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Rachel Novitasari / 190907037

Bahasa Inggris Komunikasi Terapan B

• Idiom Exercise 1
1. A book worm = B. Someone who loves to read a book
2. Crack a book = A. To open a book to study
3. Count noses = C. To count how many people are there
4. To learn by heart = B. To memorize
5. To pass with flying colors = C. To get a high test score
6. To play hooky = B. To skip school
7. The University of Life = A. To learn from experience
8. An eager beaver = A. To be enthusiastic
9. A for effort = C. Someone who may not get the highest grades
but who tries really hard
10. Hit the books = B. To study hard
11. Draw a blank = A. To get no response when you ask a question
12. As easy as ABC = B. Something super easy
13. Old school = C. Someone who likes old fashioned ideas better
than new ones
14. A show of hands = C. To raise your hand to vote
15. A copycat = B. Someone who does or says exactly what another
person does
16. To learn the hard way = A. To learn from a bad experience
17. To brainstorm = A. To think of lots of ideas
18. To cover a lot of ground = B. To learn a lot
19. Crank out a paper = C. To quickly write a paper
20. The teacher’s pet = A. The teacher’s favorite student
21. I’m keeping an eye on you = B. I’m watching you
22. Give me hand = B. To help me
23. To be in hot water = C. To be in trouble
24. Working our fingers to the bone = A. Working really hard
25. A head of game = A. Someone who is concentrating
26. Armed with skills = B. Someone who is talented in many areas
27. Ear to the ground = A. To pay attention to everything
28. A leg up on the competition = C. Someone with an advantage
29. Does that ring a bell? = A. Something you remember
30. Eye catching = B. Something that attracts your attention
31. Find your feet = A. Adjust to a new situation
32. To be tickled pink = C. To be thrilled or happy

• Idiom Exercise 2
1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
➢ What you have is worth more than what you might have later
2. A blessing in disguise
➢ A good thing that seemed bad at first
3. A penny for your thoughts
➢ Tell me what you're thinking
4. A stitch in time saves nine
➢ Fix the problem now because it will get worse later
5. As right as rain
➢ Perfect
6. Barking up the wrong tree
➢ To be mistaken, to be looking for solutions in the wrong place
7. Beat around the bush
➢ Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
8. Break a leg
➢ Good luck
9. Break the ice
➢ Make people feel more comfortable
10. Burn bridges
➢ Destroy relationships
11. Come rain or shine
➢ No matter what
12. Curiosity killed the cat
➢ Stop asking questions
13. Cut somebody some slack
➢ Don't be so critical
14. Cut the mustard
➢ Do a good job
15. Don't count your chickens before they hatch
➢ Don't count on something good happening until it's happened.
16. Every cloud has a silver lining
➢ Good things come after bad things
17. Every dog has his day
➢ Everyone gets a chance at least once
18. Get your act together
➢ Work better or leave
19. Give someone the benefit of the doubt
➢ Trust what someone says
20. Give someone the cold shoulder
➢ Ignore someone
21. Go back to the drawing board
➢ Start over
22. He who laughs last laughs loudest
➢ I'll get you back for what you did
23. He's a chip off the old block
➢ The son is like the father
24. Hit the sack
➢ Go to sleep
25. Ignorance is bliss
➢ You're better off not knowing
26. It is a poor workman who blames his tools
➢ If you can't do the job, don't blame it on others
27. It takes two to tango
➢ One person alone isn't responsible. Both people are involved.
28. It's not rocket science
➢ It's not complicated
29. Leave no stone unturned
➢ Look everywhere
30. Like two peas in a pod
➢ They're always together
31. Live and learn
➢ I made a mistake
32. Miss the boat
➢ It's too late
33. On cloud nine
➢ Very happy
34. Out of the frying pan and into the fire
➢ Things are going from bad to worse
35. Pull someone's leg
➢ To joke with someone
36. Take a rain check
➢ Postpone a plan
37. That's the last straw
➢ My patience has run out
38. The ball is in your court
➢ It's your decision
39. The devil is in the details
➢ It looks good from a distance, but when you look closer, there are problems
40. The elephant in the room
➢ The big issue, the problem people are avoiding
41. Through thick and thin
➢ In good times and in bad times
42. Throw caution to the wind
➢ Take a risk
43. Well begun is half done
➢ Getting a good start is important
44. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
➢ Let's not talk about that problem right now
45. Wrap your head around something
➢ Understand something complicated
46. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs
➢ There's always a cost to doing something
47. Your guess is as good as mine
➢ I have no idea

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