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Compound sentence

Independent clause
Simple Sentence 1,1, conjunction independent clause
simple Sentence 2. 2.
1. My sister is good at math., and she always gets good grades.
2. I’m also good at math, but my sister is better than I am.
3. I will ask my tutor for help, or I will talk to my teacher.
4. My sister is older than I am, so maybe she can help me.
for, nor, yet

“fanboys” = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Complex sentence

dependent clause.
Independent clause
Simple Sentence 1, conjunction simple Sentence 2.
1. He’ll take a gap year after
time he finishes high school.
2. I did well on my exam because
reason I studied hard .
3. I will apologize to her purpose
so (that) we can be friends again.
4. I will tell her the truth if
condition you don’t behave yourself.
Subordinating conjunctions
Time Reason Purpose Condition
As soon as
Before As
Since Because So that
Until Since
Practice 7, 8. 9 pp. 87-90
Fragments: incomplete sentences

• After we get home

• Because I promised to help her

Practice 10, 11 pp. 91-93

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