient; no

time is wasted. After a solar PV panel acquires dust, the cleaning mechanism kicks in until
the efficiency of the panel is restored to its normal level. Aside from that, cleaning solar
panels on a regular basis would ensure high transmittance and maximum solar energy use
during peak sun hours.

In this system noexternal power is required, system uses rechargeable battery and also battery
is recharged directly from Sun.

This method does not require additional power since it employs a rechargeable battery that is
charged directly from the solar panel. Because this system is built of lightweight, long-lasting

materials, it is less expensive and uses less energy than other systems . During the cleaning
procedure, water lowers the temperature of the solar panel and increases the power generation

6.1 Future scope of project

1. Wireless transmission: The movement of the tool controlled by Arduino may be

done wirelessly via radio frequency, lowering the cost of installation and
simplifying system maintenance.

2. For larger power plants, replacing the rack and pinion mechanism with another

form of mechanism, such as a track system.

3. Interfacing with VFD (variable-frequency drive)drives in order to optimise the

system's power consumption.

4. It detects the quantity of dust on the panel using an LDR sensor and cleans the

module automatically.


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int l = 0, d = 0;

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:


pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

pinMode(4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(5, OUTPUT);

pinMode(6, OUTPUT);

void up()

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

digitalWrite(5, HIGH);

void down()

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, HIGH);

digitalWrite(5, LOW);

void left()

digitalWrite(2, LOW);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

digitalWrite(5, LOW);

void right()

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, LOW);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

digitalWrite(5, LOW);

void stp()

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(4, LOW);

digitalWrite(5, LOW);

void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

if (digitalRead(A0) == LOW)

{digitalWrite(6, LOW);

if (l == 0)

for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)





if (d == 0);





d = 1;


if (d == 1);





d = 0;












if (digitalRead(A0) == HIGH)

{digitalWrite(6, HIGH);




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