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Neuroanatomy of episodic and semantic memory in humans: A brief review of

neuroimaging studies

Article  in  Neurology India · November 2012

DOI: 10.4103/0028-3886.105196 · Source: PubMed

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4 authors, including:

Haydee Guadalupe Garcia-Lazaro Ernesto Roldan-Valadez

Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute Hospital General de Mexico / UNAM


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Topic of the issue: Review Article
Neuroanatomy of episodic and semantic
memory in humans: A brief review of
neuroimaging studies
Haydée G. García-Lázaro, Rocio Ramirez‑Carmona, Ruben Lara‑Romero1, Ernesto Roldan‑Valadez

Magnetic Resonance Unit, Medica Sur Clinic & Foundation, Mexico City, 1Division of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of
Sonora, Hermosillo City, Mexico

One of the most basic functions in every individual and species is memory. Memory is
the process by which information is saved as knowledge and retained for further use as
needed. Learning is a neurobiological phenomenon by which we acquire certain information
from the outside world and is a precursor to memory. Memory consists of the capacity to
encode, store, consolidate, and retrieve information. Recently, memory has been defined
Address for correspondence: as a network of connections whose function is primarily to facilitate the long‑lasting
Dr. Ernesto Roldan-Valadez,
Coordination of Research and
persistence of learned environmental cues. In this review, we present a brief description
Innovation, Magnetic Resonance Unit, of the current classifications of memory networks with a focus on episodic memory
Medica Sur Clinic and Foundation. and its anatomical substrate. We also present a brief review of the anatomical basis of
Puente de Piedra 150. Col. Toriello memory systems and the most commonly used neuroimaging methods to assess memory,
Guerra. Deleg. Tlalpan, CP 14050, illustrated with magnetic resonance imaging images depicting the hippocampus, temporal
Mexico City, Mexico. lobe, and hippocampal formation, which are the main brain structures participating in
memory networks.
Received : 24‑11‑2012
Review completed : 25‑11‑2012 Key words: Hippocampus, magnetic resonance imaging, memory, neuroanatomy,
Accepted : 30‑11‑2012 parahippocampal gyrus

Introduction Episodic memory (EM) stores information regarding

events and their context, such as what the event was,
Memory is an essential function for the survival of and where and when it occurred.[3] It is important for
individuals and their species because the majority of clinicians to know the structures involved in this kind
cognitive abilities depend on the successful storage of of memory because EM allows individuals remember
information.[1] Memory has been defined as the process who they are, their ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Without
of encoding, storing, consolidating, and retrieving EM, we cannot learn from the past. It also gives us our
information. It is an emergent process in our brain, identity and individuality, and is an elementary part
resulting from complex interactions between the of our consciousness. EM declines over the lifespan.
biochemistry of neurons and their electrical activity in The elderly take more time to store information, and
specific anatomical structures.[2] their recall of recent events is less accurate than that of
young adults. Alterations to the structures underpinning
Access this article online EM have been implicated in various disorders such as
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Alzheimer’s disease,[4] epilepsy,[5] schizophrenia,[6] and depression.[7]
*** Studies in cognitive neuroscience have demonstrated
that memory is a dynamic property of the brain as
DOI: a whole, rather than being localized to any single
region. [8‑12] New advances in magnetic resonance

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Garcia‑Lazaro, et al.: Neuroanatomy of episodic memory in humans

imaging (MRI) have allowed to obtain morphologic single anatomic structure to which we can assign
and functional evidence of the different brain structures responsibility for an isolated memory process. Rather,
involved in memory networks, which form interconnects there are multiple memory systems that shape a widely
across the entire brain.[13] Because memory depends on distributed network of cortical and subcortical brain
several brain systems working in concert across many regions with specific neural behavior.
levels of neural organization, modern neuroscientists
can innovatively use MRI to determine the architecture In the last few years, memory has been described as
of memory systems. a network of connections whose function is primarily
to facilitate the long‑lasting persistence of learned
We present a brief review of the current concepts and environmental cues.[22] Memory systems are formed
classifications of EM and also show some selected by organizing elementary structures, which consist
gray‑matter MR images from the hippocampus, of a neural substrate and its behavioral and cognitive
thalamus, amygdala, temporal lobe, hippocampal correlates. Some of these structures are engaged in
formation, mammillary bodies, and cerebellum, as they other memory systems, and they have emerged at
participate in EM. different stages of evolution and at different stages in
the development of organisms.[23]
Memory is an important part of daily life, and allows us Classifications of memory systems
to effectively interact with the environment and other Memory has been classified into many subtypes
people. Memory allows for the retention of experiences, depending on its persistence, the contents of its stored
and it minimizes risks and facilitates the optimal use material, and the presence or not of consciousness during
of the current environment. Memory consists of the learning and memory.[1]
encoding, storage, consolidation, and retrieval of
information.[3,14,15] In accordance with its persistence, memory was first
separated into three sequential major systems, the
Encoding refers to the initial registration or acquisition sensory, short‑term, and long‑term memory systems.[24]
of information. It involves the capture of information by Sensory memory allows for the recording of sensations
sensory systems and its conversion by neuronal coding and their storage in cortical structures.[25] Short‑term
for use beyond simple perception.[16] The nature of memory was initially proposed as a precursor to
encoding may differ considerably depending on different long‑term memory. However, it was later noted that
memory demands. not all information stored in short‑term memory passes
into long‑term memory. In fact, one kind of short‑term
Storage is the creation of a relatively stable memory memory refers to information used exclusively for
trace or record of knowledge in the brain.[13] Such traces executing or developing other complex cognitive
require neuronal networks that can engage in neuronal processes.[26‑32]
coding, which is the substrate of information storage, and
is evoked when we remember specific information.[17‑19] Long‑term memory has been divided by Tulving[15] based
on whether the material is stored in EM or semantic
Consolidation refers to slow physical processes, which memory. EM is defined as recollections of previous
continue after perception, that enable temporary changes experiences from one’s personal past, especially if
in activity and synaptic strength to become long‑lasting, focused on events that constitute our autobiographic
and the later reactivation of neural activity to allow memory. Semantic memory refers to general knowledge
for the induction of long‑term synaptic changes. This of facts and concepts regarding the world. This
occurs both in the region where the representation knowledge is not located in a specific time or place.[3]
was initially formed (e.g., the hippocampus) and in
additional regions where the representation was initially Based on the contents of their operating characteristics,
weaker (e.g., neocortical structures), but which receive the kinds of information they process, and the purpose
spreading neural activity from the hippocampus.[20] they serve, all memory systems have been classified as
declarative and non‑declarative[1] [Figure 1]. Declarative
Retrieval refers to accessing stored information.[21] It memory refers to memories that can be consciously
requires the reactivation of knowledge and is closely recalled, such as facts and events. It is divided into episodic
related to encoding. Any successful act of retrieval and semantic memory. In contrast, non‑declarative memory
requires initial encoding and the persistence of does not afford awareness of any memory content but
information in the nervous system.[22] Because these does require consciousness, and it includes procedural
processes require the active connection of several memory, priming, simple classical conditioning, and
brain structures, memory is not dependent on a non‑associative learning.[1]

614 Neurology India | Nov-Dec 2012 | Vol 60 | Issue 6

Garcia‑Lazaro, et al.: Neuroanatomy of episodic memory in humans

Figure 1: Functional classification of memory systems, modified from Figure 2: Classification of memory systems based on their anatomy,
Squire[42] and van Strien[2] modified from Squire[42] and van Strien[2]

Neuroimaging methods and not requiring the application of any intravenous

The quest to obtain an understanding of the functional contrast agent.[37]
organization of the normal human brain, using
techniques to assess changes in brain circulation, has Anatomical basis of memory systems
occupied neuroscientists for more than a century. In the last few decades, memory has come to be seen
William James, in 1890, studied changes in brain flow as networks of interconnected cortical neurons, formed
during mental activities. He based his work on the by associations that contain our experiences in their
writings of Angelo Mosso, who wrote in 1881 that brain connectional structures.[12] Likewise, we now believe
circulation changed selectively with neuron activity.[33] In that memory networks overlap and interact profusely
1950, Kety et al. provided the first glimpse of quantitative with one another such that a cellular assembly can be
changes in blood flow in the brain related directly to engaged in many memory networks. These networks
brain function.[34] are integrated by specific anatomical structures such
as the hippocampus, cerebellum, amygdala, frontal
Nowadays, cognitive neuroscience, a growing area in lobes, temporal lobes, entorhinal cortex, and basal
neuroscience, combines the experimental strategies ganglia[41] [Figure 2].
of cognitive psychology with various neuroimaging
techniques to examine how brain functions support Brain structures associated with EM
mental activities. [35] The neuroimaging techniques Because EM deals with where information was acquired,
used include positron emission tomography (PET) and this subtype of declarative memory depends on the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).[36,37] integrity of the medial temporal lobe. The hippocampus
has a critical role in EM because it contains place cells,
These neuroimaging methods provide a means of head‑direction cells, and grid cells, which are involved
measuring local changes in brain activity. PET uses in the representation and recollection of spatial locations.
radiolabeled tracers to visualize blood flow changes The hippocampus is surrounded and connected with the
related to neural activity.[38] MRI can measure brain entorhinal, parahippocampal, and perirhinal cortices,
activity indirectly by taking advantage of a fortuitous and also with several subcortical and cortical structures.
physiologic property, which is that when a region of
the brain increases activity, both blood flow and the The left prefrontal cortex is relatively highly involved in
oxygen content of the blood in that region increase.[39] encoding the information, whereas the right prefrontal
This allows for the indirect visualization of neural cortex is more involved in the EM retrieval.[23] The
activity through changes in oxygen content of the hippocampal regions including the corpus of Ammon,
blood. MRI can also provide quantitative analyses of dentate gyrus, and subicular complex, and the adjacent
brain structure, so current quantitative MR reports perirhinal, entorhinal, and parahippocampal cortices are
may include measurements of segmented volumes essential for declarative memory[42] [Figure 3].
from gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or even specific gyri.[40] Both Brain structures associated with semantic memory
functional and structural MRI have the advantages Semantic memory involves the semantic definition of
of being safe, providing excellent spatial resolution, objects. It uses shape, color, size, function, and motion

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Garcia‑Lazaro, et al.: Neuroanatomy of episodic memory in humans

a b

a b

c d
Figure 4: Brain structures involved in semantic memory:
(a, b and c) frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes (neocortex);
(d) proposed semantic memory network within the temporal
lobe, modified from Patterson et al.[44]

c d memory, such as neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatrists,

Figure 3: Anatomical structures involved in episodic memory: (a) gyri neurosurgeons, and psychologists. Although it is still
of the temporal lobe; (b and c) hippocampal formation and entorhinal an evolving field, we believe that the evaluation of basic
cortex; (d) frontal lobe
systems requires easy and straightforward methods. So,
any clinician trained in these techniques could rapidly
information. A consensus has not yet been achieved obtain reliable and quantitative information that is useful
regarding where this information is represented in the
in clinical settings.
brain. Some authors have proposed that this information
is stored in perceptual and motor systems, and was active
when we first learned about an object.[43] In support of Acknowledgments
this argument, the occipital cortex is the beginning of
semantic processing, which continues in the left temporal This study was supported in part by Medica Sur Clinic and
lobe [Figure 4]. The left inferior frontal cortex is relevant
to word selection and retrieval.[44] The fusiform gyrus,
Haydée G. García-Lázaro was scholarship recipient of the
located at the ventral surface of the temporal lobes, is
Institute of Science and Technology of Mexico City (ICyTDF
highly active during naming and reading words.[44] In
number EJE11-86) and worked at the MRI unit of Medica Sur
the Squire model, the fundamental memory structures Clinic & Foundation from July 2011 to June 2012.
are the hippocampus, neocortex, amygdala, cerebellum,
and basal ganglia.[42]
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