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Troy 24 makes a statement about war being a form of entertainment for society

War has been a source of entertainment for society throughout the centuries. Some might
find war sad and aggravating while others find it entertaining and capturing. A section of
humanity has always had a thirst for violence and even until today. Troy 24 is a live action
news show focused on the war between Troy and the Greeks it has interviews of the main
people involved in the war and reporters discussing the latest news about the war. As for
today I will be discussing how Troy 24 makes a statement about war being a form of
entertainment in society, the main points I will be focussing on are how throughout the
medieval times war and violence has always been a main source of entertainment for many
centuries, how some people might say that watching war could encourage peace and unity
and lastly about how violence is a source if entertainment until this day and age.

Throughout medieval times history has always told us that war and violence have been a
source of entertainment for many centuries and there are many, many references and stories
that tell and show us that violence was a main source of entertainment that many
bloodthirsty people found interesting and found entertainment and satisfaction in watching.
Death, blood, and violence have always pulled a crowd. Ancient Romans congregated to
carnage in the Colosseum. In later centuries public executions were a popular thing
especially in France since the Middle Ages till the 20th century, and in modern more recent
times in movies and video games. Theorists claimed that the fundamental purpose of public
executions was to strike fear in the hearts of the viewers.

While some people find that watching war and violence a cause to more violence in society
others find that watching war and violence a source of encouragement to peace and unity.
Since watching war and violence can get you to feel humility and sympathy for others as a
result of finding the war and violent content unfair and war itself being unnecessary. When
we think about violence and war now a days it comes with lots if backlash and lots of
sympathy from the world. Violence can bring together people with the agreement that it
isn’t always the answer or sometimes it is the only one. So, while war can be destructive and
in many and most cases unnecessary it can also be the reasons to communities and people
coming together and putting aside their differences and focusing on a bigger similarity, they
both have or a point they both agree on and forming peace and unity within the society.

Violence is definitely a huge source of entertainment for society until this day and age. It
might not be displayed publicly and gruesomely as before in earlier time periods, but it is
still displayed in tv shows, movies and even video games. These are all examples that
promote violence in the society and encourage it more to younger generations. But until
today one question still remains questioned everywhere why do people enjoy watching
violent and gruesome content. There are many similar opinions that theorists have and
there are three main groups or reasons to why some people can enjoy violence. 1, because it
helps them learn something about how to survive, the second group they want new
experiences a part of this group might like watching people suffer and like the intensity of it
and the final group likes a bit if both because it teaches them survival skills and because they
enjoy the intensity of it.
To conclude, throughout this oral commentary I talked about how Troy 24 makes a
statement about war being a form of entertainment for society. There is much evidence of
people throughout centuries who used violence as a source of entertainment. Throughout
the years all the way since the times of the colosseum of Rome and even before that and
until this day violence is and war is and has been a source of entertainment for centuries.
While war may cause destruction everywhere it can also bring communities together in
agreement and get them to set their differences a side and finding the similarities between
each other. And until today violence is used as a source of entertainment through the media,
in tv shows, movies and video games which all promote violence in the society. Humanity
have always had a thirst for violence it has and most likely will always be there in some way
or form, some might find watching it interesting and engaging while others beg to differ
either way it will the want for violence will always be something humans have.

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