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Corporate Universities: Teaching the Tools of Quality

Fransiskus Allan Gunawan – Arvi Nugraha – Paul Chemistra

I. Introduction
In the case there were two corporate universities listed, Motorola Solutions Learning and Sears
University. A corporate university is an upgrade to a firms learning centers and development activities.
Both Motorola and Sears developed a corporate university to teach their employees valuable assets to
help them develop skills and more needed within the company and also to help the company grow.
Motorola Solutions Learning (MSL) was created by Motorola, it was formally known as Motorola
Training and Education Center. During the creation of the program Motorola wanted to strengthen and
build its organization. As the years passed the company grew with more than 400 employees and 7
facilities across the world. With MSL Motorola was able to provide enrichment to their employees
and corporation. The benefits of a corporate university are clearly outlined and it can be observed that
corporations who invest in these teaching applications can find their quality processes are improved.
The comparisons of corporate universities versus standard private and public universities are also
outlined in our analysis.

II. Theoretical Framework

1. Ishikawa Cause and Effect Diagram
The Ishikawa cause-and-effect or fishbone or Ishikawa diagram is a good tool to help us
move to lower levels of abstraction in solving problems. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram
are product design and quality defect prevention to identify potential factors causing an overall
effect. Each cause or reason for imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped
into major categories to identify and classify these sources of variation.

The symptom of the problem was iron in product which make it heavier. The major causes
were associated with machines, materials, manpower, measurement and environment, and methods.
Concerning people, it was found that workers were not properly trained. For machines it was found
that the blades were being incorrectly set up off-center.

2. Corporate Universities
Corporate universities are essentially the 'in-house' training facilities that have sprung up
because of the frustration of business with the quality and content of post-secondary education on
Corporate Universities: Teaching the Tools of Quality
Fransiskus Allan Gunawan – Arvi Nugraha – Paul Chemistra

the one hand, and the need for life-long learning on the other. They have evolved at many
organizations into strategic umbrellas for educating not only employees, but also secondary
customers and suppliers.

Advantages of Using a Corporate University Model

 Provides a powerful model for people to embrace.
Most of us grew up in a group setting in school and found ourselves inspired to commit to a
lifetime of learning. Those of us who went to a university likely deepened our commitment to
learning as we challenged conventional ways of thinking. The corporate university name
compels people to renew that commitment to learning and engage in their individual
development in a meaningful way.
 Offers a unique branding opportunity.
Perhaps some of the most powerful advantages are derived from the marketing possibilities that
a corporate university offers. There are opportunities to develop a university name, a logo, print
publications, Web sites, degree or certification programs, faculty and guest faculty designations
and communication vehicles.
 Engages senior executives in the process.
There is no doubt in most CEOs’ minds these days that we’re in a knowledge age. The trouble
often lies in determining how to capitalize on learning initiatives. Within a corporate university
framework, executives must ask what kind of difference the learning needs to make in the
company. These leaders must identify the company’s primary challenges and determine what
skills and knowledge are needed to create strategic competitive advantage.
 Decreased turnover.
Employees are far more likely to stay with their employer if their individual development is
kept at the forefront. People like to be challenged as an opportunity to grow their knowledge
and skills, and the framework of a corporate university often provides the needed structure to
emphasize ongoing learning. This framework can include individual development paths,
certification programs or structured opportunities for career advancement.

Disadvantages of Using a Corporate University Model

 Name-only corporate universities damage the opportunity for impact.
The model does offer strong branding, as indicated before. But, if not carefully planned, the
branding can be to your detriment. Referring to your training department as a corporate
university by name only does more harm than good. Learners can become cynical about
learning, and the brand can become that the organization’s commitment to learning is
insignificant and not an area of focus.
 Criticism that the learning does not convey “real-world” scenarios.
Many people have criticized higher education over the years for being removed from what
happens in businesses today and for being too idealistic in its approach. The same criticisms are
often flung at corporate universities. Using guest faculty and having a passion for designing
Corporate Universities: Teaching the Tools of Quality
Fransiskus Allan Gunawan – Arvi Nugraha – Paul Chemistra

training materials that are created from actual scenarios can go a long way toward deflecting
these concerns.
 Added expenses.
Building and maintaining a corporate university is not an inexpensive endeavor. Companies
that have demonstrated a strong commitment to learning in their organizations by instituting a
corporate university spend 2.5 percent of payroll on learning – double the U.S. national average.
The view should be on the long-term results that can be achieved, versus the short-term savings.

III. Discussion Question and Answer

1. Are corporate universities a good idea? If so, why?

2. How can a corporate university do a better job of teaching a firm’s employees the “tools
of quality” than traditional training programs?
3. Select a corporate university and visit its Web site. How does the company’s corporate
university facilitate the company’s overall quality-related goals and initiatives?

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