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RZSZAaCH VOL. 72, No. 6 MAaCrX 15, 1967

Global Circulation of Radiocerium Isotopesfrom the May 14, 1955,

Nuclear Explosion

Department o] Chemistry, University o] Arkansas, Fayetteville

The concentrationsof Ce•a and CeTMin rain were measuredat Fayetteville, Arkansas,during
the period betweenNovember 1964and December1965.The Ce•/Ce• data indicate that the
radiocerium isotopesproducedby the May 14, 1965, Chinese nuclear test explosiontraveled
eastward and circled around the world at least twice. The mean troposphericresidencehalf-
time of the cerium isotopes was calculated to be approximately 40 days. Measurements of
variations of the ratios Ce•44/Sr
•, Cem/Sr•, and Cem/BaTMin rain yielded experimentalevi-
dencesfor the atmosphericfractionation of nuclear debris.

INTRODUCTION obvious.No significantincreasein the CeTMcon-

Accurate measurement centration in rain was observedafter the May
of the concentrations
of CeTMand CeTMin rain is tedious,and rela- 14 nuclear explosion,which indicates that the
tively little is known about the fallout pattern contribution from the atmosphericnuclear ex-
of the bomb-producedCe isotopes.Menon et al. plosionwas very small comparedwith the quan-
[1963] have studiedthe stratosphericCe fallout tity of CeTMfrom previous test series in the
and observeda pronouncedspring peak dur- stratosphere.
ing the test moratorium period of 1960 and Figure 2 showsthe variation of the Ce'•/
1961. Behaviors of the Ce isotopesinjected CeTMratio in rain. The strontium isotopedata
primarily into the troposphereby the Chinese obtained by Cooper and Kuroda [1966] are
nuclear explosionof May 14, 1965, have been also plotted in Figure 2. The first 'wave' of
investigated in this work. The results indicate
fresh debris from the Chinese test explosion
that the radioceriumisotopesinjectedinto the arrived at Fayetteville on May 23, 1965. The
atmosphere at Lop Nor, Sinktang Province, Ce and Sr isotoperatio data suggestthat the
China, traveled eastwardand circledaroundthe debris had completeda full cycle around the
world at least twice. world and that the second 'wave' arrived at

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Fayetteville on June 20, 1965. The debrisseems

to have completeda full cyclearoundthe world
Samplesof rain and snow were collectedby once again by about July 20. The pattern of
means of a sampling system installed on the global movementsof the Ce isotopesseemsto
roof of the Chemistry Building of the Univer-
be quite similar to that of the Sr isotopespre-
sity of Arkansasin Fayetteville. Radiochemical
viouslystudiedby Kuroda, Miyake, and Nemoto
proceduresemployedwere essentiallythe same
[1965] and Cooper and Kuroda [1966].
as thosedescribedby Menon et al. [1963]. All
the Ce sampleswere counted for a period of Curve I in Figure 2 (which is approximately
approximately I year to follow the decays of linear) is givenby the equation
32.5-day Cem and 285-day CeTM.Tracerlab low-
level •-counting system (CE14) was used for 4.6e-O.O•SO•
the radioactivitymeasurements. B/A- exp
-k0.52 (1)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION where B/A is the Cem/CeTMratio t days after
The experimentaldata are shownin Table 1. the nuclear explosion(t = 0 on May 14, 1965).
Figure 1 showsthe variation of the monthly The empirical equation (1) can be derived
and hi-monthly concentrationof CeTMin rain. from the general equation given by Kuroda
The existenceof a pronouncedspring peak is [1958]:

[exp (k•.t) -- 1] -]- (k•.Ay,o)/(ksAs,o)'(To -- So) exp

-]- So exp [--(ks -- k•)t] (.

TABLE 1. Ce TM and Ce TM in Rain at TABLE 1. (Continued)

Fayetteville, Arkansas, November 6,
1964, through December 31, 1965 Rainfall, Cem, CeTM,
Date mm pc/1 pc/1
Rainfall, CeTM, CeTM,
Date mm pc/1 pc/1
July 8 3.81 5.5 44 0.5 11.9 44 0.7
July 9 2.79 7.3 q- 1.0 25.4 q-2.5
1964 July 11 30.05 1.7:44 0.2 6.4 44 0.3
Nov. 6-7 33.02 18.0 44 1.0 •: July 21 1.27 3.6.'.440.4 11.6 44 0.7
Nov. 7 1.27 31.0 44 1:.0 July 2T-28 4.86 8.7 44 0.4 35.2 44 0.5
Nov. 16-20 54.36 4.8 44 0.3 Aug. 12 2.54 1.5 44 0.3 10.4 44 0.2
Dec. 2-3 2.54 51.3 44 3.1 Aug. 15 1.27 8.5 44 0.6
Dec. 10 6.60 9.7 44 0.4 Aug.16 3.81 2.8 44 0.1
Dec. 24-25 2.79 53.2 44 2.6 Aug. 19 21.08 3.1 44 0.4
Dec. 31 9.91 16.1 44 0.7 Aug. 20 12.19 4.9 44 0.2
1965 Aug. 22 0.64 11.4 44 0.4
Jan. 1 36.30 8.0 44 0.3 Aug. 27 76.45 3.1 44 0.2
Jan. 8 ";-•6.10 16.4 44 0.7 Aug. 31 78.74 1.6 44 0.1
Jan. 9 12.70 14.1 44 0.9 Sept. 15 6.35 15.3 44 0.1
Jan. 15-16 0.25 115.2 44 1.4 Sept. 17 6.10 14.4 44 1.0
Jan. 22 5.33 19.2 44'0.8 Sept. 20 11.68 1.0 44 0.2
Feb. 6 0.76 54.2 44 4.3 Sept. 20 1.27 22.3 44 1.2
Feb. 9 34.50 4.0 44 0.3 Sept. 21 7.62 18.7 44 1.6
Feb. 12 4.57 26.0 44 1.4 Sept. 21-22 31.50 0.9 44 0.1
Feb. 23-24 • 28.45 17.9 44 1.1 Oct. 15 4.57 5.8 44 0.2
March 1-6 24.13 59.7 44 1.9 Oct. 16 4.32 9.1 44 0.2
March 12 8.13 39.3 44 0.8 Oct. 19 8.89 2.8 44 0.1
March 23-25 19.05 13.7 q- 0.7 Nov. 3 12.19 2.5 44 0.2
March 28-29 7.87 116.8 44 2.4 Nov. 7 1.27 0.4 44 0.1
April 1 31.75 19.2 44 0.8 Dec. 2 3.15 1.1 44 0.1
April 3 12.70 17.6 44 0.5 Dec. 10 12.95 0.7 44 0.1
April 4 16.51 17.6 44 1.0 Dec. •11 26.67 2.3 44 0.2
April 8 15.49 11.3 44 0.3 Dec. 15 4.40 2.7 44 0.2
April 14 27.94 18.9 44 0.5 Dec. 24-25 22.86 3.3 44 0.2
April 24 8.57 18.3 q- 0.6 Dec. 31 91.44 1.4 44 0.1
April 26 5.59 8.4 440.5
May 5 4.57 25.5 q- 1.0
May 8 29.85 18.3 44 0.5
where 1/k• is the mean troposphericresidence
May 10 22.86 69.0 44 3.1
2.54 52.4 44 2.0
time, M and XBare the decay constantsof CeTM
May 13
May 18 12.70 48.2 44 1.4 and CeTM,respectively,An.o and As.o are the
Ma.y 18 0.64 8.7 44 0.7 troposphericand stratospherieinventories,re-
May 23 1.52 5.2 440.4 11.8 44 0.6
spectively,on May 14, 1965 (just after the nu-
May 26 24.13 36.8 44 1.6 14.9 44 0.7
June 5 3.05 41.6 44 2.3 32.3 44 1.1
clear explosionat t = 0), To and Soare the av-
June 6 6.35 36.7 q- 1.8 24.4 44 0.8 erage B/A ratios in the troposphere and the
June 8 16.51 17.2 44 1.5 11.8 44 0.9 stratosphereat t = 0 (just after the nuclear
June 9 2.54 38.2 44 1.3 32.3 44 0.4 explosion).
June 10 10.16 28.0 44 1.5 21.3 44 0.7
39.37 11.2 44 1.1 13.8 44 0.8
Becauseof the presenceof a large amount of
June 12
June 13 7.11 4.3 440.4 5.2 44 0.5 CeTMin the stratospherebefore May 14, •965,
June 13 22.35 6.2 440.6 9.3 440.7 So is negligibly small compared With To. We
June 14 19.81 2.1 44 0.4 3.1 440.2 tentatively estimate that To was approximately
June 20 11.43 13.3 44 0.6 16.9 44 0.9
3, as shown in Figure 2. We know that the
June 21 22.86 9.7 44 1.0 8.4 44 1.3
June 23 24.89 7.8 44 0.8 10.3 44 0.4 Ce•'•/CeTMratio in the tropospherebeforeMay
July 6 2.29 34.0 44 1.3 62.5 44 0.6 14, •965, was smaller than 0.1. The Ce•'•/Ce•"

= 3.0 (3)
where P is the total amount of Ce•" in the
5O -• tropospherejust beforethe May 14, 1965,nu-
clear explosion
and Q is the amountof CeTM
o 40
addedto the troposphereby the explosion.Solv-
ing (3) for Q/P, we have
_• •0

Q/P = 0.52 (4)


or the troposphericinventory of CeTMhas in-

•o ereusedby about 50% owingto the May 14,
-o-• 1965,
J ,J i
J . If a steady-statecondition had been estab-
,9e5 ,e• lished before the nuclear explosionat t -- 0,
in ther•tio(ka,
o musthavebeen
rainat Fayetteville,
beforet •.• 0. Re-
av- memberingthe fact that the straWspheric
concentration. inventory,..of
resultof the nuclearexplosionwh•ereas
the tropo-
ratio in the nuclearexplosionis sphericinventoryincreased
fromP to P q- Q
estimatedto be about8.8 from the half-liferatio by a factor of 1.5, we introducethe value of
of 285 daysto 32.5 daysand the assumption of
we (k•,A•,,o)/(ksAs,o)
= 1.5
have into equation2.

I0.0 - r\
4.0- x{( SECOND
\ CYCLE Sr89/Sr90




0.05 I I I I I I I I • I I I I
14 20 I I0 20 I I0 20 1 I0 20 I I0

Fig. 2. Variationof the Cem/Ce

•ø ratiosin rain at Fayetteville,Arkansas.
•: Circles,Ce•'/Ce•'•; crosses,
Sr•/Sr•ø. '•

Equation 1 is obtainedfrom equation2 by of the earth. A few other situations which

further introducinginto the latter the valuesof might causethe sametype of abrupt changes
X• = 0.0024day-•, AB-- 0.0213day-•, and k• = in the Ce isotope ratios in the tropospheric
0.0176day-L air are (a) intrusionsof stratosphericair into
The value of k• thus obtainedcorresponds to the troposphere, (b) penetration of different
a residencehalf-time of 39 days and a mean levels by the convectivecells involved in the
residencetime of 57 days for the Ce isotopes rainstoms, (c) abrupt changes in the prevail-
in the troposphere. ing weatherpatterns,and (d) passage of parts
The above interpretation is based on the of the main cloud.It is diflqeult,however,to
two-compartmentmodel of the atmosphereby explain the periodic pattern of the variation of
Kuroda [1958], in which the atmosphereis the Ce isotoperatiosin rain obtained
in this
considered as a more or lessuniformlymixed work by the mechanismslisted above.
systemof the stratosphere and the troposphere. The fact that the mean troposphericresi-
The deviationof the Ce isotoperatio data from dencetime of the Ce isotopesobtainedin this
curve I in Figure 2 thus illustrates the extent work (57 days) is considerably longerthan the
to whichthe tropospheric atmosphere is not in- valueof 30 daysobtained for the Sr isotopes
stantly mixed and enablesus to follow the east- [Cooper and Kuroda, 1966] deservesspecial
ward movement of the nuclear debris around attention. The most likely causefor sucha dis-
the world. This interpretationof the isotope erepaney is the phenomenonof atmospheric
ratio data is supportedby the air trajectory fraetionationof the nucleardebris,and an at-
calculatedby Kuroda, Miyake, and Nernoto tempt will be madein the followingparagraphs
[1965]. The atmospherictransport processbe- to examine this idea.
tween the northernand southernhemispheres Figures 3 and 4 show the variations of the
doesnot showup in the isotoperatio data be- isotope ratios of Ce, St, and Ba. The fission
causethe freshdebrisprobablystaysmostlyin productdecaychainsinvolvedare as follows:

KrS9 /•->RbS9 B->Sr89

3.2 min 15 min 50.4 day

KrOO B-)Rb9O B->SrOO

33 see 2.9 min 28 year

Xe•4ø • Cs
•4ø /g-)Ba•O
16 see 66 see 12.8 day

Xe141 /•-) Cs141•--)Ba• •--•LaTM •--•Ce141

2 sec short 18 min 3.9 hour 32.5 day

Xe144 /•->Cs144 •-> Ba144 La144 •-> Ce144

1 sec short short short 285 day

the northern temperate zone in the casesof nu- The variationsof the Cd"/Cd 4' and Srs*/SFø
clear explosionssuchas the one studiedin this ratiosin rain, shownin Figure 2, representthe
work. ease of the ratio of two isotopesof the same
In view of the large vertical wind shear and elements.
In the caseof •he Cd•'/Cd4' ratio,
horizontaleddy diffusionin the troposphere, their precursors are quitesimilar,andthe possi-
most investigatorshave in the past expected bility of fractionationis very small. There-
such a cloud of nuclear debris to have been fore the Cd•NCd •' ratio may be taken as a
dispersedbeyond recognition within a few good indicationof the age of the debris.But
weeksand certainly before'two or three circuits fractionationmay occur in the precursors


0 0 0
O 5
o o
o o o o
• 2
o o

- ()' i44 )' 90) !

T= So.e -

o o

0.$ i i i i i i i i i i i i
14 20 I IO 20 I I0 20 I IO 20 I

Fig. 3. Variation of the Ce•"/Sr•øratio in rain at Fayetteville,Arkansas.

I0.0 -
5.0 -
o /
4.0 -
/•/ o
3.0 -

2.0 - o
o • o

I.O - o // x

o //øo/ o
0.4 -
/ x
0.3 - / /•Xx
0 141 / 89

0.2 - /
x// x
/ x 141/140
/ x

0.1 -




Fig. 4. The Ce•/Sr s• and CeX"/Ba

TMactivity ratiosin individualsamplesof rain collected
at Fayetteville,Arkansas.Circles,Ce•"/Sr•; crosses,

of Sr•9/Sr9øbecauseof the differencein their longer than that of Kr •ø (33 sec). For this rea-
half-lives(3.2 m,•nfor Kr• and 33 secfor Krgø). son, Sr8• and CeTMare expectedto be highly
The patterns of variationsof the fractionated relative to each other. Thus we
ratio and the Sr•/Sr•ø ratio in rain appear to shallassumethe 'apparent'meanresidencetime
be quite similar,as shownin Figure2, which for Sr8• to be quite different from the values
clearly demonstratesthe fact that the debris obtainedfor the Ce isotopes,and write that
has circled the world at least two or three
Figure 3 showsthe variation of the Ce•"/ ßexp[--(ha -- ha' q- ka,-- ka,,)t] (6)
Sr•ø ratio in rain. The half-lives of CeTM and
Sr•øare both fairly long, and hencethe strato- whereB/B' is the Ce•/Sr • ratio in the tropo-
sphericinventories of theseisotopeswerequite spheret daysafter the nuclearexplosion(t --
large in May 1965,when the Chinesebombwas 0 on May 14, 1965), [B/B']o is the Ce•/Sr 89
exploded. Thus most of the CeTMand Sr•ø fall- ratio in the freshdebrisinjectedinto the tropo-
out observed duringthis periodhad its origin sphere at I -- 0, the .X'sare the decay con-
in the U.S.S.R. and U.S. test series conducted stants of CeTMand Sr% k• is the reciprocalof
before1963.The straightline in Figure3 cor- the 'apparent'meantroposphericresidencetime
respondsto the equation for CeTM,and k•, is that for SF•.
The straightline I in Figure4 corresponds

where T is the Cd"/Sr øøratio observedat time Ce•/Sr ss= 0.3 exp(0.0306t) (7)
t and So is the Cd"/Sr 9øratio in the strato-Solving(6) and (7), we havek•, -- 0.065,or
sphereat t = 0. If this line is extrapolated the meantropospheric.residence
time 1/k•, --
backto the fall of 1962,a valueof Cd"/Sr•ø 16 days for Sr•.
similar to the productionratio is obtained.The Similarly, the Ce•'•/BaTMratio in rain has in-
scatterof the experimentalpointsin Figure 3 creasedwith a sloperoughlycorresponding
most likely reflectsthe nonuniformityof the the straightlineII in Figure4'
Ce•"/Sr•ø ratio in the stratosphere [Palmer
e• a/., 1967]. Ce•4•/]Ba
•4ø: 0.13exp(0.0438t) (8)
The variationsof the Ce•/Sr• and Solving(8) and (6) for k•,, we have k•, =
BaTMratiosare plottedin Figure4. Because of 0.0285for BaTM.This correspondsto a value of
their short half-lives,theseisotopeshad their 1/k•, -- 35 days for the mean tropospheric
originexclusively in the May 14, 1965,Chinese residence time of Ba TM.
nuclear explosion.Because these are ratios of Table 2 summarizes the calculated values of
isotopesof differentelementswhoseprecursor the 'apparent' mean tropospheric residence
historiesare quitedifferent,a pronouncedfrae- time for variousfissionproducts.The valuesof
tionationeffectis to be expected. mean tropospheric res;dencetime thus calcu-
Although the experimental points scatter lated vary from 16 daysfor Sr• to 57 daysfor
quite randomly,an interestingtrend is seenin CeTMand CeTM.The resultsshowthat the longer
Figure4; boththe Ce•/Sr• ratioandthe Ce•/ the half-life of the gaseous
precursorthe shorter
Ba•ø ratio appear to have increasedwith time the mean residence time.
after May 1965. These data indicate that CeTM Rao et al. [1966] have recently studied the
was initially depleted relative to Sr• and Ba•ø fissionmassyield distributionin single fallout
duringthe first few weeksafter the May 14, particles. They found that the fissionproducts
1965, nuclear explosionand that the trend re- with fairly 'long-lived'gaseous precursors,such
versedafter July 1965. as Sr• and BaTM,are depletedin singleparticles,
As has been mentioned earlier, the mean whereasthe mass-yieldcurve for the bulk of the
troposphericresidencetime for the Ce isotopes rainwater sampleshowsthat the yields of Sr•
appears to be greater by a factor of 2 than and BaTMare enhanced.Clark ei a.1. [1967]
that for Sr•ø.The half-life of the gaseouspre- have alsoobservedthat volatilefissionproducts
of Srøøis muchlongertha•nthat of Ce•'•, .;:':and
thosewith gaseous
or volatile precursors
and the half-lifeof Kr• (3.2 min) is much are highlydepleted
in singlefalloutparticles.

TABLE 2. Calculated Values of the 'Apparent' local fallout in the vicinity of the test site (Lop
Mean TroposphericResidenceTime (1/k •,) Nor), and hence the debris collectedat Fay-
for Various Fission Products
etteville should have been depleted in the Ce
isotopesrelative to the Sr isotopes.This is ex-
Tropospheric actly what we have observedduring the first
Residence severalweeks (up to the beginningof July) at
Fission Gaseous Time 1/k T, Fayetteville, as shown in Figure 4. After the
Product Precursor days middle of July, it is possiblethat a large frac-
tion of the debris from the May 14, 1965, ex-
Ce TMand Ce TM 2-sec Xe TMand
plosion,whichwasinjectedinto the troposphere,
1-sec Xe TM 57
Ba •ø 16-sec Xe •ø 35
was removed from the troposphere.If some of
Sr 90 33-sec Kr 9ø 30* the larger particles, which entered the lower
Sr s9 3.2-min Kr s9 16 stratosphere,started being transported to the
troposphere at about this time, a sudden in-
* This value is based on the work of Cooperand crease of the CeTMrelative to Sr• may have
Kuroda [1966]. been observedin the ground level rainwater.
The net result of the combination of the above
The extent to which these 'volatile' fissionpro- effects,i.e., an initial depletionof Ce• in the
ducts are depletedseemsto be proportionalto form of the local fallout plus an increasingcon-
the size of the particles; i.e., the greater the tribution from larger particles which entered
particlethe greaterthe depletionof the volatile the stratosphere, may be the cause for the
fissionproduct chain. longer 'apparent' mean residencetime for the
These resultssuggestthat Sr•9 (with 3.2-min Ce isotopes.
Kr 89precursor)shouldbe enrichedin smaller We are in the process of investigating the
particlesand CeTM(with 2-secXe TMprecursor) relationship between the fallout particle dis-
shouldbe enrichedin larger particles.Sincethe tribution and the fission product ratios in the
apparent mean residencetime of the smaller individual particles, and it is hoped that we
particlesis expectedto be longerthan that of may be able to offer a better explanationin the
the larger particles,it followsthat Sr8• should near future.
stay longer, on the average,in the atmosphere Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Dr. B. D.
than CeTM.This is exactly opposite from the Palmer, Mr. J. N. Beck, and Mr. W. W. Cooper
conclusion reached earlier on the basis of the for their advice and to Mr. M. Myers for help in
the sampling work.
data shownin Figure 4. This investigation was supported by the United
For the time being,we are frankly unable to States Atomic Energy Commission under con-
explain these puzzling results. However, the tract At-(40-1)-2529.
following tentative explanation is suggested. REFERENCES
Beck and Kuroda [1966] and also Cooper and
Beck, J. N., and P. K. Kuroda, Radiostrontium
Kuroda [1966] have recently reportedthat a fallout from the nuclear explosion of October
considerable fraction of the debris from the 16, 1964, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 2451-2456, 1966.
Chinese nuclear explosionsentered the strato- Clark, R. S., K. Yoshikawa, M. N. Rao, B. D.
Palmer, Myint Thein, and P. K. Kuroda, The
sphere.It. is difficultto estimatethe amount.of time-interval between nuclear detonation and
Ce isotopeswhichenteredthe stratospherefrom formation of single fallout particles, J. Geophys.
our data, but if Cem and CeTMare enrichedin Res., 72(6), 1967.
larger particlesrelativeto Sr8•and Sr•ø,we may Cooper, W. W., and P. K. Kuroda, Global circula-
expectthat a relativelysmallfractionof the Ce tion of nuclear debris from the May 14, 1965,
nuclear explosion, J. Geophys. Res., 71, 5471-
isotopesmay have entered the stratosphere. 5473, 1966.
The Ce isotopeswhich enteredthe stratosphere Kuroda, P. K., On the stratospheric Sr•ø fallout,
may be expectedto return to the groundlevel Argonne Natl. Lab. ANL-5920, pp. 1-40, October
much more rapidly than the Sr isotopes,which
are enrichedin smaller particles. On the other Kuroda, P. K., Y. Miyake, and J. Nemoto, Stron-
tium isotopes: Global circulation after the Chi-
hand, much of the Ce isotopeproductionmay nese explosion of May 14, 1965, Science, 150,
have been rapidly removedin the form of the 1289, 1965.

Kuroda, P. K., B. D. Palmer, Moses Attrep, Jr., isotopesin the atmosphere,manuscriptin prep-
J. N. Beck, R. Ganapathy, D. D. Sabu, and aration, 1967.
M. N. Rao, Fallout from the nuclear explosion Rao, M. N., K. Yoshikawa,D. D. Sabu, R. Clark,
of October 16, 1964, Science, 147, 1284-1286, and P. K. Kuroda, Mass-yield distribution of
1965. the fissionproducts in fallout particles from the
Menon, M.P., K. K. Menon, and P. K. Kuroda, May 14, 1965, nuclear explosion,Science,153,
On the stratosphericfallout of bomb-produced 633-635, 1966.
cerium isotopes, J. Geophys. Res., 68, 4495-
4499, 1963.
Palmer, B. D., K. K. Menon, and P. K. Kuroda, (Received July 12, 1966;
Radioactive strontium, cerium, and manganese revised December 5, 1966.)

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