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Field: Language and Subject: English Level: VI Class:

communication XIII WEB/MP

Topic: Learning Situation:
Moods and Feelings + Reading. Who says stress is Description of body language
bad for you.
Learning Outcomes (competence based) Key words:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
Bite her lips, scratch neck, scratch
- Identify different signs of body language.
head, stand with crossed leg, yawn,
- Read the text about stress and get the meaning of the new words.
bored, happy, disease, loud and
- Answer to comprehension questions about the text.
clear, minimise, circumstances,
- Give a synonims of words from the text.
chronic, ensure, flow, handle,
- Complete sentences using vocabulary learnt.
conusellor, embrace etc. .
Resources: Cross curricular links:
Methodology and activities
Methodology(stages of lesson) :
Link the subject to previous student's knowledge(10 min)
Look at the pictures on page 5.. Can you identify some of the body language expressed in each of the
pictures. Form sentences saying what different people are doing in the picture. Which feelings might each
person be experiencing based on their body language?
Contruction of new knowdege(20 min)
Learning situation: When was the last time you felt frustrated, angry, bored, puzzled, happy, sad, etc. Tell
your class. What makes you happy, stressed, scared, bored? Why? Tell class.
Than on the next page first of all they have to complete the sentences in exercis 1 by completing them
with the correct words. Then students are going to read a text entitled: Who says stress is bad for you.
This text is about Stress and its role in our life. Until recently it was thought that stress is our enemy but
one the contrary different researchers have found out that stress even has some advantages as making our
heart beat faster thus increasing blood flow, it strengthens our immune syster etc. Students start reading
the text and underline the new words. While reading the text they to check the meaning of different words
and I will ask them to elicit their meaning by the context given.
In exercise 3 they have to choose the correct answer based on the text that they just read. In exercise 4
students have to read this text once more and in their own words have to answer some questions about
this text: What occurs to our body when we feel stressed?
Learning situation: Say four things you have learnt about about stress today.
Presentation and demonstration of the achieved result(10 min)
To reflect once more on the text they have to find words which have the same meaning as the words given
in ex 5. ex: understandable - clear, reduce - minimise etc.
I will evaluate students on their participation in the lesson.

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