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Allotment Date: 07/05/2022 Submission Date: 01/07/2022

What’s a Holiday without Homework?

Summer is here and with it comes your amazing holidays!But what’s a holiday without
some homework?
So,we’ve decided to give you a fun filled activity this summer!


 *Interview Activity**

Interview your parents and grandparents to find out about the things/activities they used to
do when they were your age. Tabulate the activities which no longer exist. Such as leisure
time activities, games, customs, practices, work done etc.(minimum10activities).Make it
interesting. Your interview must have a lot of details for the readers to understand the
yesteryears clearly.


 *HomeTheatre* 

You can watch some movies during the summer holidays to learn some important values to
improve your EQ i.e. value of relations, never give up attitude and many other values, along
with your IQ. You can also make a PPT or any animated video or audio to share your views
on the movie, favourite character etc.

1. School of Rock
2. The man who knew Infinity
3. Karate Kid
4. Finding Nemo
5. Bend it like Beckham
6. Malgudi Days
7. Saving Private Ryan

 Prepare a comic strip based on the Chapter 'The Adventures of Toto.'


1.महादे वी वर्मा जी के व्यक्तित्व एवं कृतित्व पर प्रकाश डालते हुए एक प्रोजेक्ट फाइल
तैयार कीजिए।
2. ‘मन के हारे हार है , मन के जीते जी’ विषय पर एक लेख तैयार कीजिए।
3. वैशवि
्‍ क महामारी कोरोना के कारण आपकी कक्षाओं का संचालन ऑनलाइन माध्यम
से किया गया। इस दौरान आपका अनुभव कैसा रहा? यह कक्षाएँ वास्तविक कक्षाओं
से किस प्रकार भिन्न थीं और तुलनात्मक रूप से यह आपके लिए वास्तविक कक्षाओं
से कितनी लाभप्रद रहीं? विचार कीजिए और लिखिए।
4. हिन्दी समाचार पत्र के संपादकीय पेज से पाँच अपठित गद्यांश तैयार कीजिए और
उनमें कम से कम पाँच प्रशन
्‍ बनाइए।
5. लॉकडाउन के दौरान आपने अपनी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता को बनाए रखने के लिए
तथा अपनी मानसिक मजबूती को बनाए रखने के लिए क्या-क्या किया? अपने
अनुभव साझा कीजिए।
6. आगे बढती भारतीय महिलाओं की पुस्तक पढकर उनसे सम्बन्धित चित्रों का संग्रह
कीजिए एवं संक्षिप्त जानकारी प्राप्त करके लिखिए-
क) पी.टी. ऊषा ख) आरती साहा ग) किरण बेदी



1. Find the latitudinal and longitudinal extension of Gwalior and locate it on the
political map of India.

2. Locate and label the following on the map of India.

(a) The Himalayan mountains
(b) The Northern Plains
(c) The Peninsular Plateau
(d) The Indian Desert
(e) The Coastal Plains
(f) The Islands

3. Locate the peaks, passes, ranges, plateaus, hills, and duns hidden in the puzzle.
Try to find where these features are located. You may start your search
horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Imagine yourself as a factory worker and prepare a speech to raise your voice
against the exploitation to reduce long working hours and to increase daily wages.
Read aloud it and record a video of your speech.

Political Science

Imagine yourself as above 18 years of age and design your EPIC (Electoral Photo
Identity Card) to use in coming election in your constituency. You can take help
from the EPIC of your parents to know about the contents.


Visit any nearby village during your vacation and collect some information
about the various problems people are facing in their daily life and also
suggest some steps to resolve these problems.


1. Conduct a survey in your locality to find out ten common diseases, their
causes and medicines used to cure these diseases. Also write the chemical
compositions of these medicines.

2. Present it in a scrap book.


1. Write down an overview of “Square root Spiral” with its real-life examples &
construct it properly on a chart paper.

2. Observe your surrounding and find the ‘numbers’ printed at the back of items/goods
that we are using in our daily life.
You can take case study of your choice & find out:
i) which type of number it is?
ii) Try to locate it on real number line.
iii) Find out the decimal expansion in case of rational and irrational numbers.
3. Explain polynomial & its types, degree and zeroes of the polynomial with examples.
Write five real life examples of application of polynomial.

4. Mathematics Activity: Explain Geometrical representation of the factorization of the

quadratic polynomial ex- x2 + 5x + 6, by activity method.

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