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The 1968

March 4, 2022
KDIS MPP 202211118
Social Development and Policy (Sec.6)
2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 2
Why 1968 Generetion?
- The first generation that never experienced war. (War = Violence)
- Conflict between new and older generation.
- Many student’s uprising took place in 1968. (Confrontation: Paris, 1968)
- Purpose of uprising :
1) Against the Vietnam war
2) Opposition to neoliberal policies (security, economy, etc.)
3) Freedom to enter the dormitory of the opposite sex
- Many of the conflicts that occurred in 1968 brought about a shift from class-only
politics to individuals with diverse identities. (Women, migrants, third countries, environmentalists, etc.)
2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 3
Protests of 1968
- Paris, France: May 68 ( )

- Prague, Chezch: Prague Spring

- Tokyo, Japan: Anpo Protests
- and Berlin, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, Eastern Europe…

- Main Slogans of 1968 :

“Freedom from all forms of oppression”
“It is forbidden to forbid”
“Make love not war”
“Be realistic, ask the Imposible”
2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 4
After the Protests of 1968 in Germany
- An apology for Nazi violence (Willy Brandt)
- Mandatory education about Holocaust and nazi era (and joint history textbook with France and Poland)
- Living expenses(BAfoG) were provided to all college students.
- Education without correct answers, education that allows interpretation (Critical Education, Kritische Pedago

2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 5

After the Protests of 1968 in Politics
- Transition from class politics to identity politics
- Revival of Feminism,
- Diversification of sexual orientation,
- Environmentalism

2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 6

The Impact of the Protests of 1968
- Acceptance of Diversity, Pluralism
- Shift from the Class Politics to Identity Politics. (Women, migrants, third countries, environmentalists, etc.)
- Restructuring of consensus common sense. (colonialism, ideology etc)
- The emergence of a rational individual
- Protesters Around the World Rally for Peace in Ukraine
- ([PCPP] Candlelight Revolution, Sovereignist Democarcy(촛불혁명, 주권자 민주주의)

2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 7

The 1968 Generation
Key Words:
68 Generation, Protest of 1968, Pluralism, individualism,
May 68, Anpo protests, Prague Spring

• 김누리(2020). 우리의 불행은 당연하지 않습니다. 해냄.
• Dho, Seungyoun(2018). Foucault and the 68 Revolution : Not an Event but an Experience, Not a Myth, but a Revolution as a Criticism. Korean
Society for Social Philosophy (36), 2
• 심광현(2008). 68혁명의 문화정치적 모순과 이행의 문제. 마르크스주의 연구
• Hyoungjoon Jeon(2020). Effects of Age, Cohort, and Period on Political Orientation. Crisis and Emergency Management : Theory and Praxis.

MOON, Ji-Sung
2022-03-04 The 1968 Generation 8

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