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Copyright © 1976 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Characteristics of Bacteria Isolated by the Anaerobic Roll-

Tube Method from Cheeses and Ground Beef 1
Departments of Food Science and Microbiology, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29631
Received for publication 11 September 1975

In this study the methods of Hungate were used to quantitate the anaerobic
bacteria present in commercially available ground beef, cheddar cheese, and
German hand cheese. Of 235 anaerobic roll-tube isolates from ground beef and
German hand cheese, all were facultative anaerobes. Of 213 anaerobic roll-tube
isolates from cheddar cheese, 91% were facultative anaerobes and 9% were
obligate anaerobes. Using results of biochemical tests, 14 of the 17 obligately
anaerobic isolates from cheddar cheese were Propionibacterium acnes, two were
strains of Propionibacterium that could not be speciated, and one was tenta-
tively identified as a strain of Streptococcus evolutus. Obligate anaerobes were
estimated to be present in the cheddar cheese at a level of about 106/g. The
possible significance of these levels of P. acnes in nonsterile foods is discussed.
Several of the recommended methods in ma- (This paper was taken in part from a thesis
jor reviews concerning the isolation and enu- submitted by W. M. G. to Clemson University,
meration of anaerobes in foods (6, 8, 14) allowed Clemson, S.C., in partial fulfillment of the re-
some exposure of microbes to oxygen. Even the quirements for the M.S. degree [1974].)
methods Claybaugh used in searching for obli-
gate anaerobes in dairy products did not ex- MATERIALS AND METHODS
clude oxygen (4). Also, methods recommended Food sample collection and storage. All foods
for the examination of canned foods by the Food were obtained from local retail outlets. Refrigerated
and Drug Administration (19) involve exposing ground beef was purchased over a 3-month period in
food samples to some oxygen. 454-g plastic tube packages. Refrigerated cheddar
All these methods are generally satisfactory cheese was purchased in 1.6-kg wedges, which were
freshly cut from large cheese wheels and wrapped in
for the recovery of vegetative cells and spores of Saran film.

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Frozen German hand cheese was pur-
aerotolerant anaerobes and are usually, but not chased in 175-g foil-wrapped packages. All samples
always, adequate for enumeration of clostridia were refrigerated at 7 C and sampled after 1 or 2
in foods. However, methods that allow some days and 1 month.
exposure to oxygen would not be adequate for Food sample preparation. Core samples of the
the recovery of strictly anaerobic bacteria from foods were aseptically transferred and blended in a
foods because these organisms will die if ex- 500-ml Waring blender jar containing enough prere-
posed to oxygen (10). By definition then, anaer- duced anaerobically sterilized (PRAS) medium to
obic methods, such as the Hungate roll-tube yield a 10-fold dilution. The PRAS dilution medium
was of the same composition as that used for culture
technique (10), are necessary to adequately of the specimen, except that it contained no
quantitate the obligately anaerobic organisms The apparatus with core sampler inserted wasagar. con-
in the food, including those organisms that may tinuously flushed with oxygen-free CO2 (Fig. 1).
be injured or debilitated (15). Thus, in this Media composition and preparation. The PRAS
study, roll-tube techniques and habitat-simu- media were prepared using methods described by
lating media were used to isolate and charac- Hungate (10) and were dispensed into 25- by 142-mm
terize anaerobic bacteria present in three foods: roll tubes for enumeration studies and into 16- by
ground beef, cheddar cheese, and German hand 150-mm tubes for stock culture maintenance. Tubes
cheese. were sealed with butyl rubber stoppers. Screw-cap
A preliminary report of this work was pre- septaroll tubes (18 by 142 mm), sealed with butyl rubber
sented earlier (W. M. Gray and M. G. Johnson, tubes (1, 12) were used for fermentation studies. All
were obtained from Bellco Glass, Inc., Vine-
Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1974, land, N.J.
E104, p. 18). The basal medium (designated PYG) consisted of
' Technical contribution no. 1297 of the South Carolina 1% (wt/vol) each of peptone (Difco Laboratories, De-
Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson University, troit, Mich.), yeast extract (Difco), and glucose, 2%
Clemson, S.C. 29631. (vol/vol) each of inorganic salt solutions A and B
tures for 5 to 7 days when colony counts were maxi-
Estimation of facultative anaerobe population.
Aerobic spread plates with 70 to 80 colonies or less
SAMPLER were replica plated by the Lederberg method (11)
onto plates of the same medium used for isolation.
Transferred colonies capable of growing anaerobi-
cally were counted on these plates after incubation
for 5 to 7 days in a GasPak anaerobic jar (Baltimore
BLENDER JAR Biological Laboratory, Cockeysville, Md.) equipped
with a disposable H2/CO2 generator, palladium cata-
lyst, and a methylene blue strip as an indicator of
Selection of anaerobic isolates. Well-isolated col-
onies from higher dilution roll tubes (10-s to 10-8)
FIG. 1. Apparatus for anaerobically sampling were picked anaerobically (under CO2) with a stain-
and blending food. Cores (approximately 2-cm ID) of less-steel wire loop into the PRAS broth form of the
food were cut with the sampler and extruded with a isolation medium in 16- by 150-mm tubes. These
stainless-steel rod into a 500-ml blender jar. Anaero- tubes were continuously flushed with CO2, closed
biosis was maintained in the jar during blending by with recessed butyl rubber stoppers and incubated
sparging the diluent with oxygen-free CO2 gas via a at 30 C for 48 to 72 h. A 0.1-ml portion of anaerobic
14-gauge stainless-steel transfer needle. broth stock culture of each isolate, obtained by roll-
tube methods (9, 10), was transferred to the aerobic
form of the isolation medium using a sterile syringe
(12). Isolates that grew under these aerobic condi-
(10), 0.0001% (vol/vol) resazurin, 0.05% (wt/vol) L- tions were eliminated from consideration as obligate
cysteine-HClH2O, and 0.85% (wt/vol) sodium bicar- anaerobes.
bonate. After sterilization under a 100% CO2 gas Inability of anaerobic isolates to grow aerobically
phase this medium had a pH of 6.7. When proteose was also confirmed by spread plating 0.2-ml
peptone no. 3 (Difco) was substituted for peptone, amounts of each anaerobic stock culture on aerobic
the resulting medium (PPYG) had an identical ini- plates and incubating these for 2 weeks at 30 C.
tial pH. Isolates that formed no visible colonies on these
A habitat-simulating medium was prepared by aerobic spread plates and grew only in anaerobic
adding a cheese extract to PYG to give a final me- agar roll rubes were considered obligate anaerobes.
dium concentration of 1% (vol/vol) and was desig- Obligately anaerobic isolates were subsequently
nated PYG-CE. This PYG-CE medium had a pH of purified by culturing serial dilutions in agar roll
6.8 under 100% CO2. Cheese extract was prepared by tubes and picking well-isolated colonies (10).

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blending a 100-g cheese sample with 500 ml of warm Characterization of obligately anaerobic iso-
2% (wt/vol) sodium citrate solution, boiling mildly lates. The Gram-staining reaction of all purified
and filtering this mixture, centrifuging the filtrate anaerobic isolates was observed by staining samples
at 4 C, and discarding the fat layer. Another modi- from young PYG broth cultures using smears of
fied PYG medium was prepared by adding cyclohex- Escherichia coli 9002 and Staphylococcus aureus S-6
imide (grade B; Calbiochem, Los Angeles, Calif.) to as controls. Cell size was determined from photomi-
give a final concentration of 100 ,ug/ml. The result- crographs of wet mounts of 48- to 72-h cultures from
ing medium had a pH of 6.9 under 100% CO2. Plate PRAS PYG.
count medium (Difco) was modified (MPC) by adding The peptone-yeast extract (PY) broth and carbo-
0.85% (wt/vol) sodium bicarbonate, 0.05% (wt/vol) L- hydrate concentrations used in fermentation tests
cysteine-HClH2O, and 0.0001% (vol/vol) resazurin. were those described in the Anaerobe Laboratory
The pH of this medium was 6.9 under 100% CO2. Manual (9). Hungate screw-cap tubes with butyl
Agar, when used, was present at 2% (wt/vol). rubber septa were used for all test media (12). The
For isolation of aerobic bacteria from foods, media sterility of the rubber septa in these tubes was
of the same composition as those used for isolation of maintained by capping the sealed tubes with stain-
anaerobes were employed, except that tubes of me- less-steel 18-mm closures. All transfers were per-
dia were sterilized aerobically with no CO2 gas formed via syringes with 25-gauge needles inserted
phase and sodium bicarbonate and L-cysteine- through the septa (12). Five drops of a young culture
HCl-H20 were deleted except in some tests noted of each anaerobic isolate grown in PY broth were
below. used to inoculate the various carbohydrate test me-
Medium inoculation and incubation. Triplicate, dia. All tests were performed in duplicate. Culture
tempered-agar medium roll tubes were anaerobi- pH values were determined in the culture tubes
cally inoculated with anaerobic dilutions of the food using a Corning model 12 research pH meter and a
sample and solidified. Aerobic spread plates were Corning semimicro combination pH electrode (no.
also prepared in triplicate from the anaerobic dilu- 476050). The difference in the pH produced by the
tion series. Roll tubes were incubated 14 days at isolate grown in PY (generally 7.0 + 0.2) and the pH
30 C, or in some cases at 37 C, before counting. produced in PY broth with an added carbohydrate
Aerobic plates were incubated at the same tempera- was taken as an index of the ability of the organism
to ferment that carbohydrate. All other tests re- tentatively identified as obligate anaerobes
ported below were performed as described in the were heat tolerant. Whether these were spore-
Anaerobe Laboratory Manual (9), except that an formers could not be confirmed before they
incubation temperature of 30 C was used in all
were lost in subculturing. Most importantly, a
total of 17 obligately anaerobic isolates from
cheddar cheese were recovered and purified. As
RESULTS for ground beef, no one medium, gas phase, or
Ground beef. The numbers and percentages incubation temperature (30 or 37 C) was ob-
of isolates from the three foods examined that viously superior for isolation of these orga-
were able to grow as aerobes, facultative anae- nisms. Since the majority of the isolates (15/17)
robes, or obligate anaerobes are summarized in were picked from 10" or 10-7 dilution roll
Table 1. Of 182 ground beef isolates examined tubes, these isolates were present at a level of
from anaerobic rool tubes, all were facultative at least 106/g in samples of this cheese exam-
anerobes. No obligate anaerobes were detected ined.
using the PRAS forms of PYG, PPYG, MPC, Replica plating of organisms isolated aerobi-
nutrient agar, or PPYG with hamburger ex- cally onto aerobic media followed by anaerobic
tract and 10% bovine rumen fluid and gas incubation showed that 95% (208/220) of the
phases of 100% CO2, 97% CO2/3% H, or 80% N,l cheddar cheese isolates were capable of faculta-
10% H2/10% CO. tive anaerobic growth. Of the aerobic isolates
Cheddar and German hand cheese. Prelimi- from German hand cheese, 79% (94/119) were
nary results of culturable cell counts for ched- capable of facultative anaerobic growth. When
dar cheese suggested, erroneously, that a major the same isolates were replicated onto aerobic
fraction of the microflora consisted of obligately media and then incubated aerobically, 92%
anaerobic organisms. However, when cysteine- (339/435) formed colonies.
hydrochloride and sodium bicarbonate were de- Obligately anaerobic isolates. All 17 isolates
leted from the aerobic plating media the appar- were gram positive, although several orga-
ent difference in anaerobic and aerobic counts nisms stained unevenly. Sixteen of the strains
disappeared. Subsequent experiments showed were rod shaped and coryneform in their mor-
that the pH of 9.2 of the aerobic medium with phology, with mean sizes ranging from 0.6 to
sodium bicarbonate present was responsible for 1.0 ,um in length. Of these, isolate number 91
the lower aerobic counts observed. Presence of was particularly pleomorphic, ranging from a
cysteine without sodium bicarbonate did not rod to a coccal shape. The remaining isolate,
affect the aerobic counts. In further experi- number 69, was a coccal-shaped bacterium with
ments, cysteine and sodium bicarbonate were a mean diameter of 1.0 ,am and occurred singly

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deleted from the aerobic media. or in pairs.
Cultures initially isolated by anaerobic All isolates, except numbers 69 and 124, re-
means were tested for ability to grow aerobi- mained obligately anaerobic on subculture.
cally, and 91% (194/213) of the cheddar cheese These two were obligate anaerobes upon initial
isolates and 100% (53/53) of the German hand isolation and for several weeks thereafter, but
cheese isolates were able to do so (Table 1). Few after four to five transfers they were able to
of the organisms present in cheddar cheese grow aerobically in PYG broth or on PYG agar
were sporeformers, since counts of heated sam- plates.
ples were only 100 to 1,000/g. Only two isolates The ability of the anaerobic isolates to pro-

TABLE 1. Ability of isolates obtained from foods by anaerobic or aerobic methods to grow as obligate
anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, or aerobes
No. of iso- Isolates (%) that were:
Food Isolation Culturable count/g lates exam- Obligate Facultative Obligate
method (range) ined
aerobes anaerobes anaerobes
Ground beef Aerobic 6.5 x 104-1.4 x 10W 1,030 50 50 0
Anaerobic 1.7 x 10:$-3.8 x 10o 182 0 100 0
Cheddar cheese Aerobic
Anaerobic 7.9 x 10'i-2.5 x 10f 220 5 95 0
6.3 x 106-1.3 x 10? 213 0 91 9
German hand cheese Aerobic
Anaerobic 1.6 x 107-2.0 x 107 119 21 79 0
1.6 x 10X-2.5 x 107 53 0 100 0
duce indole from tryptophan, reduce nitrate to lected obligately anaerobic isolates grown in
nitrite, and ferment various carbohydrates is PRAS PYG medium (Table 3). Isolates 58, 75,
summarized in Table 2. No isolate digested 92, and 122 produced similar amounts of acetate
meat, and only isolate 69 liquified gelatin. All (0.1 to 0.2 meq/100 ml), propionate (0.8 to 0.95
isolates produced an acid clot in milk except meq/100 ml), and lactate (0.18 to 0.24 meq/100
isolate 91, which caused no change in milk. ml), and trace amounts of pyruvate (0.03 to 0.12
Carbohydrate tests (Table 2) showed that all meq/100 ml) and succinate (0.03 to 0.09 meq/100
cultures fermented glucose, fructose, and man- ml). By comparison, isolates 121 and 160 pro-
nose. Isolates 69 and 124 also fermented sucrose duced less propionate (0.5 meq/100 ml) and es-
and trehalose. Isolate 69 was the only one able sentially no acetate, but small amounts of lac-
to ferment galactose. tate, pyruvate, and succinate. Isolate 91 pro-
Production of volatile and nonvolatile fatty duced considerably more acetate, propionate,
acids and alcohols was determined by gas chro- and succinate than the other isolates. Isolate 69
matographic analyses of solvent extracts of produced primarily lactate and a small amount
acidified broth culture samples from eight se- of acetate.

TABLE 2. Some biochemical characteristics of obligately anaerobic isolates from cheddar cheese
Carbohydrate and Isolate class" Isolate no.
other tests II III 47 57 69 91 124 160
Cellobiose _b _ - - - - - -
DL-Erythritol - - - - a - - - -
D-Fructose a' a wI) a a a a a w
D-Galactose - - - - - a
Glucose a a w a a a a a w
Lactose - - - - - a
D-(+)-Maltose - - - - - a
D-(+)-MannOse a w w w a a a a w
Melibiose - - - - -
D-Sorbitol - - - - -
Starch - - - - -
Sucrose - - - - - a - a

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Trehalose - - - - - a - a
D-Xylose - - - - - - -
Esculin hydrolysis NHW NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH
Starch hydrolysis NHc NH NH NH NH NH NH NH NH
Indole production + + + - + - - +
Nitrate reduction + + + + + - - + +
Class I includes isolates number 120, 122, 123, 139, and 161; class II includes isolates number 58, 92, 143,
and 164; class III includes isolates number 75 and 121.
-, No decrease or decrease of less than 0.5 pH units; w, decrease of 0.5 to 0.9 pH units; a, decrease of 1.0
or more pH units.
' NH, No hydrolysis.
TABLE 3. Fermentation patterns produced by selected obligately anaerobic isolates in PYG medium"
Isolate class Isolate no. Acetic Propionic Lactic Succinic
I 122 20" 95 21 9
II 58 10 80 24 3
II 92 20 95 18 6
III 75 10 80 17 0
III 121 0 55 27 1
69 20 0 130 4
91 140 250 0 28
160 5 50 18 0
"Samples were prepared and analyzed by gas chromatography according to the methods described in the
Anaerobe Laboratory Manual (9).
b Values are 100 (number of milliequivalents/100 ml of culture broth).
DISCUSSION not, one might tentatively identify this isolate
as Propionibacterium granulosum.
The obligately anaerobic bacteria examined Since completing this work, it has come to
were only the most numerous ones in the ched- our attention that anaerobic bacteria, such as
dar cheese, since they were from colonies Propionibacterium species, may grow better
picked from the highest dilution roll tubes. and more actively ferment sugars such as ga-
Thus, it is possible there were other anaerobic lactose, sucrose, and maltose if Tween 80 at a
bacteria present as a smaller fraction of the final concentration of 0.02% (wt/vol) is added to
total food microflora that could not be isolated the test broth (Anaerobe Newsletter no. 2, Oc-
by the procedure used here. This fraction in tober 1974, p. 3-4, V.P.I. Anaerobe Laboratory,
hamburger and German hand cheese perhaps Blacksburg, Va.). The absence of this surfac-
was too small to permit isolation of any anaer- tant in our test media and the media of others
obes. A second possibility is that few or no (9, 17) may account for the variability we and
anaerobes were present in these two foods. others have observed in the fermentation of
Isolate 69, the only coccal-shaped anaerobe these three sugars by Propionibacterium spe-
found, is gram positive and similar in size and cies.
morphology to some streptococci. The carbohy- Starter cultures composed of species of strep-
drates fermented, biochemical activities, and tococci and lactobacilli were probably used in
compounds produced from glucose are quite the production of the cheddar cheese examined
similar to those listed for Peptostreptococcus in this study. These starter cultures undoubt-
evolutus in the 7th edition of Bergey's Manual edly produced lactate as a major fermentation
(2). The tendency of our isolate to become aero- product.
tolerant on subculturing also agrees with that P. acnes can ferment lactate to propionate
description. Prevot (16) described a similar or- and acetate and is normally found associated
ganism, Streptococcus evolutus, as occurring with the normal skin and intestinal tracts of
widely in the respiratory and digestive tracts of mammals and poultry (9, p. 50; 13). Because of
man. In the 8th edition of Bergey's Manual (18, the materials they produce and ferment, lactic
p. 523), Peptostreptococcus evolutus is no longer acid bacteria and propionibacteria can share a
recognized as a valid species of the genus Pep- commensal relationship in cheese products (7).
tostreptococcus. Because it grows fairly well in It is therefore not too surprising that we found a
air after several passages and produces primar- large number of P. acnes (106/g) in the cheddar
ily lactic acid from glucose, it was recom- cheese we examined.
mended (18) that this organism be classified The propionibacteria we detected in the ched-
with Streptococcus. Unfortunately, the authors dar cheese likely became established by one of

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of the section on streptococci did not recognize three mechanisms. These bacteria initially
this organism. may have been present in fairly high numbers
Fourteen of the other 16 obligately anaerobic in raw milk and survived the pasteurization
isolates exhibited coryneform morphology and treatment given the milk prior to starter cul-
generally had the same size, Gram reaction, ture inoculation. A second possibility is that
and biochemical test reactions as those de- these organisms were introduced by direct hu-
scribed for the organism Propionibacterium man skin contact during the salting, milling,
acnes (3, 5, 9, 13). Of the carbohydrates tested and handling of the curd prior to cheese aging.
only the negative reaction for galactose disa- A third possibility is that there were initially
grees with the typical fermentation pattern present only a small number of these bacteria,
found for 72 strains of P. acnes by Pulverer and and they increased to the high numbers ob-
Ko (17). However, it was reported (9) that served only after cheese aging and curing when
galactose was not always fermented by strains a favorable reduced oxidation-reduction poten-
of P. acnes. All our other test results for these tial was created by the growth of the other
14 isolates are in general agreement with those microflora present.
described by these workers and those described Strains of both P. acnes and S. evolutus iso-
for 324 strains of P. acnes in the 8th edition of lated from clinical specimens have been impli-
Bergey's Manual (13). cated in various pathological processes (9, 16,
It was not possible to classify the other two 17). However, these organisms when competing
isolates, 91 and 124, further than to the genus with the mixed microflora present in the ched-
level, Propionibacterium. Isolate 91 had nega- dar cheese did not appear to exert any patho-
tive indole and nitrate tests and produced large genic effects on one of us (W.M.G.) who ate
amounts of propionic acid. Had isolate 91 also considerable amounts of this cheese.
fermented sucrose and maltose, which it did The desirable changes anaerobes may exert
on food flavor and texture during food process- Sci. 28:293-295.
ing have been little studied, except in the aging 5. Dowell, V. R., Jr., and T. M. Hawkins. 1974. Labora-
tory methods in anaerobic bacteriology, CDC labora-
of Swiss cheeses (7). tory manual. U.S. Department of Health, Education,
Cheeses and ground beef are normally held and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Dis-
at refrigeration temperatures of 0 to 10 C. It is ease Control, Atlanta.
possible that there were present in the foods we 6. Gibbs, B. M., and B. Freame. Methods for the recovery
of clostridia from foods. J. Appl. Bacteriol. 28:95-111.
examined psychrophilic and/or psychrotrophic 7. Hettinga, D. H., G. W. Reinbold, and E. R. Vedamu-
strains of obligate anaerobes that could not be thu. 1974. Split defect of Swiss cheese. I. Effect of
cultivated and isolated at the incubation tem- strain of Propionibacterium and wrapping material.
peratures of 30 and 37 C used. J. Milk Food Technol. 37:322-328.
8. Hirsh, A., and E. Grinsted. 1954. Methods for the
We are aware of one other report in which the growth and enumeration of anaerobic spore-formers
Hungate roll-tube method was used in an at- from cheese, with observations on the effect of nisin.
tempt to isolate obligate anaerobes from foods J. Dairy Res. 21:101-110.
(D. P. Ward, M. D. Pierson, and K. M. Rice, 9. Holdeman, L. V., and W. E. C. Moore (ed.). 1972.
Anaerobe laboratory manual. Virginia Polytechnic
Abstr. Annu. Meet. Inst. Food Technol. 1975, p. Institute and State University Anaerobe Laboratory,
149). They were unable to isolate any obligate Blacksburg.
anaerobes from either unpasteurized or pas- 10. Hungate, R. E. 1969. A roll tube method for cultivation
teurized crabmeat and reported that the pre- of strict anaerobes, p. 117-132. In J. R. Norris and D.
W. Ribbons (ed.), Methods in microbiology, vol. 3B.
dominant bacteria apparently were homofer- Academic Press Inc., New York.
mentative lactobacilli. 11. Lederberg, J., and E. M. Lederberg. 1952. Replica plat-
Other foods should be examined for their ob- ing and indirect selection of bacterial mutants. J.
ligate anaerobe content to determine what role, Bacteriol. 63:399-406.
12. Macy, J. M., J. E. Snellen, and R. E. Hungate. 1972.
if any, these organisms have in assessing food Use of syringe methods for anaerobiosis. Am. J. Clin.
quality and food safety. Nutr. 25:1318-1323.
13. Moore, W. E. C., and L. V. Holdeman. 1974. Genus I.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Propionibacterium, p. 633-641. In R. E. Buchanan and
The assistance of W. E. C. Moore, Virginia Polytechnic N. E. Gibbons (ed.), Bergey's manual of determina-
Institute and State University, with gas-liquid chromato- tive bacteriology, 8th ed. The Williams & Wilkins
graphic analyses of broth culture extracts and several help- Co., Baltimore.
ful discussions with M. J. B. Paynter, Microbiology Depart- 14. Mossel, D. A. A., A. S. DeBruin, H. M. J. Van Diepen,
ment, Clemson University, are gratefully acknowledged. C. M. A. Vendrig, and G. Zoutewelle. 1956. The enu-
This work was supported by a grant to M. G. J. by the meration of anaerobic bacteria, and of Clostridium
Clemson University Faculty Basic Research Committee species in particular, in foods. J. Appl. Bacteriol.
and by funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture 19:142-154.
Hatch Project SC00006 granted to the South Carolina Agri- 15. Pierson, M. D., S. L. Payne, and G. L. Ades. 1974. Heat
injury and recovery of vegetative cells of Clostridium

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cultural Experiment Station. botulinum type E. Appl. Microbiol. 27:425-426.
Finally, this paper is dedicated to R. E. Hungate, whose 16. Prevot, A. R. 1966. Manual for the classification and
pioneering work made this study possible. determination of the anaerobic bacteria. Lea and Fe-
LITERATURE CITED biger, Philadelphia.
17. Pulverer, G., and H. L. Ko. 1973. Fermentative and
1. Attebery, H. R., and S. M. Finegold. 1969. Combined serological studies on Propionibacterium acnes. Appl.
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2. Breed, R. S., E. G. D. Murray, and N. R. Smith (ed.). Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology, 8th
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