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Swasti Yoga Center

Time Table for Level 2 – Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI)

Total hours: 400 (Direct 100+ Indirect 300)

Indirect teaching (300 hours)

Section Practice Description Hours

1 Before and After session 1 hour per session*30- for daily, weekly once 30
reading batch and weekly twice batch
2 Daily physical yogic 20 min*8 months/ 240 days, 40 min*4 months/ 80 (4800
practices 120 days, 2.5 hrs per day*1 month/30 days min)

3 Daily swadhyay/ self- 15 min*8 months/ 240 days, 30 min*4 months/ 60 (3600
study 120 days, 2 hours per day *1 month /30 days min)
4 Yoga Assignments 2 compilations on yoga topics/ 1 National or 10
international Yoga seminar, making specimen,
yoga models, spotting
5 Academic activities 1 research paper, poster presentation/ reading 10
5 articles from peer reviewed yoga journals/
writing 1 article for yoga magazine/ Research
paper publication/ Book publication
6 Basic Evaluator skills- 2 MCQ question papers for Foundation, Level 1 5
7 Evaluation skills- practical Assessment of a Yoga class (detection and 5
correction of mistakes)
8 Conducting independent 1 hour session*5 30
and assisting yoga (In society, community, schools, work places,
sessions, Yoga and Health Yoga wellness Centers/ Primary Health care
awareness lectures to the Centers)
community For individual, small group and large group
9 Yoga Competition Yoga debate, yoga asana competition, sutra 10
chanting competition, shuddhikriya and
pranayama competition
10 Internship observer At Foundation, Level 1 (Indian) 20
Observer Foundation, Level 1(International)
11 Teaching skills Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga: 10
Theory topics- Foundation, L1 (Indian,

Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga:

Practical Topics: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, and
(Indian, International)
12 Personality development good communication skills, self-discipline, 5
and soft skills for Yoga confidence, time management skills, body
instructors language
13 Yogic Case taking Case taking of non-communicable disorders in 5
community and PHC
14 Yoga Visits Bhakti Yoga- visit to temple with bhajan, kirtan, 10
Visit to PHC, Government Hospital, Hospital
wards, Visit to Renowned Ashram, Yoga School,
Medical College
15 Karma Yoga Volunteer for yoga magazine publication, 10
Volunteer at seminars and visits, Volunteer for
yoga camps at PHC

Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 1: Indirect teaching – 30 hours

Pre and Post session reading

Sr. No. Topic Duration (in min) Sign





















Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 2: Indirect teaching- 80 hours

Daily physical yogic practices (Month)

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

20 min*8 months/ 40min*4 months/ 2.5 hours per day*1 month

No. Yoga Practices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Om/ Pranava /Soham chant- 5 rounds

2 Prayer

3 Sukshma vyayama (neck, shoulder, trunk,

knee, ankle) any 1

4 Sthula vyayama (Sarvanga Pushti, Hrid

Gati (Engine Daud) any 1

5 Shuddhi kriyas (Vaman Dhauti, Jal, Sutra

Neti and practice of Kapalabhati) any 1

6 3 Surya namaskar with mantras

7 Asanas- 2 Supine (Pavanamuktasana and
variations, Uttanapadasana, Ardha
Halasana, Setubandhasana,
Vipareetakarani, Saral Matsyasana,

8 1 Prone (Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana,


9 3 Sitting (Dandasana, Sukhasana,

Padmasana, Vajrasana, Bhadrasana,
Mandukasana, Ushtrasana,
Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana,
Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana,
Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana,
Vakrasana, Gomukhasana)

10 2 Standing (Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ardha

Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Kati
Chakrasana, Parshva Konasana,

11 1 Breathing techniques (Sectional

breathing- abdominal, thoracic and
clavicular, Yogic deep breathing)

12 1 Bandha (Jalandhar, Uddiyana, Mula)

and 1 mudra (Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma,
Adi, Jnana, Dhyana and Nasika), maha
mudra, vipareetkarani mudra, yoga

13 1 Pranayama (Nadi Shodhana, Shitali,

Shitkari, Bhramari, Ujjayi without

14 Meditation, Antarmauna & Yoga Nidra

15 Peace prayer (5 mantra from Vedas,

Upanishadas), 5 sutras chanting

Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Practices 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 Om/ Pranava /Soham chant- 5


2 Prayer

3 Sukshma vyayama (neck,

shoulder, trunk, knee, ankle)
any 1

4 Sthula vyayama (Sarvanga

Pushti, Hrid Gati (Engine
Daud) any 1

5 Shuddhi kriyas (Vaman Dhauti,

Jal, Sutra Neti and practice of
Kapalabhati) any 1

6 3 Surya namaskar with


7 Asanas- 2 Supine
(Pavanamuktasana and
variations, Uttanapadasana,
Ardha Halasana,
Vipareetakarani, Saral
Matsyasana, Shavasana)

8 1 Prone (Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Makarasana

9 3 Sitting (Dandasana,
Sukhasana, Padmasana,
Vajrasana, Bhadrasana,
Mandukasana, Ushtrasana,
Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana,
Shashankasana, Uttana
Purvottanasana, Vakrasana,

10 2 Standing (Tadasana,
Vrikshasana, Ardha
Chakrasana, Padahastasana,
Kati Chakrasana, Parshva
Konasana, Trikonasana)

11 1 Breathing techniques
(Sectional breathing-
abdominal, thoracic and
clavicular, Yogic deep

12 1 Bandha (Jalandhar,
Uddiyana, Mula) and 1 mudra
(Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, Adi,
Jnana, Dhyana and Nasika),
maha mudra, vipareetkarani
mudra, yoga mudra

13 1 Pranayama (Nadi Shodhana,

Shitali, Shitkari, Bhramari,
Ujjayi without kumbhaka)

14 Meditation, Antarmauna &

Yoga Nidra

15 Peace prayer (5 mantra from

Vedas, Upanishadas), 5 sutras

Teachers Signature

Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Protocol Instructor (YPI) - Section 3: Indirect teaching- 60 hours

Pratidinam Swadhyay (daily self-study)

15 min*8 months/ 30 min*4 months/ 2 hours per day*1 month

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

Month 1

No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 2

No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 3
No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 4

No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 5

No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(in Min)

Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 6
No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 7

No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(in Min)



Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature

Month 8
No. Yoga Topics Duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(in Min)


Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Topics Duration 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

(in Min)


Teachers Signature
Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 4: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Yoga Assignments

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. Yoga Duration Yoga Duration Yoga Duration National Duration International Duration
Topics- (in Min) charts (in Min) specimen, (in Min) Seminar (in Min) Seminar (in Min)
synopsis model,
games delegate delegate


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 5: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Academic Yoga activities

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. Paper/ Poster Duration Research Duration Article Duration Article Duration
Presentation (in Min) paper (in Min) reading from (in Min) writing for (in Min)
publication peer yoga
reviewed magazine
yoga journals



Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 6: Indirect teaching – 5 hours

Basic Evaluator skills- MCQ Question paper: theory

MCQ Question Level (Foundation, Level 1) Topic/ Whole syllabus


1 Foundation

2 Level 1- easy

3 Level 1- moderate

4 Level 1- difficult


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 7: Indirect teaching – 5 hours Basic Evaluator skills- practic
Assessment of a Yoga class (detection and correction of mistakes)

Sr. Student Cha Sukshma Suryanamaska Pranaya Praye Body Communica Time
No. Level ntin vyayama r, asanas ma, r language tion skills managem
g meditati ent

1 Foundation

2 Foundation

3 Foundation

4 Level 1

5 Level 1
Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 8: Indirect teaching – 30 hours

Assisting and conducting independent yoga sessions/ online as Yoga Instructor (1 hour session)

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. School/ Work Community/ Yoga Primary Health Primary Health Primary Health
Colleges places Society wellness care Centers/ care Centers / care Centers /
Centers Hospital Hospital Hospital

Large Small Small group Personaliz Personalized Small group Large group
group group ed


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 9: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Yoga Competitions

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. Yoga debate Shuddhikriya, Yogasana, Sutra chanting Pranayama

Suryanamaskar competition competition

Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 10: Indirect teaching – 20 hours

Internship observer

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

Hours Foundation Level 1- Yoga Protocol Instructor

Indian International Indian International


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 11: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Teaching skills: Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga: Theory and Practical

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

Hours Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga: Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga:

Theory topics- Yoga Foundation Theory topics- Yoga protocol Instructor L1

Indian International Indian International

Hours Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga: Preparation of lesson plan in Yoga:

Practical Topics: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, and Practical Topics: Kriya, Asana, Pranayama, and

Dhyana- Yoga Foundation Dhyana- Yoga protocol Instructor L1

Indian International Indian International


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 12: Indirect teaching – 5 hours

Personality development and Soft skills for Yoga instructors

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. Communication skills Time management skills Body language, Self-discipline



Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 13: Indirect teaching – 5 hours

Yogic Case taking- non-communicable disorders in community and PHC

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. Diabetes Heart disease/ Hypertension Sleep disorder, Stress Obesity



Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 14: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Yoga Visits

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

with dates Temple (bhajan, Primary Healthcare Center, Medical Renowned Ashram,
and hours kirtan, seva, mauna) Government Hospital, College Yoga School, Yoga
Hospital wards, Wellness Center


Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section 15: Indirect teaching – 10 hours

Karma Yoga (Volunteer)

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

No. with hours Yoga magazine Seminar, visits Yoga camps at PHC, Yoga
and dates Centers



Swasti Yoga Center

Yoga Wellness Instructor (YWI) - Section B: Indirect teaching- 80 hours

Daily physical yogic practices (Month)

Student Name:

Class teacher Name:

20 min*8 months/ 40min*4 months/ 2.5 hours per day*1 month

No. Yoga Practices 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Om/ Pranava /Soham chant- 5 rounds

2 Prayer

3 Sukshma vyayama (neck, shoulder, trunk,

knee, ankle) any 1

4 Sthula vyayama (Sarvanga Pushti, Hrid

Gati (Engine Daud) any 1

5 Shuddhi kriyas (Vaman Dhauti, Jal, Sutra

Neti and practice of Kapalabhati) any 1

6 3 Surya namaskar with mantras

7 Asanas- 2 Supine (Pavanamuktasana and

variations, Uttanapadasana, Ardha
Halasana, Setubandhasana,
Vipareetakarani, Saral Matsyasana,

8 1 Prone (Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana,


9 3 Sitting (Dandasana, Sukhasana,

Padmasana, Vajrasana, Bhadrasana,
Mandukasana, Ushtrasana,
Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana,
Shashankasana, Uttana Mandukasana,
Paschimottanasana, Purvottanasana,
Vakrasana, Gomukhasana)

10 2 Standing (Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Ardha

Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Kati
Chakrasana, Parshva Konasana,

11 1 Breathing techniques (Sectional

breathing- abdominal, thoracic and
clavicular, Yogic deep breathing)

12 1 Bandha (Jalandhar, Uddiyana, Mula)

and 1 mudra (Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma,
Adi, Jnana, Dhyana and Nasika), maha
mudra, vipareetkarani mudra, yoga

13 1 Pranayama (Nadi Shodhana, Shitali,

Shitkari, Bhramari, Ujjayi without

14 Meditation, Antarmauna & Yoga Nidra

15 Peace prayer (5 mantra from Vedas,

Upanishadas), 5 sutras chanting

Teachers Signature

No. Yoga Practices 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 Om/ Pranava /Soham chant- 5


2 Prayer

3 Sukshma vyayama (neck,

shoulder, trunk, knee, ankle)
any 1

4 Sthula vyayama (Sarvanga

Pushti, Hrid Gati (Engine
Daud) any 1

5 Shuddhi kriyas (Vaman Dhauti,

Jal, Sutra Neti and practice of
Kapalabhati) any 1

6 3 Surya namaskar with

7 Asanas- 2 Supine
(Pavanamuktasana and
variations, Uttanapadasana,
Ardha Halasana,
Vipareetakarani, Saral
Matsyasana, Shavasana)

8 1 Prone (Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Makarasana

9 3 Sitting (Dandasana,
Sukhasana, Padmasana,
Vajrasana, Bhadrasana,
Mandukasana, Ushtrasana,
Yogamudrasana, Parvatasana,
Shashankasana, Uttana
Purvottanasana, Vakrasana,

10 2 Standing (Tadasana,
Vrikshasana, Ardha
Chakrasana, Padahastasana,
Kati Chakrasana, Parshva
Konasana, Trikonasana)

11 1 Breathing techniques
(Sectional breathing-
abdominal, thoracic and
clavicular, Yogic deep

12 1 Bandha (Jalandhar,
Uddiyana, Mula) and 1 mudra
(Chin, Chinmaya, Brahma, Adi,
Jnana, Dhyana and Nasika),
maha mudra, vipareetkarani
mudra, yoga mudra

13 1 Pranayama (Nadi Shodhana,

Shitali, Shitkari, Bhramari,
Ujjayi without kumbhaka)

14 Meditation, Antarmauna &

Yoga Nidra

15 Peace prayer (5 mantra from

Vedas, Upanishadas), 5 sutras

Teachers Signature

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