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Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22

DOI 10.1007/s13679-012-0042-7


Multifactorial Influences of Childhood Obesity

Yeow Nyin Ang & Bee Suan Wee &
Bee Koon Poh & Mohd Noor Ismail

Published online: 30 December 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

Abstract Obesity is the result of complex interactions of Introduction

multiple factors that have gradually led to enduring
changes in lifestyles, and thus, creating a global epidemic Childhood obesity is portrayed by the accrual of exces-
of major health concerns. The roles of genetics and the sive body fat as well as the growth of excess adipocytes
environment are vital and need to be explored to further [1]. It is widely accepted as has been reported that
our understanding of the etiology of childhood obesity. overweight or obese children are at greater risk of becoming
This review critically looked at published reports over overweight or obese adults; who will face a life-time of
the past decade on factors that are unmodifiable, such as increased risk for various diseases, including diabetes melli-
genetics, ethnic differences, gestational weight and intra- tus, cardiovascular disease, liver disease and certain cancers
uterine conditions; as well as modifiable factors, such as [2, 3]. Even during childhood, obesity has been reported to
socioeconomic status, diet, physical activity, sleep, and increase the risk for various medical problems, such as
parental determinants. With the worldwide increase in prediabetes and diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascu-
prevalence of pediatric obesity over the past several lar, pulmonary, orthopedic and gastrointestinal diseases, as
decades, it is imperative that we understand the root well as psychological problems [3–5].
causes of obesity in order to arrest the rising trend The incidence of overweight and obesity has great
through better prevention and intervention strategies. implications for public health. Globally, the prevalence
of overweight and obesity has increased at an alarming
Keywords Child . Obesity . Adiposity . Body composition . rate. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
Multifactorial influences it is estimated that more than 40 million children under
five years of age were overweight in year 2010, with
close to 35 million of these children in developing
countries [6]. Based on secular trends using the Interna-
tional Obesity Task Force (IOTF) criteria, Wang and
Y. N. Ang : B. S. Wee : B. K. Poh Lobstein [7] estimated overweight to occur in 46% of
Nutritional Sciences Program, School of Healthcare Sciences, school-aged children in the Americas, 41% in the Eastern
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Mediterranean region, 38% in the European region, 27%
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
in the Western Pacific, and 22% in the Southeast Asia.
B. S. Wee At the individual level, determinants of obesity include
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, genetics, biology, behavior, and environments that foster
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia an adverse balance between energy intake and energy
expenditure [8]. However, there are also other relevant
M. N. Ismail (*)
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, factors related to childhood obesity, including dietary
MARA University of Technology, 42300, status, physical activity, sleep duration, socio-economic
Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia status and intrauterine factors. It is therefore necessary
to further explore the causal factors that contribute to
M. N. Ismail obesity in children. Table 1 summarized the findings of
e-mail: recent studies on childhood obesity, while Fig. 1 presents the
Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22 11

Table 1 Summary of recently reported studies on childhood obesity

Authors (year) Study design Participants Observations Main outcomes

Studies related to genetic factors

Speliotes Two-stage genome-wide 249,796 European Identified and validated BMI- A total of 32 BMI-associated loci
et al. (2010) association meta-analysis children and adults associated loci. were confirmed. These genes in-
[20••] creased the odds of overweight
by 1.013 to 1.138-fold and of
obesity by 1.016- to 1.203-fold.
Faith Twin study 69 same-sex twin pairs Genetics and environment Poorer compensation among
et al. (2012) aged 4-7 years, including influenced self-regulatory eat- African American and Hispanic
[27] 40 monozygotic and 29 ing and body fat of children. as compared to European
dizygotic pairs in the USA American children and lesser
self-regulatory eating was associ-
ated with greater body fat.
Li et al. (2009) Two generation birth 16,794 parents measured Increased parental BMI and Childhood BMI increased between
[133] cohort study several times from age 7 excessive parental BMI gains the two generations by 0.25-1.10
to 33 years and 2908 during childhood and unit; and the effect of parental
offsprings aged 4-18 years adulthood were associated BMI in childhood as well as that
in England, Scotland, with a higher BMI and higher in adulthood had similar effect on
and Wales obesity risk in their children. the BMI of their offspring
Studies related to ethnic factors
Liu et al. Cross-sectional study 1039 children aged 8-10 Ethnic differences in the Asian children had 3-6 units lower
(2011) [45] years (352 Chinese, 155 relationship between body BMI at a given percentage body fat
Lebanese, 197 Malay, 112 mass index and percentage compared to Caucasian children.
Filipino and 223 Thai) body fat among Asian children
from different background.
Lakshmi Cross-sectional study 262 white Caucasian Differences in body composition Asian Indian children had smaller
et al. (2012) children in UK and 626 and metabolic status between body mass index and waist
[43] Indian children in India. white UK and Asian circumference than Caucasian;
Indian children and both Indian boys and girls
had higher percent body fat.
Cuypers Prospective study 1450 adolescents from Association between cultural Protective influence of cultural
et al. (2012) Norwegian HUNT study and social activities were activities in female adolescents
[51] (1995-97) who were measured in young adulthood, against overweight in adulthood
followed up (2006-2008) interaction effect of a genetic and moderating effect on obesity
as young adults. predisposition score by leisure susceptibility genes.
time activities were tested.
Studies related to gestational weight and intrauterine factors
Ferraro Two generation birth 4321 mothers aged 16-50 High maternal pre-pregnancy Overweight or obese mothers who
et al. (2012) cohort study years and their infants in BMI and excessive gestational exceeded the GWG
[56•] Ottawa and Kingston weight gain (GWG) increases recommendations had higher
the risk of giving birth to chances of delivering a large baby
a large-for-gestational by 3-folds (OR03.59) and 6-folds
age infant. (OR06.71) compared to normal
weight mothers
Studies related to socio-economic factors
Moraeus Cross sectional study 3636 children in Sweden Urbanization level and parental Boys had greater risk of obesity in
et al. (2012) characteristics, such as weight semi-urban and rural areas but
[72] status and education, are this was not true for girls.
related to risk of overweight
in children
Studies related to dietary factors
Disantis Retrospective study 109 children aged 3- 6 years Behavioural mechanisms Children who were directly
et al. (2011) in US contributed to the relationship breastfed had greater appetite
[83] between breastfeeding and regulation compared with
lower obesity risk. children fed human milk in a
bottle. Directly breastfed children
were more likely to have high
satiety responsiveness.
12 Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22

Table 1 (continued)

Authors (year) Study design Participants Observations Main outcomes

Eloranta Cross-sectional study 510 children aged 6-8 years Dietary factors are associated Having all three main meals, satiety
et al. (2012) in Kuopio, Finland. with overweight (OW), per- responsiveness and slowness in
[89] cent body fat (%BF), waist eating were inversely associated
circumference (WC) and hip with OW, %BF, WC and HC. On
circumference (HC) the other hand, enjoyment of
food, food responsiveness,
emotional overeating and protein
intake were directly associated
with OW, %BF, WC and HC.
Antonogeorgos Cross-sectional study 700 children aged 10-12 Consumption of breakfast Synergistic effect of consuming
et al. (2011) years old in Athens and frequent meal lower more than three meals and
[90] obesity risk. breakfast everyday were two
times less likely to be overweight
or obese (OR0 0.49).
Studies related to physical activity factors
Özmert Cross-sectional study 860 children aged 12-15 Positive correlation between Children with a BMI z-score
et al. (2011) years in Turkey television viewing and other above 2SD watched television
[113] sedentary activities, such as (2.5±0.9h/day) longer than those
reading, watching CD and with BMI z-score below -2SD
computer use. (1.6±0.8h/day).
Metcalf Prospective cohort study 202 children in England Physical inactivity appears to be %BF was predictive of changes in
et al. (2011) the result of fatness rather than PA over the following 3 years,
[116] its cause. but PA levels were not predictive
of subsequent changes in %BF
over the same follow up period.
Studies related to sleep factors
Carter 3-year longitudinal cohort 244 children aged 3-7 years Reduced sleep duration Each extra hour of sleep at ages 3-5
et al. (2011) observational study in New Zealand increased BMI and body fat years was associated with 2 times
[128•] in children. lower BMI (OR00.48), reduced
overweight risk (OR00.39) and
fat mass index (OR00.43) at age
7 years.
Studies related to parental determinants factors
Morrissey Cross-sectional study 990 children aged 8-12 Mothers’ employment was Every period of 5.3 months of
et al. (2011) years in 10 cities associated with increases in mother’s employment increased
[132] children’s BMI, especially in child’s BMI by 10% of a standard
older children. deviation. Moreover, maternal
employment also increased
likelihood overweight risk by
6 times among children in
sixth grade.

conceptual framework identifying several major modifiable are rare, very severe, and generally begin in childhood.
and unmodifiable risk factors that may exert substantial influ- Candidate gene approaches have been used to identify the
ence on the etiology of childhood obesity. association between a variant or mutation within or near the
candidate gene and a trait of interest (for example: obesity).
With respect to single-gene mutation, a number of genes
Unmodifiable Risk Factors in Childhood Obesity have been identified in individuals who were severely
obese, namely pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), proprotein
Genetic Influences convertase subtilisin/kexin 1 (PCSK1), melanocortin-4
receptors (MC4R), corticotrophin-releasing hormone recep-
Genetic susceptibility to obesity is recognized as a highly tor (CRHR), leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), cocaine-
heritable condition that begins at an early age. Genetic and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART), brain-
factors also determine whether one is susceptible to other derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and single-minded ho-
obesity-related diseases [9]. Monogenic obesities have been molog 1 (SIM-1) [10–16]. The defects in POMC produced
examined extensively in children given that these conditions altered peptide which is different from α-melanocyte-
Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22 13

Fig. 1 Conceptual framework

describing the etiology of
childhood obesity

stimulating hormone (α-MSH) through PCSK1 and without Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have impli-
α-MSH, MC4R is unable to play a role in weight regulation cated many genetic loci for obesity in the past 5 years
[10]. Deficiency of MC4R was found to associate with [20••], and of particular interest, the fat mass and
obesity by accelerated linear growth and increased final obesity-associated protein (FTO) gene [21]. FTO gene
height as well as excess in insulin and partially suppress expression in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus was de-
growth hormone [11]. Meanwhile, CRHR shows anorexi- termined to contribute significantly to obesity as a con-
genic hypothalamic response by activation of urocortin to sequence of hyperphagia, seemingly in the absence of
potently suppress food intake [12]. LEP and LEPR suppress changes in energy expenditure [22, 23]. Two other genes,
the increase of CART [13] and prevent overeating by con- TNNI3K and POMC, were identified by GWAS as being
trolling the appetite [14]. BDNF have been implicated in the associated with childhood obesity [24]. In 2010, a study
energy regulation by increasing gene expression for LEPR discovered two additional obesity loci (TNKS-MSRA and
and POMC [15]. SIM1 are key factors interacting with the SDCCAG8) in extremely obese children and adolescents,
central melanocortin pathway in the control of appetite by with odds ratios of approximately 1.10 per risk allele for
decreasing MC4R [16]. However, cases of single-gene obe- both loci for early-onset obesity [25].
sity cannot explain many others with latent genetic predis- Furthermore, gene-environment interactions also play
position that is expressed only upon exposure to an an important role in childhood obesity [26, 27]. Differ-
obesogenic environment. ences in body composition is also a likely factor; specif-
In most individuals, obesity results from the interac- ically the lower abdominal adiposity found in African-
tion of multiple genes that encode peptides that transmit American children compared with European or Hispanic
hunger and satiety signals, regulate adipocyte growth American children [28, 29], and the higher trunk skinfold
and differentiation and control energy expenditure [17]. thickness in Chinese girls compared to Malaysian and
The Human Obesity Gene Map reported 253 loci from Lebanese girls [30]. These differences in body composi-
61 genome-wide linkage scans, of which 15 loci have tion phenotype suggest that the genetic makeup of indi-
been replicated in at least three studies [18]. However, a viduals interacts with environmental factors from early
meta-analysis by Saunders et al. showed that genome- developmental stages, as has been demonstrated by Fer-
wide linkage analysis may not be the best method for nandez et al. [26] and the twin and adoption study [31].
identifying genetic variants for obesity [19]. With the advent of next-generation sequencing techniques
14 Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22

and advances in the field of exposomics, sensitive and In comparison with Caucasian children of the same age,
specific tools to predict the obesity risk as early as possi- Asian children have lower BMIs by 3-6 units for a given
ble are the challenges in the coming decade [32]. percentage of body fat [45]. Ethnic differences in adipos-
An environmental factor of major importance is nutrition. ity had been reported in adolescence, with greater central
The risk of obesity is higher when an individual with a high- adiposity being observed in women of Asian ancestry
risk genetic profile is exposed to high-risk environment. For compared with Caucasians [46]. For a given BMI, chil-
example, the Pima Indians have an inherent susceptibility to dren and infants of South Asian origin have higher
obesity, and obesity is more likely to develop among those adiposity compared with White Europeans, suggesting
living in Arizona as they are exposed to obesity-promoting that either genetic factors or exposure to maternal phys-
environments, such as ‘Western diet’ and less exercise, com- iology contribute to obesity rather than behaviors or diet
pared with Pima Indians living in Mexico, who survive on during childhood or later in life [47].
traditional food and manual labor [33]. Moreover, obesity The risk factors for obesity reportedly exist from as early
genes might also play a role in the choice and preference of as the prenatal and early childhood periods [48]. Taveras et
dietary intake of saturated fat, carbohydrates, mono- and dis- al. [49] further suggested that racial or ethnic differences in
accharides, and polysaccharides [34]. A longitudinal study childhood obesity may be determined by several factors that
had suggested that high consumption of saturated fat increase operate during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood.
the obesity risk associated with FTO gene [35]. To date, the Compared to Caucasian children, children of Black and
genes responsible for individual differences in sensitivity to Hispanic ancestry had higher odds of rapid infant weight
changes in energy balance have not all been identified. In view gain, and exhibited lower birth weights for gestational age
of the complexity of the biological systems involved in body but had higher BMI z-scores, and a greater prevalence of
weight regulation, these genes are likely to be numerous [36]. obesity at the age of three years [49].
Di Castelnuovo et al. [37] suggested that positive assor- Amongst ethnic groups, cultural differences are be-
tative mating by BMI may assemble obesity-promoting risk lieved to be one of the contributing factors to the dis-
alleles and probably undergo interaction between gene and parities in childhood obesity [50]. For instance,
environment in a family [38]. A recent paper revealed that perception on body image occurs in a cultural context
weight changes over a period of two years was associated and differs by ethnic groups. Women who traditionally
with marital status; partly due to shared environment, such feed, educate and take care of their children, also possess
as the stimulus to eat when dining together or the motivation their own beliefs about body image, which in turn will
for weight control to increase attractiveness [39]. Compar- have implications toward their children’s own body im-
ing children born to normal weight parent, children had age [50]. In addition, cultural activities may also be
higher obesity risk if they had an obese father considered as a non-modifiable factor in determining a
(OR02.11), an obese mother (OR07.66), or two obese child’s adiposity. A recent prospective study [51] found
parents (OR08.05) [40]. These observations suggested negative association between participation in cultural ac-
that assortative mating is related to the epidemic of tivities with z-scores of waist circumference (WC) and
childhood obesity. waist-to-height ratio (WHR) in girls; and concluded that
cultural activities had a moderating effect on the obesity-
Ethnic Differences susceptibility genes. Although environmental factors per-
taining to health-related behaviors or lifestyles and eco-
Ethnic disparities have been widely discussed as a con- nomic disadvantage could contribute to some of the
tributing factor to adiposity. In adults, very large differ- ethnic differences in the prevalence of diseases associat-
ences between ethnic groups, especially among women, ed with obesity, these factors cannot explain all the
have been observed, with non-Hispanic black individu- differences in expression and disease patterns due to race
als exhibiting the highest prevalence of obesity [41]. or ethnicity. Hence, it is likely that genetics or molecular
Asian Indian individuals were observed to have signif- factors also contribute to the racial disparities in obesity-
icantly greater total abdominal fat and intra-abdominal related comorbidities [52].
adipose tissue and truncal subcutaneous (SC) adipose
tissue than Caucasians [42]. Similarly in children, South Gestational Weight and Intrauterine Factors
Asian Indians reportedly had smaller body mass index
and waist circumference than Caucasians, and yet both The intrauterine environment plays a crucial role in the
boys and girls from India had higher percent body fat development of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and meta-
[43]. Hispanic Americans exhibit the greatest trunk, bolic syndrome in the offspring [53, 54]. Shankar and col-
intra-abdominal and SC adipose tissue, followed by leagues [55] illustrated that children exposed to maternal
European Americans and African American [44•]. obesity in utero were more susceptible to obesity, regardless
Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22 15

of birth weight, which seems to indicate that subtle developed countries, lower socioeconomic groups reported-
programming of obesity occurs in the absence of clear ly had the highest levels of overweight and the lowest levels
changes in birth weight. Children of overweight or obese of physical fitness, and adolescent girls were particularly at
mothers also had more likelihood of being born large for risk [73]. In most countries, children in urban areas were
gestational age (LGA) [56•]. These children are at an in- more likely to be obese than those in rural areas. Contem-
creased risk of obesity when they also exhibit a high birth porary populations of children were found to exhibit higher
weight of more than 4 kg [57]. rates of obesity than do those from the lowest socioeconom-
Pre-pregnancy obesity is the strongest risk factor for ic groups in high-income countries [74]. In India, signifi-
childhood obesity [58] and metabolic dysregulation [59]. cantly more children of higher SES status were obese and
Higher gestational weight gain (GWG) has been associ- overweight than those from lower SES [75, 76].
ated with both a greater incidence of pre-eclampsia [60] Positive energy balance, high energy intake, and low
and a significantly higher risk of gestational diabetes levels of energy expenditure on physical activity are
mellitus (GDM) with maternal hyperglycemia as well as strongly associated with urbanization and economic afflu-
fetal hyperglycemia, which can consequently lead to ex- ence [77]. SES groups, usually low-SES in industrialized
cess fetal insulin and thus fetal overgrowth [61]. Hull countries and high-SES in developing countries, with
and colleagues demonstrated direct relationship between greater access to energy-dense diets are at a higher risk
weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight or infant of being obese. However, the obesity–SES association
adiposity [62]. Longitudinal data have revealed a strong varies with gender, age, and country [78••]. The findings
relationship between gestational weight gain and child- from a longitudinal survey suggest that rather than hav-
hood weight status, regardless of the mother’s pre- ing a major direct causative role, family income may act
pregnancy weight [63] and also independent of genetic primarily as a proxy for other unobserved characteristics
factors [64]. It has been suggested that weight status that determine children’s weight status [79].
during early human development, especially in the ma-
ternally overweight or obese children, can have on-going Diet
effects on adiposity and related chronic diseases [65].
In the in utero environment, epigenetic factors may alter Breast-feeding is known to have a consistent protective
gene expression and predispose the fetus to abnormal phys- effect against obesity in children [80]; however, a quantita-
ical activity and dietary behaviors later in life by compro- tive review by Owen et al. concluded that the precise mag-
mising the physiological thresholds for energy balance nitude of association is still unclear [81]. The macronutrient
regulation [66]. Moreover, the offspring’s susceptibility to composition and bioactive substances of breast milk may
premature chronic diseases may be influenced by constant influence metabolic programming and the regulation of
exposure to excess energy, hormones and growth factors in body fatness and growth rate [80]. Formula-fed infants had
utero [54]. Human data regarding the effect of maternal higher insulin levels and lower leptin levels compared with
lifestyle on epigenetic modifications are scarce; however, breast-fed infants; and these proteins could stimulate fat
animal-model research has demonstrated that the body com- deposition and lead to the early development of adipocytes
position of the offspring changes with maternal diet and is [82]. Direct breastfeeding during early infancy has been
associated with epigenetic alterations in metabolic control related to better appetite regulation later in childhood;
genes [67]. Furthermore, the maternal diet may influence the whereby a study showed that children who were fed human
food preferences and feeding responses in the offspring milk in a bottle during the first three months of life were
[68]; and, if nutritionally compromised, may promote adi- 67% less likely to have good response to satiety during their
posity as well as early onset of metabolic impairments in the preschool years compared to children who were directly
child [69]. The intake of glucose and lipids, such as trigly- breastfed [83]. The effect of breastfeeding on infant growth
cerides and non-esterified fatty acids, had also been shown may be a significant determinant of early life programming
to have positive relationship with fetal growth [70, 71•]. for obesity and chronic diseases later in life, especially for
the offsprings of women with diabetes [84].
The adoption of industrialized Western society lifestyles,
Modifiable Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity including urbanization, Western foods, increased sedentari-
ness and car ownership, has been related to increased obe-
Socio-economic Status (SES) sity. Rapid and marked socio-economic advancement has
brought about considerable changes to the lifestyles of com-
Living conditions and societal factors have great impact on a munities, including among children; especially with respect
child’s weight status. In Sweden, boys living in semi-urban to dietary patterns, such as the high intake of energy-dense
and rural areas have a greater risk of obesity [72]. In many food, which has been identified as an important factor in
16 Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22

body weight control in adults, as well as in children and foods; (d) having harmful effects; and (e) increasing glob-
adolescents [85]. Moreover, alterations in meal patterns ally and thus difficult to regulate by individual countries
are also evident with more families eating out, skipping [99]. Recently, WHO has produced a set of recommenda-
meals especially breakfast and relying too much on fast tions to help member countries to either develop or strength-
foods, which are known to be high in saturated and trans en policy related to marketing of foods and non-alcoholic
fats, energy dense, and served in large portion sizes beverages to children [100].
[86–88]. Children who ate all three main meals, namely, More recently, vitamin D deficiency has been identified
breakfast, lunch and dinner, daily were reported to have as a new global public health issue. Vitamin D has been
63% lower risk of being overweight or obese than those suggested to be a potential factor in the prevention of many
who did not [89]. Another study had also further con- illnesses, including obesity [101]. Obese individuals were
firmed the protective role of consuming three meals per observed to have lower concentrations of 25-hydroxy vita-
day with a lower likelihood of overweight or obesity, but min D, suggesting that obese individuals may have altered
only if breakfast was not skipped [90]. Skipping break- vitamin D and parathyroid hormone physiology [102].
fast has been shown to affect children's appetite but not
their energy intake at subsequent meals [91•]. When Physical Activity
children did not consume breakfast, they were hungrier,
less full, and could consume more food prior to lunch; Physical activity has long been recognized as one of the
hence, increasing daily dietary intake [92]. important determinants of obesity [103] and as a promoter
The rapid development of fast-food outlets and the of lifelong positive health behavior in children [104]. The
easy availability of junk food is also a matter of concern. importance of physical activity lies in the basic concept of
Children with working parents who are cared for by care the Law of Thermodynamics, from which can be derived the
providers are more likely to receive food that is high in fact that human energy expenditure consists of three com-
energy and of poor nutritional value, perhaps because ponents; namely, energy that is expended for thermogenesis,
care providers are more concerned with placating their energy that is expended for basal metabolism or the basal
wards than with the long-term health of the children [93]. metabolic rate, and energy that is expended on physical
Furthermore, parents who work outside of the home may activity [105]. Of these, physical activity is the only factor
also serve more high-calorie pre-prepared, convenience, that can be modified to prevent obesity.
or fast foods due to time constraints. Additionally, unsu- It has been reported that only a third of overweight and
pervised children tended to make poorer nutritional obese children engaged in a minimum of 60 minutes of
choices when preparing their own snacks [94]. It has physical activity daily, which suggests that the younger
also been reported that children consumed more fast food generation led sedentary lifestyles [106]. School children,
items and carbonated drinks as compared to fruits and especially those in Asian countries, have been reported to
vegetables, as these food items were easily available focus more on academics and are less involved in sports and
through vending machines and school canteens [91•]. physical activities [107]. Children also spent much of their
Changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, and food marketing leisure time engaged in sedentary activities, such as watch-
have brought about undesirable effects, with large propor- ing TV or playing computer/video games [108]. Studies
tions of the population afflicted with various non- have found that normal BMI values were distributed in the
communicable diseases associated with over-nutrition, in- higher tertiles of physical activity [109, 110].
cluding obesity [95–97]. Available evidence suggests that A systematic review by Te Velde et al. [111] con-
high-energy intake in early infancy and high consumption of firmed that there is an inverse association between total
energy-dense foods and sweetened drinks during childhood physical activity and overweight; but not, with respect
is associated with increased adiposity [85]. to specific sub-behaviors, such as moderate to vigorous
Food marketing to children has been proposed as a means physical activity, aerobic exercise and leisure activity.
for addressing the global crisis of childhood obesity in Jimenez-Pavon et al. also presented evidence that sup-
recent years. The commercial advertising and marketing of ports negative association between objectively measured
food and beverages influences the diet and health of chil- physical activity and adiposity, and reported that higher
dren and youths. An estimated more than $10 billion a year levels of habitual physical activity are protective against
is spent on marketing of all types of food and beverages to child and adolescent obesity [112].
children and youths in America [98]. There is evidence that Watching television decreases the amount of time
food marketing to children is (a) massive; (b) expanding in spent on active physical activities [113], and has been
number of avenues, such as product placements, video associated with increased food consumption either during
games, the internet, and cell phones; (c) composed of mes- television viewing or as an indirect result of food adver-
sages that are almost entirely for nutrient-poor, calorie-dense tisements [114]. A study involving students aged 11 to
Curr Obes Rep (2013) 2:10–22 17

13 years in California concluded that time spent watching Visceral adiposity is a significant predictor of obstructive
television was significantly associated with obesity [113]. sleep apnea (OSA), with the severity being independent of
Te Velde et al. [111] also reported moderate evidence for BMI among obese children [126]. This is supported by
a significant positive association between TV/video/com- another study in which obese children exhibited no difference
puter screen time and overweight. Increased physical in head, neck and abdominal subcutaneous fat but instead
activity and decreased screen-based sedentary behavior exhibited more abdominal visceral fat [127]. A longitudinal
were associated with decreased body fat percentages but study revealed that children who slept less were more likely to
not decreased BMI [115]. be overweight and had high body fat values [128•]. Besides,
Although the benefits of physical activity have been sleep duration decreases with age whereas higher body fat
proven in many studies [103, 104, 111–113], there are a mass and BMI both tend to increase with age [129].
few studies that reported contradicting results regarding Based on a meta-analysis, the recommended sleep dura-
physical activity and obesity. A longitudinal study in tions are 11 hours or more for children aged below 5
England found that physical inactivity is the result rather years, 10 hours or more for children aged between 5
than the cause of obesity, and argued that inactivity does and 10 years, and 9 hours or more for children aged 10
not lead to fatness; hence, explaining why physical ac- years and above [125]. Independent of other risk factors,
tivity interventions sometimes fail to prevent excess increasing sleep duration may decrease the prevalence of
weight gain in children [116]. Another intervention pro- childhood obesity [130]. The current available evidence is
gram conducted among preschool children, reported that unable to support claims of a secular trend [131]. Future
physical activity helped to improve motor skills but randomized intervention trials are necessary to determine
failed to reduce body mass index [117]. the effectiveness of sleep extension for the prevention of
obesity among children and adolescents [130].
Parental Determinants
Sleep plays an important role in the health of children
and adolescents as it allows for the normal diurnal Parental work schedule [132], parental BMI [133], and
rhythm of hormones that are related to growth, matura- maternal smoking habits [134] appear to be important in
tion, and energy homeostasis [118•]. Children who sleep determining children’s health status, particularly with re-
for shorter durations have been postulated to have lower spect to a healthy body weight. Maternal smoking during
energy intake and expenditure; since sleep deprivation is pregnancy may be a risk factor for childhood obesity,
known to lead to alterations in the structure of sleep along with low birth weight [135]. A possible explanation
stage, and hence, giving rise to fatigue, daytime sleep- for this may be the impact of catch-up growth in the first
iness, somatic and cognitive problems and low activity year of life on childhood obesity [136]. Children whose
levels [119]. Several studies have reported that habitual mothers smoked during pregnancy were at increased risk
sleep length is prospectively and independently associ- for overweight at the ages of 3 to 33 years [134]. Al-
ated with obesity and mortality [120, 121] with those though the mechanisms by which maternal smoking influ-
who sleep for short durations being more likely to be ences the weight of the child are not well characterized,
obese [122]. On the other hand, longer sleep duration they are possibly due to nicotine, which is transported
may reduce the opportunity to eat, and thus prevent across the placenta, and carbon monoxide, which poten-
over-eating among children and adolescents [123]. tially influences placental vascular function and may cause
Sleep deprivation influences the development of obe- fetal hypoxia [134]. Nicotine acts to reduce appetite [137]
sity through several possible biological pathways. These and body weight, while withdrawal results in hyperphagia
include increased sympathetic activity, decreased leptin and weight gain [138]. It has been suggested that the
and growth hormone, elevated cortisol and ghrelin lev- rapid weight gain of the infant during the early postnatal
els, and impaired glucose tolerance [124]. Hormonal period may be due to the effect of nicotine withdrawal,
alterations may contribute to the selection of energy- similar to the increased craving for food [139].
dense food, excessive energy intake, changes in energy A positive association has also been observed between
expenditure, insulin resistance, alterations in the basal childhood obesity and parental BMI. Excessive gains in
metabolic rate, modifications in the thermic effect of parental BMI during youth and later life were found to
food and non-exercise activity thermogenesis [123, be associated with higher BMI and risk of obesity in the
125]. As short sleep duration has been clearly associat- offspring [133]. Similarly, child overweight/obesity was
ed with increased risk of childhood obesity, sleep could also significantly associated with maternal work hours
be a vital factor that needs to be considered in child- and paternal non-standard work schedules [132, 140].
hood obesity prevention [125]. However, further research is required to determine the
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