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Sentence Problems
Exercise 4: Identify sentences which are not comma splice, run-on, or fragment.

A.     Exhausted from hiking for so long, they fell asleep in the shade of an old elm tree.

B.    Imagine for a moment technical advances over the next twenty years, they will greatly impact
our way of living.

C.   The skills which one needs to be a successful lawyer, he has them all.

D.   My friend promised to help me get a job interview with that company he has been working there
for several months.

E.   Despite losing 6-3, the team had played well and received a thunderous cheer from the
appreciative fans in attendance.

F.  Many single parents are able to bring their children to the workplace daycare centres are provided
by their employers.

G.   Even though my old shoes look bad, but they are more comfortable than my new ones.

H.   The line of customers hoping to buy the latest software products stretched to the store entrance
and beyond.

I.    I have seen this movie a couple of times, I still enjoy watching it.

J.    I don't think he is really sick, he just wants to have a day off.

K.   She left her purse on the chair when she got back, it was gone.

L.   Are they?

M.   I wasn't really interested in the movie, I continued watching it anyway.

N.   Capital punishment is an issue which nobody has neutral feelings about, people are either in
favour of it or against it.

O.   Only half of the class handed in the homework assignment it was due yesterday.

P.   With regard to the proposed business plan, which obviously took a lot of time to prepare.

Q.   Having spent a lot of time and effort on a project that my supervisor eventually rejected.

Exercise 5: Re-write the following sentences so that each has a list using the same verb or noun form.
1. Benefits of coaching include: knowing each player, helping that player to improve and to get to see
that person succeed in life.
2. At the party, my sister helped us make the cake, gathering the kids for games, clean up and to drive
some kids home.

3. Exercises that I enjoy doing are marathon running, to swim lengths in a pool, riding my bicycle in
the park, and to walk along the trails in a forest.

4. We must either change the laws about drunk driving or it will be necessary to start enforcing them
more strictly.

5. The protestors were gathering outside, held signs, starting to shout loudly and stopped the speaker
from being heard.

Exercise 6: Paraphase each sentence. There may be more than one way to rewrite each one. Remenber to
change vocabulary, phrases and sentence structure wherever you can.

1. Despite their massive size, elephants are known for being agile.

2. Over the centuries, lions have been used in art to represent power and magnificence.

3. George Washington Carver was a dedicated teacher, in addition, he was known as a talented
artist, musician, and researcher who made valuable contributions to his people and his country.

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