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Name: _Gillian Eunice I.

Tablate Section: STEM102_______

Take-Home Exam in Practical Research 1

Essay (5 items x 10 points). Answer the following questions in essay form. Answers must be at least 5
sentences long. See rubrics below.

1. What is the Qualitative Research Approach and how is it an effective form of research in its own
way? Provide examples where feasible.
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of doing an interview as a data-
collecting method? Cite or provide examples to support your opinion.
3. Give two (2) ethical principles of research and cite their importance to both the researcher and the
research respondent/s.
4. You are performing a certain research within a small community. One day, during a data-
collecting session, you found out that your research member is bribing some of your respondents
so that they will give a pre-conceived set of research data to be recorded. As a researcher, what
ethical principle is violated in this situation? What would you do in the given situation?
5. Explain the gist of your research paper in the most comprehensive way possible.

Pointing System:

Category Point Range

Sufficiency of the number of sentences 0-4
Content 0-4
Grammar and Spelling 0-2
Total 0-10


1. Qualitative research is a scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data. This type of
research "refers to the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and
description of things" and not to their "counts or measures. It also aims to tell the story of a particular
group’s experiences in their own words, and is therefore focused on narrative. Unlike quantitative
research, in which researchers state specific hypotheses and then collect data to empirically test them,
most qualitative research employs an inductive approach in which the researcher first collects data and
then attempts to derive explanations from those data. As such, qualitative research tends to be more
exploratory in nature, seeking to provide insight into how individuals understand aspects of their worlds.

Some examples of qualitative research are relationship between violence and rape, significance of
homeland security, role of media for educational purposes.

2. Some advantages of doing an interview as a data-collecting method are it provides flexibility to the
interviewers. The interview has a better response rate than mailed questions, and the people who cannot
read and write can also answer the questions, he/she can also control over the order of the question, as in
the questionnaire, and can judge the spontaneity of the respondent as well. In this type of data collection
method, the interviewer can decide the place for an interview in a private and silent place, unlike the ones
conducted through emails which can have a completely different environment. Addition to this, the
interviewer can also judge the non-verbal behavior of the respondent.
Name: _Gillian Eunice I. Tablate Section: STEM102_______

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages of interview; conducting interview studies can be very
costly as well as very time-consuming. Also, an interview can cause biases. For example, the
respondent’s answers can be affected by his reaction to the interviewer’s race, class, age or physical
appearance. Interview studies provide less anonymity, which is a big concern for many respondents.
There is also a lack of accessibility to respondents since the respondents can be in around any corner of
the world or country.

3. Two ethical principles of research that is important to both the researcher and the research respondents
are veracity or justice and beneficence. In veracity or justice, the truth must always be stated. It is
important for the both of the researcher and the respondent; the researcher can have accurate results or
answers that can lead to the success or accuracy of their research. On the other hand, this also benefits the
respondent/s because they are reliable for stating the truth. Beneficence states that the research must be
something that will be helpful to people. In this way, the researcher and the research respondents can help
thousands, or millions of people through their research.

4. The ethical principle is violated in this situation is veracity or justice. The research respondents must
state the truth and only the truth. If this ethical principle is violated, this may result to false information.
Researchers are morally obligated to treat each person what is morally proper and due to him/her. If I
were in this situation, I will stop my research members from doing it. As a researcher, we should state the
truth and we should not interfere with the answers of our research respondents.

5. Research papers are there to help you identify problems and innovate. More specifically research
papers are meant to help researchers, both in industry and academics to first know what is going on in a
particular field of research and second to innovate and solve problems that exist. When you’re writing
papers, you’re essentially writing what problem you noticed in current literature and what you did to
overcome it. In our research paper, we want to determine the positive and negative effects of technology
in education. As much as possible, we want to improve the side technology that have positive effects on
the students and reduce the side of technology that have negative effects on the students.

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