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1. Mention a Work environment problem that does not have clear OEL in the provisions. Give a
reason why and the challenges in measurement


There are no OELs for microorganisms (Guiding values available for endotoxins)

Possible Reasons:

1. Huge number of species!

 e.g. mould

 approx. 300 000 species

 e.g. Aspergillus spp. Approx.500 species

1. The composition and formation of metabolites vary…

 E.g. over time, due to access to water, season, substrate on which microorganisms grow,
competition with other species, …

Challenges in measurement:

1. The identification methods are subjective 

2. Cognitive methods are used to identify presence of microorganisms which are not reliable
[ Example:

 Smell of mould is a sign? But most moulds do not smell.

 The colour of the mould is not a reliable indicator of risk.

 Ocular control (= looking) is not reliable ]

1. Measurement methods are qualitative than quantitative

2. Influenced by sampling strategy [For instance, many current measurements are based on
either dust samples (floor or elevated settled dust), which may not adequately represent
inhalation exposures, or brief grab samples of air, which poorly represent air concentrations
over time.]

1. What does REACH stand for? Discuss a few goals/rules REACH  focuses on. 
Answer: REACH (registration, evaluation, authorisation, restriction)

 Registration of Chemical Substances (> 1 ton per year) information about health and
environmental hazards and risks

 Industry (Producers and Importers) are responsible for assessing and managing the risks
posed by chemicals and proving appropriate safety information to their users)

 Management of the technical, scientific and administrative by the European Chemical

Agency (ECHA)

 ”Downstream users”, companies that use the chemicals, have a duty to use the substances
safely according to the risk management information. Also to inform if they use the
substance differently to documentation

 Safety data sheets – information of the hazards that a substance or preparation may pose –
provided by the manufacturer or supplier

 Permits for special dangerous substances

 Candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) – replaced by less dangerous

Responsible authorities in Sweden: KEMI and AV

1. How should the measuring point/sample be chosen? Discuss the pros and cons of the
choice. (Lecture- Day2_3 Measurement of hazardous susbstances)

The selection of measuring points depend on the aim of the measurement

Aim of the measurement,

 what type of samples (personal/stationary)

 how many samples

 sampling time

 place of measurement/measuring points

 who should be monitored

 when and duration

Pros and cons : Assume an example case like CO2 measurement,

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