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Name : Safitri

Class :C
Register Number : A12120112
Subject : Research In ELT (MID TEST)

1. What is meant by research. Please explain and give examples !

Answer :
Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the
investigation of matter. Main goal for Applied research is discovering, interpreting,
and developing methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on
various scientific problems of our world and the universe. Research can use the
scientific method, but it doesn't have to be done.
Research is the art of scientific inquiry. It is considered a systematic attempt to
acquire new knowledge. The meaning of the research dictionary is "a careful
investigation or investigation, especially through the search for new facts in every
branch of science". Research Definition consists of defining and redefining the
problem, formulating hypotheses or suggested solutions; collect, organize and
evaluate data; make deductions and reach conclusions; and finally carefully testing
the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulation hypothesis.
Research is also a careful study of a particular concern or problem using the
scientific method. According to American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “research is
a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control observed phenomena. It
involves both inductive and deductive methods.”
The inductive method analyzes the observed events, while the deductive
method verifies the observed events. The inductive approach is associated with
qualitative research, and the deductive method is more often associated with
quantitative analysis.

Types of research methods and Examples

Research methods are broadly classified as Qualitative and Quantitative.
Both methods have distinctive properties and data collection methods.
Qualitative methods
Qualitative research is a method that collects data using conversational
methods, usually open-ended questions. The responses collected are essentially non-
numerical. This method helps a researcher understand what participants think and
why they think in a particular way.
Types of qualitative methods include:

 One-to-one Interview
 Focus Groups
 Ethnographic studies
 Text Analysis
 Case Study

Quantitative methods
Quantitative methods deal with numbers and measurable forms. It uses a
systematic way of investigating events or data. It answers questions to justify
relationships with measurable variables to either explain, predict, or control a
Types of quantitative methods include:

 Survey research
 Descriptive research
 Correlational research

Remember, it is only valuable and useful when it is valid, accurate, and reliable.
Incorrect results can lead to customer churn and a decrease in sales.
It is essential to ensure that your data is:
1) Valid – founded, logical, rigorous, and impartial.
2) Accurate – free of errors and including required details.
3) Reliable – other people who investigate in the same way can produce similar
4) Timely – current and collected within an appropriate time frame.
5) Complete – includes all the data you need to support your business decisions.

2. There are two types of Research Methods. They are Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. What are the differences between Qualitative Approache and
Quantitative Approach ? Please explain and give examples !
Answer :
The differences between qualitative and quantitative research are provided can be
drawn clearly on the following grounds:

1. Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops understanding on human

and social sciences, to find the way people think and feel. A scientific and
empirical research method that is used to generate numerical data, by employing
statistical, logical and mathematical technique is called quantitative research.
2. Qualitative research is holistic in nature while quantitative research is
3. The qualitative research follows a subjective approach as the researcher is
intimately involved, whereas the approach of quantitative research is objective, as
the researcher is uninvolved and attempts to precise the observations and analysis
on the topic to answer the inquiry.
4. Qualitative research is exploratory. As opposed to quantitative research which is
5. The reasoning used to synthesise data in qualitative research is inductive whereas
in the case of quantitative research the reasoning is deductive.
6. Qualitative research is based on purposive sampling, where a small sample size is
selected with a view to get a thorough understanding of the target concept. On the
other hand, quantitative research relies on random sampling; wherein a large
representative sample is chosen in order to extrapolate the results to the whole
7. Verbal data are collected in qualitative research. Conversely, in quantitative
research measurable data is gathered.
8. Inquiry in qualitative research is a process-oriented, which is not in the case of
quantitative research.
9. Elements used in the analysis of qualitative research are words, pictures, and
objects while that of quantitative research is numerical data.
10. Qualitative Research is conducted with the aim of exploring and discovering ideas
used in the ongoing processes. As opposed to quantitative research the purpose is
to examine cause and effect relationship between variables.
11. Lastly, the methods used in qualitative research are in-depth interviews, focus
groups, etc. In contrast, the methods of conducting quantitative research are
structured interviews and observations.
12. Qualitative Research develops the initial understanding whereas quantitative
research recommends a final course of action.
Examples :
Qualitative approach in research includes focus group, in-depth interviews, case
studies, narra tive research and eynhography, among other approaches.
Quantitative approach in research includes descriptive research design, survey
research, correlational research design, quasi-exprerimental research design and
experimental research design
3. What is classroom action research ?, please explain and give examples !
Answer :
What is Classroom Action Research?
Classroom Action Research is a method of finding out what works best in
your own classroom so that you can improve student learning. We know a great deal
about good teaching in general (e.g. McKeachie, 1999; Chickering and Gamson,
1987; Weimer, 1996), but every teaching situation is unique in terms of content, level,
student skills and learning styles, teacher skills and teaching styles, and many other
factors. To maximize student learning, a teacher must find out what works best in a
particular situation. Classroom Action Research is systematic, yet less formal,
research conducted by practitioners to inform their action.
Example :
Structured homework protocols for increasing student achievement.
Developing a system of formative feedback for 8th grade wiring. Using music to
stimulate creative writing.

4. What is ELT Research ?  and what is an experimental research ?

Answer :

 ELT research is research that intends to analyze how this decision affects the
learning process and whether this decision has a more effective impact than using
English to motivate students to produce the target language.
 Experimental research is a study that strictly adheres to a scientific research
design. It includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the
researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared. Most
importantly, experimental research is completed in a controlled environment. The
researcher collects data and results will either support or reject the hypothesis.
This method of research is referred to a hypothesis testing or a deductive research
method (Babbie
Experimental research seeks to determine a relationship between two (2) variables
—the dependent variable and the independent variable. After completing an
experimental research study, a correlation between a specific aspect of an entity
and the variable being studied is either supported or rejected.

5. Can you employ qualitative approach in ELT Research ? Please explain and give
Answer :
Of course, I think a qualitative approach in ELT Research can be done. in this
approach it may not be necessary to collect a lot of data which then requires us to
process it again, but we can do it by getting to the heart of the ELT problem and
asking research questions. For example, ELT problems in places of education that are
not in accordance with the existing learning objectives. also a qualitative approach
can identify words that produce meaning in ELT research, by looking for journals
related to the material that will be discussed individually or in groups. For example,
when a group of people will have a discussion in the form of a group with friends
related to material that is not understood, then proceed with a question and answer
session that will add insight to the people in the group.

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