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(1) Do (4) (7)

you Action (5) (6) (8)

understand (2) (3) required to When do you Who will be Estimated Level of
the Do you Where are address envisage you responsible time resource (9)
requirement currently you short on any will be able to for actions on required to needed to Current
sufficiently at meet this this shortfall/ meet this this address address status on
this stage requirement requirement gap requirement requirement gap gap requirement
The Role of a Chief Revenue Officer
l Process Ownership
l How we sell
l Go To Market Strategy
l Accountability for Profitability Revenues
Foster Good Communication/Teamwork Among Various Organization
¢ Share Best Practices
¢ Lessons Learned

l Acceleration Plan

l Revenue Generation Process

l Business Development
¢ Proactively Managed & Monitored
l Pipeline Management
l Marketing
l Functional Aligment

l Forecasting
Order Management - communication to account manager, finance,
purchasing & engineers
l Meeting Cadence
l Alignment with team
l Presentation to Leadership
Order Management - communication to account manager, finance,
l purchasing & engineers
l Manage to Budget
l Sales Strategy
¢ Customer contacts
¢ Database
¢ Follow-up

l Strategy
l Plan
l Content
l Website
(1) Do (4) (7)
you Action (5) (6) (8)
understand (2) (3) required to When do you Who will be Estimated Level of
the Do you Where are address envisage you responsible time resource (9)
requirement currently you short on any will be able to for actions on required to needed to Current
sufficiently at meet this this shortfall/ meet this this address address status on
this stage requirement requirement gap requirement requirement gap gap requirement
l Media
l Social Media
l Measurables (What's Working)
l Competitive Benchmarks

Risk Management
l Standards
Risk management standards - structure that supports risk management by
l providing clearly defined accountabilities, expectations and reporting
requirements for all parties

l Operational processes minimum standards:

key business and operational processes must be properly documented
staff/team should understand all the operational and business
processes relevant to their role
Risk management standards - effective risk policy, subject to regular
l review

l Inspire Action
l Be Optimistic
l Have Intergrity
l Support & Facilitate Your Team
l Have Confidence
l Communicate
l Be Decisive

l Promote a collaborative work environment
l Listen and take care of the customer.
l Work Life Balance
l Excellence in Engineering
l Create fun and a little weirdness
l Innovation
l Empowerment – Autonomy

Engineering Services
l Engineer Work Load
l Services Management
l Pricing
l Offerings
l Sales
(1) Do (4) (7)
you Action (5) (6) (8)
understand (2) (3) required to When do you Who will be Estimated Level of
the Do you Where are address envisage you responsible time resource (9)
requirement currently you short on any will be able to for actions on required to needed to Current
sufficiently at meet this this shortfall/ meet this this address address status on
this stage requirement requirement gap requirement requirement gap gap requirement
l Implementation
l Process
l Communication

Burn Rate
l Current alignment - budget to sales
l Product Pricing
l Advertising/Promotion
l Headcount
l Marketing Materials
l Product Knowledge
l Embedded Software Knowledge
l Engineering
l Research Product
l R&D Knowledge

l KPI's
l Team Building
l Provides Support & Direction
l Advocates for Direct Reports
l Mentors & Guides
l Gives Clear Goals & Objectives
l Provides Structure
l Give & Receive Feedback
l Communication
l Mentors & Guides
l Gives Clear Goals & Objectives
l Provides Structure
l Give & Receive Feedback
l Communication

Documentation Standards
Explain the approach to deriving the Go To Market Strategy and how it
links together the business plan, key risks inherent in the business, related
l risk management processes and practices and the capital required by the
Why the methodology chosen is appropriate to the business, taking
l account of its risk profile, risk appetite, track record with respect to risk
experience and exposure and the key principles upon which GTMS is
(1) Do (4) (7)
you Action (5) (6) (8)
understand (2) (3) required to When do you Who will be Estimated Level of
the Do you Where are address envisage you responsible time resource (9)
requirement currently you short on any will be able to for actions on required to needed to Current
sufficiently at meet this this shortfall/ meet this this address address status on
this stage requirement requirement gap requirement requirement gap gap requirement
The approach adopted towards the quantification of risk and the rationale
l for this approach
l Why they are appropriate for the business
l The sensitivity of key assumptions
l The overall risk category, before and after diversification
The allocation of capital across risk groups and the rationale and method
used to derive the figures for each
Cover the operational details of the internal model as well as the design
Be detailed and complete enough to allow a skilled and knowledgeable
l professional to replicate the model
l Detail the theory underlying the internal model and be relevant to
l complexity
Highlight of areas
any modelwhere model is deemed not to perform effectively
l (model
Outline weaknesses) and detailthe
the policy for changing how these are addressed
All changes should be documented on an ongoing basis (model to be
l revisited regularly and updated as necessary in line with risk profile of

External Process Models and Data

l Set out how Senior Leadership are engaged in process
Must allow for possibility of model error or risks not captured in external
l models

External loss databases, such as ORIC (operational risk consortium) for

operational risk, to supplement own data when assessing losses
Any reliance on external supplier to be documented together with role of
l product(s) and extent to which they are used
Able to demonstrate thorough understanding of use and limitations of any
vendor software/products used
Document process undertaken to ensure external data/model chosen is
l appropriate to risk profile and should include sufficient sensitivity and
scenario testing to validate use
l Use of NDA's
Clear strategy for regular review of any external models/data sources
l used
(1) Do (4) (7)
you Action (5) (6) (8)
understand (2) (3) required to When do you Who will be Estimated Level of
the Do you Where are address envisage you responsible time resource (9)
requirement currently you short on any will be able to for actions on required to needed to Current
sufficiently at meet this this shortfall/ meet this this address address status on
this stage requirement requirement gap requirement requirement gap gap requirement

Resume Items
l Sales and Marketing Executive with twenty plus years of experience in the
Automotive Industry.
Created and executed a successful strategy to secure a $55 million a year award in
l Advanced Driver Assistance systems at Ford. This was Gentex’s first award in
Advanced Driver Assist technology.
l Grew Global Ford account from $35 million a year to over $215 million a year in
four years time.
l Exceeded goals by increasing annual sales over 500% in two years from $17
million to over $115 million.

l Successfully negotiated a Long-Term Agreement securing 100% of future

business sourcing for 5 years.
Won new Ford and GM Advanced Driver Assistance System Business by
leveraging current architecture.

l Gained new business with Asian OEM’s including Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Toyota
and Hyundai in cameras, electronics, mirrors and lighting technologies.
l Negotiated a winning strategy with DaimlerChrysler to have competition de-
sourced mid-cycle and replaced with our component and technology.
Demonstrated effective team leadership, business development, strategic planning,
l account management, product implementation, cost reduction, integrated solutions
and successful negotiation capability.
Fast-track career advancement record based on ability to build and lead high-
l performance, cross-functional sales teams that consistently exceeded booking
targets, margin targets and outsold the competition with increased account
penetration and loyalty.
Innovative problem solver with excellent skills in communication and high level

l Highly ambitious, goal oriented, quality conscious, rainmaker, with the

demonstrated ability to quickly learn new skills.

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