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Food Eng Rev

DOI 10.1007/s12393-015-9120-4


Improvement of Water Transport and Carotenoid Retention

During Drying of Papaya by Applying Ultrasonic Osmotic
Patrı́cia Moreira Azoubel1 • Mariana da Rocha Amorim2 • Sofia Sorelly Belém Oliveira3 •
Maria Inês Sucupira Maciel4 • João Domingos Rodrigues5

Received: 10 November 2014 / Accepted: 13 March 2015

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The effect of ultrasound and osmotic dehydra- carotenoids in the range 30.4–39.8 % and the ultrasonic-
tion pretreatments on papaya drying kinetics was investi- assisted osmotic dehydration of papayas showed car-
gated. The ultrasound pretreatment was carried out in an otenoids retention values up to 64.9 %, whereas the dried
ultrasonic bath at 30 °C. The osmotic pretreatment in su- fruit without pretreatment showed carotenoids retention
crose solution was carried out in an incubator at 34 °C and lower than 24 %.
agitation of 80 rpm for 210 min. The drying process was
conducted in a fixed bed dryer at 70 °C. Experimental data Keywords Carica papaya L.  Osmotic dehydration 
were fitted successfully using the Page model for dried Sucrose  Water diffusivity  Page model
fresh and pretreated fruits, with coefficient of determina-
tion greater than 0.9992 and average relative error lower
that 14.4 %. The diffusional model was used to describe Introduction
the moisture transfer, and the effective water diffusivity
was identified in the order of 10-9 m2 s-1. It was found Papaya is grown in nearly all countries of the tropical
that drying rates of osmosed fruits were the lowest due to Americas (Central and South America and the state of
the presence of infused solutes, while the ultrasound pre- Hawaii). It is also cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, various
treatment contributed to faster drying rates. Evaluation of Asian countries, as well as the Antilles and tropical Africa
the dried fruit was performed by means of total carotenoids [10].
retention. Ultrasound treatments in distilled water prior to Brazil stands out as the world’s biggest producer, sup-
air-drying gave rise to dried papayas with retention of plying 25 % of the world demand, followed by Mexico
with 14 %, Nigeria with 11 %, India and Indonesia with
& Patrı́cia Moreira Azoubel
10 %; other papaya growing countries include Venezuela, China, Peru, Congo, and Ethiopia, all of which contribute
with less than 3 % of the papaya supply [9]. Brazil is the
Departamento de Engenharia Quı́mica, Universidade Federal world’s third biggest exporter of papaya [16] and the
de Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Arthur de Sá, s/n, Cidade
Universitária, Recife, PE 50740-521, Brazil
principal markets for consumption are USA and Europe.
In recent years, consumption of fruits and vegetables has
Universidade Estadual da Bahia, Av. Edgard Chastinet
Guimarães, s/n, São Geraldo, Juazeiro, BA 48905-680, Brazil
increased considerably because of their benefits for good
health [57]. Many biochemical and epidemiological studies
Universidade de Pernambuco, FFPP, Av. Cardoso de Sá, 01,
Vila Eduardo, Petrolina, PE 56300-000, Brazil
have demonstrated that fruits and vegetables contribute to
the reduction of several diseases, including cardiovascular,
Universidade de Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom
neurological and carcinogenic illnesses [51]. These benefits
Manoel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmãos, Recife,
PE 52171-900, Brazil have been attributed, at least in part, to the amount of
5 antioxidant compounds present in these foods, which re-
Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Estadual Paulista
Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Caixa Postal 510, AC Rubião Júnior, duce the oxidative stress produced by free radicals, and in
Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil consequence, cellular damage [13]. One of the most

Food Eng Rev

important antioxidant compounds present in fruits and are scarce, besides there is not any study which compares
vegetables is the carotenoids [57]. the effects of the drying conditions on the total carotenoid
Carotenoids are the most widespread group of the whole content of the fruit. The aim of this work was to investigate
class of natural pigments groups and are responsible for the the use of ultrasound and osmotic dehydration as pre-
yellow, orange, and red colors of fruits, roots and vegeta- treatments for drying and their effects on the mass transfer
bles [11, 44]. Papaya presents a red fleshy pulp with car- and the moisture removal from papaya. Well-known
otenoids accumulation during ripening [8]. Lycopene, b- models were applied to papaya slices to demonstrate the
cryptoxanthin and b-carotene are the main carotenoids that drying kinetics. The quality degradation in terms of total
have been identified in papaya [49]. carotenoids loss of papaya undergoing convective drying
Fresh fruits are highly perishable, and processing is an was also studied.
alternative to extent shelf life. The dehydration of foods is
one of the oldest techniques of preservation. The reduction
of moisture content and water activity to safe levels inhibits Materials and Methods
microbial growth and enzymatic activity, increasing shelf
life, and also reducing weight for transportation and de- Raw Material
manding a smaller space for storage [22, 27].
Forced convection drying is one of the most common Fresh papayas (‘Formosa’ variety) were obtained from the
drying operations in the food industry, being a complex local market of Juazeiro and Petrolina Counties, Brazil.
process coupling heat and mass phenomena [3]. Drying of Prior to starting of each experiment, the fruits were thor-
fruits and vegetables is predominantly diffusion controlled oughly cleaned with running potable water, hand-peeled
[26, 32, 46, 54], and drying rates are limited due to internal and cut into slices (3.0 9 5.0 cm) with thickness of
resistances against the water removal and diffusion to the 0.5 cm, using cutters designed for this purpose, with the
surface. The increase of drying air temperature leads to seeds being removed. The initial total soluble solids con-
faster water mobility; however, it provokes quality loss in tent (determined by refractometry) was 10°–12° Brix, and
the product and presents higher energy demand. Therefore, the average initial moisture content was 88.03 ± 0.44 %
the search for new strategies to improve water mobility w/w (gravimetrically measured using a vacuum oven at
during convective drying constitutes a topic of relevant 70 °C for 24 h).
research [36].
Ultrasound is a rapidly growing field of research, which Osmotic Dehydration
is finding increasing use in the food industry [24, 59]. It has
been used to enhance mass transfer in solid/liquid food The osmotic dehydration was based on a previous work
systems [5, 37, 58]. Ultrasonic waves can cause rapid series [15], in which a sucrose solution was used. Two slices of
of alternative compressions and expansions, in a similar papaya, previously weighed and identified, were placed in
way to a sponge when it is squeezed and released repeat- 600-mL beakers containing the osmotic solution (56 %,
edly (sponge effect). In addition, ultrasound produces w/w). A fruit/solution ratio of 1:10 was used. The beakers
cavitation, which may be helpful to remove strongly at- were placed in an incubator (Tecnal, TE 421), maintained
tached moisture. The sponge effect caused by ultrasound at 34 °C and agitation at 80 rpm. After 210 min of ex-
application may be responsible for the creation of micro- periment, samples were taken out from the osmotic medi-
scopic channels in porous materials, such as fruits, that um, rinsed well to remove any excess of solution, drained
reduce the diffusion boundary layer, thus increasing the and then placed on a pre-weighed drying tray in order to
convective mass transfer in the fruit [21, 52, 53]. proceed to the drying process. After osmotic dehydration,
Osmotic dehydration is the most reported pretreatment the water loss was around 52 % and solid gain less than
used prior to air-drying [2, 4, 18, 29, 39], and it can be used 11 %, resulting in a sample with a moisture content of
to improve nutritional, sensorial and functional properties 65.69 ± 0.36 % (1.91 kg/kg dry basis).
of food without changing the integrity of the foods [33, 55,
56]. However, among emerging new technologies, ultra- Ultrasound Pretreatment
sonically assisted osmotic dehydration is very promising
because the process can be carried out at low temperatures, An experimental set consisting of two papaya samples
which reduces the probability of food degradation [31] and (approximately 20 g) was immersed in distilled water and
permits the removal of moisture content from solids in 56 % (w/w) sucrose solution and both were submitted to
without producing a liquid phase change [18]. ultrasonic waves for 10, 20 and 30 min. These pretreatment
Although some works report the study of ultrasound times were chosen after results of kinetics studies carried
pretreatment on drying [5, 17–19], the studies with papaya out beforehand, in which it was observed that after 30 min

Food Eng Rev

the changes in water loss and solid gain were only slight. The Page model [38], which is an empirical modifica-
The water to fruit ratio was maintained at 4:1 (weight tion of the simple exponential model, was used to fit the
basis). experimental drying data:
The experiments with ultrasound were carried out in
X  Xe
separate 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks to avoid interference ¼ expðk tn Þ ð1Þ
Xo  X e
between samples and runs. An ultrasonic bath with a
thermostat (Unique, model USC-2850A, Brazil) was used, where X is the average moisture content at time t, kg H2O/
without mechanical agitation, and the temperature of the kg dry matter; Xe is the equilibrium moisture content, kg
liquid medium was maintained at 30 °C. Fluctuation of the H2O/kg dry matter; Xo is the initial moisture content, kg
water temperature in the bath was prevented by circulation H2O/kg dry matter; k is the drying constant; n is the Page’s
of water. The temperature increase during the experiments parameter and t is the process time, s.
was lower than 2 °C after 30 min of ultrasound treatment. The regression was performed in Statistica [50] com-
The ultrasound frequency was 25 kHz, and the intensity puter program. The goodness of fit of the model was
was 4870 W/m2. The ultrasound intensity was determined characterized by the correlation coefficient (R2) and the
by calorimetric method described by [30]. average relative error E (Eq. (2)).
After removal from the solution, samples from each group N  
were drained, blotted with absorbent paper to remove excess 1X  Ve  Vp 
Eð%Þ ¼  100 ð2Þ
solution, weighted and submitted to drying. The moisture N i¼1  Ve 
content of the samples was gravimetrically measured using a
where N is the number of experimental data, Ve is the
vacuum oven at 70 °C for 24 h (Tecnal, TE-395, Brazil). A
experimental value and Vp is the calculated value. Values
vacuum of 600 mm Hg was maintained inside the chamber.
of E less than or equal to 10 % are considered to fit the
The weight and moisture content data of each sample were
experimental data satisfactorily [28].
used to calculate the water loss (WL) and solid gain (SG).
It has been accepted that the drying characteristics of
Each experimental run was performed in triplicate, and the
biological products in the falling rate period can be de-
reported values are based on average values.
scribed by using Fick’s diffusion equation. Although the
diffusivity equation is not the best equation to fit ex-
perimental data, it provides an approximate method to
present a common quantitative comparison between dif-
Drying experiments were carried out in a continuous flow
ferent products in the aspect of moisture transfer because it
fixed bed dryer (Sulab, Brazil) at constant air velocity of
can provide a description for average diffusion coefficient
2.0 m/s and at 70 °C. The dryer system consisted of ver-
in the entire drying process. The solution to this equation
tical air flow through trays and was arranged as a closed
developed by [12] can be used for various regularly shaped
circuit. To maintain constant air condition, only one tray
bodies such as rectangular, cylindrical and spherical
was used with a single layer of sample on it (approximately
100 g). For the air heating, three electric resistances were
A solution for a slab of thickness 2L has been presented
used (two of 1600 W and one of 800 W), which could
by [12] under the assumption of (1) a uniform initial
work independently, controlled by a digital thermostat. A
moisture content, (2) constant effective diffusivity
thermal-hygrometer (Testo, model 635, Germany) was
throughout the solid, (3) negligible external resistances and
used to measure the dry bulb temperature and the drying air
(4) negligible shrinkage:
humidity. The air velocity was monitored using an
X  Xe 8X 1
1 h t i
anemometer (Airflow, model LCS 6000, UK). 2 2
¼ 2 exp ð2i þ 1Þ p Deff
Sample moisture content during the air-drying process Xo  Xe p i¼0 ð2i þ 1Þ2 4L2
was gravimetrically determined from the sample initial
moisture content (before air-drying process). Sample
weight was measured using a semi-analytical balance (Bel where Deff is the effective diffusivity, m2/s; L is the half of
Engineering SRL, model Mark, Italy). Weighing intervals slab thickness, m.
of 15 min were used during the first and the second hour of The effective diffusivity was obtained by fitting the
processing and then 30 min intervals until the dynamic experimental data to Fick’s diffusional model (Eq. (3)),
equilibrium between the sample moisture content and applying a nonlinear regression analysis of the Statistica
drying air humidity was reached, when the sample weight [50] software. Either the thickness of the fresh papaya or
became constant. Each drying experiment was carried out the thickness of the ultrasonic pretreated papaya was as-
in triplicate. sumed as the initial dimension.

Food Eng Rev

Determination of Total Carotenoids Content from the fruit to the liquid medium, as observed by [19].
Similar trend was found by [41], which observed for the
The total carotenoid content was quantified based in the ultrasonic treatment of sapota carried out with distilled
methodology of [43] for dried (with and without pretreat- water that the water loss after 10 min was 5.2 %, but this
ments) samples (up to 25 % moisture content, according to value decreased to 4.0 % when the fruit was subjected to
Brazilian Legislation for dried fruits) and fresh fruit. In ultrasound for 30 min. The authors reported that this effect
brief, there was an acetone extraction, followed by a may be influenced by the lower solid content of the fruit
separation and a dilution in hexane, finally measuring ab- after 30 min. Their results showed that water loss increased
sorbance at 470 nm. Some precautions against pigment with time only when a 70° Brix osmotic solution was
degradation or alteration were taken, such as protection employed, which is consistent with the greater osmotic
from light and high temperatures, and the use of a short pressure gradient of the system.
analysis time. Total carotenoids were expressed as lg per g In the ultrasonic-assisted osmotic dehydration (Table 1),
of dry matter, and the percentage of loss was calculated, the fruit gained solids from the medium and lost water to
taking into account the initial content of carotenoids in raw the solution. Fernandes et al. [19, 20] and Rodrigues et al.
papaya. All analysis was carried out in triplicate, and the [41, 42] observed that a high osmotic pressure, as when an
results were reported as an average (error less than 0.5 %). osmotic solution of 50° Brix is employed, increases the rate
of cell breakdown, which combined to the sponge effect of
ultrasound may ease mass transfer from the osmotic solu-
Results and Discussion tion toward the fruit, increasing the incorporation of sugar
by the fruit.
Ultrasonic Pretreatment The water loss from the fruit was already expected,
since the use of a hypertonic solution tends to increase the
The effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on water loss (WL) mass transfer of water from the fruit to the osmotic solution
and solid gain (SG) is presented in Table 1. Tukey test due to the high concentration gradient.
showed that both water loss and solid gain were statisti-
cally different among the treatments. Drying Characteristics
During ultrasound in distilled water, the loss of solids
increased as immersion time was increased. Similar results For comparison reasons, the dimensionless moisture con-
were found by [5] in the ultrasonic pretreatment of banana. tent was calculated (up to the dynamic equilibrium point)
This was expected due to the concentration gradient, which and its change during drying is presented in Fig. 1. As
favors a mass transfer of solids from the fruit to the liquid expected, the moisture content decreased with drying time
medium. As observed by [35] for malay apple, this was an and followed an exponential decay.
interesting result since the ultrasound pretreatment with The mathematical modeling of the drying experimental
distilled water showed to be a process that lowers the data using Eq. (1) for fresh and pretreated papaya is also
amount of soluble solids of the fruit, specially sugars and shown in Fig. 1. Table 2 shows Page’s parameters for the
that low sugar content fruit could be used in several papaya samples. It can be seen that the k parameter de-
foodstuffs directed to consumers interested in products creased when any osmotic pre-step was involved, while the
with low sugar content. n parameter had an inverse behavior (except for the 30 min
The fruit submitted to ultrasound in distilled water also ultrasound/osmotic pretreated sample). Abano et al. [1]
showed a water loss rather than a water gain which could observed for carrots that the k parameter was fairly con-
be expected if only the mass transfer is considered. How- stant for the control and ultrasound pretreated samples and
ever, ultrasound application causes a series of rapid alter- that the n parameter was higher for those pretreated sam-
native compressions and expansion which can expel water ples. Azzouz et al. [6] concluded that n was a function of

Table 1 Water loss (WL), Operating condition Treatment time (min) WL (%) SG (%) X (%)
solids gain (SG) and moisture
content (X) after ultrasound Ultrasound (distilled water) 10 12.31 ± 0.46 0.97 ± 0.07 87.33 ± 0.39
20 9.98 ± 1.10 -1.67 ± 0.46 88.35 ± 0.44
30 6.77 ± 1.55 -2.28 ± 0.29 89.49 ± 0.42
Ultrasound (sucrose solution) 10 7.69 ± 0.24 1.68 ± 0.03 88.21 ± 0.31
20 8.98 ± 1.31 1.01 ± 0.18 87.15 ± 0.20
30 11.45 ± 0.91 4.44 ± 0.29 82.03 ± 0.51

Food Eng Rev

(a) The agreement between the prediction and measured

1.0 Ultrasound 10 min- experimental values of Page model is good and this shows the suitability
Ultrasound 10 min- Page model of the model, which has been used to accurately simulate
Ultrasound 20 min- experimental
0.8 Ultrasound 20 min- Page model the drying curves of papaya [14], kiwi [48], cashew apple
Ultrasound 30 min- experimental
Ultrasound 30 min- Page model [4], litchi [23], among others.

Fresh- experimental
0.6 Fresh- Page model Fick’s parameters for fresh and pretreated papaya are
OD- experimental
OD- Page model shown in Table 3. The effective diffusivities of water
0.4 calculated using dimensionless moisture ratio (Eq. (3) for
the first 11 terms of the series) were significantly different
0.2 (p \ 0.05) among samples (except between samples im-
mersed in the osmotic solution and submitted to ultrasonic
0.0 waves for 10 and 30 min). Diffusivity was higher when the
0 20 40 60 80 100 papaya was pretreated in distilled water under ultrasonic
t (min) waves. This phenomenon happens due to the process of
(b) formation of micro-channels during application of ultra-
1.0 Ultrasound-OD 10 min- experimental sound and water could use the microscopic channels as an
Ultrasound-OD 10 min- Page model
Ultrasound-OD 20 min- experimental easier pathway to diffuse toward the surface of the fruit,
Ultrasound-OD 20 min- Page model
0.8 Ultrasound-OD 30 min- experimental contributing to the higher water diffusivity, as observed by
Ultrasound-OD 30 min- Page model [18]. These authors verified in microscopic images that the
Fresh- experimental

0.6 Fresh- Page model micro-channels were formed by the elongation and flat-
OD- experimental
OD- Page model tering of cell in some regions of the melons submitted to
0.4 ultrasound and that no cell breakdown was observed in the
It was observed that the water diffusivity of papaya
submitted to ultrasonic waves in distilled water decreased
in the first 10 min and then increased afterward. Similar
0 20 40 60 80 100 trend was observed by [17] for banana.
t (min) The physical and chemical changes in the fruit slices
during osmosis caused differences in drying rates. Pre-
Fig. 1 Modelling of drying kinetics using Page’s model for: a fresh,
ultrasonic in distilled water; b fresh, ultrasonic-assisted osmotic treating papayas using osmotic dehydration resulted in a
dehydration in sucrose solution and osmotic (OD) pretreated papaya water effective diffusivity of 1.21 9 10-9 m2 s-1, which
was lower than the water diffusivity of the fresh fruit
(2.78 9 10-9 m2 s-1). Moisture is bound within the solid
Table 2 Page’s equation parameters and statistical results for fresh,
matrix in many ways (capillaries, physico-chemical bond-
pretreated with ultrasound in distilled water for 10 min (U10), 20 min
(U20) and 30 min (U30), ultrasound in sucrose solution for 10 min ing to the solid constituents). Hence, the observed
(OD-U10), 20 min (OD-U20) and 30 min (OD-U30) and osmotically
dehydrated samples (OD)
Table 3 Fick’s equation parameters and statistical results for fresh,
Sample k n R2 p (%) pretreated with ultrasound in distilled water for 10 min (U10), 20 min
(U20) and 30 min (U30), ultrasound in sucrose solution for 10 min
Fresh 0.0241 0.5910 0.9998 11.1404
(OD-U10), 20 min (OD-U20) and 30 min (OD-U30) and osmotically
U10 0.0408 0.5128 0.9999 3.1004 dehydrated samples (OD)
U20 0.0373 0.5545 0.9998 11.7137
Sample Deff 9 109 (m2 s-1) R2 p (%)
U30 0.0529 0.5173 0.9999 12.6716
OD 0.0032 0.7796 0.9999 3.8857 Fresh 2.7824 0.9921 44.9474
OD-U10 0.0183 0.5969 0.9998 4.3258 U10 2.6169 0.9846 47.4727
OD-U20 0.0145 0.6429 0.9998 7.2468 U20 3.6201 0.9944 55.3241
OD-U30 0.0240 0.5763 0.9992 14.3775 U30 4.0757 0.9947 60.2536
OD 1.2075 0.9991 79.6633
OD-U10 2.3281 0.9874 43.9022
air velocity and initial moisture content, while k was a
OD-U20 2.2974 0.9932 33.4544
function of air temperature and initial moisture content of
OD-U30 2.3281 0.9873 38.6921

Food Eng Rev

differences in drying rates may be related to the solute Table 4 Dried papaya car- Sample CL (%)
uptake that occurs in the osmotic process (solids gain was otenoid loss (CL) for fresh,
pretreated with ultrasound in Fresh 76.35
around 11 %), which resulted in an increased internal re-
distilled water for 10 min
sistance to mass transfer, as observed by [40] for pineapple, U10 60.24
(U10), 20 min (U20) and
by [25] for apple, by [4] for cashew apple. 30 min (U30), ultrasound in U20 63.11
The water effective diffusivity of osmotic pretreated sucrose solution for 10 min U30 69.62
(OD-U10), 20 min (OD-U20) OD 42.57
samples increased when they were submitted to ultrasonic
and 30 min (OD-U30) and os-
waves; however, it was still lower than the effective motically dehydrated samples OD-U10 44.24
diffusivity obtained with the ultrasonic process carried out (OD) OD-U20 35.11
with distilled water. [35] observed that the ultrasonic OD-U30 54.35
pretreatment of malay apple using an osmotic solution of
50° Brix also reduced the water effective diffusivity if
dried guavas samples without osmotic pretreatment showed
compared to the fresh fruit with no pretreatment, which
a more pronounced carotenoid degradation, probably due
was caused by the saturation of the surface of the fruit
to cellular tissue damage and increased exposure to oxy-
with sucrose, creating an extra resistance for mass
gen, which resulted in pigment degradation, while the os-
motically pretreated sample had a formation of a sugar
Comparison of diffusivities reported in the literature is
barrier layer at the product surface, limiting the contact
difficult because of the different estimation methods and
between the fruit and the oxygen, reducing carotenoid
models employed together with the variation in food
oxidation, as previously observed by [47].
composition and physical structure and experimental
For the samples immersed in distilled water and sub-
methodology. However, the obtained effective diffusivity
mitted to ultrasonic waves, the carotenoid loss was lower
values were in the same range as those reported in the
than the untreated samples, but higher than when the fruit
literature for banana [7, 17, 34] without considering
was immersed in sucrose solution. In this case, there was
shrinkage. However, analyzing Table 3, Fick’s model
no sugar barrier formed to prevent oxidation and, conse-
without shrinkage showed a bad fit, what can be attributed
quently, drying time has gained importance. The time re-
to the fact that moisture transfer during drying of food
quired to obtain the desired final moisture of 25 % (wet
generally does not satisfy the assumed simplifications in
basis), according to Brazilian Legislation for dried fruits,
the solution of the Fick’s second law: the food product has
decreased for the samples pretreated in ultrasound in dis-
a heterogeneous cellular structure; mass transfer is not
tilled water, causing the reduction of the product exposure
unidirectional; diffusion can occur under several mechan-
to the air, and thus, the lower carotenoid losses than the
isms; product temperature increases during drying; and
untreated papaya.
product shrinkage is observed.
The ultrasound application for drying therefore offer a
distinct advantage, as this will optimize processing time, Conclusion
reducing drying time and costs, and ultimately increasing
overall productivity, as observed by [1, 5, 18, 20] for ul- Osmosed samples had lower drying rates, requiring more
trasonic-assisted drying of melon, pineapple, banana and time to reach the same final moisture content as fresh and
carrot. ultrasound pretreated papaya, due to the higher solute up-
take during osmotic dehydration. However, those samples
Total Carotenoids Loss had the lower carotenoid loss. The agreement between the
predicted and experimental data of papaya for the Page
Carotenoids present in fresh tissue are very stable. How- model was good. Page model can be used to assess the
ever, when those products are processed, carotenoids drying behavior of the fruit. The water effective diffusivity,
become very unstable by the action of heat, light and which varied from 1.21 to 4.08 9 10-9 m2 s-1, increased
oxygen. Table 4 shows the carotenoid loss (CL) for fresh when the ultrasound stage was applied. The ultrasound
and pretreated dried papaya samples. ANOVA and Tukey application represents an interesting alternative to tradi-
test were carried out to compare the results and showed tional convective drying by shortening drying time, which
that statistical difference (p \ 0.05) exists between the may involve an energy saving concerning industrial
treatments. applications.
The pretreatment samples showed lower carotenoid loss
than the untreated ones, mainly when osmotic dehydration Acknowledgments The authors gratefully the financial aid of
was involved. Sanjinez-Argadoña et al. [45] reported that FACEPE (State of Pernambuco Science and Technology Foundation).

Food Eng Rev

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