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The provided charts illustrate the currently airport structure and the progress of this categories next

year. As can be seen, there are a huge different when the airport rebuilds as it looks bigger than the
design before.

To begin with, people currently go inside by a south entrance door, then the officers will confirm your
passport in the east of the airport. Passengers go to the path which is surrounded with eight different
gates after they are accessed by officers. Then, customers’ passport is controlled on the west side, they
can have a cup of coffee on the right corner or check in opposite the café. Consequence, they will leave
the airport by the exit.

It is worth highlighting that there will have two entrance gates when the building change. Although the
passport control customs parts still unchanged, there are going to have café shop, ATM and car lease are
in the upper right corner, the middle right and right-down corner, respectively. Then, instead of the
walkway for passengers, it will become a sky train and it is surrounded by eighteen gates. Security
passport control part will also remain the same, but there have some extra shops for passengers. The
biggest different that we can see is the check-in will change to the upper right corner and the coffee
shop move to a lower left corner and there is an extra bag drop part for customers.

Nowadays, there are massive of teenagers and elder age get obesity and diabetes. It is acknowledged
that food or drink contain a lot of sugar should be incredibly expensive to limit people use which help
human avoid having serious sickness. In my perspective, I partly agree with this statement. However, I
also believe that it depends on human awareness in many aspects.

There are two reasons that I believe when the sugary products become overpriced. The most reasonable
reason that absolutely prevent serious sickness. People are not able to pay an expensive one, so it will
minimize illness rate for human. As a result, people are not necessary to have a surgery to treat it. The
others reason is it can warn teenagers and elderly that sugary things is fundamentally detrimental for
human health. They realize the danger of the junk food and soft drink when the price goes up, they will
stop using it.

On the other hand, in many circumstances, it is not suitable when sugar become unpopular. First, sugar
is one of the most vital nutrients of human body. If the expenses are too high, people cannot afford to
possess it and the situation of lacking of sugar will happen, it also causes illness for human. Finally, when
the price is technically high, people are no longer to have it. The result will lead to a bankrupt of
entrepreneur company, many employers will lose their job.

In conclusion, increasing the expenses of sugary food can help people prevent obesity and diabetes.
However, everything has two sides and people will have another illness if they do not have sugar inside
their body and it also affect in other aspects.

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