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OVEN AND NIJMEGEN OPERATION MARKET GARDEN THE NETHERLANDS, SEPTEMBER 1944 Co ee sa a WOR es Sony Posed: y aoe SEA DESMA, sel varia Sy aaa 4 fee eau Sion rnd erate ons Ne Cry Say) ese P Pte Sa ere le . Se SN SPA aN tm T i PLS te y " Cones pa oy Perri ee ed es Ne a ee) IesTNTEN BULGARIA THE WORLD AT WAR In Alanes Of War, you take on the role of a field commander manoeuvring your troops across the battlefields of World War Il. This classic period of warfare is brought co li Hells Highway allows you to field the British, American and Getman forces that fought during Operation Market Garden in Seprember 1944, You'll aso, need the Flames Of War rulebook, which contains all the rules and national characteristics thar you need to fight miniature World War Il bactes. WHY COLLECT A FORCE FROM HELL'S HIGHWAY? Hells Highwoay brings Flames Of War players into the epie story ‘of Operation Matkec Garden, The new Allied 1 Airborne ‘Army would jump behind enemy lines and secure a series of ges from Eindhoven to Arnhem, while the British XXX ) Corps, would break through che German defences on, the Bel Allied paratroopers along the way. an border and charge to Arnhem linking up with the Allied generals can take command of Bri ce Guards tanks, These ‘unflappable tanks will noc falcer as they break. e and race to capture theit objectives, Or rake oic and bold a US aleborne company and cary inspite of impossible ods the enemys ‘command of the Tead them to ‘German generals will ke command ofa company of Germany’ Play as the Oberstloumnant Von der Heyde’s veteran 6. Fallhirmjigerrgiment or as the 3 Fillchirmdivison, rebuilding after Normandy. Both are well supported by the Waffen-SS and Heer, ranging from rough paratroopers, the Fllchirajager -Pancergrenadiers to impressive Jagepanther tank hunters HOW THIS BATTLE BOOK WORKS ‘The Intelligence Briefings in this book give you the choices ‘of three British, two American and two German companies based on historieal examples thar fought during Operation Market Garden in September 1944, ach Army is made up of platoons, each platoon has an associated points cost based upon its size and the add ‘options that you select for them. You and your opponent should selec HOW TO BUILD A FORCE In Flames Of War games you will command a company with several platoons. Each company includes: Company Headquarters - platoon is required —withou icyou have no command! When The company headquarters you choose your force the first thing you should purchase with your points is your company headquarters. Combat Platoons - At least wo combat platoons are usually required, ‘These platoons make up the core of your fore. These platoons are the backbone of your force, ‘Weapons Platoons - Weapons platoons come from your own bartalion oF regiment. Although they are optional they offer your company excellent support, such as heavy machine-guns, mortars and anti-tank weapons, Support Platoons - Support platoons are sent 1 your ‘company by the division or corps. ‘These platoons give you extra support in many forms, ranging from tanks to arillery PLATOONS Each platoon diagram indicates the required teams that you need to make that unit a combar-worthy force. ‘The troops tharare black in each i in grey ate optional troops that add additional men, special im must be included. Those troops ‘weapons and equipment co the platoon, SPECIAL RULES In Flames Of War, there are many special rules that give players the flavour of playing ¢ ion. The special rules reflec the sor of training and equipment the soldiers of each tion used, as well as the fighting spitic ofthe men, individual n j \ White by: Mice Haugh Eaditorss Peter Simunovib,Jobn-Paul Brivgot & Contributors: Ken Camel, Phil Yares, Market Garden 65 i Assitane Write Shawn Lame fi Proof Readers Pal Bech Gary Marin, Ned Sats . Graphie Design & Phtograply + Dion Holi } Casey Davie k Miniatnres Desig: Even Allen f Gover and Taternal Art: Vincent Wai Mat Parkes Termin Medellin: Bato Sui, Dave Tylor Web Support: Wayne Tine Blk Cuter Pletee Groupe dactland Cy Gand (Chris Towle, E Medel), Spr of Wir (ilo Da Lio 5 Photographs: National iby of New ZelendsInpral War Musenm, Bovington Tank Muscurs, Australian Wa Private Collection, NARA, National Archives Of Canada,, US Arm Memorial, Roger k Signal Corps, Bundesarchive This is a supplement for Flames Of War, the World War H miniatures game. A copy of the rulebook for Flames Of War is necessary to fully use the contents of this book. hs reserved. No pare ofthis publiaston may be reproduced, stored ina resrteal tem, or tramonited a form or by any means withons the prior trinen permision of the publisher, nor be otherwise cirelated in any form of binding hi ed and withont a orcorr other than d ies publ condi being impoted on the subsequent purchaser © Copyright Battlefront Miniatures Ltd., 2009. ISBN: 978-0-9582943-7-9 THE BATTLES FOR EINDHOVEN AND NIJMEGEN OPERATION MARKET GARDEN. THE NETHERLANDS, SEPTEMBER 1944 CREDITS CONTENTS eecete Irish Guards History, Warrior Lt, Col. J.O.E. Vandeleur. foment Guards Armoured Squadror ‘Welsh Guards History: Guards Armoured Recee Squadre foam omen ean “The 2" Household Cavalry Histor 2"! Household Cavalry Squadron Cee Cece eee eo eee Ty reer a ae eo Warrior Major Julian Cook. Allied Arsenal eben fees CE aor Photo Spread. en ate ra Fallschiemjigerkompai Cee a ee renee ett oe Never in our lives had we heard such a rw Our leading squadron evosced the Dutch border when, suddenly, nine tanks were Inocked out, one after another. We gor savage at thie and put down yellow smoke wherever we thought the Germans could possibly be. The ‘Tiffes (Typhoon ground-attack aircraft) came cutting in from every angle at zero fer, shooting everything to hell. Tesvas all very thrilling, particularly asthe German bazooka boys and parachutists were hopping round the hedge all around us There was a deafening bang bebind us and a balf-track sailed into the trees having touched off samething unpleasant. By merey of Providence, the Valhenswaard bridge was intact or we would have had to spend the night in the forest with those bazooka boy! —Lieutenant-Colonel JOE Vandeleun, commande, Irish Guards Battlegroup After Normandy, the British swanned about mopping ‘up stray Germans as they headed for the Netherlands. As a result, che swift, relatively uncontested advance became Great Swan! However before the Allies could finally assaule Germany, they would need to capture two critical objectives. First, they needed to capture a deep-water seaport co supply fuel and ammo to the Allied cause. Secondly, they had to have a bridgehead over the formidable Rhine River from which to Jaunch the atsack into the German homeland. MONTGOMERY'S PLAN commander of the Field Marshal Bernard Monegomery, 21" Army Group, had a daring phin. He argued for a massive airborne and ground operation to secure a narrow cortidar from the Belgian border to the city of Arnhem positioned on the Rhine Rivet. Secuting Amhem would cut off the Germans holding out in that che Allies were so desperate ro ed force positioned in Arnhem ‘would be well placed to strike into Germany itself. The new Allied 1" Airborne Army would jump. behind ‘enemy lines and secure a series of bridges from Eindhoven to ‘Arnhem, while the British XXX (30) Corps, commanded by Lieutenant General Brian Horeocks, would break through the ‘German defences on che Belgian border and charge ro Arnhem in-Chief of Allied forces and the offensive was ‘Commander approved the pla put into motion and, within two weeks, executed, The pln was subdivided into two operations called Operation Markee (the airborne clement) and Operation Garden (the ground element), but as a whole ie was referred Operation Market Garden, MARKET GARDEN Operation Marker involved the largest collection of airborne forces to date. Three full paratrooper divisions would risk a daylight drop into G ccupied Holland. The American 101* ‘Screaming Eagle’ and the 82 All American’ Airbor and Nijmegen and the British 1* Airborne Division and 1* Divisions would be dropped between Eindhoven Polish Parachute Brigade, would drop near Arner, The 101" Airborne Division, commanded by General Maxwell Taylor, was t0 secure the eorridor from Findhoven to Uden ‘Top priority was co capture the bridge ar Son just north of Eindhoven and then keep the cortdor open for supplies. Further north, the US 82*! Airborne Division, commanded by General James Gavin, was tasked with securing the Grave Bridge, the Groesbeek Heights and finally Nijmegen and its ‘wo important bridges across the Waal River In Arnhem, the British 1" Aitborne Division were to capture she main bridge across che Rhine and secure a bridgehead for the arial of 30” Corps. Pees vile a Ske enter Mr EA ie Senn Proce’ re megs Faccome Pee) bates ea) Vege "at ay 3 * end “s c eee mega! ford of c Perens ny aoa as ou i cee tye raise ae cy cee coe E sose ance lainey | Ey 3024 Pacha any eae : id ‘ pee (an mei) Fn DW isin Jar 508*Parachute Infantry | Ey 506% Parachute Infansry iment Ey 7 ier any Fa 207 Abn ngncer | EY $26 Abort Eger Di U irate KG Karups Pes Pine ge {Delany Doon jeer leat Bs an Palis) Regiment paretein cae es 7% i ‘ Comps ground assault from the Belgian border into Holland was codenamed Operation Garden. ‘The Guards Armoured Division was at the point of the attack. It © advanced into the Netherlands using two routes codenamed Club (the main route) and Heart (alternative route). If one Toute proved roo difficulc the other would be used to bypass the enemy. The Irish Batdlegroup were to advance up Club route and the Welsh Bawdlegroup up Heart route. THE GERMAN SITUATION After the disaster in Normandy, the German army was in a state of retreat from France to Belgium with the Allies hot on However, a strong, new defensive ine along the Dutch border was established to stop the Allied advance. ‘The 1. Fallichirm Armee (1 Parachuce Acmy), commanded by Generiloberst (Colonel General) Kurt Student formed the bulk of the defensive line opposing 30% Corps. Several small, yet formidable Kempferuppen (bartlegroups) ‘were deployed berween che Belgian border and Arnhem Among these was Kampfiruppe Walther which included Oberslewinans (Lieutenant Colonel) Freiherr von der Heyelee’s veteran 6° Fullicbirmjager Regiment and SS-Kampferuppe ‘Heinke. This batlegroup formed the crust of the German line opposite of 30° Corps. Meanwhile, in Kleve Germany, just east of Nijmegen, the It Fallschirmkorps (2* Parachute Corps), including 3, Fall- chirmjagerdivision, (3" Parachute Division), was reforming after its long retreat from Normandy, Furcher north, the 9% and 10* s survivors of Normandy, part of 11, SS-Panzerkorps (2 there co rest and reorganise The Germans lacked sufficient transport vehicles, d loss of trucks in Normandy, so the precious Few transports they did have were used to deploy the 160 8.8m FlaK36 Panzer Divisions, bartered vere stationed around Arnhem as ‘SS ‘Tank Corps) which was heavy antiaircraft guns of the 18* FlxK Brigade across Holland-—many of them deployed becween Valkenswaard and Arnhem. The lick of transports meant thatthe gunshad tobe placed on. the road and could nor be moved once positioned, However, the Dutch roads were straight as an arrow, allowing Flak crews to take advantage of the extreme range of their guns, D-DAY: 17 SEPTEMBER 1944 On the morning of 17 September, Allied and German troops alike watched in hewilderme over 4200 Allied aircraft consisting of bombers, fighters, transports and gliders filed the sky. OF these, 1880 transports and tugs hauled 35,000 airborne troops into Holland. as a massive air armada of Foran observer on the ground ittook 35 minutes to watch al of the 82° Airborne Division’ transpore planes and gliders pass by overhead as they headed to their drop zones! ‘On the ground, 20,000 vehicles fired up their engines and prepared for the order ro advance. Operation Market Garden ‘was in fll swing, LANDFALL ‘he skilled pilots of the C-47 Skytrain transport planes found their drop zones and flicked on the green light telling the paratroopers inside to jump. ‘Thousands of camouflaged parachutes blotted out the sun as paratroopers descended. In some places G arms fire opened up on the troops, but for the most part the landings were uncontested. Once on the ground the coopers collected their weapons and dashed to their rally points AAs British paras made haste cowards Amhem, the American paratroopers set ro work opening the eoridor for 30 Comps Within the first few hours of the operation the 101" Ais Division had secured its primary objectives, However i pee this pm Fee tay ae ries, ae approached the critical bridge at Son, it exploded into a hail of splincers, ‘The airborne engineers immediately went to work constructing a footbridge co get the ‘Screaming Eagles) back on che road to Eindhoven to link up with 30! Cops. The 82 Airbones 505% Parachute Infantry Re (PIR) secured the high ground av Groesbeck in order to block German reinforcements from arriving from Kleve. “The 504 PIR was dispatched to secure the Grave bridge over the Maas River and secure the corridor from Grave to Nijmegen. Finally, che 508% PIR was to make a sweeping assault into Nijmegen co eaprure the rown's «wo vital bridges. The 504% and 505 PIR sueceeded in capturing their abjec- tives, bur the 508 ran into a strong German counterattack from Arnhem chat had slipped across che Rhine just before the British could capture the Arnhem bridge, As a resule Ihe 508* PIR was pushed back and, for now, the Nijmegen bridges remained in German control. DRIVER, ADVANCE! General Horrocks wanted ‘orps to be in Eindhoven by the end of the first day. Bur he had to wait precious hhouts while the afternoon airdrop proceeded which meant he couldn't orde preliminary bombardment tore through the German lines at 1400 hours and crepe slowly forward knocking out German anti-tank guns and shactering e an advance until 1435 hours, A massive ray infantry, ‘At 1435 hours, the firse British tanks rolled across Joe's Bridge, the jump off point for Operation Garden. ‘The tanks lurched forward with an uncomfortable mixture of caution and speed. Suddenly, a deadly ambush was unleashed upon the Guards column leaving nine tanks burning and clogging the toad. A bulldozer had to be brought forward to clear the wreckage “The late jump off time and the cunning German ambush delayed 30% Corps and the Guards were unable to reach Eindhoven before nightfall and instead spent the night in the town of Valkenswaard The Guards were back into the fight in the early moming hours and pressed forward reaching Eindhoven and linking up with che 101" Airborne by the evening of 18 Sepeembet British engineers rushed their bridging equipment forward and overnight they constructed a prefabricated Bailey Bridge where the Germans had demolished the bridge at Son. The bridge was completed the next morning and the Guards were again charging into the corridor opened up by the 101" Airborne Division, HELL'S HIGHWAY As planned, the 101* Aieborne Division cleared a 15:mile long corridor from Eindhoven to Uden. However, disister struck when detailed plans outlining the objectives of the 101 were discovered by the Germans and delivered to head quarters. Generaloberst Student quickly recognised its value and used the information against the American paratroopers to execute a series of attacks on the corridor. General Taylor simply didnic have enough men to protect the entire corridor so he established strong points in che major towns along the rond. From these he could fight German attempts to eut the corridor. ‘the division’ regiments then’ struck out from thei strong points, spoiling German attacks to keep the corridor relatively safe. Due to the hectic troop movements and the sharp fights that ensued, the troops of the 101 Aieborne Division christened the road ‘Hell’ Highway’. Nevertheless, they managed t0 keep the road open and the Guards Armoured Division pressed through the corridor to Ni oe 7 cd ss Na rs a oe » 4 eae ef ly oer 4 H r| = iH MARKET GARDEN TIMELINE i Scheduled Timeline - one Ce ee H Inc Bae a ea ae NIJMEGEN Meanwhile, the 82 Airborne had trouble dislodging the 10" SS-Panzer Division's Kampféruppe Euling from around the Nijmegen bridges, The Germans had dug in and repulsed Gavin's repeated attacks on the city centre. However, Gavin's immediate concern was co capcure one: Of the bridges in Nijmegen so thae the Guards could pass through to Amhem, To do this, he organised an elaborate aecack across the Waal Rive The 504% PIR launched a d struck east £0 se same time the 505® PIR and the Guards Armoured Division, broke through che German defencesand secured the southern end of the bridge, ng assaul actoss the fiver and the norchern end of the bridge. At the The two elements converged on the bridge and captured it intact late on 20 September. Witnesses marvelled ac the 504: PIR’s bravery and the crossing stands out among, the 82+ Airborne’ stellar battle honours Av the same time as the crossing, the German 3. Falichirm- “igerdivision, launched an offensive from Kleve, Germany against the Groesbeck Heights and threacened the flank of the W. the vo parachute formations, finally ending in stalemate near Wyles: However, by that time Gavin had sueceeded in capturing the bridges and the withdraw co better defensible positions. crossing assault, A desperate fight ensued between rman troops were forced 10 STRANGLING MARKET GARDEN Back in the 101" Airborne’ secton, the Germans were planning another strike against the corridor, One of Student's staff officers, Major Hans Jungwith, suggested a bold attack: to cut Hells Highsiay near Koevering, Swudene authorised the artack and organised. Kampfgruppe Jungwirth, consisting of a collection of infantry, Von der Heydtes 6. Fillichirmjigerrgiment, and the 559. Schwere Jagdpancerabreilung (559% Heavy Tank Huncer Battalion) ‘quipped with ce deadly Jagdpanther tank hunter. On 24 September, pare of che Kampferuppe acacked the 101" Airborne at Eerde, pinning che 502" PIR down while the remainder swept arounel the Ameriansand onco the main road, causing havoc among 30° Corps supply column, Jungwiet’s infantry then dug in around the road and repulsed several Allied counterartacks. Jungwirth managed ro cut the road for 40 hours, strangling 30% Corps’ supply and forcing Guards Brigade to break off from the spearhead to back and help elear the road. CCidcal hours were lost before Jungwirth was finally pushed of the rad on the morning of 26 September 4 ELST AND THE ISLAND ‘While the 101" fought to reopen Hells Highway, the Guards Armoured Division focused on getting to Arnhem. Time was running out for the British paras in Arnhem and XXX Corps ‘vas still nine miles (15km) away. voferuppe Krause, a small battlegroup built from a tank divers school, had set up a strong anti-tank screen south of Elst. They also placed 8.8em guns on the roads with long, straight fields of fire. The terran also favoured the Germans. The fields were either densely planted with fruit orchards or flooded, creating a mire of mud and water, Each field was bordered by tll raised roads standing three to six feet above the fields making it Aliffcule for troops to see from one field to the next, Either sway, the canks were restricted to the r aving the infantry of the 82%! Airborne to fight field by Feld in a fight reminiscent of the bocage fighting in Normandy. sed roads However, theré wasnt a moment co spare as the Guards rnceded to get to Armhem as quickly as possible, ‘The tanks pressed up the road while the 82! Airborne’ infantry cleared the fields; Progress was slow and the fighting was tough, Soldiers on both sides referred to this region as the ‘Island! because the Germans opened the dykes and flooded the fields, isolating Allied troops atop the raised roads THE RHINE ‘The Guatds finally fought their way through the German defences and linked up with Polish Parachute Brigade which had landed at Driel on 21 September. Horrocks then ordered the 43% (Wessex) Division and the Polish to make one last attack across the Rhine to breake through to the British I* Airborne on 25 September. However, the attack only had nine assault boats available ro sendl an entite bavtalion across. The rest of the boats destined for the 43% Division had been destroyed by Kampfgruppe Jungwirth when ie broke out onto the toad ac Koevering, The assault became disorganised and failed to secure its objec= tives. The laseattempe to cross the Rhine during Operation: Market Garden had failed and the Allied priority was now to rescue the British 1" Airborne Division capped on the other side ons were launched and a large port Of the British paras were evacuated across the Rhine. The Alles now dug. in and considered their next operation. IRISH GUARDS CITATION OF GALLANTRY out the Irish Guards were eager to serve King and Country, Parts of the ‘reciment fought briefly in Norway, Holland and France in 1940 before withdrawing back to Britein. ‘The regiment's 2 Battalion was then converted into an armoured battalion and, together with 8 Eattalion, placed under the command of the new Guards éxmoured Division in 1641, The reinent Teceived reinforcements and trained for the next three years waiting to get back into the fight. RETURNING 10 THE FIGHT i — fhe duerdsmen veturned to the fight in June oi4 hen they participated in operations Goodwood at Hluecont, the British offensives to throw the Germans out of Normandy. During these opexations Major Qenesel fLen Adeiz, commander of Guards éxmoured Division, tsoruenized his ‘wattalions into ‘Eocage Eattlegroups’ to clear the Germans out of Nermndy's hedeerovs using cosbined armour end infantry tactics. Te Irish Guards! 2 (kmoured) Battalion vag doined with the 6° (Infantry) Battalion of the Coldstream Guards. The S° (Inféntry) Battalion, Irish Guards mas attached to) the Y" (dxmoured) Coldstream Battalion, Those nev xeorganisations strengthened tani: and infantry co-operation, making the Bettlegroups very fast when chasing dow the Geren retreat through the hedgorovs. INTO BELGIUM With the Fainise Gap closed and the Gorman arty in 2 full reteent, the Guards Armoured Division dove Fapidly northeast coverds elziun triumlantly entering Brussels, the capitol of Belgium, on 2 Septeaber old, amid an ecstatic crovd. Jn Sergium, Yager deneral tdair once again reorganised his tattlogroups before they zushed into Horland, ‘Mais tine he placed similar Guards units together, putting the Irish 2° (funouxed) and Irish 3° (Infantry) Bettelions unde: the united cosmand of Uieutenant Colonel JOB ‘Joo’ Vandelauc, the ccsmante: of Battalion, his fucther solidified infantry-tank co-operation but @lso focused the spirit and teedition of the Irish roginant into a single integented battieesou JOE'S BRIDGE On 10 Septenber, the new Trish battlegroup asseulted and seized the bridue oyer the Meuse-Escaut Canal on. the Dutch border. This vital bridge was daristened ‘Joo's Eridea’ in honour of Vandeleur and vould secve 5 the Jum off point for Operation Market Gauden, OPERATION MARKET GARDEN i 17 Septeniver, Monty's told pion to capture Arnhem licked off from Jos's Bridge where tHE Trish Guauda ‘Oup st004 ready to spearhead the mad drive into Holland, At 1435 hours, folowing an intense preliminary bombasdnent, Mieutenant Keith Heathcote, cominder of the Lead tenk of 5% Squadron, yelled into his phones, *Wriver-Aavancal" The first squadson lurched forward onto Hell's liony: Hoveygs, the Geran defenders lind set up a cunning adbush in the woods south of Valkenswaacd, The Irish. Yiud only advanced a few miles when suddenty nine tanks cruptod into flan and ancarmel fron the precise fire of Goren anti-tank guns énd Panzesfnust anti-tank iaunchers- Vendolour rencted svittiy, marking tazgeta with coloured suoxe and calling in Tyrhoon ground-attact airesaft to eliminate the threat vith a barrage of sockets. As the supke cleared the infantzy of the Tesh. Guerds charged Into the voods and cleared the Germans out. "EINDHOVEN The battlegroup pressed forvard Linking up with the American 10" irtome Division near Bindhoven by middey, 18 Sevteaer. Hovever, the advances came to 8 stop vlien the brides over the Son River explodes into 2 boil of spliniers. British engineers, with help from American peratroopors, constructed a Besley bridge across the Son end in less tan ten hours the Irish Guards? Shermans vere again charging tovara Ninonen NIUMEGEN J Whe Trish Querds Lend troops ast up vith the émorican 82 airborne Division on the afternoon of 19 Septeaber “$ust South of Nismegen, The follovring Grenadier Guards passed through and launched a hasty attaey with the eretzcovers against the bridge over the Waal River but vere halted by fierce Gezomn resistance. The next the US 504" ea) BatteLion ards Shermans ¢ ing high-explosiy the other side, $50 yar om 2 (frm) sheds 8ve , aay, the bridge wes in A140 hangs, fang fxmhem inom ns the *Ishand" Polder, ‘The tanks ware con‘ine At Gosierbeck. However, with sistance st Sigualling the ond of Operation Naziet VICTORY IN BUROPE Jn Maren 1645 the aivision A marching into Germany’ the Irish guar xed the Whine, They £ ish Guards fought on in Germany until the sons added 20 new battle honours to the Toni Service Orders, 88 Military Crosses, 28 Distinguish fn Despotenss GUARDS SP UNFLAPPABLE The Guards are the most prestigious regiments in che British Army, Asa result of cheir exceptional performance through: ‘out che Normandy battles, they were chosen ro lead the assaulc into Hollan They_are well known as being ‘unflappable’, retaining their ——§— 2 Sherman V and 1 Firefly VC 375 points ae 2 Sherman V and 1 Feefly VC 285 points OPTION Ceans . Ears ene eer Eee eT a ‘The production of Firefly tanks hay caught up_ with demand and some of our platoons are now equipped with ‘wo ofthese deadly ranks, They'll make quick work of any Getman tank. ‘Bewary as you drive up the wad. If Jerry so much as pokes his head out of any setub ot patch of grass, your orders are 1 blast him out with everything youve gor! ‘GUARDS ARMOURED SQUADRON (TANK COMPANY) GUARDS RECCE PATROL LEN Colo) SUNT 4 Swart VI pol 165 points OPTION + Anm any or all Stuart tanks with an AA MG for corrnta Command Suan Vi D), Guards Recce Patrols are Reconnaisance Platoont Othe light Stuate tarik is an excellent recon tool for your Stuer VI ‘Suan Suan ‘aquadron. Pur them ahead of your force to scout for ambushes or send them around the enemy flanks osccure CUOAESEATCE lermate routes to victory. BRIGADE SUPPORT PLATOONS GUARDS PIONEER PLATOON PLATOON SU TTRE NI Ree 2 Ava Squads att Ut oe 1 Assault Squad Conard ones PiogerRietvon —MEhalack TACTICAL TIP ch eslumn. They provide your tanks with te ploneet support, caring mines and ire: flog up your comb platmons to charge up Hells Highway When confomed by x parila sublbor enemy Ivete pioneesé Ram iower to clear tem out. Cll ee fF 00 che Mame-diower to pin the enemy and prepare ee es mien pleeons eo ae You may replace upto one Pioneer Rifle team with a Flame This platoon is the perfect utility to keep your tanks | thrower team atthe stare ofthe game before deployment, moving forward towards Arnhem! Ce eee oesT a ce GUARDS COLUMN PLATOON >) Bet brn TEA CecoN} SERGEANT a: an am A Guards Column Platoon is unusual in that it can eerie change from game to game. Universal Carrier Carre Carrier oROZAO Before the game and before deployment, choose one Fn ae ea Guards Column Platoon: Cera ee ce ee ad erica) Guards Anti-ank Platoon (with one Anti-tank Section equipped with Troop and Loyd Carriers) SUBALTERN Cr AvK amp Ot) ap F mona Monar 3° motar Morr Command Rileteam Troop WELSH GUARDS N OF GALLANTRY Woon the United Hington dociaroa war on the Tis powers in 1089, the Welsh Guards eve keen to prove themselves once more, Of tough fighting ag the Ge Blitziieg in france they wittarew via Dunkisic dn 1640 back to" Englant While aveiting their return ion reformed an armoured reece reriment Neendile, I" Battalion renainod es" an 24 (tsmourea) Ghatienger tenis. This new vehicle was romvell chassis an 17 par gun in its enlarged tueet, Tt suffered. sone st quickly proved its worth to the muasdsaen. DNTO BELGIUM With Wels new xeorgunization and oquitment, the two battalions set off towards thelr nott objective t dssels, Beigiua, auicidy picked up speed es the soads widened the closes they got 10 tha Belgian capitol. They deeaae the first Mlied troops to se-enter tho capital after an enering Savance OF 70 sites (2iia) ina single aay, the festest advance in the tor the Lfberation of Brussels, the 1 end 2" Satteltons the Welsh Battlegroup moved (0 Joe's Befage 20 BS OPERATION ManicE? GARDEN Wide. the. Irish Zattlogroup. tought throush to Bina\o¥en slong: tho. pain routoythe Welsh. Sataearoup piles outside the 9121 Uegrouy untes the A teries of Ponserfaust anti-tank a nd soggy torrain also defeated the advance as the Welsh 1 ¢ Squadron of th of Lest pressed forward tmitil they were thr uppe Walther, @ Falischirawer bats nafastly refused to be flanked Lah edvanes, The heavily an the Dutch polder fhe Erustzated guardsmen abendoned ‘Heart and atvertea with the US 101" Airborne Division to secure Hell's Highs NIUMEGEN & TEE ISLAND fhe Wolsh Ouards pushed up Hell's Highmy veaching Nijmegen on 20 Septon Adge. They rospondea to a German counterettack against. the nearby rvopers from the US 82 Aizbome Division. The gusrdamen inocked out three ned by ated the following day, the Tish the Wetsh Guards. The infentr {Legroup 16d the attack once again tovards Arnhem £olLoned close Battalion rede atop 2 (Srmoured) Eattalion's Cromvell and Challe fic two rogimants fought ona between Arnhem And Ni, the road and onto shat was Unom as “The Island", a long thin stretch of rising sbove the flooded Dutch older. The Welsh attenptes to fen made Little progtess as the whole operation groumd to a belt merely eight ales ( ‘Though the opezation va ghey, helping Am uitinatoly unsuccessful, the Welsh Guards distinguished theaselves along Heli! ican paratzoopers keep the vey open, and the advance moving foreesd The Welsh Guards Regiment fought on into Germany vith the Guards Armoured Division GUARDS ARMOURED REC (TANK COMPANY) Ce ee aa SQUADRON Tae eT Pe ee So oo Rees a ec Sorento Co a-ak Paton (SP), Roya tilery oie Armoured a ataon : Field Battery, Roya Artery “ Feld Battery (8), Royal Atlery Feld Bate, Royalarley Field ater (9) Royalirlery Meum Bato Royal Atley Heavy Marta Piatoon Kg LghtAnt-atraftPitoon ‘ir Support Nd ‘Nir Obsercation Post Ng pee camer a SOT YETI EET SP SREP BEEP EY TET MOTIVATION AND SKILL Cea ENT | TRAINED The Welsh Guards are quice ready and able co drive into Holland, They have been fighting with the light Cromwell tank and have been equipped with the brand new Zuo acy OPTIONS + Add up to two additional Cromwell IV CS tanks for Company Command asters roma Sept Cone ecco m nc astra COMPANY HO Your task asthe commander ofan armoured teece company isto secure the flanks ofthe main advance, Check outside routes and exploit fractures in the German line. ‘Make use of the Cromwell CS tanks co put down smoke screens or pin down enemy ttoops and send in the infancy to clear out German positions. Your Cromwell ARV will help keep the road clear and your tanks moving forward, UPN Mo Sera CONT) Air youve cleared Eindhoven, expect work closely with the ae a SEE amg Ourds Armoured Ree Company HQ and Guards Armoured Reece Platoons are not Reconnaissance Platoons COMBAT PLATOO! GUARDS ARMOURED RECCE PLATOON LIP oloos} SUN 440 points 340 points ee Sit palais Command Cromwell IY HO TANK Your squadron has reveived some of the new Challenger tanks, ‘hese monsters ate well equipped to take on Jerry's Panzers. Ic is buile on an stretched Cromwell chassis and its massive turer allows for wo loaders for the 17 pdr gun giving ir a massive rate of fire, When deployed well, the Challenger dominates the batlefield. You will be working closely with the Americans s0 lets show them how British Guardsmen fight! Dont forget that your canks are equipped with tow hooks which might ‘ome in useful when you link up with the Yanks outside “Eindhoven. (GUARDS ARMOURED RECCE SQUADRON (TANK COMPANY) GUARDS RIFLE COMPANY (MECHANISED COMPANY) PVC aa Ce Oe ee RUC Ue ene Bei Cape aise eae eas STEERS Ny Ce ae 2(__infantay 3 4 aan fe tracy E i Elec g i Scr 14 & Heavy Anti-aireratt Gun Piatoon : |) (CX) | w ? 4 rE 2 H Tamme § Hi Guards ile latoon 8 k an i <== & | 3 | serstanivrane | f ee \ a Heavy Matar Paton Sy x A gE Guards Rifle Plstoon = ‘Guards Mortar Platoon SQ a eee a Aa Field Battery, Royal Artillery ™ 8 ie b gana F | Platoon. Foul Bato t em, y 3 | eS | A cu Se i ' fa eereeracanee] Uptintoreat canton A k Fi ‘Air Support Ng g F Guards Ameured Pitoon eee a ¥ is oud Rae fat bs) ected A Guards Rifle Company must be from ether the Irish Baars Ra ene ne ead ree an ome urea aes Wun ed nek |e eas tere) Se eet, American Platoons in your force are Allies and fallow the ree ey ea ea ae MOTIVATION AND SKILL The Foot Guards have « long and distinguished service carcer in the British army They take their dury as the Royal Family guard very seriously. In combat they are very committed and are willing co go co extraordinary lengths to achieve victory HEADQUARTERS COMPANY HQ LVL MAJOR. Company HQ are tat eee east es Company fanmand 26, Conmana ‘As the commander of a Guards infinery company, you SSSA have the best troops the British army can offer in terms of UNO ATTSNATACY eget abil. et Your guardsmen have fought cheie way from Normandy Many of your non-commissioned officers are veterans from ve distinguished themselves during the liberation the bailelields of Norway, France, North Afviea,Iraly and jum ancl in capruring Joes Bridge. These brave men Normandy. They know what ro expectand how to get the are now ready to take the fight into Holland and then into job done jermany itself COMBAT PLATOONS GUARDS RIFLE PLATOON PLATOON STRAND ean SE 3 Rifle Squads AE kk Commend PLAT a Al/M team ERI Silane eee ) MOTIVATION AND SKILL 30" Corps is composed of many veteran units that have been fighting since North Afvica, It now leads the British advance and is quite motivated to assaule up roads and dash to the rescue of the paras in Amhem. American parseroopers will asise yout Guards tanks to push its speahead towards Arnhem. American Platoons in your force are Alles and follow the Allies rules on page 183 of the rulebook LIGHT ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON PLATOON Vans Pee SEEM Tana See re UY Feta 85 poins Comma Filta OPTIONS epee arses aN Ge eaten lies, Se aren iter metre cen s CREO SSeS | ict conn gn Sto oan in ane You never know when Jetry might scrike your column orcas with dive bombers so che 94” Light AA Regiment, Royal ears mm gun ‘Anillery has been assigned wo keep the skies clear for your auack. Bofors lnm gn Bofors ne gn ‘Theplatoon is well armed with Bolors 4dmm guns. Deploy ac nla rel them along with your support troops such as artillery 0 aS a ger en ees ae, (Net NSTI HEAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON PLATOON BU Naan) os SEMEN 260 points ay 135 pins camden OPTIONS Reise te ee oe ain eT oR as pee Or ee hava: ‘Add Jeep and Matador tracks for +5 points for the ‘OOF 37 gun (00 37° gun Pe =e Sas 00F37 gun Ga EGLOD, “These heavy guns are very able to protect your column ‘with theit excellene firepower, bur they are nor fully ae eve AIRCRAFT SECTION) AIRCRAFT SECTION) SUPPORT Tame: 7 Ui Aan OD C NAN n Oda TEA Kelo} MAJOR HQ Troop with: Two Gun Troops with a toal of Ate 8 0QF 25 pdr Command Staftearn fie team ‘One Gun Troop with: 40QF 25 pdr 210 points, CT 20QK 25 pdr 125 points Sete att a. + Add jeep and 15 owe trucks and Quad tractors for si a. romercctins fifewan fietcn OO ee cen eae HQ SECTION ran unarmed captured StuG for +5 points ee ee eee Co oe No mete oer epee Abdogh el Bry Feld Bay (SD) Mean Battery, Royal Arillery is a single Support choice, each FG Troop pets a cpt pao wit ts om MY || AE mo sn he HQ Tp Command em and fim ar dpe ta Ifthe 10 Tp || ic a Command ‘osserver 1 Platoon Command team. jun Troop, it becomes the Although they count as separate platoons for all other a purposes, a Field Battery Field Battery (SP), or Medium Battery, Royal Anillery deploys as a single platoon, all 25 pdr gon 8p gun De the same time, For example, bath Gun Troops are F sreated axa single platoon when calculating the number Def platoons held in Ambush or Reserv. | apelbna Royal Aralery has mased a huge amount of “SRAAD “Saar. lery t0 kick off Operation Market Garden, At 1400 2B pdraun Braun urs exactly, « massive bombardment of over 300 guns ill sound the charge, “The bombardment will shatter rman guns and infantry, leaving the enemy «oops ly bewildered and vulnerable. CUESISM er the initial barrage, they will be on hand to support ‘advance, Call on them regulady to clear out enemy FIELD BATTERY, ROYAL ARTILLERY 110 lay down smoke to cover your asault. >) SDR nt ee Tame Unrs A CMC CURA PLATOON MAJOR Pees ‘Two Gun ‘Troops with a total of REY ahat SSexto0 485 points Common Sintteom Rie team ‘One Gun Troop with: 4 Sexton 275 points 2 Sexton 165 points OPTIONS + Add jeep and 15 ove trucks for +5 points for the pe TEU TEUELENE att Command Rie eam + Replace the HQ Troop jeep with a White scout car or a captured Sd Kfz 251/1 half-trac for +5 points + Arm any or all Sexton self-propelled guns with a Seen Pcl men ny etn CSI TE TE eee key ae Sherman OP tanks cannot lou er we Pea SERGEANT SERGEANT Sexton Set-propelies gun | | Sexton So-propeled gun Eee NE OE RTM TD CS nn Ree ae ee MEDIUM BATTERY, ROYAL ARTILLERY LIP eloNs} Cem BF v0 Gun Troops with atoral of HB 800055" 495 points ‘Satta rs | Fitton One Gun Troop with: TMT Bh s0qr55” 285 points BB 200855" 170 points | OPTION + Add jeep and 15 cwe trucks and Matador trucks for oe) Meco eee ees You may not field a Medium Battery, Royal Artillery nae ae ee ae Artillery or Field Battery (SP), Royal Artillery with at nya een) aN Command Brera file teem Rite team Pea ‘OP carer ‘Medion Batterie, Royal Artillery countas Field Batteries, Royal Anilery for the purposes ofthe British special rales on pages 174 and 175 of te rulebook Medium Batteries, Reyal Anillry may not be deplayed in Ambush, Sac Eda Ua AUS FIELD BATTERY, ROYAL ARTILLERY. oa Deine ees Cee Netzer on tenet erat ers “The 4.2" mortar will devastate enemy positions. They are readily available to your columa and will offer excellent support for your troops as they manoeuvre to assault. The heavy mortar offers more firepower than the average ‘mortar aca faction ofthe cost of ful riley piece They are ako very portable so they can get into acti quickly. MACHINE-GUN PLATOON 165 points 85 points eared + Add PIAT team for +20 points. *+ Add Tioop Carrierand MMG Carriers the platoon for +15 points per Machine-gun Section. ‘The Guards Armoured Division’ 1 Independent Machine- gun Company, Nothumberland Fusiliers gives your troops significant firepower. Despice being meclianised, they are still equipped vo bombard the enemy witha deadly hal of lle. Use the ensuing con fusion ro asauleand eaprure your objective! ANTI-TANK PLATOON, ROYAL ARTILLERY (SELF-PROPELLED) LIP Aelo | 4M10C 17 pd 2MI0C 17 pdr 340 points 170 points “The self propelled guns of the 21* Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Arillery will provide heayy anti-tank suppore to your march column, They will protect your advance using the effective MOG 17-pdr SP gun, ‘These self propelled guns are ideal for setting up ambushes or holding off an enemy armoured counter-attack to fice up your tanks and infantry to keep pressing towards Arnhem, command File teun Observer Filo Team Pea a Bae 47 morar Bett 42 mortar AF mortar at ‘42 mortar RSTO HEAVY MORTAR PLATOON, SURE -———_ a —_—_ att Command Fite team HQ SECTION Ea wont Vickers iMG ound Vickers HG Vikers MG a — Ea (WER INeU PTO EE oon Vickers Ha vont Guyana a Command MOC 1 pr SP a SERGEANT ie M00 1 per SP IOC 17 pe SP MOC 17 eS Ei — eee —! NUR NIG ROLY ANTI-TANK PLATOON, ROYAL ARTILLERY PLATOON Ranta 1 Anti-tank Section 125 points OPTION he een on ee ‘The towed 17-par gunsare cowards the end of the column, bur nor out of each. When placed well, these heavy guns are more than capable of seeing off even the heaviest German rank. “They have been assigned M5 half-rack transports co keep them moving forward with che column, Use them ro secure an objective once you have caprured ic to keep the enemy SUBALTERN Sw tht Command Fie twom HQ SECTION. SERGEANT 7a, ERAS. Tpérgun 1 pr un CEN STS ENTIRE NSEC OZAWA AIR SUPPORT ES cou Pri Support Air Support Number 83 Group from the Royal Air Force has been ‘signed 10 support the advance ro Arnhem. They have already shatered the German defenders in the opening torrent, fring 224 rockets inco the German Line. FLIGHT LIEUTENANT. eT Tioheon tase! — yest Typhoon Typhoon FLIGHT Air Observation Posts follow all the rules for Air J, Observation posts on chis page. AIR OBSERVATION POST. + 4 ‘The Auster AOP was he Brits equivalent of dhe American L4‘Grishopper Halon aircraft, They flew low tothe ground “and radioed any enemy movement and bombardment equests back to the Royal Ailey. . LIAISON AIRCRAFT The Auster liaison arta lew low over the fron lines looking for the enemy and reporting their positions. Although slow compared to fighter irra, she are sl fat enough to get fio one part of the battlefield to another Auster aiveraf nse many ofthe aera rules. Hoeven, one ofthe primary difrencess thas the Auster starts the game ‘on the table and remains thee for the rest of the game until it is shox down or chased af. at which pote tis perma- rently remaved from the gems. In the Starting Sep ofeach turm, you reposition your Auster anywhere on the table (even within 16°40am of friendly sroops) when you would position any other airerfi If your opponent has air suppor, theycan rllfor Fighter Interception «as usnal and we tis t0 attempt to shoot your Auster down instead of intercepting Ground Atack Aiveraf LIAISON AIRCRAFT Auster aireraft operate as normal aircraft, excepe that a eae ee ee ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIRE Auster pilot used their low altivude and quiet engine to blend in and survive om the batefield, However, here was lle wo do i the enemy trained its andaicerafe guns on the fragile ile plane! axing player can fire ant-aircnaf fre at your Auster rnd of the Shooting Step, afterall other shooting is complete, bus just before aireraft make their attack, just as they can at any atherairenaf. Tht is conducted just lie firing at Ground attack Airoraf, including the limite on anti-airerafi guns ability to see over terrain, A team fring anti-aireafi fre must choose between firing sat the Auster or at Ground-atsack Aireraft. A single team cannot shoot at both in dhe same turn, Since the Auster im actually attacking anything, Self defence Anti-airerafé Weapons canna shoot at it PW eam gtd Anticarcraft weapons can fire at Auster aircraft instead af firing at Ground-atack Aivraft AIR OBSERVATION POST The Auster liaison aircraft is there to provide your march column with artillery observation. Ie can cover a lange amount of gr spotting enemy targets. und as it fies from one sector to another, muacks by ltself Instead an Auster aircraft coun as an Observer team The Auster carries no weapons and cannot make that can act as the Spotting team for any arilery platoon that has a Stafftcem. Treat ie as an Observer team on the ground (although the ‘model sits just above the table) when determining what it can see, as the Auster fles low attempting to avoid enemy fighter interception and cannot se over terrain The Auster does benefit from its height by allowing ito re-roll the third attempe to range in if it failed on that attempt AIR OBSERVATION POST Da eR ee ae en ed ea en ee a aa aground vebicle Re-rll the third ranging in attempt when spotting with rs All three of the 101" Airborne Division’ regiments landed | unopposed on che Dutch fields north of Eindhoven and each hhad specific obj ve of the 501" Ps el. The regiment vas parachuted fhe 1* Battalion dropped north of th rushed into the town while the remainder of the regiment cuted the town app ‘The 502 Parachute Infantry Regiment landed south of their objective, St, Oedentode, They encountered some light resistance as they approached the town, but the surprised enemy defences. ‘The 506! Parachute | ir objective was to seeute Binal ves to secute once they had a aches to the south, pidly overran ery Regiment moved south from its en and the Imina Canal, Once they had c themselves on the drop zone, they moved out. SON BRIDGE The troopers of the 506" PIR collected their equipment a assembled north of the Zonsche Forest. The attack had to be sof as is was suspected that the Germans b would be eapeured. rigged vo detonate if looked like the 1" Battalion to chat ile the w advanced dawn the road towar \s 24 Battalion approached, reraft guns suddenly opened fire, The heavy ‘88y surprised che paratroopers and inder of che heavy anti they dived for cove 1 Battalion responded, charging out of che forest and knocking out wo of the guns, The itd '88" kepe firing defi- Battalion’ Private Thomas Lindsey silenced it with a single shot from his bazo andy until During the delay the Germans blew up the bridge. 2 Bat- talion was only 50 yards (50 mecres) away when wooden spl troopers. Undetern oss the canal and within an hour and a half xs from the bridge showered the bewildered part- they immediately began constructin 1 footbri they w EINDHOVEN The 506% PIR ent 18. September amid an ce across and heading toward Eindhoven, sd Eindhoven at 0900 hours on fowl. Colonel Sink Irish Durch set up his headquarters and awaited contact from th Battlegroup, Comes on Va Sid Pe anes Bes Remeron ‘ Crna aed Diane) ere eee a When the 506* PIR linked up with the Guardsin Eindhoven, they informed HQ about the destroyed Son Bridge. Royal Bngincets were dispatched immediately to construct « pre- fabricated truss bridge known as a Bailey Bridge. No sooner had the bridge been completed, at 1700 hours ‘on 18 September, than a platoon of Panther tanks and Pancergrenadiertoops from the German 107, Panzerbrigade (107 Panzer Brigade) launched an assaule on the crossing. American paratroopers from Able Company, 506 PIR and A few engineers formed a defensive line, ‘The lead Panther tank tore up two British engincer trucks oon the bridge, Machine-gun fire and 75mm shells shattered the thin paratrooper defensive line, forcing the Americans to withdraw to the north side ofthe river, As the German Panzers charged closer to the bridge, General Taylor brought up a few 57mm anti-tank guns which opened fired on the enemy tanks. Tin the confusion, Private Jim “Slick? Hoenscheide from Able Company found himself alone on che wrong side of the road, trapped berween his platoon and the enemy. He ran for cover, The Panther commander opened his hatch to see where the Slick tossed a grenade into the open hatch, then dived under the tank for protection. Justas the grenade exploded, rwo 57am shells smashed into the ranks tracks and bull, disabling i, anti-tank guns were shooting from, Without hestaio Some German troops saw Slick under the tank and shot at him from a nearby bush. He reached for another grenade only to discover he was out, Then he felt an apple in his bag, siven to him by Dutch civilians in Son. Making sure chat the Germans could see him, Slick crawled out from under the tank, pulled out the appl Into the bush as ii wer coverand while they waited for the ‘grenade’ to go off Sick dashed for the eanal and swam ro sa twisted off the stem and threwit enade. The Germans dived for Despite having come to within 150 yards of the bridge, the 107. Panserbrigade broke off its attack. The paratroopers proved roo strong to push aside. Son was now secured, INDIAN TERRITORY Annies eum Ai Smet Seer S70" Vhs ue ores Hooch — tuna Soa I Pe EINDHOVEN 2 1 ; oon tne fern By midday 18 Seprember, General Maxwell Taylors 101 Division had secured the 17 miles Airborne (28km) of road stretching beeween Eindhoven and Grave Bridge. The division now had to defend against German artempts to cut the road, ‘Theroad wasconstantly underartack, farming it the nickname “Hells Highway’. General Taylor likened ie to the US Army's task of guarding the Old West railroad against Indian raids. Taylor even used the US Cavalry’ strategy ofan active defence where he would launch small attacks against the enemy to keep them from ‘making a consolidated attack ‘The 501* PIR launched a series of small attacks cowards Eerde and del halting Kampfgruppe At the same time the 502 PIR engaged the parts of the 59. Infintriedivision (59 Infantry Division) keeping them away from St. Oedenrode, stata Sein | 30° Corps arrived in Findhoven on | he evening of 18 September ee 06 PIR to launch spoiling } id Best, ‘Though the fight for Hell's Highway was far from over, the ‘Screaming Eagles’ had suceeded in keeping the | corridor open, rg Ubi [reenetieraas Cg i Decennee SRE Paracte Machie-gun © Pisioon, wn VY Deusen ‘Alors Engacer Paton ie ite Paton (cursnteriton QE ‘Airborne Disonal Roca Platoon Parochute te Paton |< Ei ee Cx n ecole) A) British Platoons in your force are Allies and follow the itor At-tank Platoon Allies ules on page 183 of the rulebook. Ree ‘Aitone aaron

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