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Team 3 Memorandum

To: Jared Ince

From: Michael DeHaas Rogers, Cynthia Hernandez, Ethan B Jeffery, Kay K Simpkins, Melina
Date: May 23, 2022
Subject: Team 3 layout future endeavors.

The teammates for this group proposal assignment are Michael DeHaas Rogers, Cynthia
Hernandez, Ethan B Jeffery, Kay K Simpkins, Melina Miguel.

Team 3 leader Cynthia Hernandez has volunteered as the team leader as she has the most
available time to do so. Having a Team leader at this stage is crucial as keeping the team
organized is vital in early development.

We have two methods of communicating with each other. The first of which is text messaging
where we can easily contact each other leaving behind a trail of our conversation if we ever need
to backtrack our communications for details. The second method of communicating with each
other would be on Zoom where our meetings are going to take place.

The meeting Schedule has not been fully developed, but working around 6:00 PM seems to be
the acceptable response we have gotten so far. The meeting is going to be about what our
schedule will look like and making sure everyone knows their sections for the assignment.
Having plans scheduled is an important asset to have a lot sooner than later. Getting this done
should be the priority of everyone on the team.

We have not decided on a topic yet, but the main idea we have so far is some kind of community
garden which can benefit the whole community and bring everyone closer together. As more of
our team members pitch ideas, we will have a more developed topic on which more information
could be brought upon.

For the writing responsibilities, we are not completely done deciding as everyone's roles will be
finalized tomorrow at our meeting. But, so far we have decided that Melina will be in charge of
the introduction. Kay, Michael, and Cynthia will be in charge of the body paragraphs and will
decide tomorrow which sections they are each going to have. Lastly, Ethan will be in charge of
the conclusion. As there are 10 pages that need to be written, having 2 pages per person allows
for a much more efficient approach than having one or two designated writers. Spreading out the
workload allows for easy work to be distributed to one another.

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