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Sarabia, Ayen C.

BSED- Major in Filipino


Text 1 TO INFORM The audience The language used The text was concise PRINT WORDS ESSAY
is all the in the text are and to the point in terms
people out FORMAL & of what it wanted to say
there, SPECIFIC. to the readers.
especially the
people who are
always going
and purchasing

Text 2 TO PURSUADE The audience The language used This was clearly PRINT WORDS ESSAY
is all non- in the text are expressed as the purpose
academic staff FORMAL. of the text.
and applies to
those people Used instrument in this
who work study, which is the
outside and at questionnaire.
It provides useful
insights that allow
readers to gain a better
Text 3 TO ENTERTAIN It is addressed The language used It used social media DIGITAL WORDS & PLAY
to all Filipino in the text are platforms to express the PICTURES
citizens here in INFORMAL & topic.
the Philippines. PERSONAL.
Used images to support
the claims about the
author's trying to

How would you classify each text?

Reading a text is easy, but understanding it is more difficult, so for me to classify each text, the things I usually do is read it twice and
analyze it carefully. Reading comprehension is essential for us to comprehend it clearly.

How text would you consider as academic? and Why?

The text two, we can see that the title already shows how the text was formed. The author used participants and a questionnaire that
we all know are suitable and usually used for academic papers.

What do you think shapes academic writing?

I think the shape that we must consider when forming an academic paper is the structure. We should strictly ourselves to constructing
a well-structured academic paper because readers are much more affected here. Readers are gaining knowledge from it, and I know we
don’t want them to gain knowledge in the wrong way.

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