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Particulate Science and Technology

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A novel green synthesis of gold nanoparticles

using seaweed Lobophora variegata and its
potential application in the reduction of

Princy Kaithavelikkakath Francis, Sreeja Sivadasan, Anna Avarachan & Anu


To cite this article: Princy Kaithavelikkakath Francis, Sreeja Sivadasan, Anna Avarachan &
Anu Gopinath (2019): A novel green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using seaweed Lobophora
variegata and its potential application in the reduction of nitrophenols, Particulate Science and
Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2018.1547340

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A novel green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using seaweed Lobophora

variegata and its potential application in the reduction of nitrophenols
Princy Kaithavelikkakath Francisa, Sreeja Sivadasanb, Anna Avarachana, and Anu Gopinathc
Department of Chemistry, St. Albert’s College, Ernakulam, India; bDepartment of Marine Chemistry, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean
Studies, Cochin, India; cDepartment of Fishery Hydrography, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Cochin, India

Developing a facile and green approach to synthesize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with high catalytic Green synthesis; gold
activities for the reduction of toxic nitrophenols to beneficial aminophenols is of tremendous envir- nanoparticles; Lobophora
onmental and industrial relevance. The present study reports an environmentally benign synthesis variegata; nanocatalyst;
of AuNPs using aqueous extract of seaweed Lobophora variegata as a potential bioreductant. The
signatory pinkish red color and a surface Plasmon resonance peak at 530 nm in the UV-Visible spec-
trum confirmed the formation of AuNPs. TEM images revealed that the biosynthesised AuNPs were
spherical in shape with an average size of 11.69 þ 2.38 nm. The high crystallinity of the biogenic
AuNPs is confirmed from the clear lattice fringes in the High resolution TEM images, bright circular
rings in SAED pattern and Bragg’s reflections of (111), (200), and (220) in XRD pattern. FTIR spectra
revealed the role of bioactive metabolites in stabilizing the nanoparticles. The report emphasizes
the spectroscopic investigation on the efficacy of the biosynthesized AuNPs as excellent catalyst in
the reduction of anthropogenic organic pollutants, 4-nitrophenol (4NP), 3-nitrophenol (3NP), and
2-nitrophenol (2NP) to the corresponding aminophenols using NaBH4, which followed a pseudo-
first-order kinetics with rate constants in the order k2NP > k4NP > k3NP.

1. Introduction
Among noble metal nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles
Nitrophenols (NP) are anthropogenic organic pollutants in (AuNPs) are of specific interest owing to their remarkable
wastewater produced from industrial plants for the manufac- surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in the visible region with
ture of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, explosives, and extensive applications in various fields such as drug delivery,
synthetic dyes (Higson 1992). Because of the carcinogenic catalysis, optoelectronics, surface-enhanced Raman scatter-
and mutagenic properties, these are very harmful to human ing, biological labeling, bio-imaging, and antimicrobial (Jain
beings and aquatic organisms. They are enrolled as a toxin et al. 2008; Kumar et al. 2011). Various physical and chem-
by the United States Environment Protection Agency ical methods are available for the synthesis of AuNPs.
(Arora, Srivastava, and Singh 2014; Pandey and Mishra However, they are often costly and involve the utilization of
2014). Conversely, its reduction product aminophenols (AP) hazardous chemicals that are potentially harmful to the
have a wide range of applications such as precursors for the environment (Menon, Rajeshkumar, and Venkat Kumar
manufacture of several analgesic and antipyretic drugs, as 2017; Khandanlou et al. 2018). So, there is a growing inter-
photographic developer, as anticorrosion agent in paints, est associated with the development of cost-effective, non-
and in dye industries (Vaidya, Kulkarni, and Chaudhari toxic, and environment friendly methods for the synthesis
2003; Nemanashi and Meijboom 2013). One of the promin- of AuNPs.
ent methods to convert toxic nitrophenols to beneficial ami- Nowadays, bio-inspired methods have aroused much
nophenols is to carry out their reduction using NaBH4. interest due to its simplicity, environment benign nature,
However, this reaction is insignificantly slow in the absence and cost-effectiveness. Biological resources like microbes and
of a catalyst. In recent times, nanocatalysis has emerged as a plant extracts were used for this purpose. Among these
rapidly developing area of research in which metal nanopar- methods, the plant-mediated synthesis achieved fabulous
ticles are used as catalysts for wide range of chemical reac- attractiveness due to its eco-friendliness and simplicity.
tions. Small size, high surface area to volume fraction, and Moreover, it does not require the complicated process of
size relative activity have made metal nanoparticle an effi- maintaining cell culture as in microbe assisted synthesis.
cient catalyst. The potential catalytic ability of noble metal There are numerous reports available for the biosynthesis of
nanoparticles in the reduction of NP have been reported AuNPs using several terrestrial plants (Narayanan and
recently (Sen, Maity, and Islam 2013; Zhao et al. 2015). Sakthivel 2008; Iravani 2011; Philip et al. 2011). However,

CONTACT Anu Gopinath Department of Fishery Hydrography, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Cochin, India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

renewable marine resources like marine seaweeds are not

much explored for gold nanosynthesis.
In this work, we report for the first time a novel environ-
mentally benign method for the synthesis of AuNPs using
aqueous extract of brown seaweed Lobophora variegata. The
seaweed extract act as both reducing and capping agent for
the synthesis of AuNPs. Since no toxic reagents used in the
synthetic route, it is completely a green chemistry approach.
Furthermore, this method is facile, fast, and cost-effective.
The catalytic efficacy of the biosynthesized AuNPs was also
studied spectroscopically in the reduction of anthropogenic
organic pollutants, 4-nitrophenol (4NP), 3-nitrophenol
(3NP), and 2-nitrophenol (2NP) to the corresponding AP by
NaBH4 at room temperature in aqueous medium.
Figure 1. Photograph of seaweed Lobophora variegata.
2. Materials and methods
range of 300–700 nm was used for the UV-vis. spectral stud-
2.1. Materials ies. FTIR spectrum of freeze-dried seaweed extract and
Chloroauric acid (99.9%) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. AuNPs were recorded using a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100
4-Nitrophenol, 3- Nitrophenol, 2-nitrophenol, and NaBH4 spectrometer at the wavelength range of 4000–550 cm1.
were procured from Merck India Ltd. All these chemicals were The X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of drop-coated
used as such without further refinements and its aqueous solu- films of AuNPs on glass slides were made on a PANalytic
tions were prepared using sterile Milli Q water. X’PERT-PRO X-ray spectrometer operated at a voltage of
40 kV and a current of 30 mA with Cu Ka radiation
(k ¼ 0.1542nm). High resolution Transmission electron
2.2. Preparation of seaweeds extract microscopy (HRTEM) images, Energy dispersive X-ray ana-
lysis (EDAX), and Selected area electron diffraction (SAED)
The seaweed L. variegata (Figure 1) was harvested manually
patterns were taken in Tecnai G2 30 transmission elec-
from the coast of Thirumullavaram (8 530 3800 N; 76 330 1400 E),
tron microscope.
Kollam district of Kerala and washed it many times in seawater
to remove extraneous materials and then brought to the
laboratory in an ice box. It is then washed with Milli Q water 2.5. Catalytic activity
and air dried. Ten grams of the seaweed was finely chopped
into small pieces and stirred with 100 mL sterile Milli Q water The catalytic efficacy of the biosynthesized AuNPs to reduce
for 1 min and kept in a water bath at 60  C for 20 min. It was the isomers of NP to the corresponding AP by NaBH4 was
then cooled and filtered using Whatman No. 1 filter paper, evaluated using the method of Gangula et al. (2011), with
and the filtrate was used for nanosynthesis. slight modification. For this, in a quartz cuvette of 1 cm
path length, 1.4 mL of water, 0.3 mL of 2 mM solution of
NP, and 1 mL of 0.03 M of freshly prepared NaBH4 solutions
2.3. Biosynthesis of AuNPs were taken. To this reaction mixture, 100 mL of biogenic
AuNPs (1 mg/mL) was added and reduction of the NP was
AuNPs were prepared by adding 0.5 mL of the seaweed extract
monitored spectroscopically at regular intervals of time.
to 10 mL of 1 mM Chloroauric acid solution at room tempera-
ture. A control setup was also retained without seaweed
extract. In order to evaluate the effect of quantity of seaweed 3. Results and discussion
extract on gold nanosynthesis, the biosynthetic procedure was
repeated by varying the volume of the seaweed extract 3.1. Visual observation and UV-Visible analysis
(0.25 mL and 1 mL). The biotransformation of chloroaurate When L. variegata extract is added to HAuCl4 solution, we
ions to AuNPs was identified visually by the instant color can have a visual perception of change in color of reaction
change of the reaction medium and was confirmed by UV-Vis. medium from light yellow to dark pink indicating the for-
spectral analysis. The biosynthesized nanoparticles were sepa- mation of AuNPs (Figure 2). The appearance of characteris-
rated by centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 20 min at 4  C and tic pink color was due to the excitation of surface plasmon
purified by redispersing them in Milli Q water. The pure sam- resonance (SPR) in AuNPs (Mulvaney, 1996). Moreover,
ples obtained were freeze-dried and kept for analysis. UV-Visible spectroscopy gave a clear indication of the for-
mation of AuNPs. The UV-Visible spectra depicted in
Figure 3 elucidate the impact of different volumes of sea-
2.4. Characterization techniques
weed extract on the biosynthesis of AuNPs. From the spec-
Thermo scientific Evolution 201 UV–Visible spectrophotom- tra, it is apparent that when the quantity of seaweed extract
eter operating at a resolution of 1 nm in the wavelength is augmented from 0.25 mL to 0.5 mL, the SPR band shifted

of the particles (Figure 4f), the average size of the AuNPs

was found to be 11.69 þ 2.38 nm. The clear lattice fringes in
the HR-TEM image of a single nanoparticle (Figure 4d) and
the bright circular rings in the SAED pattern offered clear-
cut evidence to the crystalline nature biosynthesized AuNPs.
The EDAX spectrum of biologically synthesized AuNPs is
depicted in Figure 4g. This spectrum gave a strong peak at
around 2 keV which is due to the presence of metallic gold.
The extra peaks of C and Cu in the spectrum are due to
carbon-coated copper grid used in the TEM analysis.

Figure 2. Digital images of (a) Lobophora variegata Extract (b) HAuCl4, and 3.2. Structural analysis
(c) AuNPs.
The XRD profile of biosynthesized AuNPs is shown in
Figure 5. The x-ray diffraction peaks appeared at 2h values
of 38.40 , 44.36 , and 64.87 , which can be indexed as
(1 1 1), (2 0 0), and (2 2 0) crystallographic planes respect-
ively, indicating that the green synthesized AuNPs are crys-
talline in nature with face-centered cubic structure (JCPDS
file No. 04-0784). Broad peaks confirmed the formation of
nanosized particles. No other impurity peaks were observed,
which revealed the purity of the AuNPs synthesized.
Further, the peak corresponding to the (1 1 1) plane is more
intense than the other peaks suggesting that predominant
growth of AuNPs oriented along the (1 1 1) plane. The aver-
age crystalline size of the biosynthesized AuNPs was also
determined using Debye-Scherrer equation, by considering
the width of (1 1 1) peak and found to be 11.8 nm which
agrees with the particle size obtained from the TEM image.

Figure 3. The UV–Visible absorption spectrum of AuNPs biosynthesized using

varying quantities of Lobophora variegata extract.
3.3. FTIR spectral analysis
towards the shorter wavelength region from 538 nm to FTIR spectroscopy is used to analyze the functional groups
530 nm which shows a decline in particle dimension (Barai of seaweed extract in capping the nanoparticles. The FTIR
et al. 2018; Princy and Gopinath 2018). But, when the quan- spectrum of the freeze-dried seaweed extract and biosynthe-
tity of extract is increased to 1 mL, the SPR band slightly sized AuNPs are shown in Figure 6. It is seen that all prom-
broadened and showed a red shift to 536 nm indicating an inent peaks in the seaweed extract were present in the
increase in particle size. Thus, the quantity of extract is a AuNPs, which disclose the role of seaweed extract in reduc-
vital factor in determining the size distribution of AuNPs. ing and capping the AuNPs. The strong intense broadband
The sharp and symmetric SPR band at 530 nm reflected the appeared between 3400 and 3450 cm1is due to the stretch-
spherical shape of the biosynthesized AuNPs which was fur- ing vibrations of O–H groups present in alcohols and phe-
ther set out in TEM analyses. The result from UV-Visible nols (Jilie and Shaoning 2007). A weak peak at 2928 cm1
absorption is in accordance with the previous report (Rajan, could be assigned to the C–H stretching vibrations (Suman
MeenaKumari, and Philip 2014). et al. 2014; Vijayan, Joseph, and Mathew 2018). Another
intense peak at 1624 cm1 may be due to the –C ¼ O group
coming from the carbonyl group of proteins (MeenaKumari
Morphological and compositional studies
and Philip 2015). The band located at 1385 cm1 is attrib-
Transmission electron microscopy is a powerful tool to elu- uted to the C–N stretching vibrations (Gavade et al. 2015;
cidate the size, shape, and morphology of the nanoparticles. Sadeghi and Gholamhoseinpoor 2015). The absorption peak
The TEM images at different magnifications (Figure 4a–d) at 1028 cm1 corresponds to the carboxylic acid functional
proved that the biosynthesized AuNPs possess more or less group (Song, Jang, and Kim 2009). These results suggested
spherical geometry. The well-separated particles observed in that different bioconstituents of seaweed extract have
TEM images proved the vital role of phytochemicals in involved in the reduction as well as stabilization of AuNPs.
L. variegata extract in capping and stabilizing the nanopar- But the precise nature and chemical composition of com-
ticles. From the histogram representing the size distribution pounds need a detailed investigation.

Figure 4. (a–d) TEM images of AuNPs at different magnifications (e) SAED pattern (f) Particle size histogram, and (g) EDAX spectrum of AuNPs.

of yellow color of the reaction medium as well as decrease in

the intensity of the peak at 400 nm. As the intensity of the peak
at 400 nm decreases, a new absorption peak appeared at 300 nm
appeared and its intensity increases with elapse of time. This
new peak is due to the formation of 4-aminophenol, the prod-
uct of the reaction. The reaction was found to be completed in
4 min as was evident from complete bleaching of yellow color
of the reaction mixture as well as by the disappearance of the
absorption peak at 400 nm. Similarly, 3NP and 2NP exhibit
absorption peak at 392 nm and 415 nm, respectively, in the
alkaline medium due to the formation of their corresponding
nitrophenolate ions, both of which decreased readily on the
addition of AuNPs in company with the appearance of new
peaks at 302 nm and 298 nm due to the formation of 3AP and
2AP, respectively (Figure 7b,c). The reduction of 3NP com-
Figure 5. XRD pattern of biosynthesized AuNPs. pletes in 8 min while it takes only 3 min for 2NP.
Here, the concentration of NaBH4 (0.03 M) used was very
3.4. Catalytic activity of AuNPs for the reduction of high compared to NP (2 mM) and remains practically con-
nitrophenols stant throughout the course of the reaction, so the reaction
kinetics is assumed to follow pseudo first order and the rate
Catalytic efficacy of biosynthesized AuNPs was demonstrated
equation can be written as
by considering the reduction reactions of three isomers of
nitrophenols, i.e., 4NP, 3NP, and 2NP using NaBH4. For 4NP kt ¼ ln ðC=C0 Þ;
(Figure 7a), upon addition of NaBH4, the absorption maxima where k is the pseudo first-order rate constant, t is reaction
underwent a redshift from 316 nm to 400 nm and the yellow time, and C and C0 are concentration of the NP at time t
color of the solution become more intense due to the formation and 0, respectively. As the absorbance is proportional to the
of 4-nitrophenolate ion in the alkaline condition caused by the concentration of solution, the absorbance at time t (A) and
NaBH4 and was highly stabilized by resonance (Pradhan, Pal, time 0 (A0) are equivalent to the concentration at time t (C)
and Pal 2001). In the absence of the catalyst, the intensity of the and time 0 (C0), respectively (Bindhu and Umadevi 2015).
peak at 400 nm as well as the color of the solution remained The linear plots of ln (A/A0) against time in all the three
unchanged for several hours, suggesting that the reduction is reactions support the pseudo-first order assumption (inset of
insignificantly slow due to the appreciable difference in redox Figure 7a–c). The rate constants estimated from the slopes of
potential between them (Majumdar, Bag, and Ghosh 2016). the linear sections of the plots and the corresponding correl-
But, in the addition of 100 mL AuNPs (1 mg/mL), reduction ation coefficients are listed in Table 1. The observed results are
reaction started immediately. This is evidenced from the fading in consistent with the values reported for Mimusops elengi bark

Figure 6. FTIR spectrum of (a) Lobophora variegata Extract and (b) biosynthesized AuNPs.

Figure 7. (a) UV-Visible absorption spectra for the NaBH4 reduction of (a) 4 NP, (b) 2NP, and (c) 3NP using 100 mL AuNPs (1 mg/mL). Inset shows the respective
linear plots of ln (A/Ao) versus reaction time.

Table 1. Catalytic activity of 100 mL AuNPs (1 mg/mL) in the reduction of NP.

extract stabilized AuNPs (Majumdar, Bag, and Ghosh 2016). As
NP Reaction time (min) K  103 (sec1) Correlation coefficient (R2)
is evident from the table, all these reactions are very fast and
4NP 4 8.8 0.999
they all strictly hold on to pseudo first-order kinetics as evi- 3NP 8 4.5 0.990
denced from the correlation coefficient values. The rate con- 2NP 3 12.1 0.993
stants (k) of the reactions are estimated to be 8.8  103 sec1,
4.5  103 sec1, and 12.1  103 sec1 for 4NP, 3NP, and 2-
NP respectively. The rates of reduction of three isomers of donor (BH4) and electron acceptor (nitrophenolate ion) get
nitrophenol followed the order 2NP > 4NP > 3NP. adsorbed on the surface of the AuNPs, catalytic reaction
In all these reactions, the enhancement of reaction rate is happens by the transfer of electron from BH4 to nitrophe-
due to the electron relay effect. The AuNPs takes the role of nolate ion. Thus, in all the above catalytic reactions, AuNPs
an electron transfer mediator between the electron donor help in facilitating the reduction by lowering the activation
NaBH4 and the accepter NP. The catalytic reduction takes energy of the reaction and hence play the role of an effective
place on the surface of the AuNPs. As soon as the electron catalyst (Aromal and Philip 2012).

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