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Days of the week

/mandei/ /tiuzdei/ /wenzdei/ /zersdei/ /fraidei/ /saterdei/ /sandei/
ORDINAL NUMBERS (números que ordenan)
We use these numbers to say the date

1st first – 2nd second – 3rd third – 4th fourth – 5th fifth – 6th sixth – 7th seventh – 8th eighth – 9th nineth – 10th tenth – 11th
eleventh – 12th twelfth – 13th thirteenth – 14th fourteenth etc…

20th twentieth – 21st twenty first – 22nd twenty second – 23rd twenty third- 24th twenty fourth, etc… 30th thirtieth – 40th
fortieth – 50th fiftieth – 60th sixtieth etc…

What day is it today?

It’s / Today is … Monday (the) 14th (of) January
What’s the weather like today?
It’s Cloudy and cold
Weather Vocabulary:
Sunny /sani/ soleado

Cloudy /claudi/ nublado

Partly cloudy /parly claudi/ parcialmente nublado

Clear sky /cliar skai/ cielo despejado

Rainy /reini/ lluvioso

Drizzle /drizl/ llovizna

Spit /spit/ chispear

Hail /heil/ granizo

Stormy /stormi/ tormentoso

Lightning /laitnin/ rayos

Thunder /zander/ trueno

Windy /windi/ ventoso

Foggy /fogi/ neblinoso

Icy /aisi/ helado

Snowy /snowi/ nevado

Cold /could/ frio

Freezing /frizin/ congelado, helado

Hot /hot/ caluroso

Warm /worm/ templado, calido

Rainbow /reinbow/ arcoiris

Teacher, I have a question…

Can/May I go to the toilet, please?

How do you say (_silla_) in English?

What does ( _chair_) mean? / What is (_chair_)?

How do you spell (----chair---)?

How do you pronounce (-chair-)?

Is this ok? / Is this correct?

Can/could you repeat/explain that again, please?

Can/could you speak louder, please?

I don’t understand

I don’t know

A:Do you have a (pen)? / Can/could you lend me a (pen)?

A: Can/could I borrow your (pen)?

B: Yes, of course! Here you are A: Thank you / Thanks!

Sorry I’m late! / sorry for being late

GREETINGS /gri:tins/ (saludos)

Speak like a native: DON’T SAY I’M FINE!!
Here you have a lot of different adjectives you can use to describe how you are feeling ;)

Aggressive guilty satisfied

angry happy sensible

annoyed honest sensitive

awful hangover serious

bad helpless surprised

bored horrified sad

brave hungry shocked

careful hurt silly

clever innocent sorry

concentrated interested strange

confident idiotic stupid

confused indifferent suspicious

crazy joyful terrible

curious lonely tidy

disappointed lovesick to be jealous of sb

disgusted mad upset

excited messy worried

enraged mischievous

exhausted miserable

fantastic nasty

friendly nervous

frightened nice

frustrated optimistic

glad pleasant

good puzzled

great quiet

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