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Slpublit ot 6a Sritimanei
Delartment of €lucation

No. ,, s. 2022


(Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial ald Advancement Classes
During Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public ald Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

l. The Department of Education issues the Amendroent to DepEd Order lDOl

IlIo. 13, s. 2O18 titled Implemeatlag Guldelines on the Conduct of Remedlal aad
Adrraacement Clasres Durtng Surntuer for the K to 12 Baslc Educatlol Program
to assist schools in identiffing learners who are most in need of instructional support
and l,ayout mechanisms by which remedial classes during summer can be maximized
to address learning gaps brought primarily by the abrupt pedagogical shift due to t]le

2. DO 13, s.2018 used t}re term runmer clalses as learners had previously
attended school during the hot, dry season of April and May. However, since the
schedule of remedia-l classes for School Year 2021-2O22 fa1ls from July to August, the
term suomer classes shall be amended to Dnd-of-School-Year (EOSY) classes.

3. DOSY clarser refer to both remedial and enrichment classes offered within a
prescribed number of days during the school break of each school year. It is a
structured instructional or formal learning experience in a public or privatf
elementary or secondary school with t-Jle approval of the schools division
superinte ndent (SDS).

4. Section VII. Eltglble Leamerr for Summer (End-of-School-Year Classe:f, No.

14 of the enclosure to DO 13, s. 2018 shall be amended as follows:

14. Ghades I to lO leanoetr who falled h rrot Eore thas two learatag
erees at the end of the school year despite the educational
ltrten eltlotrr glver.
Grades I to 11 learners who got a grade ra"d.g from 75 to 79,
deccrlbed ar Fairly Satlrfactory bs.sed on DepEd Order lfo. E, r.
2O15 Poltcy Ooldellnec on Classroom Arsessncrt for the K to 12
Besic Educatlo PrograE, in aay learalag area, rhall attend
enrichment ctaases brtead of remedlal classes as the letter lc
derlgned for those lcaroeta who hlled in not more tha! tso

DepEd complex, Meralco Avenue, PasiS City 1600 P *""-'rro"r*3-?22ar .,*s32- r36t I *.u.rru,*rz ozos I ***.a.p"d.gou.prr
learatag areas. The coaduct of enrlchment clacaes ls orre of the
strategles la the Learatng Reco{tcry Plaa of the Departaelt. Thcy
are deslgned to lmprove learaerc' level of attaiament of the Hoet
Eeceatld L€atning Competencler (UELCc) to ensure thelt
readlaess for traarltloa to the next grade level. Thelr gnde shall
no longer be recomputed ar thelr ettendsnce chall be volurtary'
slth due conreat froo thelr paseats/guardla!3.
5 Further, Section IX. Dafly Time Allotment, Paragraph 23 shall be amended as

23. Ead-of-school-year clacses shall be done fror Moudays to

EHdays. The delivery mode of lnstructlotr shall preferably be
fsce to face, particularly for those schools that have
pattlclpated in the laplementatlon of the ptogresslve expansion
of face to face classes. Patent's corl3e[t rhall be requlred before
the learoer pattlclpates in the end-of-school-year classes.
However, dependlng uPon the Alert Ievel of the area' schools
rnay opt for a cornbinatloa of face to face classes aad modulal
or oaliae learnlng. Educatioaal Telewlslol aad Radlo-based
tnstructlon 3[all S6 used to supplement other learning dellvery

6. An Indlvldual Lear:olag Monitorhg Pfan (Refer to Appendices D and F of DM-

CI,'2O2O-OOI62, Suggeeted Stretegler lu Implementlag DistaDce Learntlg
Delivery Uodalltles for School Yeet 2U2O-2O211 must be prepared by teachers
handling remedial and enrichment classes to address the learning gaps and
deficiencies in t]le competency level of each leamer. The one-rlze-flt3-dl approach is
discouraged as it does not address the learners' unique and diverse needs.

7. g{ 2O2l-2O22 consistent with DO 029, s.

The end-of-school-year classes for
2021, School Calendar aad Actlvttleg for School Year 2U2l-2O22 states that
remedial, enrichment and advancement classes for pubtic schools shall start on July
24,2o122, Monday, and end on August L2, 2(}22, Friday. This schedule may be
adjusted in schools where t_he regiona,l or schools division oIfces declared cl,ass
suspension due to ai increase in COVID-I9 cases in their areas as provided for in
DM-C|-2O22-O09, Reltcrattrg the Pollcy on Academlc Dase aad Allortag the
Suspeaalon of classee aad other Teechlng-Related Actlvltles in the Midct of the
surge la covlD-19 Ce3€3, as long as tlre adjusted schedule does not fall short of the
requbed six-week period as indicated in DO 13, s. 2018.

8. However, learners who received a grade ranging from 75 to 79 shall attend

enrichment classes for 15 dayr only, from Mondays to Fridays, within the identifred
duration of EOSY classes.
g. Errlchnent cle$es refer to any form of organized instructiona-l interventions
given to learners from Grade 1 to Grade 11 who received a grade ranging from 75 to
79 in any learning arca to improve their level of attainment of the prescribed learning
competencies alld fully prepare t-hem for transition to their next grade level. karners
undergoing enrichment programs shall be provided with additional learning
opporLunities through tutorials, mentoring, coactring, or other ways of delivering
organized learning experiences.

This Order shalt be implemented in atl public elementa4/ and secondar5r schools
nationwide for SY 2O21-2022. Hvate schools are allowed to ma-ke necessary
adjustrnents in accordance with their context, subject to the approval of their
respective SDS. All other provisions stated in DO 13, s. 2018 shall remain efrective
unless otherwise arnended by subsequent DepEd issuances.

11. This Order shall take eflect immediately upon its approval. Certified copies of
this Order shall be filed with the University of the Philippines Law Center- Oflice of the
National Administrative Register (UP I,C-ONAR) at the UP Diliman, Quezon City.

72. For more information, please contact the Bureeu of l,rmlag Dcllvcry, 4th
Floor, Bonifacio Building, Departnent of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex,
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or telephone
numbers l02l 8637 -4346 and (02) a537-4347.

13. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

,l\t-"*{ aaallt -.

DepBd Order (Nos. 018, s. 2021 and 36, s. 2016)

To be indicated in the Pemetual Index

under tlle following subjects:


wNBo/^P /Mrc, pO-.A!qc!dEcnLt!-&LL,!J2Ol!

Ol53 - Junc 2, 2022

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