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What is your personal idea of “Going Green”

-My personal idea of going green is for us get knowledge and be responsible in our
environment and protect them.

Have you undertaken any Green Initiative recently?

-Yes for me because i know we can all undertake the environment simple like just
putting paper in the right trash can and other mess and also cleaning is always can be
undertake for us to be safe and protect the environment.


TEXT The purpose The audience formal Yes, very clear The text True word essay
1 of the text no. in this text no. and is print because
1 is all about 1 is the one understandable because the
to inform that who written or for us to know the it is Starbucks
all of us can notice the important of pertaining give all the
help through sippy cup will having a “adult to the use information
the proper help and save sippy cup” of word why we
way of for a better instead of plastic just like replace
changing like life. straw when we them the
the Starbucks print plastic
they will almost straw to
eliminate all the same the “adult
plastic straws in text no. sippy cup”
and replace 1
them with
“adult sippy
cup” simple
way of
changing that
can help
TEXT The purpose The audience Formal Yes, clear Print Word essay
2 of the text is the one who because they
no.2 is all is pertaining have the
about to to the evidences that
inform and I participating we can use and
think it is and use the have a lot
more focus on research to research focus
the see the better on the topic
environmental understanding
sustainability about
attitudes and environmental
behaviour sustainability
both work at

TEXT The purpose The audience Informal For me yes clear Digital According Something
3 of the text no. is the people and I love that to the like poetry
3 is to free to visit she/he can picture and because
express what the manila express their the text the of the
you feel bay and free feelings but for mode are word and
because you to see the me something if words and how
have the right beautiful view feel i like I need picture she/he
choice to of manila bay. more research express
express your about manila for their
own feelings me to visit there feelings
and how you and see the
feel it. beautiful view.

How would you classify the text?

-based on my answer i see the difference between the text 1 to 3, so for me I would
classify all the text because the text is all about to inform all of us and to understand that
research is important but think critically before you click.

Which text would you consider as academic? Why?

-My answer is text 2 why? Just simple because the text no 2 for me it has a
complete information and evidences that we can totally understand and consider
as academic.

What do you think shapes academic writing?

- Data presentation for me shapes academic writing because like what I

experience last year, to complete the research paper you need to understand it
carefully and you have to put evidences for you to have a references in your
research paper and also for you not to plagiarism because you paraphrase the
article base on your own understanding and base on what you see and base on
what you read.

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