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ON 13thMARCH 1993




1. Presidential address
Dr. M. Sambasivan, Rtd. Professor of Neurosurgery,
Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

2. Present day approach in the management of Gridhrasi

Dr. NV Krishnankutty Varier, Arya vaidyasala, Kottakkal, Kerala

3. A talk on the subject Gridhrasi

Dr. Sr. Austin MD (Ay.), Amala Ayurvedic Hospital

4. Relation of 'Pakwasayavathakopa' to allied disorders of Gridhrasi

Dr. T. Sreekumar MD (Ay.), Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College, Ollur, Thrissur, Kerala

5. Methods of treatment of Gridhrasi and allied disorders with special reference to the principles
laid by Bhavamisra
Dr. K. Sankaran MD (Ay), Govt. Ayurveda College, Thrippunithura, Kerala
Presidential Address
(Dr. M.Sambasivan, Rtd Professor of Neuro Surgery, Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram)

Radiating pain down the back of thigh and leg is termed Sciatica. It is only a symptom. The
problem is precipitated by many lesions. Hence an accurate diagnosis is a must for giving
appropriate treatment.

Causes of Sciatica
A. Causes in gluteal region and thigh B.
Causes inside the Pelvis and abdomen C.
Causes in the spine

A. Causes of Sciatica in the gluteal region and thigh (Causes outside the Pelvis)
1. Congenital : Abnormal Sciatic foramen Pyriformis
Syndrome bands
2. Traumatic : Neuropraxia with recovering causalgia
Perineural Injection
3. Inflammatory : Sciatic Neuritis
Hanseus disease,
Intraneural Abscess
4. Neoplastic : a. Extrinsic Tumors infiltrating or compressing the Sciatic Nerve
b. Intrinsic Trauma in the sciatic Nerve Neuroma
Neurilemmoma Angioofibrolipoma: Aneurysms &
5. Vascular AVMS around Sciatic Nerve
Ischaemic Neuropathy
6. Metabolic : Deficiency Neuropathies
Diabetes Mellitus

B.Causes of sciatica arising in the pelvis and abdomen

1. Retroverted gravid uterus
2. Uterine fibroids
3. Rectal malignancy infiltrating sacral plexus
4. Aneurysm of Arota, Iliac artery
5. Lerische Syndrome
6. Retroperitoneal fibrosis
C. Spinal lesions causing Sciatica
1. Congenital lesions Sacral Dysgenesis
Spina Bifida
2. Postural defects, sleeping habits & vocational problems.
3. Trauma Subluxations and dislocations at Lumbo sacral region
Lumbar strain
Disc Syndromes- Acute Chronic
4. Disc Prolapse This is a very common condition, resulting in Sciatica
5. Caries of Lumbar spine
6. Tumors of spine Osteoma
Aneurysmal Bone cyst
7. Tumors of Conus & Cauda equina

With so many conditions that can produce sciatica, sifting out the improbable and arriving at a
correct diagnosis is of paramount importance to institute treatment.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis become an elaborate exercise. Proper history taking and
clinical evaluation should give rich dividends and guide, towards appropriate investigations. Plain
X-rays muscular studies will give a good indication. To clinch the diagnosis myelogram, CT
Myelogram, and Magnetic resonance imaging is a must.

Having arrived at correct diagnosis, appropriate management is possible. Problems of Lumbar

disc prolapse can be treated in the acute phase by drugs-analgesics, muscle relaxants, rest
traction and later physiotherapy. Chronic disc prolapse can be treated on these lines. Yet those
non responders would need surgery for removal of prolapsed disc. This is accomplished by
Laminectomy, hemilaminectomy, fenestration or by percutaneous procedures.

Results of surgery are good.

Dodo. N.V. െക. VorayaRs

ManashayaN prey MurderIn NivaRsന Perspective Walking angle With restraint

Do you know about the various diseases that cause half-dead body disease?N

Should be stopped. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionallyL

It's that simple

േകാലകLHe must have been very upset about the crash. "It simply came to our notice then

േകാലകLക്ബലവം⁇RsJavathoranoma, NivaRsനനിലേകാനള

Don't go for less that your full potentialRsThanakaLThis is not the case

വിഷമങ്ങേളായിരികേമാേലാ. Inflammatory diseases എണിപറേയാേമാL

Instead of "Kokashodipoda", "Pododikosa" Mokiyatham considered the pods' policy.

Must be cornered.

Acne can have serious psychological consequences, especially for adolescents.

A malignant neoplasm. Adonello Gadasi. Walkway ladder murder

െവേകാേമാഴകെതന േകാലകLThe Ten Commandments ("Sakathayalokapam"

നിഗഹേണാതി”) So called Gadasi by the depthsRsForestry. A

This is not the caseRsThe Pinnacle of the Forest. േകാലടെതവേകാേമാെഴത

The patient's behavior should be of a lesser degree due to the greater pain.

േകാലമടകLAlam Monodavalacham CoInFingers crossedInA walk at an angle.

It's a great way to get word out that Collie's pain policyInPatient ConsciousnessRsWm

Acceptance is a state of affairs

OhRsമിപികനെതേകാണകടിേയാേവാം നെമട പRsVikanoRsThis is called Gadasi

Osler's description is as follows:“The pain is gnawing and burning, and usually is

constant, but in some cases is paroxysmal and often worse at night. On walking, it may be

very great. The knee is bent and the patient treads on the toes. so as to relax the tension

on the nerve”.
Like many other cohorts in the description of this diseaseRsTamiIn

അഭിേപായവയതേയാസമളേതായി േകാേണാം. Initial codeLReligiousInThis is not the case

Pariyala studies are to come

It seems like a long way to go.

Karachakadi Ponokam Onokom.

The first on earthRsേവാേദാേചാരയേനായ ഓതയമഹRsShiite discipleship

Aggravation, inflammation, and inflammationNBlockedRs. ശിശയേനാേരാേരാേരാരതരം സവനേമായ

CompilerLAuthorInAgivosamhita konota most monayatayam

Pasidium conjunctivitis

Charakana responded to this code, which had been destroyed by Pasidium.

നേരാണകLെകാഷഷം വീണം ജീRsBenefit from this in NovasaLപരിപിച

വണവണതതकേകാRsIt's notN. This is not the case

Commodity Code. The Yota Siti Sathasamhita should be includedRsTova

NogoRsJanaNThis code game with all this informationInThen you have to file a lawsuit

Patisansarikomol Many moras are perfectly authentic in the wild.

“Malagana”These codes are Kovil when it comes to mind.

The Horita Samhita is one of the synchronicities of the Agovasamhita. This

CompilerLക അലം േപാതിതയം കലിചിരനെതെകാേനാ എേനാ ആരം അതിIn

Ikevachitila. Where many delicacies are lost. These codes of item coding

Many of the Alon built in Horizon or Borolon in Vosavati

If so, why not check it out?

Debt Consolidation Loans - Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan, Even With Poor Credit About Gaddafi in these genres

ParomaRsShikanethona Nocom.

Distinguish between the annoying and dangerous aspects of ponodi panavoyas

The disease is caused by a disease that causes the anger of the debtor on the loan.
Gaddy states: "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation.

Samoudabhatamona Gadasi.

"Rakavota Samadabhatol Doshol Shana Mahomota,

കടയരേജാനേമാദയ ത േജാേയാത ബേഹാവദേനാ

Gadaseeti VijonioIn..............”

എേനാണിതിെന നിRsVocabularyRsSham, PodahaRsSome

Descriptive description of this type of disease in the general population

"Amishom Radhirasovam Tatha: Sosavadam Cha Koroyat

Abhayoga Votahatha Ithalam Ponam Rosodi Panakam "

Judging by some of the meetings with Gadasika Pothaya after saying that.

"Satovari Bolodavacha Pipali Pasharohavayam" should be the death knell.

NoRsേതാസവികക. ആമേവാതചികിതയിInThe said Ajomododi ChRsDebt

Utilize. There is no cure for this conditionInJudgment must be comparable. Vote

IllInThe said pathLThe comparison must be made.

െപാഭളസംഹിതയിInThe angle of the description of the gadasi. EnoInTreatment



Afterwards, Malakaithalam or Ithalam Sahacharasaya.

Vasaya: Sohapononi SohoshonaRsDanonicha,


This is the Gaddafi treatment in the Code of Conduct. Therapeutic judgment

Nidonalakonodikalam should be described. Many of the luxuries in the Code of Conduct are lost
CrossingIn ഗദസീനിേദാനവം നെഷപേടാേപായേതാേവാം. Anyway Treatment

As far as Sambani is concerned, this is the approach to Rano ChorayanoInAge-related macular degeneration

HoritaNFirst Rakomokavam Sosavadavam then Abhayangavam ChRsDebt Doha-

After the Kiyakalam Judgment Day,

Judgment of Rakomokavam.

ചരകസംഹിതയിInVotajam, Votakafajam is the first of its kind

പറെഞവകന. SeatInനിന തടങ്ങി േകാമന അരകട, പഷം, തട, മട,

World-wide agony, procreation, cataracts, cataracts, pneumonia, etc.

WoodIn -These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.

Thickness seemed to bite laziness and annoyanceInകഫേവാതജേമാണന

Mind you. Keda Poda-Jangho-Urakaramalangali of these symptomsInCrushed dill

Polo polo amaiRsHe suffered a concussion in his poloInIts empty

എന്ന പറയന. (A stone or vessel for grinding drugs) for KhalumRsതം.

Amy ElangiInഉരIn- അതിInLet's see if it hurts like a word

And FIGRsThe forest. "”(Ch. Ch.) Motonam =

crushing. Avomotani = ParivaRsതനശീേലാ എനം അRsതം പറയന േഭാവപേകാശതിIn).

Sirovatham, Vasi, AgikaRsJudgment of the Gadasik Somonamoi by Mum Anyway

Treatments. Khalikokeda Ushamoya Panoha Festival.

സശതതിInPoetry about Alam Sankipamoya Gadasi.

"GoRsShipathayangalinom ta kanaro yo niloRsDito

സകഥ: േകാഗം നിഗഹണീേയാത ഗഗസീം േതാം പചേകാത "

எனேமாதம். ചരകതിInവയകേമായി പറഞ്ഞ േകാരയങ്ങLThat's it

ചരകി സചിപികകേയാണ സശതൾ. Many religionsInകരതലം െവര നീണകിടകന

Kanareya was the first to learn about the disease as a teaching faithRsRectangle

In fact, it is worse then worthless, it consumes time and resources but returns no sales.
The verdict was as appropriate as the death sentence.InZion Motoma


BlockRsGadaseevivaranathi with Navarana VogabhatakathiInSasathena Pinataraka Motoma

െചയനള. Vishwa is about paranoiaRsShikanan. (SanghahatiIn"Vishwabhi" Enona Opar.

"ComRsWormwoodInSonaInThe mountain rangeInIt is not called "Vishwabhita"

Angle). There was a great deal of pain in Vishwa and GadasiInIt's as simple as that

Call. ChikiInസ അതിസംകിപേമായി സശതതിInKhalika as the saying goes

Potassium therapyInZion Judgment Level.

പിതേകാലകതികേളായ േമാനവനിേദാനം, ചകദതം, േഭാവപേകാശം, ഗദനിഗഹം മതേലായവയിIn

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.

Votakafajam is a type of debtInGaddafi's description. VotajatiInThank you

അതിേയായ വകത വെരമനകടി പറയന. A therapeutic approach

The following is a list of our most popular pages.

These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can useInവരന. Empty

Gaddy states, "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operationInDescriptive.Khanam, PodhaRsSham,

Misunderstanding, encyclopediaRsSham, with an independent affliction like Mataloyava

The treatment is not known. Modhavanidonam Mataloya Some songsIn

The angle at which "Khalavi" is mentioned.

Kholavam ena vokina mathira enonelo aRsതം. അതേമായി ബെനപടതിേയാണ

Description of the Health Act. [Khalavivotemanatha NaramakaliInThena Sanoram

കരയകേയാInBlood clots, skin lesionsRsThe inside of the skin

Like a matrimonial filling, voyavinoInCo-operative Society of Co-operatives and Internal TradeIn

Reluctant members of the religious communityRsNobody is the cornerstone of the column

Unokana Vayodhiokana. (A.K. 17th Adayoyam). പRsConjunctivitis

Alternatively a description is a global calculationInThe background of the debt

VosavathiInOne should check

GenesisIn Somonomy വയകതേമായം സശതേവാഗഭടകതികളിIn

Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading.

കതികളിInSonam Pitikonanoya Koranavam with Veena Podhona

It should be tested.

It's not that I'm not good at it, it's that I 'm not good at itRsShikana.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items.

ചകദതതിInPochanodayangaLJudgment. EarthwormInOrakavamanaL,

ഗദനിഗഹതിInേയാവേകാദയങ്ങL- BlockRsThe results are as followsL

Judgment is here. Judgment is a simple sentence.

The time described is long.

Gadasi's aphid diseasesInConsideration of onychomycosisIn

It's paramount. വേയാനNComRsVongachoriyotekona Vayonokopam

Conjunctivitis Diseases ComRsWonginangalokam Ahithohora VihorangaLBecause

What is the purpose of life here?

േകാരണേമായിതീരനത്. "

HRsShavishodoidayasa”Destiny is a risk factor for various diseases

േകാരണങ്ങള് െതനേയാേണാേലാ കഴിച്ച ഭകണം ശരിക ദഹിേകാതിരിേകാനം തദേവാേരാ

AjiRsDaily Intervention

"It simply came to our notice then

വിേദാഹി ശഷമതയംബ പതംേചാനം ന ജീരയതി.


Come onLBite ohRsMycomoLഇേകാരയം വയകേമാകം. േതാതേകാലികേമായേണാകേനാേതാ

What is the type of tortoise that is angular or angular?

DiseaseLക േകാരണേമാകെനവന ആയRsThe description given by the petitioner is Shodayamon

"ComRsVoshomava Rorogonom Nidonam Kapito: Malo:

Tatapokopasayata Pokam Vividhohithosavanam "

எனேதாண் CaretakerRsFor the first time അടിേസാനമേദാേവാകയം. Let's look at this


Prohibitions. The body throbbedRsതന മന തണകLഎന്ന നിലക തലയ േപാേധാനയ

Any other policy of presenting dietary supplements with

That's right- this is not about food

"Pasosha Vinota" Enitayodi) Katayamoya MotayiInFor a hearty meal

There are many factors that can contribute to social change, such as benevolence and moderation.In -Monasika

Traumatic - it's not digestibleRsDebt Consolidation Loans - Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan, Even With Poor Credit

Stop eatingRsVariety of amoebae that are naturally occurring in the nostrils

Violations are the cause of illness, disease, or death.

Aoyakovana Ahoravayatiyonangala, dRsേഘാലസഞിതേമായി േധാതകളിInMerger

Toxicology - Elo maRsRheumatoid arthritisLKum Koranamovana

ProcrastinationInAt the end of the tortoiseshell, Elo Achorayanoram ComRsവപേധാനേമായി

These are the issues on the agenda. Description of the tortoiseshell commodity

േപാതയകിചം േശാദയേമാണ

"" I do not knowRsേനാഡി േഭാജേനാദവിഷേമാഷേനാത്

Violent psychosisRsശേനാത.◌്

DeadlyRsൈതവഷമേയാദ േവാേഗാേനാം ച വിേധാരേണാദ്

ദഷയതയഗി :, സ േദാേഷാനം ന തത പചയതി ലഘവപി.

Detoxification is the most common form of poisoning

Tasaya LingamajiRsനസയ വിഷംഭ: സദനം കമ:

HeadacheRsേചാഷഭമ: പഷകടീഗഹ:

JambhongamaRsDatasho Cha JavarasaRsThe: Paohiko.

Arochako Vipokau Cho Ghoramanavisham Chatath

Podhana Saha Sansam Dohathashoma Khomayol.

Janatayamalapithana Pitajomshoparol Gadol

Yakapinasomahodil kafajol kaphasangatam.

Koroti Votasamsam Votajomsomayol Bahl

Maturogomsa Matasam Kakorogol ശകദഗതം.

Rasodibhisha Samsam Karayoda Rogol Rasodijol "

This is the description of the tortoise poisoning in the commodity. ApoLThis categoryInA

No disease. എേലാതിനം േകാരണം ആമവിഷം െതന. What's the matter with us?

This is GadasiyamInThere are so many types it's hard to say

േസാവേധാനേതാല നിRsHarikoNParakala. It's a good idea

ChikiInSokamamona first appears in the Horita Samhita and later in the Bhovapakoshodi.

AdhanikashosaganaliInGaddafi became ill with Konana "Syorica"

Banepathi AlangiInAccording to Thorathama, fireRsചേയായം അതരം േതാരതമയ

The quality of the studies; In the mountains, there are no lizards or lizards

Unhovana il phlomashal, phonological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,

Nedalilanokana mines, doors, sikaLQuarries or parasitesRsക

Post-mortem Gonolo Infection Mine Religious

The study of these is indebted to Gaddy for some reasonIn

Mindfulness is helpful. There are no other side effects of the disease

AchorayanoRsകം അേജാതേമായിരനില. Bijodosham Nikki Sanonasaubhogamanokana

Many meetings have been held to appease Gadasi, Urasambham and Khali.


[Ex: - Isanavoda Panasana Yoga Picture like Dodava

Destruction of Dodavodava BhalothakosiniRsDodava tho dhoka

Aranolotha pochata pasam ithalyasaya itharapathayadam

GadasayaragahoRsW.Rsതി സRsവേവാതവിേകാരനത

(Commodity. ChikiInCom. അദേയായം 27)]

Let's have some similar meetings. CaretakerRsThank youInസചേനാ േമാതേമായി

Non-verbal cues help you to understand the true meaning of life

Other Analytical Studies in Modern Science. FireRsചേയായം നമകിതരം

Studies can be overwhelming. EnoInCaretakerRsProblems as far as Dodiera is concerned

Diseases that cause comorbidities and congenital malformations

Debt about the nuances of SanyovasaInശേദാലകേളാേവാണതണ

About Ecology

We need to make people aware of this

Shasakiya in Gadasi

GadasayoRsTasaya Janghoom Sohosovodakothabhasam

പദഭേയാമദവRsതിേതാേയാം ച സകേമാRsGona Gadaseem

അവേതാരയംൈഗല: സംമ്യക കനിേഷാേയാം ൈശന ൈശന:

Jotavo Samathitam Ganim Kadroyom Age

തം േശാസന വിേദാരേയാശ പേവാേലാങ്ങരസനിഭം

സമദതേയാഗിേനാ ദഗധേവാ േലാമദ യഷയംബചൈനന:


ComRsWormwoodInേസാരതതിലം േയാഗേസാരതിലം േകാണനത് - "ഉളം

േകാലത േനാനീടം േവാതം ഗദസിയേനാപRs"


Nanoi Choranikeeta EnotachoInശമിേചാേപാം.


Gadasikala treatmentL

"Ithalam Ghatam ChoRsDakamothalanga Rasam Sachakam Sagadam Pobadavo

കടയരപഷതികശലഗന ഗധസയേദാവRsTahara: Poyoga:”

"It's not enoughRsGomothana Pobanara:

േമാേസാമകം േപാേയാേഗായം ഗദസയരഗേഹാപഹ:

Dashamalibaloroso Galachi Vishwabhashajam.

Phobodanaitolana Gadasi Khanapangasha "

"Pyishavaranafalam kora, savisavam wo fruit robo :,

Poyoso Bhakita: Sodo Gaddafi bites

Ossafolico Dalakavotho Alcoholic:

TheRsVoram Gadasirogam Peetamotham Panoshoyata "

Gadasik Avanokanapoyogal േധാേരാളേമാണ HRsRegulator Gadasikam

The utility of the same document is questionable

LumbagoIncupping- A note is useless

Gadzi - A Study
Dodo. C. Osina m. D. ( Caretaker.)

അശീതി േവാതവിേകാരങ്ങൾInOnoya Gadasi Ikolatha is very sodomous

It is a disease.

I do not think soInForget about this disease

It's a detailed description of the diseaseRsProvisionsIn

Cannot be angled. In the Baha'u'llah, there are many hidden species

All rights reservedRsHe was treated at the hospitalInSonabhavangelayam

A short study by Azad Moki was conducted here


Let us see how the word Gadasi originated. This is a lot of fightsIn


1.“Gadayati Momsamabhikomkayati Satham Iti Gadasi”

- A book by Momseta Agahikanatha Gadasi Enona.

2.“Godho monsololopo manoshayo tam sayati pedayati nosayati vo”

- Gadham enatina monsololapanoya manashayaNஎனRsതം. Monsololapanoya

Psychiatric and psychiatric disorders.

3.“Gadavata Asati Bhakayati This is Gadasi”

God-fearing. Gadam enatina kazhakaNஎனRsതം. The poles are meaty

To torment the mind like a greedy devoteeInThis disease

Gadasi is the name of the gameRsപറയന.


1.Rinkhini- ShabakaladamathiInCompilation (displacement)RsതതിInThis term

ഗദസിക പരേയായേമായി പറയന.

2.Ranini- Percentage of age due to ageInDInHoneysuckleNRupture

எனRsThis word is not used interchangeably with Gadasika.

3.Rathina- Compression എന്നRsThis word in Tamil is ShowRsGangadharasamhita GoRsThadeepiko

Age-related macular degeneration

Description of the grievances of Gadasi

Problems with the old descriptions of GaddafiInAngle. EnoIn

With this, you can come up with some ideas. േവാെതതകറിച് അഥRsവ

Thank youInസചിപികന.

Vatha is addressed not to leave the body but bear the limbs till old age.

(Adharwaveda III x1-16)

Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh!

The association of weakness of Majja and pain on leg is described.

Teaching the movement of the limbs Complaints about various diseasesIn

Descriptions Conn.

CaretakerRsProvisionsInDescription of Gadasiyya Karichala.

These are very detailed descriptions of GadashiRsProvisionsInAngle.

1. Commodity Code Chikitosonam അദേയായം 28

2. Percentage Nidonasonam അദേയായം 1

3. Ashongahadayam Chikitosonam അദേയായം 5

4. Modhavanidonam Nidonasonam അദേയായം 15

5. Earthworm അദേയായം 22

6. Chakadatham അദേയായം 24

7. Code of Conduct അദേയായം 22

8. Horita Samhita അദേയായം 26

9. Vangosana Samhita അദേയായം 22

Modern murderInAuthor Ashongashoriram, Bahachoriram (Ivayadaratham p

S. VorayaRs), Sidononidone (Gananothosal)

Karichala editions Konom.


Gaddafi's Nidonam SamhithoganaliInേപാതയകേമായി വിവരികനില. Votavayodhi

Causes This disease should not be considered as a disease.

Fellowship methodInLet's codify.

Food Vihoram Psychological corneaL

Perfect, Excessive running, running, Grief

കടകേഷായ നീനക, HeyRsന സലതനിനം Anger

രസപേധാനേമായ നിരപിേലാത സേലാതക Chodaka, Fear

Food, Tough Boremadaka, Shakika ഉതകണ

രേകാേഹാരം, Do not overdo it, too much

Alohoram േയാത Do, The trend

Vogodhiranam, Vamanodi Kyotiyogam.

The apocalypse

DaughterInNina Thozhakaveen Kadipodasath Aghothomalaka, VohanaliInനിനം

Falling enamel granules or interstitial thrombophlebitis (inter

vertebral disc)

HRsMoghothatilam Gadaseesamonamoya VikorangaLേകാേണാവനേതാണ

ചരകതിInVomiting on the body. Nodevirus, type of nodules

If you have been Outbid, you have the opportunity to continue bidding.



Or nauseaInGet rid of clutter you don't need

അേഘാതേതാInAngular cellular congenital malformation

Tharanosic sonic motion, or soInRadamokepada Gadasi Nodi

പവRsതെനത തടെസപടതന.
"Porshim Pathayangalinom Kanaro Yo NiloRsDito:

സകഥ: േകാപം നിഗഹണീേയാത ഗധസീതി ഹി േസാ സേതാ:”

(Commodity: Treatment)


Gadasi's fatherRsവരപം ആയRsProvisionsInDescriptive angle. Some

PatientsInSymptoms of Consumption Pain and Obesity

അലേകാലം മൾ പ കണവേരാരണ്

Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease

Votikam, Votakafajam, and so on.

േവാതജഗദസിയിInSymptoms such as size, severity, severity, and sabbatical.

"It simply came to our notice then

േജാനജേമാേഘാര സനീേനാം സരണം സബേതാഭശം "

(Commodity: Chikitosonam)

േവാതകഫജഗദസിയിInAgimonayam, Isamitayam, Thano, Makhaposakam, Bhakodavasham etc.

Symptoms Conn.

"It simply came to our notice thenRsദവം

തേനാമഖേപാസകശ ഭേകാദവഷൈസഥവ ച.”

(Commodity. Chikitosonam)


The test run of the Votavayodhis should be described in a somnambulistic manner.

"It simply came to our notice then

Hanasam SosoRsദിതം േഖാണയം േപാംഗലയ ഖഡേവാതേതാ

സനിചയതി: പകേവാേധാ േമാേമാേദാ മേജാസിേതാ ഗേദാ:

Eota Sonasaya Gombhirayota Sogaya: Yato Nava;

തേസാേജായത നേവാനേതാൾ ബലിേനാ നിരപദേവാൾ.“

(Ashongahadayam: Chikithosonam; Chapter 22)

OrthopedicsLOr the majesty of the idea zoneInIn the early daysInെതന

സഖേസാധയേമായിരിക്കകയില. If the patient is strong, forgetfulness

Whether or not the elderly have passed awayInThe first unitInThenila Chikitekona

എേതാണ പRsDebt settlement can make the difference between success and failure

Divergential Diagnosis

ഉരസംഭം, പണശലീേവാതം എന്നിവയിInSome Symptoms of Gadasika SamonamoyaL

Conom. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

⁇ രസംഭം
Aurasabata JunghopoRsShavatika Pashodasa

Seriousness MotionInPain

Cold Corpse

Pain [“JunghopoRsശവതിേകാരഷവപി ച

Fever Motion: Psoriasis

കRsYota Bohayomalingasavayatharapi

Panasali Savoy:”]

Various Not in style TreatmentL Various ഗനങ്ങളീIn Needless to say

Eloganakoranoram Thena EkarapatiInSpeech ChikiInസ സിേരാവധേമാണ. ചരകം,

Sasatham, Ashongahadayam and many moreInCirrhosis Description. Obscurity,

Rakomokam should be judged on Chakadatham, Horitasamhita and Bhovapakosham.

1.ചകദതം- Explanation of nutrition, research and residence. Checked by

ResidentInThat's itInസ നിരRsThakamoyithireman AchorayaNപറയന. കേടാത


"GadhasayoRsതം നരം സമയക േപാചേൈനാദയRsInquired


Sosoho columnRsTakasasaya BhasonayavohathiRsയേഥാ "


2.Earthworm- Explain the research and treatment of vasodilation.

3.വംേഗാസനസംഹിത- കRsSneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing, sneezing

Cirrhosis These are described. SowadatiInIshikosavadavam Upanohavamona


"ComRsവതകRsCash .....................................



Equilibrium "

Description of the venous thrombosis

Goods- cInFind the fileLDid the bed slayNSaid.

"Anaro kanaro galam siro vasayagi kaRsമ ച.”

Ashongahadayam- Jonasani should be 4 inches tall, daughter or toddler.

"Gadhasayom Jonono DhasodaRsദവം േവാ ചതരംേഗാല.”

Amala ayaRsHe was treated at the hospitalInAzadamokiyala Repo of SonabhavanRsT

Conducted a worldwide study of the different categories of patients

Dissociation IGadasi SymbolLപകടേമാകനതം എേനാInX-rayInേകാശരേകാനര

Patients with thrombocytopenic purpura or atrial fibrillation.

Separation II: Cellular angina pectoris and other aortic aneurysms

Patients with gout.


Enlightenment and nourishment

Co-occurrence - 7 days at the angle of the galaxy

Cosavadanam - Accepted by Boshosavadamona

Diarrhea - GanaRsVocabulary used by Vahasodi Ernakulam.

After this, each division was discussedInComLDo:

Dissociation I

RemediesL Appropriate useL Tested

Rosacea കേവാഥം Rowela Abhayangam-companion Level, Yoga

എരണസകേമാരം േനാചRsതം ഇവകീത Kodamchakodi oil, 7 days

(101) Kirabala BochaRsതം നലി

Amatorisham, Balorisham, Pathophysiology 7-14 days

PalmRsNavosavam (these were combined)

This is not the caseIn90% of patients are infected.

Separation II

RemediesL Appropriate useL Tested

Rosacea കേവാഥം എരണ Abhayanga Dhonavanaram Level, Yoga

Sakamoram (101) Kirabala Another 7 days

Galactic Phase, Yoga 2 SqueezeIn7 days

RojachaRsDebt (these agreed) 3 Nov. 7 days

4 Pashavasi 7 days

Amatorisham, Balorisham,

PalmRsNavosavam (these were combined)

This is not the caseInDiseased70% thousand.

ഗധസിയം പകേവാശയഗതേവാേതാേകാപവം

Dodo. T. ശീകേമാRsM.D. (Caretaker)

Gadhzi as Padhona Shosokoranamoram Ringhini, Ranini, Rathina

Is the disease that has been registered for a long time an autoimmune disease?

What's the point?RsThe bribe of the day,

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease Symptoms of the disease

എതേലാമനം, ഗധസിയം പകേവാശയഗത േവാേതാേകാപവം Tamil

The goal of the examiner. Evidence of this false knowledge is modern

Some of the cohorts that have been diagnosed with the disease may have been tested.

The light of the modern worldInCaretakerRsPrinciples of OvadaLTested

Not to mention the marijuana wave. The reason for this is our treatment

Often physicalRsIt does not seem to be soft

Gadhasi is aRsതം കഴകNNadokanivarana rogovasa as walking

What a pain in the ass or a pain in the ass.

Last but not least, the headline made you think of this.

It should be inspected.

VogabhataNAnywayRsThere are many symptoms of gastroenteritis

That's why we do not understand.

When jaundice is a condition that is self-limiting, it can be debilitating.


"GoRsShim pathayangalinom yo kanaro moratoRsDito:

സകഥയേലാകപം നിഗഹേണാതി ഗധസീം േതാം പചേകാത "

എന്ന േവാഗഭടനിരകിയിInFingernailsInനിനം വരന കണരക

Votabodhayanovomol Sticks Gone are the days Badimotokadivarana

Last but not least, the headline made you read this article. EnoIn,
"" I do not knowRsWo kati poshora jonajanghopadam kamoth

Gadasee SambharokoidaRsGahanothi Sanothamaha:

Votota Votakaphotana or Gauravorochakonavito "

The goods are very detailed. This diseaseInProsperity, pain, catharsis

Religious afflictions include sexual intercourse followed by bite, bite, bruise, jonah,

Jumbo is one of the most sought after itemsInInteraction of words with the senses

I do not know. This is the world-famous Gadhasi

ലകണേമാണRsSymptoms include nausea, vomiting, and nausea

Unokanathoyam goods say. Approach the knowledge of modernityIna

Symptoms of infectionLClick hereRsShikoNSearch.

Global warmingInTake a look at the negative angle of the beginning of the beginning

Don't go for less that your full potential.

ParomaRsShikana. Prevention of intervertebral disc prolapseRsCompensatory for pain relief

Scoliosis is a disorder that is affecting more and more people.

വീണം േവാേതാേശാേഷാതവേമായതിInേമാധവനിേദാനേകാരNLeft-angled bearing,

തന, മഖേപാസകം, ഭേകാദവഷം എന്നിവ ചരകനിInYou have a different infection


സചിപികന. Hemorrhoids in Agiamoi vodkafovasRsതം.

This is not the caseInHemp. Votikamonana padhona lakanam

This "amovasa" or caffeine deficiency is one of the many diseases that cause angina.

Misdiagnosis of gonorrhea

Konana..Patients often use "kazhapa" instead of pain.

GanaLMoriniRsIt's not practicalRsShade of acne treatmentIn

Let's lookInA kind of "headache" became a disease like gonorrhea

Banam Konom. Heads up with a snooty or pricey lookInRosodichaRsDebt

മരിങ്ങയിലനീരിInSite nRsSummer use or cold use

Thera Moricornora Alternative Gadzi

Finally, Of the body Of caffeine പസേരാവസയേമായി Banepati

Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.

Gadhasiyamoyi banapatitithena podahaRsSham, Khalavi Mataloya last

Symptomatic treatmentInസ സസതNJudgment angleon the slip disc

BlockRsന ഗധസിെയട ലക്ഷണങ്ങളേണാേകാേമാLPodhaRsSham often

ഉേനാേകാറളെതേകാണം േപാദഹRsSham Gadhasi's KedahRsത മനസിേലാേകാണ

Finally, diseases such as diarrhea and gonorrheaInIs it a burning sensation?L

Lonar spondylosisRsക

Diagnosis of cervical spondylosis and recurrent sodomyInേകാശരേകാ

It is important to keep in mind that these are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use

Voivinon gonorrheaInThe most common cause of malnutrition. Go

Treatment cRsമപരവേമായ േപാതയകതകLെവച്ച, പഞ്ഞവിധ േവാതങ്ങൾInAnything

DebtInChinicomo as PodhonayamLAponavoya, Vayonavoya Enivakona

േസാണിയേമായം കRsMasambaniyoyam is thought to be Pasaki

"Apono Ponaga: Shoni Vasi Homorora Gochara:

ശേകാRsതവ ശകനത cRsഭനിഷമണകിേയാ:”

അേപാനേവായ അേപാനഗതേമായിരികനതം അെരകടിInNina Vasi, Bite in these places


DoshaInAponavoyavinon is the mindset of podhonayam. Of course the down payment.

The movement of the body by stopping the flow of moneyRsതനവേമായി േനാരിട

ബെനപടിരികനതിേനാInThe role of the vulva is reduced.

The seat of the aponavoya should not be covered with pakovosha. പകേവാശെയതകറിച

AchorayanoRsTamiInLaziness is a religious issue

OpportunityInVogabhataN“Sito pakavosayadavori bhakamoRsGoRsGolavaso "as

പറഞിരികനതിInനിനം കേദാനവം ബഹേദാനവം കടിചരന േഭാഗം മഴവനം

Let's consider it hostile. EnoInപകവേമായ അനം, േസാരകിടങ്ങേലായി

WowRsThe return was considered a luxuryInബഹേതാനവം തദസംബനിേയായ ഗദം മതേലായ

Debt Consolidation Loans - Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan, Even With Poor CreditInAshonga is the name of the game

Body Matalloya GanagaliInThus ParomaRsScatter :-

"It simply came to our notice thenRsമദയം പചയേമാേനാശയ: സത:

⁇Rsദവേമാേമാേശാേയാ ധേസാദ േഭാവത പകേവാശയേസാേയാ:

Pakavoshayasayodha: Khono Dimbokhaya: Sayodavi Doshaya:“

Let's examine Gaddafi's identity. Janano Unokana, some of the troubled Ivakatas

Those who have undergone post-traumatic stress disorder. these

Excellent structural deformities. Forget the small fall

Gadasi Unoko laterNSome of the paradoxesRsപറയന. Opposition Nidonaloya

This is Mori NiRsTheoInGaddafi's Nidonam

Vihoram - e.g., hard asanasInIranala Sanoram, TharanirikaIn, േതാരേതാമയന

Slightly ninety-one doors openRsശേകാലം ഗീഷേകാലം ഇവ,

Kioivaparitayam- Vasi Mataloya KiyakaliInVarana Atiyogam Monasikamoya

Causes - Anger, Anger, Dementia, Overconfidence Religion, Poem 65 years old


Gaddy states, "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation.

Banapathi ValuationInThis is the world of mind. HRsMoghotajam

കകനരമRsThe whole environment seemed to be a doormatInHRsMo.

Ghota's ParipaRsനലകണേമായ "േചാചേഷാേഹാനയധ: േകായസRsShojonam Ch

Aging is often replaced by gonorrhea instead of aging.

Let us now examine the case with the complete contagion of the disease.

"Pakavoshaya Kati Sakathi Sothosi ComRsPhonology

Sonam Votasaya Tathopi Pakavodhonam Vishoshatha "

Don't go for less that your full potential. Vote

Sonam Nobhi's friend is not to be missed. Informed of

Advanced Medicinal composition or compositionInേനാഡിവയഹതിെനന േനാകനേമായി

The angle at which the muscle is involved, the point of view of the nodule

പവRsதனங்கள்InSadhaRsമയം ദRsShikovanatekonam Pakavosayam Votathina

As Sonamoi puts it, it's too muchInMany like Ono a go-to

It's often said, "I'm not sure what to do with it." (1)

CaretakerRsThank youInThe body of the author is annoyingRsച േപാപിചിരനില. Of this

Evidence of "Garabhoshyo Shama: Seenom Pitapakavoshayonora"

Pasovichat (2) Ayurveda is a kiosambanioya sosamona.

When it comes to value. This is not the case

It's not as simple as that. ഇയടത

Animal infusion of cologne Diazepam and TheophillinInOf them

Immunization of IMIV and oral diseases, which have been used for some time.

The immediate result is that the time is running out

It has been proven that the material here is quickly absorbed into the blood vessels.

Some people say that the result is not as good as it used to be. Go check it out

Namak is now on the path of Ajotamoya, Nodivayahsambaniyo or something

Avonon.kornam nirahatiIn, Residential death rains very soon

OutInCome on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!

Thus chinichoInNodial regulation in the body is either undetectable

Saki should be suspected of infiltrating the environment. Obsessive compulsive disorder

This issue is still being debated

Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally.

Structured അറിെയപടന, Hostility സംബനിേയാേയാേതാ പകേവാശയവേമായി

Age groups of co-occurring aponeaeInMany that are instantaneous

Diseases can be cured by inoculation. Ex: Matamoraga

Congenital arthritis, congenital BPH [Benign Prostate Hypertrophy],

Hydratidiform mole in the uterusRsചകL, എന്നിനാ, വളര്ച്െചയതിയ ഗരഭം

Vera Gadaseelakanam Unokiyanavarom. Coming from the sea or the forest

Co.NComRsprostate gland-InVarana Co.NComRsLet these be Gadhasi.Some of the appendix

Are you in unorthodox salons?LThe old man seemed to be comingIn, Right-handed

Motham Gadasi Unokomotha.

ചരകിപറയകേയാണങ്ങിIn Analysis Vote Sonamoya പകേവാശയതിIn

Nodia / Kanarai Adhishonamoki

Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during childhood and adolescence.

I know. Votavam is an asymptomatic disease that causes asymptomatic disease

It is important to know all of the common causes of epilepsy.

Motamala, Moms, Maja and Dhotakelayam Soybean Disease

Teaching. Conjunctivitis


ചരകതിInSymptoms of ankylosing spondylitisInപറെയപഡ

"It simply came to our notice then

കച്ച മതപരീഷതവേമാേനാഹം തിേകാവദേനാം "

Gaddy states, "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation.

Tikovadana should be understood as a bite. Therapeutic depression, cohabitation

These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.
Azadamoki Gadasi, the landlord

Treatment of anaphylaxis
Dodo. െക. Shankar M. D (Aya)


This murderInComRsVasodhoranamoyi kanavarana ononolo gadasi or

Votavayodhi as Sciatica. Skilled workers, do not do difficult work

ZolicoRs, IdahoRsMo.Rs, Office LifeRsAlcoholism in restricted seizures (30-

50 years oldRsTanetha Soramoi Bodhikana

The disease is not contagious.

Incident GRsCredit sickness is the most common form of illnessInKonepadana Padhona

Koranemana modern medicine should be discarded

It's uniqueRsThe day before this disease was diagnosed

Don't be fooledRsഭവിച സംഹിേതാഗനങ്ങൾLമതലക

Gaddy states: "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation. Charaka Samhita, Bobhala Samhita, Horita Samhita, Sasatha

Samhita, Ashongahadayam, Ashonga Sangaham, and so on.

Vangosana Samhita, Modhavanidonam, Gadanigaham. ShowRsGangadhar Samhita, Yogaratokaram,

Co-founded by Gaddafi


Of treatment To study PathogenesisIn ആേചാരയനവലംബിച

Age at which the sidonas were tested. Do not do too much commodity analysis

Powered by BloggerRsDebt should be avoided

Wo- Gati Poppy JonoRsSource:

Wo- Gati Ganano:

How many vocalizationsInNinathena Chocha, Jonam (Sanja) Any

Of body fluids cRsതതവം േവായവിേനാണനത വയകേമാേണേലാ.

Goods VotakalokaliyatiIn,

പവRsതേകാശേഷാേനാം ഉേചാവേചാേനാം നിയേനാ േപാണേതാ ച

MindRsVonionomer Contributor:

ComRsVonion or Abhivodo

I accept the principle of pasata.

ഓമലപറഞ്ഞ ധRsMangala Podashikamoya PvtRsതനസവേഭാവമനസരിച് േപാേണാദി

The lights are on. സംജ മRsദഗേനായ േപാണനിലം േചാചഷഹദിസിതേനായ

Voyage to land is a condition. VisaRsRep. Of Reproductive OrgansRsതെനത

നിയനികന അേപാെനന േസാനം പകേവാശയേമാണ്.തേതാനതിടേയാകന േവാേതാേകാപം

PvtRsതൈനവകലയങ്ങLക പെരമതിക പഷ കടീഗഹ

S com degradedInVarietyInHeartburnLCum Intermediate.

േപാൈണവകലയം േപായണ⁇Rsദവേകായതിലം വേയാൈനവകലയം േസാRsൈവദഹികേമായം

Vikoranalanomomol aponaivakalayam degraded teaching. That's the angle

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from ViononoRsതതവം ഉണ്.

Votokopakoranalovoda, Dhotakayakarangal, Mo.RsേഗാവരണേകാരികLAnyway

േസാേമാനയേമായി വിഭജിെകപടിരികന. These areInDhokayakorikaLഅപതRsMoney

OtherLSanaRsMoney is the key to success

Physical abuse is the cause of fear, grief, and psychological abuse of China.

Dasha DescriptionInDhotakaLകം മലങ്ങLCome on, come on, come on

The subdivision should be included

Gaddy states: "It's very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation


Gadasi-Gadamapi Sayati - Peedayati This is Gadasi (Vocal cords)

As persecution as in the case of Gadena (Paranina)Rsതം).

ഗദതി േമാംസമഭിേകാംകതി സതതം ഇതി ഗദ:

Godo Monsololopo Manashaya:

തം സയതി പീഡയതി േനാശയതി േവാ.


It is a disease that afflicts or destroys the human mind. This

നിരകി േവാതകഫപേധാനേമായ ഗധസിയിInLet's call it a facilitator.


1. Rinkhini - Modhavanidona Vayokhayotovoya Vochasathi MishaNഗദസിവേയാഖേയാനതിIn,

പിചിലപതലതിInനടകനതിന തലയേമായ ഗതിേയാകിതീRsAs heavyRsThis

The sound was gone.

2. Ranini - This word is derived from Gaddafi's secular nomenclatureInMoneyNSuggested


3. Rathina - AmaRsAs unique and destructiveRsതതിInShowRsഗങ്ഗധരസംഹിേതാ

AgeInKoshirom must have left this word

These paradigms are becoming increasingly obsolete.


Votikam and Votakafajam are in the form of Gadasi Rana


Gadasika േപാതയക Nidonam പറഞിടിേലാതെതേകാണ േസാേമാനയനിേദാനേമാണ

Go to.

How do you do that?

Food Vihoram Aging Colic Advent
Kashoya shop േപാേരാേവാതം Dhotakayam WowRsദകയം Physical Monasic

Tikarasa Jogging Pathogenesis വRsPercentage The apocalypse Coma grief

Features Water supply േമാംസകയം ColdRsത Rakoti Fear of China

രേകാേഹാരം Relief Yes ഭക, Must go

Alohoram Winter Days Vomiting

പമിേതാേഹാരം Fasting And FIG Kiothi

Relaxation ഇമഥനം Component Meeting

The trend


These are the reasonsInThere are a variety of irritating things that can happen to a person

ComRsDiagnosis of Wonga Ekonga diseases.

Anorexia nervosaLേപാതയക ശദയRsHikana. Those ones


FoodL VihorangaL
Rectangle Vovogodhirana trends

CRsForest േയാനേയാനം



The following is a list of our most popular pagesInശമങ്ങL, Yonayonam, Ekasonosanam, Chankamanam

Other than the extreme tendencies of the religious world

Nidonangalamon.Mara NidonamLCorner malignancyInചയിചിരികന േവായ

Or the old-fashioned idiotsInമദയേമാേരാഗേമാRsGetha Popicorn.

Votakafaja ഗധസിയിേലാെവട Kafokopanangoloya Foods

It should be noted that this is not the case. കേടാത കകനരം,

Buttocks ene mRsമങ്LEvents can be catastrophic.


Disease, malaise, dementia, diseases, or diseaseRsGangaLഎനിവെയട സനിേവാവശേമാേണാേലാ

Sampopi. The bad guys can tell the bad ones. The stage is set by the earthworm

The pathogenesis of this disease in coral reefs

TreatmentInI do not think so

I have to say

"Shalamokapaka: kama, sambha: soyavanilotha bhovata"

N സംഭനം േസായഗേമായി ഗനേകാരനം പറയന. Sasatham, Ashongahadayam,

അേഷാംഗസംഗഹം എനിവയിInSoyagatha Votamon Gadhasika Koranemana


SotasakaliInParenchyma and schizophrenia are somnolent

Seriously illInReligious Hossain DayRsGum

പേധാനേമായം മദയേമാേരാഗേമാRsGum Thena AbhayanarogamoRsഗതിലം ലകണങ്ങL


Bhovamisal Gadhasi Sampopi Description Commodity Asadamoki

"Sika P.RsVora Katipasha Jonajanghopadam Kamoth

Gaddafi Storage CompanyRsGahanothi Sanotha Maha:

Votota Votaka Phobha or Sovijaya Diviphodana:

Votajoyom bhovotodo dodhasayotivakato

Jonajamoghora Saninom Saranam Incident

Do you take it seriously?Rsദവം

തേനാമഖേപാസകം ച ഭേകാദവഷസ ആയിഥവ ച“.

[Cell: Chikitoson: Chapter 24]

Sika Bhogath (Buttocks) Symptoms, Painful Kathonova

Lumbar (Thigh)

region) പഷം (Back) േജാന (Knee) ജംേഘാ (കണങ്േങാIn) േപാദം (Foot) എനീ േഭാേഗാതയ

Common Spontaneous Angular Spasm

പിടതമേണാകിതീRsHeavy. This is a somnolenceInThotham, Jonah,

Jangha, SanikaLAnd so onInString (Twinging sensation) Shakioya sensation

(stiffness) Tilt of the trunk can also be considered as a symptom.


Makhaposakam, Bhakodavasham enivayam konom.

Here is the image of Sampopi

HNസചിപിച നിേദാനങ്ങള്േലാInവRsDicha Votomo, Votakafans Oyojicho, Yonayonam,

ചങ്കമണം (തടRsചേയായ നടതം) തടങ്ങിയ ശമങ്ങേളാInമദയേമാേരാഗേമാRsGetha Popicha, s

Sika, bitcoinsInSon in doubt soybean [Kanareya -

മേഹാേസായേവാണ കണര എന ഡInMoneyN] The symptoms of dementia are as follows

ReligiousInേപാദംെവര പകടേമാകന. The disadvantages of this radical proposal are small

പകടേമാകന. Doshabohalayam, Sona Suspicious Dosha is also considered

Disease Pobalayam Siddikana. Here is the degenerative disease

ആശയികേയാലം ദസരേമായിതീരന.

Sidonana of the other Achora who was summonedL

1. "GoRsശിം പതയംഗലീേനാംത കണേരാേയാ | NiloRsDito

സകഥ: േകാപം നിഗഹണീേയാത ഗദസീതി "

Hi Sosa Mato: [Satam: Nidonam: 74]

"Yo Kanaro Sakatha: Kopam Nigahaniyota Sogadasi" (Dr.InMoneyN)

"Galodi Vidaponam Sakathi“- CoInஎனRsതം.

2. അേഷാംഗഹദയവം അേഷാംഗസംഗഹവം This description is provided by Thena Nalana.

3. Rakavota Samadabhatol Doshol Shana Mahometha

കടയര േജാനേമാധയത േജാേയാത ബേഹാവദേനാ

Gadaseeti Vijoniotha

[Horita Samhita: Tathiyasonam Adayoyam 22]

Here is a list of common causes of genital herpes.

4. Do not let the worries of the commodity get in the way of the earth's crust.

Did not

ചരകപകേകാRs Soygamon Disease Dasha DescriptionIn സചിപിച

Symbolic Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis

പതിേപാദികന. സശതപകേമാെകഡ, ദഷയവിവരണതിInSoygamon disease

The soybean industry should not be described in terms of age



"Khalavita Podajamghora Karamalovomotini"

This tragedy is a commodityInPodam, Jangha, Aura and KaramalamIn

ഇവകലയം ഗദസിയിInLet's call it Khalavi for the event. അേഷാംഗഹദയതിIn

Gaddafi, VishwochikaliInIt is said to be the last straw of the fire.


"Sigasono: Pashavamsosono:


Tatavothana Yopido

Absolutely not. "

Thick - Lumbo Sacral joint. This is not the case here. This
Gadasi's fatherRsവരപേമായി കരേതാവനേതാണ്RsSham,

Podoham is also suspected to be an anabolic disease. EnoInഖണതിനള

Gadassi was in painInനിനം വയതേയാെസമന ഡInMoneyNവയകേമാകനണ്

Parts of the world Motham. PodhaRsSham, Podoham

Anyway, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.


Orthopedic Diseases

DiseasesInELSuddenly, Savanam Sonamoya thought of the degenerate

Let's take a closer look at Kachasodayemana. Mikavoram KafovatamoRsGamokaIn

Mo.RsGoradham NingomoLHe should come to Samikon immediately


Many of the treatments are nRsWordLThis is to sayIn"It simply came to our notice then

TreatmentRsHikana. Sampopi

Separation pRsനേമാേയാInMotoma SamaRsDiabetes mellitus is a contagious disease


EarthquakeNനിRsExplain the principle of treatment:

GadasayoRsതം നരം സമയക േരാകണ വേമാനന േവാ

േജാതേവാ നിേരാമം ദീേപാഗിം വസീഭിസമേപാേചാരത

Nodau Vasividhim Karayota YovadaRsദവം ന ശദയതി

Sosoho columnRsThaka Sasyoda BhasonayavohathiRsയേഥാ "

Gastroenterologist Meeting വരനതെവര Vomiting Discourses ചേയാശഷം

Stay tuned until you come to your senses. ⁇RsDecade വരനതെവര

ResidenceInCo-op Hithamala.

Treatment should not interfere with the breakdown of Nidona defects. Nidona

പരിവRsThe people are unhappy.

Votakafasamsasi Janayamoya Gadhasikamotoma Chikita NiRsOr the first stage of the disease

If you have been Outbid, you have the opportunity to continue bidding.
Let's look at the treatment of global warming. Votakafa SamsashiyiInആേവാരകേമായ

The effectiveness of the vaccine after the caffeine victory. Angle

Used in Votachikitha, it is a bitter caffeineRsDeepikonam disease

Garataramokonam Motoma Apparatus. കഫേമാെകട വഹീേമാനയം, തേനാ, മഖേപാസകം,

In the end, the costs really figure out to be the same for salon and regular retail products.

That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there.

Searchlight Illuminated Lighting Quotes

യേണാകക. Did you light the lamp or did you wake up?In("Niromo

Vishodo Roco NiRsVibono Law:”) As a world-wide disease

മനസിേലാേകാം. BlockRsAbhayangam and many other associations that prevented the disease

It is said that a happy marriage requires work from both parties.

What are some of the tests that can be done?

യേണാവകയം െചയന. മദയേമാേരാഗേമാRsGathilon Doshasiti is my angle

There are so many types it's hard to say.

Dispose of contaminated contaminants.

Misdiagnosis of Diseases Shodamokanotodakati Dashayam - Here Soya - Vigorless

Stop looking at meRsThe silence about the stage is similar

Diagnosis of Achoroyanoram diseaseLBlock the tissueRsന നിലേകായിടേയാInSoybeanIn

Thena AgikaRsMumRsThe teacher must ask the question of the subject. Bhova

The mixture was soakedInSaiInAgikaRsMumRsേശാദശികकനണ..

Please refrain from treatmentInCompletely dissociative dissociation

Let's look at that. BlockRsന നിRsThese sidones are also used in anti-depressant drugs

Let's look at the fall.

Debt in the world of meetingsNSidonas of non-pInNina

Let's examine earthworm sidonas as weed specific.

Commodity Code

"Anaro Kanaro galafam siro vasayagikaRsമച

Gadaseesha Payaneetha "[Charakam, Chikitosonam]

Massacre of Kanaraka Galapathia, AgikaRsMum and Vasi are the verdict.


"Amishom Radhirasovam Tata: Sosavadam Chakorayat


⁇.................................................. ........................

Otorhinolaryngological pathophysiology "

So rakomokam, virochanam, agikaRsമം േവാതവേയാധി േസാേമാനയചികിത എനിവ



”സമതിേതാേയാ ഗധസേയാം ..................

Vasaya: Sohapononi SohoshonaRsDanoni Ch

The gonorrhea should be treated with gonorrhea“

Judgment for vasodilation, sedation, sedation, sedatives, sedatives, sedatives, sedatives, sedatives, sedatives, sedatives



കണക ........... േവാേതാേരാഗഷ േയാേഥാകം േയാേഥാദശം

Chasirovayadham Karayota Votavayodhi ChikiInസിതം േചാേപാേപാകത”

[Sat. Chikitosonam Adayoyam 23]

Cirrhosis Somonavotha TreatmentRsSorry.


"Sovasanisiropopa co-op"

[Ashongahadayam; Chikitosonam Adayoyam 21]

എന്ന േസായഗതിInTreatmentRsDoshikana. Anakal K "Sonam Dashayodicholochaya

Kora or Soshoshavapiki. "In-

"Gadhasayom JononodhasodaRsദവം േവാ ചതരംേഗാല "

How do you do that?RsDoshikana.


Here's the cure for chikosidoneInThe angle at which you age.

Anyway AgikaRsമവം സിേരാവയധവം അവെയടാ േസാനങ്ങളം നിRsേശാദശികकനണ..

Heart Ganakornoreta SidonangLTestedInNina is a Korayam Vayakamokana.

Rakomokam, AgikaRsUm, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance

Enivayon Gadhasika Judgment

നിRsDiabetes mellitus is a type of hereditary disease.

What is the cause of soybean disease?RsThe mother is generally accepted.

GoodsNKafonabanam Sachipikanevangilam Chikita NiRsDefective angle. വേയാഖേയാ

Tena Ganati with Tova ChakaponioInJudgment for immediate treatment.

ചകേപാണിദെതന Countdown കിസവബം 11th Percentage Konana.

Earthquake 15th century EarthquakeNDiagnosisInGoods

TreatmentRsDoshatiInചകദെതതയം അനവRsതിചിരികന. Colonized

Forest Moram Koranam Rakadashayam Konopototatha in Ahorodis and Lifestyles

Gone are the days when Konovanam Rakomokam was toldRsMum hereRsDoshi

കനിലങ്ങിലം േസായഗതിInDescriptive

നിRsDoshikepada YogaL

1. GomatiInഎരൈണതലം േചാRsEnjoy a bad morning.

2. Documentary, Kavalovar, Cheravazhinovar, Kanakorovara

ചവRsേകാരം േചാRsEat.
3. Gomatam and EranaitalamInതിപലിേപാടി േചാRsExperience.

4. The cut of the mahoganyInWhiteInStir and bite.

5. The carnivorous carnivore is intoxicatedInGet used to it.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

7. Rosopanaka Kavotham.

8. Pathayodigagala.

Let's examine the nature of the product as well as the extent to which it is volatile.

9. plane, unit, aRsDakasavarasam, Motalangasavarasam, Chakam, ChRsLand, these are combined


Add 10 handfuls of crushed butter to taste.

These are the most popular.


Floor GovtRsNov. Hohosiralamoyi Banepada ChikiInCiconitoya

A repo of patientsRsThis is not the case

Patients - 34 nos.

According to gender


Seals - 4


Upto 30 Yrs --- 2

30 --- 50 26
50 --- 60 4

Above 60 2
(Female - below 30⁇2, 30-50⁇2)
Depending on the job

VidyaRsPerfectL -2
HomeRs -2

ഇഡവരേമാര - 12
ചമെടേതാഴിേലാളികള - 6

Other jobs - 6

Office Work - 4

Unemployed - 2


Vote -4

Vothikam - 15
Votakafajam - 15

Group I

Irritation - Back pain with or without radiation, Diminition of lumbar curve - 18

(2 cs - VidyoRsEatL)

Group II

Compression- Sciatic pain intense, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, activity, loss

of lumbar curve, spasm of lumbar muscles, tilt of trunk, SLR limitation - 10

(2 cs - HomeRs)

Group III

Paresis - Patient totally disabled weakness of lower extremity, muscle atrophy,

sensory deficit diminished or absent knee jerk-5

Group IV

Paralysis - Paralysis of lower extremity, sensory loss, disturbance of function of

bladder & bowel - 1

ThisInGroup 13 days boshosadavam 3 days niRsGaining

Prevent angle swearingRs7 days of asylum seekers1

Moseta cure.

Result:AN Moro with KatieNPast.

Group 2- 7 days awareness nRsGaining angle is one day

വിരചനവം. 15 days of laughter. SomeInPathophysiology should be done

BlockRs15 days asylum for a yogi. 2 Moseta Anxiety Healing.

Result: A sea, a rainy day or a rainy dayRsAnywayRsExcept 7

CopRsക ശമനം കിടി.

Group 3- 14 days of constipation, diarrhea, constipationIn/ കിഴി, തടRsIt's a good idea

A Mosaic Laughter Pose 3 Mosaic Anxiety Relief.

Group 4- OmaInSon of a bitchRsഭികേമായി േനാഭിയിInPichakadi should be done

We need to be able to move beyond our controlRsThere is no cure.

TheseIn4 p.m.RsConjunctivitisInആവRsTichatoi RipoRsTo be done

Therapeutic angles.

The sidon used was either earth-shattering or something like thatRsHe did not vomit.

Diarrhea in 15 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Asylum seeker did not do so.

(Anti-Sidon) 4 PatientsInപിേതാനബനം ഉേണായിരന. പിതശമനതിന

Postoperative therapies.

Used materialL

Enlightenment -- Shaddharanam, Ivasavonaram, Pipalayosavam, Abhayorisham.

Understanding -- Deciduous, deciduous leaves, chernozem, centipede, salt

It was boiled in the morning⁇Dry kashoyam.

Diarrhea - - നിRsGaining.

(Vote-squeezed juice in carinochiIn(Savarasam -2⁇NC)

Surface area 15ml, eosin 10 gm.)

നിരഹം - - Davipanamalodi, Eranamalodi Modhaitalikam

Innovation - - Dhonavanaram, companion rains

Abhayangam -- Gokatakayodi, Sahacharodi Kazhamakala

Healing - - Companion, Rosacea cInGalactic balloon force Any

കേഷായങ്ങളം േരാേസാദശമേലാദി, ഗലലതികകം ഇനീ ഘതങ്ങൾ

(1991-92 murder caseInTherapeutic treatment of choleraL)


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