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Why partner with Renewed


Owner Benefits
As property owners ourselves, we understand the time and investment it takes to attract and retain
quality tenants. Our unique model requires that we keep your property in premium condition at all
times, because quite frankly if we don’t, we won’t attract quality business professionals and families
to stay. Here are some of the benefits property owners enjoy by working with Renewed Residences:

1. Daily / weekly professional cleaning service

2. Minimal use of major appliances
3. Lower wear and tear as guests spend the majority of their day outside of the unit
4. Free professional photographs of your property
5. Free WiFi locks, security camera and smart thermostat for the life of our agreement
6. Exposure to business professionals who will promote your property to other professionals
7. Pet free and smoke free
8. Automatic monthly rent payments

Our process for ensuring quality guests

We understand the time and investment it takes to purchase and maintain a quality property. Our #1
priority is ensuring that your property remains in premium condition. Here is our 5-step process for
ensuring that we host quality guests and they follow our house rules policy.

1. Guest screening
2. WiFi locks - controlled access
3. Security cameras
4. Noise detection sensors
5. $1M insurance policy per unit

Tenant Vs. Guest
Who is likely to exhibit such behavior?
● They haven’t paid the rent in three months and Year Long Tenant
3-Day Guest
it's taking too long to evict them.

● He puts a satellite on the roof without Year Long Tenant 3-Day Guest

● She decides to paint daughter’s bedroom pink. Year Long Tenant 3-Day Guest

● He puts a temporary-pool in the backyard, invites

Year Long Tenant
buddies to drink beers and plays loud music 3-Day Guest
every night.

● She sits her boyfriend’s pit-bull for a week in your

Year Long Tenant
pet-free rental and the dog scratches all your 3-Day Guest

● His girlfriend kicks the front-door at 3 AM and Year Long Tenant 3-Day Guest
leaves her mark.

● They get into a domestic and throw a hammer at Year Long Tenant 3-Day Guest
your wall.

● His pit-bull destroys your backyard including all Year Long Tenant
3-Day Guest
your plants.

● He decides to change his car-oil on your drive- Year Long Tenant

3-Day Guest
way and leaves a permanent mark.

Conclusion: Renters treat a space like THEIR OWN while guests treat it like its
TEMPERORY and NOT their own. Thus, guests are extremely less likely to exhibit
behaviors pertaining to one’s own space.

We’ve provided an example of our system in the pages that follow. If you are interested in partnering
with Renewed Residences, please feel free to contact me to discuss your property.

Best regards,
Jesse Ortiz
Renewed Residences, LLC
(832) 583-2020

Guest screening
All guests are required to review and accept our house rules prior to booking. In addition, we require
that all guests have the following items prior to booking

1. Government issued ID
2. Photo matching their ID
3. Verified email address
4. Verified phone number
5. List the number of guests and reason for their trip
6. We look for guests with positive reviews from other hosts

WiFi locks
We utilize WiFi smart locks to maintain access to your property at all times. At the time of booking,
guests receive instructions to download an app to receive access to your property. Access is granted
for the duration of their stay and is revoked upon checkout. In addition, our app allows us to see
when guests are accessing the property which is then cross-referenced to our security camera as
described in the next section.

Security camera
We install a security camera (if allowed by the property owner) on the exterior of the property. When
a guest arrives, the motion sensors activate the camera and it notifies us that someone is at the
property. We then check our video feed and verify that the guest has arrived and has the reported
number of guests with them.

Noise detection sensors
We install noise detection sensors in our properties. These devices monitor decibel levels inside the
property 24 hours a day and automatically notify us if noise levels exceed our set threshold.

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