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Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge

and experience.

“All I’m armed with is research.” - Mike Wallace

d. Research can equip anyone.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear
and it's cousin, depression.” ― Robert McKee c. Research is not only answering questions but also
discovering one’s talent and skill

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.” - Neil
Armstrong d. Research is an investigation of the unknown.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up
new lines of research.” ― Paul A.M. Dirac c. Research starts from the stimulated mind and may end to
measure of greatness.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“Research is about engaging in a conversation with a brand.” - Matthew Rhodes d. Research is discussing
specific issues

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.
“Find out what’s really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.” –
Marilyn Manson c. Research is finding out there what others have not seen so you make a difference.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic
facts.” - Bill Gates d. Innovation is funding a research and learning its basic facts.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ” - Zora Neale Hurston d.
Research is a formalized curiosity with a purpose

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“The more important reason is that the research itself provides an important long-run perspective on
the issues that we face on a day-to-day basis.” - Ben Bernanke a. Research provides an important
perspective on our daily issues.

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge
and experience.

“Research is the highest form of adoration.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin a. Research is valuing others’

Which of the following is not considered to be an example of misconduct in research? a. Publishing a

table of data with a typographical error

A researcher may withhold a participant’s name and any identifying characteristics when asked to
present such information when b. They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality

Informed consent requires that individuals… d. Have adequate information about the procedures and
benefits associated with the research

Debriefing should… b. Explain all relevant aspects of research procedures

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher… c. His/her name and identifying

Which of the following is similar in qualitative and quantitative research? c. Both can be utilized by
researchers depending on the use.

Confidentiality and anonymity are important to insure limited risk of exposure of information including…
a. Illegal behaviors

Confidentiality is used to protect a participant’s privacy by d. Sharing only the information permitted by
the participant

Research hypotheses can be defined as a. A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised
at the beginning of the investigation.

Researchers can encourage people to volunteer to participate in their project by c. Offering small

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative

“The worse thing that contemporary qualitative research can imply is that, in this post-modern age,
anything goes. The trick is to produce intelligent, disciplined work on the very edge of the abyss.” ―
David Silverman a. The messy analysis and inductive approach is the qualitative characteristic describe in
this quotation. It involves multilayered process which may include anything but the inductive approach
will shape the result into an intelligent and disciplined work that will really make a difference.

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research derives meaning from data of multiple sources.


Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative

“Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category.” - Theodor Adorno

d. The unique capabilities of online and mobile qualitative research can be under modern category and
they are very much useful in qualitative research.

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research is relative to the everyday life of the researcher including his/her meditation on
daily activities and experiences.


True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research addresses scientific issues.


False – research issues or questions

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Education, nursing, sociology, anthropology, information studies, humanities, and health sciences are
the only topics to be used for qualitative research.



True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research can prove the absolute truth.

False - absence of absolute truth

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.
For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research uses survey as an instrument for data collection.



True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

The qualitative design cannotbe modified or changed.


False - can

True or False. If the statement is true, write the word True. If False, write False and replace the
underlined word with the correct term. Note that the system accepts an exact answer. Wrong spelling is
considered wrong.

For example:

Q: Whales are reptiles. A: False - mammals

Qualitative research requires the analytical and organizational abilities that are necessary for all



Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

It can be defined like mathematical and statistical models which are describing a diverse array of
variables relationship. False
Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

It is generally used to figure out the changes in a system when a variable in the system changes,
measuring how the end result changes by altering a variable.False

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

Looks at relationships between variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled
circumstance. False

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

The best quality data that a researcher can get is the double blind test. False

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

The mathematics involved is very high level and people often struggle with it even after being taught
how to do it. False

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

Individuals are like scientists who develop theories on how the world and their own activities function.

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

Subjectivity of researcher in methodology is recognized less.False

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is
The observation of such forms can be broken into the dimensions of temporal, spatial, material, social,
meaningful, media-technical, emotional and bodily aspects. True

Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

It is the arrangement of the individual’s arrangements of a particular person.

Select one:


Write TRUE if the statement gives the correct description of an everyday life research and FALSE if it is

It addresses the question of how people produce social reality in and through interactive processes.

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It clearly states the constructs to be examined.

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It should not pose an ethical or moral problem for implementation.

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

The problem statement is more specific than a topic and it limits the scope of the research problem.

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It must only ask about the relationship between two or more variables.

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

Indicate what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain how the findings will present this

Select one:


Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.
It has the potential to suggest directions for past research. False

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It should not use comparative terms (such as higher, better, etc.).False

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It has multiple possible answers. False

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It is biased in terminology or position.False

Answer TRUE if the sentence is a correct description of a good research question, and answer FALSE if it
is an incorrect description.

It addresses indirectly some real problem in the world.

Select one:


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

This is qualitative research that investigates the daily life of housewives on weekdays.


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

The results of this study should be limited to students enrolled in similar programs.



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

Reliability of survey questions was not established.



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

The inputs are only coming from senior high school students of the subject school.



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

Some technical terms on information technology were not explained in this study.


Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

This study concentrates on the factors that need to be considered for the implementation of the policy.



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

The researchers also determined the children’s reactions on violent cartoon shows watched on



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

No experimental treatments were given, and no control other than gender was attempted.



Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

The study is focused on the possible implementation of online exam in the university

Write SCOPE if the sentence must be placed in the coverage of the research, and write DELIMITATION if
it is a restriction of the research.

Statistics will not be utilized in analyzing the results.



Discovery Channel c. Syndicated

Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:

Baxter, C. (1997). Race equality in health care and education.Philadelphia: Ballière Tindall.



Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:

Leroux, Marcel. Global Warming: Myth Or Reality?: The Erring Ways of Climatology. Springer, 2005.



Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:

Alibali, M. W. (1999). How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt.
Developmental Psychology, 35,127-145.



Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the
correct answer:
The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.

c. Plagiarism

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the
correct answer:

The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didn’t.

c. Fabrication

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the
correct answer:

She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.

b. Falsification

Identify the citation format used in the following references by writing CMS, APA or MLA:

Ebert, Roger. Review of An Inconvenient Truth, directed by Davis Guggenheim., 1 June
2006, Accessed 15 June 2016.



Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Textbooks c. Static

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:

Live concert

Select one:
a. Dynamic

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