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Bahir Dar University

College of business and economics

Post graduate program
Master of business administration (regular)
The assessment of traninig and development practices in case of kokeb paint and marble
industry bahir dar branch.
A mini research paper submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the course
management theory and practice
Prepared by: name
1. Addisu masresha BDU
2. Tilahun aklile BDU
3. Mekuanint fentie
4. Senait tamir
5. Ethun tadese
6. Yohanes getnet

Submitied to E. (Ph.D.)
March, 2013

On doing our mini research work, many people contribute significantly by advising how the
framework of the paper should be look like, what kind of data collection tools are suitable for the
topic under studied, and the nature of questions to be used. From here, it is mandatory to mention
the valuable assistance of our instructor Getnet Almaw (Assi. Prof) who thoroughly guided us.
In addition, we would like to thank Ato Solomon Etana, who is human recourse manager of
kokeb industries, for his willingness to be interviewed as well as for his valid information that he
gave for us.

The aim of this study was to assess training and development practice in case of kokeb paint
and marble industry Bahir Dar branch. To grow and thrive in competitive environment,
organizations like Kokeb paint and marble industry requires making a decision choosing
appropriate training and development strategies to capitalize its human resources. Training and
development are a tool to capitalize its human resources. The study design was descriptive,
research applies qualitative research method, both primary data and secondary data was
collected to meet the objective of the study. Semi structured questionnaires were distributed
to respondents to collect primary data. Secondary data was collected using the industry’s
manual, and document, the data was analyzed using frequency table and qualitative method.
The major findings of the study are the industry doesn’t conduct training need assessment
properly, trainee selected by performance for training and development and there is no proper
evaluation of training programs in the industry. From this finding we can conclude that training
needs assessment of the industry did not identify the gaps properly, the trainee selection in
Kokeb paint and marble industry is exposed to some bias, the industry not use the evaluation
method properly. Finally, we would like to recommend that the industry should improve training
need gap assessment, selection of trainee criteria should be designed and communicated to
employees and should employee training evaluation program and practice it.

Table of Contents

1.1. Background of the Study
Organization as a system uses different types of resources including material, information,
finance and human resources. Among these resources human resources is the most important that
helps the organization to meet its goal (Mathis, 1997).
Now a days to grow and thrive in competitive environment, organization requires making a
decision choosing appropriate training and development strategies to capitalizes its human
resources. Employees are not only the most important resources of firm also these are among the
most expensive and same time problematic (Mathis, 1997).
Training and development are one of the functions of human resource management in an
organization and it helps employees do their jobs effectively and efficiently. The main objective
of training and development is to enable employees to acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities and
attitudes necessary to enable them to improve their performances (Porkodi. S&UzmaJahan,

Modern organizations are expected to provide development opportunities to employees without

regard to their sex race, ethnic background or age, so that they have equal opportunity for
advancement. In this climate, organizations must understand developments relationship to
training and development. Training is acquisition of knowledge, skill and knowledge that result
to specific useful comment is the heart of a continuous effort designed to improve employee’s
competency and organization performance.
Development involves learning that goes beyond today’s job and has a more long-term faces.
Development is the long-term process of enhancing employee’s capacities and motivation to
make them valuable future members of the organization development include not only training
but also cares and others expires (Georget, Milkovich & Tehnw, Boudeay, 1997).

An effective training program leads to an improvement in the quality of services, improve
organizational success and reduce employee turnover, well trained employees reduce the
occurrence of accident in job and they become more eligible for promotion, an asset for the
organization, improves efficiency and productivity, there is less wastage of time, money and
resources. (James Watta and Daniel 2014) In Botswana the study finding show that effective
training has a positive relation to the individuals and the organization job performance,
encourages team work, boosts the morale of employees and leads to job satisfaction (Henry
Ongori, and Jennifer Ch, 2011).
1.3. Research Question
This study will answer the following questions
1. How is training and development need assessment made?
2. What is the training methodologies used in the industry?
3. What criteria are used in selecting trainees?
4. How training is evaluated in Kokeb paint and marble industry?
5. What are the major problems encountered on training?
1.4. Objectives of the Study
1.4.1. General Objective
The main objective of this study is to assessing training and development practice on Kokeb
paint and marble industry Bahir dar branch.
1.4.2. Specific Objective
The specific objectives of the study are:
 To assess the training and development need identification.
 To identify the training method of the industry.
 To identify what criteria are used in selecting trainee.
 To assess training evaluation in Kokeb paint and marble industry.
 To know and give recommendation on encountered problems in the industry.
1.5. Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that, this study has the following significance as the result of this for the
researchers to gain experience, to provide information regarding the of training and development
for policy makers, managers and customers, the study is also an important document for those
researchers who want to make further study the area.

1.6. Scope of the Study
The study is conducted only in Kokeb paint and marble industry, Bahir dar branch, in Bahir
Dar city and the study have focus only on assessing training and development practices in the
targeted industry.
1.7 limitation of the study
Even though the researchers used there own maximum effort to make the study, the study faces
some limitation. Time constraints for data collection and analysis and carelessness of some
respondent are the main limitation of the study. And also corona virus limits our data gathering
1.8 organization of the Study
The study has four chapters. The first chapter is introductory part. In this chapter introduction to
the study, introduction to the organization, objective of the study, research question, significance
of the study limitation of the study, and organization of the paper are covered. The second
chapter is about literature review, the theoretical review and the empirical review of the study are
the main content in this chapter. The third chapter is about research method. In this chapter
research design, source of data, population and sampling technique, survey instrument, and
method of data analysis are discussed in detail. The last chapter, chapter four covers the major
findings and way of forward.

Review of Related Literature
2.1 Theoretical reviews
Training and Development Definitions
We can find many definitions of training and development according to Gulick (1999). Training
is systematic process of altering the behavior knowledge, and or motivation of employees in
direction to increase to increase organization goal achievements development is the process by
which or remain successful leader in their enterprise.
According to Megginson (2003) training involves learning specific, detailed and routine skill and
techniques, development is the systematic process of education, training and growing by which a
person learns and applies information, knowledge, skill, attitudes and perceptions.
According to Gomez- Mejia, Balkin and Gardy (1995) training focuses on providing employees
with specific skill or helping them to correct deficiencies in their performance. Development is
an effort to provide employee with the abilities that the organization will need in the future.
According to Mathis (1997). Training process whereby people acquire skill or knowledge to aid
in the achievement of goals.
Training versus Development
Although training is often used in conjunction with development the terms are not synonymous.
In training the focus is solely on the current job in development the focus in both current job and
that employees will hold in the future. The scope of training is an individual employee while the
scup development is one the entire work group or organization.
That is training is job specific and addresses particular performance deficits or problems, while
development concerned with the work force’s skills and versatility. Training fends to focus on
mediate organization needs, while development tends to focus on long term requirements.
The goal of training is fairly quick improvement in workers performance while the goal or
development is the overall enrichment of the organization human resources by preparing
employees for future work demands. Training strongly influences present performance levels,

while development pays off in term capable and flexible human resources in the long run
(Gomez-Mejia, David B, Balkin, RoberyL. Cardy, 2004).
Training Employees
Training involves the employees acquiring skills or learning concept to increase his or her
performance. Generally, the new employee’s manager has primary responsibility for training in
how to perform the department. Regardless the quality of these initial training can prettily
influence the employees job attitude and productivity. Economically, socially technologically
and governmentally changes also inference the skill an organization short time. Also planned
organizational changes and expansions can make it necessary for employees to up data their skill
or acquired new ones. (Denlsl, Griffin, 2001).
Training Needs Assessment
Training must be direct to word the accomplishment of the organizational objectives such as
more efficient production methods, improved quality of product or service or reduce operating
costs. This means an organization should commit its resources only to those training activities
that can be best helping in achieving its objectives (Leslie W, rise and loyd 2009)
Need assessment measure that competency of the accompany group or an in dividable as they
relate to what is required in the strategic plan. It is necessary to find out what is happing and
what should be happening before deciding if training will help and if it will help what kind is
Need assessment is a systematic analysis of specific training activities a business requires to
achieve its objectives. In general, a need assessment can be conducted in to three ways.
I. Organizational Analysis
Organizational analysis examines such as brood factors as the organization culture mission
business calibrate long and short-term goals and structure. Its purpose is to identify both over all
organizational needs and the level of support for training that exist in the organization perhaps
the organization lacks the resources organization’s strategy emphasizes innovations.
II. Person Analysis
Person analysis determined which employees need training by examining how well employees
are caning out the takes make up their jobs. (Gomez 1999).
III. Task Analysis

Task analysis the process of identifying the task knowledge skill and behaviors that need to be
emphasizing in training (Wright 2000).
Setting Training Objectives
Training consists of planned programs designed to improve performance at the individuals’
group, and organization level. Improved performance in turn implies that there have been
measurable chances in knowledge skills, attitudes and social behavior (Cascio, 2004), objectives
for training can set in any area by using one of the following four dimensions.
- Quantity of work resulting (for example number of words per minute type or number of
applications processed par days.
- Quality of work offer training (for example dollar of rework, scrap loss or errors).
- Time lines of work offer training (for example, schedules met or budget reports turned in on
- Cost saving as a result of training (for example, deviation from budget, sales expanse or cost
down times.
Designing Training and Development Program
The actual design of program of course is the foundation to effective training and development
without solid and relevant content training and development efforts are pointless. Selecting the
most appropriate in structures completes the process (Denis Griffin 2001)
There are three primary considerations when designing training
Learner’s Readiness
For training to be successful, learners must be ready to learn learner readiness means individual
having the ability to learn, which many people have however if effective learning is to occur
individual must also have the motivation to learn and self-efficacy.
Learning Styles
In deigning training interventions, trainers also consider individual learning styles.
- Auditor learner best by listening to same one else tells them about the training content.
- Tactile learner must get their hands on the training resources and sue them.
- Visual learner’s thing in pictures and figures and need to see the purpose and process of the
Transfer of Training
Finally, trainers should design training for the highest possible transfer from the class to the job.

Transfer occurs when trainees actually use on the job what knowledge and information they
learned in training.
Selection of Trainees
In some case the selection of trainees who will participate in the program is obvious: the
program may have been designed for new employees, or to help reach equal employment
opportunity goals. In other program the purpose may be to help employees find jobs else when
layoffs are necessary, or to retain older employees whose skills may be obsolete. If formal
selection techniques are not used, quota, supervisors, nominations self-nominations, and
seniority rules may develop either unofficially or officially as selection mechanism for the
programs. (Daniel, R. Giibert.JR, 2006)
Training Methods
Training is one of the most important tools available to organizations. Management can make
use of management programs to enhance the achievement of organizational objectives. This is
possible by developing the skills and competencies of their employees for the purpose of
improving performance.
There are a variety of training methods that are available and that can be used by training
agencies and organizations.
 On the job training
 Off the job training
 Vestibule training

On the Job Training

On the job training method taxes place in a normal working situation using the actual tools,
equipment, document or materials that trainee will use when fully trained on the job training has
a general reputation most effective for vocational work.
More over this method of training has the following advantages
- The trainee is motivated and immediately is productive and gates experience on the actual
equipment and materials.
- It is less costly
- The transform of training to job is maximum
- Multi skilling is possible (Reward, freeman)

- On the job training is the training that taxes place is centered on the job.

Off the Job Training

Of the job training method takes place away from normal work situation implying that the
employee does not count as a directly productive worker where such training takes place. Also,
it involves employee training at a sire away from the actual work environment (Glueck, 1982).
Vestibule Training
Vestibule training is a term for near the job training as it offers access to something new
(learning). Vestibule training is a form of inters educations held in proximity to the actual work
environment. The training focuses primarily on learn specific skill that enables employees to
perform the present job better.

Evaluation of Training and Development

Evaluation is the final phase of the training and development program. It is a means to verify the
success of the program, i.e. whether employees in the program do the jobs for which they have
been trained. As Ahuja (1988) noted, the concept of evaluation is most commonly interpreted in
determining the effectiveness of a program in relation to its objectives. Human resource
development is an investment in people. The major reason why management invests in training
and development program is to help employee to perform better in the achievement of
organizational objectives. Hence, evaluation is a means to assess the cost/benefit of the program
to the organization. However, as Milkovich and Boudreau (1991) noted, evaluation is like
brushing your teeth after every meal everyone advocates it but few actually do it. Evaluation can
be done for various purposes. It may be done:
- To increase effectiveness of the program while it is going on.
- To increase the effectiveness of the program to be held next time.
- To help participants to get feedback for their improvement and efficiency.
- To find out to what extent the objectives are achieved (Ahuja, 1988).

In evaluating the worth of specific programs, sets of measurement criteria should be identified.
These, according to writers in the area, are:
1. Reaction
What did the participant think about the program? Participants react to the learning
experience by forming opinion and attitude about the instructor, the methodology,
participation in the learning session and how well he liked the program.
2. Learning
Did the participant learn what was intended? Learning evaluation requires the
measurement of what participant has learned as a result of his/her training i.e. the new
knowledge and skill he/she has acquired or the change in attitude.
3. Job behaviors
Did the learning transfer to the job? Job behavior evaluation is concerned with
measuring the extent to which participant has applied his/her learning back on the job.
4. Organizational impact
Has the training helped organizational performance? This evaluation attempts to
measure the effect of change in the job behavior of the trained employees on the
functioning of the organization and the behavior of another employee. The changes may
be ascertained in such terms as improvements in service delivery, productivity or
reduction in costs.
5. Ultimate Value
Has the training affected the ultimate well-being of the organization? Here evaluation
aims to measure how the organization as a whole has benefited from the training in terms
of goal achievement, survival or growth.
To measure the effect of human resource development program using the criteria mentioned
above requires using data gathering method such as questionnaire, interview and observation.
Other measures like management audit, survey, analysis of record and performance data, expert
opinion, test and the like can be used to collect evaluation information (EMI, ).
In sum, human resource development to be useful to both the organization and the employee the
management concerned should:
- Properly assess needs
- Formulate clear objectives

- Design program to meet the needs and to attain objectives
- Conduct cost/benefit evaluation
If the training and development shaped the employees in such a way as to fit the job
requirements, then it can be concluded that organizations have achieved their objectives and in
turn they have also justified the investment made in human resource.

2.2. Empirical review

According to Neelam Tahir, Israr Khan, Yousafzai, Dr. Shahid Jan, and Muhammad Hashim,
(2014) “The Impact of Training and Development on Employees Performance and Productivity”
conducted in Pakistan United Bank Limited Peshawar City, The goal was to see whether
Training and Development has an impact on Employees Performance and Productivity. The data
were primary data collected through questioners. There were two variable Training and
Development (Independent) and Employees’ performance and productivity (Dependent). Eight
united banks limited were selected for the study. Eighty questionnaires were distributed for the
collection of data. Descriptive statistic tools SPSS were applied on the questionnaire to see the
reliability and consistency. The result showed that there was significant relationship between the
variables, Training and Development and Employees’ performance and productivity. (Neelam
Tahir, Israr Khan, Yousafzai, Dr. Shahid Jan, and Muhammad Hashim. 2014)
A conceptual study conducted by Khawaja Jehanzeb and Dr. Nadeem Ahmed Bashir “Training
and Development Program and its Benefits to Employee and Organizations”. Conclude that
training leads to important benefits for individuals’ and organizations. The study also implied
that, if organizations are capable to support all employees in meeting their requirements then
both, employees and organizations will get the long term benefits. It is also very important for
the organizations to timely evaluate the success of employee training and development program.
(Khawaja Jehanzeb & Dr. Nadeem Ahmed Bashir 2013)
Organization effectiveness largely depends on the ability to acquire effective and efficient use of
existing work forces, to achieve the organization their need and overall objectives provides
training and development to employees, training is a learning process that is organized in a
systematic way to equip an employee with the knowledge, skills and attitude required to carry
out his tasks and to improve his current work performance as well as effectiveness
(KhulidaKirana, 2009, P.84).

According to Muhammad Imran and Aiman Tanveer, training and development have positively
impacting the employees’ performance in the banks of Pakistan. (Muhammad Imran & Aiman
Tanveer 2015, pp.22-44,)
“Impact of Training and Development of Employees on Employee Performance through Job
Satisfaction” conducted by Mohsin Ayaz , Raja Muhammad Waseem, and Moazzam Ijaz in
case of telecom sector in Pakistan with aim of investigating The impact of training and
development on employees’ performance and job satisfaction. The study takes 115 samples and
distributes a questionnaire. The study concludes that Training and development will lead to
higher job satisfaction level in employees and they will fulfill their duties with a great deal of
responsibility with best performance. (Mohsin Ayaz , Raja Muhammad Waseem & Moazzam
Ijaz 2016).
“The impact of training and development on employees’ performance” an analysis of
quantitative data conducted by Mobarak Karim, Musfiq M. Choudhury and Wasib Bin Latif, The
study suggested that training and development of all staff should be dynamically followed and
made obligatory and the employer should give compulsory training programs for all employees
in order to improve performance. The study decided that there is need for continuous training
and development taking into deliberation the opposition, market dynamics, customer satisfaction,
and net promoter score among others. (Mobarak Karim, Musfiq M. Choudhury & Wasib Bin
Latif 2019).
Gap; even if training and development is a very causal tool to empower the human resource of
the organization and they have direct relation with the employee performance and organizational
performance, organizations left them on side to implement in real business situation. Our aim is
to assess the training and development practice in case of Kokeb paint and marble industry.

Research Methodology
3.1. Research Design
The research design is descriptive, so as to assess and evaluate training and development
practices of kokeb paint and marble industry in Bahir Dar branch. This type of research design
helps to portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group. In
this case our approach for research design is descriptive.
3.2 Target Population
The target population in this area is the employees of kokeb paint and marble industry in Bahir
dar branch. Due to lack of time and budget the study was only include paint and marble plant
employees of the industry. We have taken the random sample of 28 from the total population of
paint and marble plant employee which is 162 in number
3.3 data Source and method of data collection
The researchers used both primary and secondary data sources, Primary data were collected from
semi structured questionnaire. Secondary data obtained from related literature, evaluation of
similar studies, scholarly written article review journals, books, training manuals etc.
3.4. Method of Data Analysis
After the required data are collected from the primary sources it was analyzed through qualitative
data analysis methods. Data collected edited, coded and categorized based on different
characteristics then, properly tabulated based on the research questions. Descriptive statistics
helps to describe the general level of agreement of respondents. It reveals the conformity of
respondents’ attitude about the training and development practice in kokeb paint and marble
industry. And Tables and percentages were also used to ensure easily understanding of the
analysis. Finally, the result of statistical analysis was summarized, tabulated and interpreted

Data analysis, interpretation, and way of forward

This chapter contains data analysis, interpretation and way of forward. 28 questionnaires were
distributed for the selected sample however 22 of questionnaire appropriately filled and returned
or 78.57% of the questionnaire were returned. The remaining 6 questionnaires were uncollected
or 21.43% of the questionnaire is uncollected.
4.1 background of respondents
Table 4.1: personal information
Item Number of respondents Percentage
Sex Male 17 77.28
Female` 5 22.72
Total 22 100
Age 18-21 0 0
22-35 9 40.9
36-50 13 59.1
Above 51 0 0
Total 22 100
Educational back Certificate 0 0
ground Diploma 2 9.09
Degree 19 86.36
Master and above 1 4.54
Total 22 100
Years of service <2years 4 18.18
2-6years 12 54.54
7-11years 6 27.27
12-16years 0 0
16 and above 0 0
Total 22 100
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021

As can be seen from table 4.1 majority 17 (77.28%) employees were males, while 5 (22.28%)
employees were females. This shows that the majority of Kokeb paint and marble industry are
males. Concerning the age respondents’ majority 13 (59.1%) respondents were between 21-35
years, whereas 9 (40.9%) employees found between 36-50 years. No respondents were between
the age 18-21 and above 51years. With regard to the educational back ground majority of 19
(86.36%) respondents have degree, 2(9.09%) respondents have diploma. The remaining
1(4.54%) have master’s degree. This implies that majority of the respondents were have degree.
Concerning years’ service almost employees 12(54.54%) were 2-6 years of service, some
6(27.27%) of them were between 7-11 years’ service. And the rest 4(18.18%) of these Kokeb
paint and marble industry employees were less than 2 years of service. No respondents were
greater than 11-16 years and above 17years of services. This shows that the majority of the
respondents have 2-6 year experience.
Table 4.2: Number of employees who take training and training method used to train
Item Number of respondents Percentage
Have your taken Yes 20 90.91
training in Kokeb
No 2 9.09
paint and marble
Total 22 100
Which of training On the job 9 45
method have you Off the job 3 15
take? Both 8 40
Total 20 100
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
Table 4.2 majority 20(90.91%) respondents taken training in Kokeb paint and marble industry
and 2(9.09%) respondents do not take training. The respondents those answer is yes (employees
take training) also asked training method used in their industry. As employee’s response 9(45%)
on the job training, 3(15%) employees of off the job training and 8(40%) employees took both
type of training methods. This shows that the industry mainly gives on the job training. The
employee also asked what is the reason that the industry chose on the job, off the job or both
method. The employee takes on the job training said the reasons are:

 To know the actual work flow
 To easily master the work
 To see the work practical (to be practical)
 To use our time effectively
Employee those take both on the job and off the job training method answer: to minimize time,
risk, cost and also improve employee performance in a short time.
The employee those take off the job training method said the reason is that;
 To minimize the risk during training
 To train employee with risk free environment
Table 4.3: training and development needs assessment.
Item Alternative frequency Percentage
How are training and Customer complaint 4 16
development needs gap Requirement of job 10 40
identified in your industry Skills and knowledge 8 32
(chose more than one option is Employees performance 3 12
possible) Total 25 100

table 4.3 indicates 4(16%) employees answered training needs identified by customer compliant
10(40%) employees training need identified by requirement of the job 8(32%) of employee need
identified by skill and knowledge of employees and 3(11.64%) respondent that training needs
identified by employee’s performance. This shows that the industry identifies training and
development need by requirement job with employee skills and knowledge.
Table 4.4: training need assessment
Item Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
F % F % F % f % F %
Kokeb paint and marble 1 4.54 10 45.45 3 13.64 7 3.82 1 4.54

industry conduct formal
training need assessment.
Training program are 1 4.54 40.9 13.64 7 31.82 3 13.64 2 9.09
designed 1
and developed based on
analysis of employee skill,
Knowledge and attitude
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
Table 4.3 Kokeb paint and marble industry conduct formal training need assessment properly,
majority 10(45.45%) of the respondents disagree to this statement, 7(31.82%)of the respondents
are agreed, 3(13.64%) of the respondents are remains neutral, 1(4.45%) of the respondent are
strongly disagree and the remaining 1(4.45%) of the respondents are also strongly agreed about
that the training needs assessment conducted properly in the organizations. Employee response
on organizations training program are designed and developed bases on the analysis of
employee’s skill, knowledge, and attitude gaps? from the total respondents 9(40.09%) of them
disagree with the statements, 7(31.82%) of them do have no opinion or remained
neutral,3(13.64%) of them agree 2(9.09%) are strongly agree and the remaining 1(4.45%) of
them are strongly disagreed on the statements. This shows Kokeb paint and marble industry do
not conduct training need assessment properly and the program dose not develop on the base of
employee skill, knowledge and attitude gap.

Table 4.5: Trainee’s selection

Item Alternatives Frequency Percentage
What are the criterions Performance 15 57.69
for selection of trainee? Experience 7 26.92
(you can choose more Education 4 15.38
than one option). Total 26 100
Who is responsible for Supervisor 11 39.28

selection of trainees in Employee 3 10.72
your department? initiation
Training center 14 50
Total 28 100

Item Strongly Disagree neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree
F F F f F
Trainees are recruited 2 9.09 5 22.73 11 50 2 9.09 1 4.45
without bias.
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
Table 4.4 the respondents asked the criteria that they were selected. From the respondents
15(57.69%) employees were selected based on performance, 7(26.92%) of employees were
selected based on experience and education 4(15.38%) other like random selection. Here we can
conclude that the employees were mostly selected based on performance for training and
development program.
The second item, the respondents were asked who select them for training as per their response
11(39.28%) of Kokeb paint and marble industry employees were selected by supervisor. In
Kokeb paint and marble industry employee 14(50%) were selected by training center, 3(10.72%)
of the respondent by their initiation manager. This shows that the industry mostly selects trainees
by training and development center.
Table 4.5, item three shows that the majority respondents 11(50%) are neutral, 5(22.73%) of
respondents disagree about the organizations selects trainees without bias,2(9.09%) of the
respondents agrees with the above statements, 2(9.09%) strongly disagree and the remaining
1(4.45%) of the respondents strongly agree. This analysis shows that there is gap of information
or no clear selection method used in Kokeb paint and marble industry to select trainees.

Table 4.6: Training objectives and benefits
Item Alternative Frequency Percentage
What do you To familiarize employees with new 13 46.43
think about system
the objectives To improve basic skill of employees 11 39.28
of training To improve moral and satisfaction 4 14.29
progoram? Total 28 100
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
The first item of table 4.5 shows the respondents view about objectives of training. Accordingly,
about 13(46.43%) employees said that the objective of training program that they had
participated were to familiarize employees with new system, procedures and method of work and
11(39.28%) of employees said that objectives of training program was to improve basic skills.
4(14.29%) of the respondent said to improve moral and satisfaction and to facilitate promotion.
This shows that the more the objectives of training program are to familiarize employees with
new system, method and to improve basic skills of employees. For more clarification the
researchers going to analysis the document related to the objective of training accessed in Kokeb
paint and marble industry. Based on the document the objective of training is to familiarize
employee with the new system and to adapt fresh employee with his job.
Table4.7: after taking training
Item Alternative Number of respondents Percentage
Have you realized any change Yes 20 100
on your performance after No 0 0
taking training? Total 20 100
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
Table 4.7 20(100%) of the respondents also asked their performance after taking training. The
greater portion of employees 20(100%) of respond that they were realized employees change on
their performance after taking training. No one of the total respondent said “No” this tell us that
the at least all of the participant gain some change on their performance after taking training.
Table 4.8; training and development evaluation
Item Alternative Frequency Percentage

Is there a practice of training Yes 8 36.36
and development evaluation No 14 63.64
in your industry? Total 22 100
On what base dose the Based on change 8 60
organization often evaluate? in behaver
(you can choose more than Based on reaction 0 0
one option) Based on learning 0 0
Based on result 5 40
Total 13 100

Table 4.8; indicates from the total respondents the majority14 (63.64%) of them responded that
the industry has not a practice of evaluating training programs the opposite, as it is clearly stated
in the table 8(36.36%) of the respondents agreed that there is a there is a practice of evaluation of
training in their organization. This implies that the training evaluation method is not clear and
well understood by the employees.
The respondents who answer the question is there a practice training evaluation is” yes” also
asked on what base the industry evaluate training and development? from the total respondents
8(61.53%) employee said training evaluate based on change in behaver. The other 5(38.46%) of
employee answer training evaluate based on result or tangible result. No one of the employee
answer based on reaction and learning or what learned from the training.
Table 4.9; training and development evaluation
Item Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
F % F % f % f % F %

The organization tests 6 27.27 6 27.27 7 31.82 3 13.64 0 0

trainees before and after
the program.
The outcome of the 3 13.64 5 22.73 10 45.45 2 9.09 2 9.09
training evaluated each
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021

Table 4.9; item one the majority 7(31.81%) of the respondents are neutral that the evaluation of
training is done by testing the trainees before and after the program. 6(27.27%) of the
respondents strongly disagree, 6(27.27%) of the respondents also disagrees about the
statements,3(13.64) of the respondent agreed by the statement, and no one of responds answered
strongly agree. And also, on second item the respondents asked the outcome of the training
evaluated each time. The majority 10(45.45%) of the respondent is neutral or there is no opinion
regarding this question, 5(22.73%) of them disagreed ,3(13.64%) of strongly disagreed and the
remaining 2(9.09) of respondent agrees and 2(9.09) strongly agreed the outcomes of the training
evaluated each time. this implies that Kokeb paint and marble industry doesn’t test trainees after
and before the training program and do not evaluated training outcomes properly.
Table4.10: problems related to training and development.
Item Alternative frequency Percentage
What the problem do Lack of completed trainer 5 16.13
you observe in Lack of training material 10 32.26
training and Shortage of time 16 51.61
development Total 31 100
program? (Choosing
more than one option
is possible).
Source: Survey questionnaire, 2021
Table 4.10; indicates 5(16.13%) of respondent said that lack of completed trainers is the
problem of training, 10(32.26%) of respondents said that lack of training material is problem
encountered during training 16(51.61%) of respondent claimed that shortage of time is the
problem of training. this shows shortage of time is a major problem encountered n training and
development programs in Kokeb paint and marble industry.

finally, in the open ended question, respondents were asked to forward their comments regarding
the strengths and weaknesses of Kokeb paint and marble industry training and development
practices the majority of respondent’s states as a strengths of Kokeb paint and marble
industry are: -

 Kokeb paint and marble industry has its own separated departments (human resource
development) that facilitates training for all employees and prepares continues training

 Kokeb paint and marble industry has its own training centers to conduct training it
creates comfortable environments at the time of training; and
 Most of the times Kokeb paint and marble industry gives induction training for new
employees this practice help to new employees to have some highlights about the jobs
and work environments.
And also, the weaknesses of the Kokeb paint and marble industry are: -
 The organization not given training at the right time as a respondent they get training
after the problem faced.
 Most training are conducted without conducting proper time table.
 Training out comes not evaluated they focuses on only the training transfers or delivers to
 The training is not given timely.
 The selection of trainee is not clear.
 They focus on only training gives to the employees them not evaluated what is the
outcomes or changes that becomes after the training.

4.2 Conclusions
The aim of this study has been to assess training and development practice of Kokeb paint and
marble industry, in order to assess the existing training and development practice the study
emphasized on the five points of training. It includes training needs gap identification, training
method, trainee selection, training evaluation and the major problems concerning training
practice of the industry. Based on the entire study the following conclusion are drawn
Regarding Kokeb paint and marble industry Training needs assessment, it can be concluded that
to identify the training needs of employee’s is by using employee skill and knowledge and
requirement of job. Based on the results of analysis, training needs assessment methods of the
industry did not identify the gaps properly.
Regarding to training method, the industry used both on the job and of the job training according
to the training nature and employees need.
Regarding the selection of trainees of the training, trainees are selected by training center and the
recommendation of the branch supervisor this can infer that the practice of selecting the trainee
in Kokeb paint and marble industry is exposed to some bias of the supervisors.
Regarding to evaluation Even if there is the practice of the training in Kokeb paint and marble
industry but it’s not conducted properly therefore training evaluation practice of industry is not
satisfactory. This showed us that Kokeb paint and marble industry is not effective in evaluation
trainees after the training, and this implies Kokeb paint and marble industry not using the
evaluation method properly makes it makes difficult to differentiate the change in performance
of employees that was caused by the training.
Regarding to the problems encountered in the industry training and development program are
shortage of time and lack of training material are the major problem encountered in the industry
training and development practice.
Finally Employee’s perception regarding training and development practice of the organizations
according to the analysis the even if training help to increase skills, knowledge, it helps to
perform works effectively and efficiently, and increases confidence to performing work related
task Kokeb paint and marble industry not gives enough training that enables them to do their
works as required and effectively. And we can conclude that Kokeb paint and marble industry
training and development practice is not effective.

4.3 Recommendations
Based on the points raised above, the following recommendations were forwarded;
 Assessing training needs is playing a very important role in identifying individuals who
need to be trained, designing the program that relates to the needs of both individuals
and the organization, allocating the required time, determining the program objectives
and the required skills and determining the required resources for implementing the
program. The actual performance gap of employees will be filled by training. therefore,
Kokeb paint and marble industry improve their performance assessment system and
should be properly linked so that they can identify the exact performance deficiency
caused by the absence of skills or knowledge that can be remedied by training.
 The selection of trainee criteria should be designed and communicated to employees.
Apply the training to the right people at the right time Kokeb paint and marble industry
must be serious about the selection of trainee. Trainers should be qualified, with good
communication skills, good understanding of the management philosophy, objective and
importance of the training program.
 The existence of training programs in place and implement it by itself doesn’t assure the
effectiveness of the program, rather the industry must carry out Continuous evaluation
mechanism have to be used during and after training, lesson end up in order to make sure
that all the trainee understand the training given. in order to insure effectiveness.
 There are problems encountered in training and development program of the industry
like shortage of time and lack of training be effective the industry must come
up with these problems by giving more time for training program and supplying training
material on time and enough quantity.
 In general in order to have an effective training practice Kokeb paint and marble industry
should have to conduct each and every process properly give more emphasize on the
identification of employees skill, knowledge gaps before conducting training and
evaluating the behavioral or skill changes that becomes In addition, Kokeb paint and
marble industry Take continuous follow-up program and take a feedback after each
training to evaluate the outcome of the training and take corrective actions.

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Bahir dar University
College of Business and Economics
Department of Management
Dear respondents;
First, we would like to express our heartful gratitude for your willingness to provide an answer
for the prospective questionnaires. The questionnaires are designed to help we to gather
appropriate data and we believe that you will kindly collaborate in filling the questionnaires. The
questionnaire is prepared to conduct a study on the assessment of training and development
practice in Kokeb paint and marble industry: in case of Bahir dar branch. The aim is for
academic purpose only. Thank you in advance!
 No need of writing your name.
 Mark “√” to show your response and choose you can more alternatives if necessary.

Part one: personal information

1. Sex: Male Female
2. Age: 18-20 21-35 36-50 51& above
3. Educational background: Certificate Diploma Degree Master & above
4. For how long have you been working in Kokeb paint and marble industry? Less than 2
years 2-6 years 7-11 years 12-16 years above 17
Part two: Training and Development methods
5. Have you taken training in Kokeb paint and marble industry? Yes No
6. If your answer for question “no” ‘5’ is “yes” which of these training methods have you
taken? On the job Off the job both

7. If your answer for question “no” ‘6’ is on the job, off the job or both of training
method what must be the reason for the industry to choose that type of training

Part three; training need assessment questionnaire
8. How training and development need gap identified in your industry? (Choosing more
than one option is possible). Customer complaint Requirement of jobs skills
and knowledge Employees performance

Item Strongly disagre neutral agree Strongly

disagree e agree
Kokeb paint and marble
industry conduct formal
training need assessment.
Training program are
designed and developed
based on the analysis of
employee’s skill, knowledge
and attitude gap

Part four; trainee selection questionnaires

9. What are the criteria for the selection of trainee? Choosing more than one option is
possible). Performance Experience Education

Item Strongly Disagree neutral agree Strongly

disagree agree
Trainee are selected
without bias

10.Who is responsible for selection of trainees and promote employee in your industry?
(choosing more than one option is possible). Supervisor Employees initiation Training

11. Have you realized any change on your performance after taking the training?
Yes No
12. What do you think is the objectives of training program? Choosing more than one option
is possible).
To familiarize employees with new system To improve basic skill of employees
To improve moral and satisfaction
Part five; training and development evaluation questionnaire
13. Is there a practice of training and development evaluation in the organization? yes No
14. If your answer for Q. no 13 is “yes” on what bases does the organization often evaluate
training? Choosing more than one option is possible). Based on behavior (change in
behavior) Based on reaction (trainee’s attitude to the program) Based on learning
(what is learned from the training) Based on results (tangible results)

Item Strongly disagree neutral agree Strongly

disagree agree
The organization tests
trainees before and after
the program.
The outcome of the
training evaluated each
Part six; Training and development problems questionnaire
15. What problems do you observe in training and development program? (Choosing more than
one option is possible). Lack of competed trainer shortage of time Lack of training
16.Please describe your comments regarding the strengths and weaknesses of Kokeb paint and
marble industry’s training and development practices
Strength ____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ________
Weakness _____________________________________________________________________
_________________________________If you have any additional comment, please write____


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