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East Delhi Public School

Holiday Homework Session-2022-23



Complete your homework properly on time.

Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily.

Eat a seasonal fruit daily.

Do at least 15 minutes yoga every day.

Eat green vegetables and fruits.

Stay away from heat stroke.


अरहुल हिंदी पाठमाला

पाठ 1 और 2 के शब्दार्थ,प्रश्न उत्तर एवं समस्त अभ्यास कार्य याद करके रफ कॉपी में लिख कर अभ्यास
करे ।

दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर कॉपी में लिखिए।

आपकी दृष्टि में जानवरों को पालना उचित है या अनुचित। एक अनुच्छे द लिखिए।

अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर आयोजित प्रतियोगिताओं से क्या लाभ होता है ।

रोज एक पेज हिंदी पस्

ु तक पढ़ें ।

दस पेज सुलेख लिखिए।

[ व्याकरण कंु ज ]

पाठ एक, दो और तीन का समस्त कार्य याद करके रफ कॉपी में लिखित अभ्यास करें ।

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न उत्तर याद करके लिखिए-

ृ ाषा, राष्ट्रभाषा और राजभाषा में अंतर लिखिए।
A3 शीट पर स्पर्श व्यंजन को दर्शाइए!


अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक में दिए गए कोई दो श्लोक अर्थ सहित कंठस्थ कीजिए।

कन्या ( स्त्रीलिंग ) एवं राम( पल्लि

ु ंग) शब्द रूप को कापी में लिखिए एवं याद करें ।

किन्हीं दस जीवों के नाम संस्कृत में याद करें एवं अपनी कापी में लिखिए।

पाठ 2 और 3 का समस्त कार्य याद करें ।


Q1. Do one page writing everyday.

Q2. Read ch-1,2,3 carefully and find out 10 difficult words from each chapter.

Q3. Make a chart about kinds of sentence.

Q4. Write about your hobby in 100 words on A4 sheet

Q5. Learn all work done in your class.


1) Write properties of integers of Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division on A4 sheet

and paste it in holiday homework notebook.
2) 2) Write biography of inventor of zero..
3) a)What are integers?
4) c)Represent whole numbers on a number line.
5) 4) Collect 10 sudoku from newspapers, paste them in copy and write time taken to solve them.
6) 5) Do practice of all syllabus done till date.


1- Being a student how can you contribute in keeping the environment clean? Give two ways.

2-Name different types of vitamins write their sources function and defficiency disease caused by those

3-Learn all the copy work of ch 1 to 4

4-Make a list of popular food of each state of India. collect pictures from magazine and newspaper.
Paste them on a big drawing sheet .
Social science

1-Learn all syllabus which is done History ,Geography and Civics note book for periodic test 1.

2-Make a picture collage showing diversity of people in India on colourful A4 sheet.

3-Draw neat and clean diagram of solar system and phases of moon in a scrap book.


Question 1-Learn question answers and all book work of Chapter- 1,2,3and 4.

Question 2-Read chapter-5and 6 carefully and try to solve given worksheets.

Question-3 Make a table showing basic features and examples of various generations of languages.

Question-4 Differentiate between a high-level language and low level language.

Question 5-Write six advantages of mail merge on an A4 size sheet.

Question 6-Make a table in Power point. How do you modify background, colors and patterns in a chart.

General knowledge.

1-Learn the chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9& 10

2-Write20 questions of current affair.

3-Make a list of prime minister of India.

4-Make a list of previous 7 president of India


Page no.18 to 21 (book work)

Page no.25 (copy work)

Page no. 29 to 33 (book work)

Page no.34 to 37(book work)

Page no.39 (book work)

Page no.45 (activities- book work)

Page no. 70 ( project work)

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