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Monitoring dan Evaluasi Hazard dan Risk di

Lingkungan Kerja
Hazard Risk
A Hazard is a potential source of harm or Risk is the likelihood that a person may
adverse health effect on a person or be harmed or suffers adverse health
persons. effects if exposed to a hazard.’

Bahaya adalah segala sesuatu yang Risiko adalah kemungkinan seseorang

berpotensi membahayakan atau dapat dilukai atau menderita efek kesehatan
memberikan efek buruk pada manusia. yang merugikan jika terkena bahaya. '

Hazard Risk



 Mengevaluasi tingkat paparan karyawan terhadap bahan berbahaya
di tempat kerja
 Identifikasi tugas atau proses yang dapat menjadi sumber bahaya
 Mengevaluasi dampak dari perubahan proses dan tindakan
 Pemenuhan standar dan peraturan K3 dan lingkungan
 Menentukan apakah pekerjaan di ruang terbatas dapat
 dsb
• Monitoring is a continuous program of observation, measurement,
and judgment.
• Monitoring is a combination of observation, interview, and
measurement that permits a judgment to be made relative to the
potential hazards and the adequacy of protection afforded
• It is performed during a given operation where hazardous materials
may be released, and follow-up biological and medical monitoring of
the employees involved in that process
There are 2 types of monitoring:
1. Personal Monitoring
 Personal Monitoring
 Biological Monitoring
 Measurement of the contaminant itself
 Measurement of a metabolite of the chemical
 Measurement of enzymes or functions that reflect harm
caused by a hazardous exposure.
2. Environmental monitoring
• Personal monitoring is the measurement of a particular employee’s
exposure to airborne contaminants and, in theory, reflects actual
exposure to the employee.
• The measurement device, or dosimeter is placed as close as possible
to the contaminant’s route of entry into the body.
• The effective use of personal monitoring device relies on proper
calibration and maintenance and consistent supervision by well-
trained professionals during the monitoring process.
• Biological monitoring is a tool that can be used to assess workers’
total exposure to chemicals, or provide information about the impact
of workplace hazards on health.
• In general, there are three categories of biological monitoring:
 Measurement of the contaminant itself
The most direct approach measures the contaminant itself in blood
or urine; this method is used with lead, mercury, cadmium, and
arsenic. Carbon monoxide may be mesured in exhaled air.
 Measurement of a metabolite of the chemical
Often, the hazardous chemical cannot be measured directly, but a
metabolite can be.
 Measurement of enzymes or functions that reflect harm caused
by a hazardous exposure.
Medical evaluation
• Exposure is measured in terms of the ambient air concentration of a
particular substance in a given area at a given period of time.
• Ideally, area sampling would be so thorough and the pattern of
potential exposure to workers so well defined that, in any given work
space, knowledge of a worker’s activity would be sufficient to
estimate that person’s exposure, and personal monitoring would not
be necessary.
Bahaya dan risiko di tempat kerja harus dianalisis dan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan
standar dan kriteria tertentu.
Beberapa standar yang digunakan diantaranya adalah:
• Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja
• Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 70 Tahun 2016 tentang
Standar dan Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja Industri
• Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lingkungan Kerja.
• Threshold Limit Value (TLV) American Conference of Govermental Industrial Hygienists
Berdasakan pertimbangan terhadap dosis dan lama pajanan serta keberadaan bahaya di tempat
kerja, oleh ACGIH dikembangkan konsep TLV (NAB) yang menunjukkan suatu kadar yang manusia
dapat menghadapinya tanpa mengganggu kesehatannya
NAB rata-rata selama jam kerja atau TLV-TWA (Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average)
intensitas/konsentrasi rata-rata pajanan bahaya fisik/kimia yang dapat diterima oleh hampir semua
pekerja tanpa mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan atau penyakit dalam pekerjaan sehari-hari untuk
waktu tidak melebihi 8 jam perhari dan 40 jam perminggu
NAB Batas pemajanan singkat atau TLV-STEL (Threshold Limit Value-Short Term Exposure Limit)
atau PSD (Pemajanan singkat yang diperkenankan) adalah nilai pajanan rata-rata tertinggi dalam
waktu 15 menit yang diperkenankan dan tidak boleh terjadi lebih dari 4 kali, dengan periode antar
pajanan minimal 60 menit selama pekerja melakukan pekerjaannya dalam 8 jam kerja perhari.
NAB tertinggi atau TLV-C (Threshold Limit Value Ceiling)
nilai pajanan atau intensitas factor bahaya di tempat kerja yang tidak boleh dilampaui selama jam
kerja. Sering disebut KTD (Kadar Tertinggi yang Diperkenankan)
Bahaya Risiko


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