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पाठ -५ अ र का मह व (कहानी )
(अ) न न ल खत वैकि पक न के सह वक प चन
ु कर ल खए –

१.अ र क खोज का सल सला लगभग कब शु हुआ?

(a) एक हजार साल पहले (b) दस हज़ार साल पहले
(c) छह हजार साल पहले (d) दो हज़ार साल
२.धरती कतने साल परु ानी है?
(a) चार अरब साल (b) पाँच अरब साल
(c) तीन अरब साल (d) छह हज़ार साल
३.गाँव का वकास कतने वष पव
ू हुआ?
(a) आठ हजार (b) बारह हज़ार
(c) छह हज़ार (d) दस हज़ार
४.अ र ान से पहले मनु य कस कार संदेश भेजता था?
(a) आवाज़ रकाड करके (b) च लाकर

(c) च के मा यम से (d) घंट बजाकर

५. थायी भाषा कौन-सी है?
(a) मौ खक (b) ल खत
(c) सांके तक (d) इनम से कोई नह ं

६. तत
ु पाठ के लेखक का नाम इनम से कौन-सा है ?
(a) गुणाकर मल
ु े (b) महादे वी वमा
(c) ेमचंद (d) शमशेर बहादरु संह
७.इस पाठ म कसका मह व बतलाया गया है ?
(a) संसार का (b) पु तक का

(c) समाचार-प का (d) अ र का

८.अब तक कतनी पु तक छप चक
ु ह ?
(a) हज़ार (b) लाख
(c) करोड़ (d) इनम से कोई नह ं
९.अब हम जान गए ह क-
(a) कन अ र क खोज कब हुई।
(b) कन अ र क खोज कस दे श म हुई।
(c) अ र क खोज मनु य ने क है।
(d) उपयु त सभी कथन स य ह।
१०. ागै तहा सक मानव ने सबसे पहले अपने भाव कस कार य त कए ?
(a) अ र के वारा (b) संगीत के वारा
(c) च के वारा (d) पेड़ के प के वारा

(ब) न न ल खत न के उ र ल खए –

१. आज हजार समाचार प व पु तक छपती है , यह कैसे संभव हो पाया है ?

२. य द अ र क खोज नह ं होती तो या होता ?

३. हमार धरती पर जीवन का वकास कस कार हुआ ?


Subject:-English Worksheet

A. Underline the adjective in the following sentences.

1. I have the latest edition of the book.

2. There are three magazines on the table.
3. Which is the best seller?
4. The doctor recommended a Turkish bath.
5. We caught several fish yesterday.
6. We had a german car for years.
7. The ship sustained heavy damage.
8. Every dog has its day.
9. Mr Ramesh is an old man.
10. You are wearing a beautiful dress.
11. The mangoes are sweet.
12. Sunil has a new pen.

13. I have two pencils.

14. You can wear the blue shirt.
15. The man was honest.
16. I had three apples yesterday.
17. January is the first month of the year.
B. Read the following sentences and underline the adjectve. Also state which word each
adjective modifies.

1. Ramesh is the tallest boy in the class.

The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
2. Gold is precious metal.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
3. Alice is my best friend.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
4. She was wearing a blue shirt.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
5. I bought six eggs.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
6. My brother has a cute daughter.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
7. I had a strange experience yesterday.
The adjective………….modifies the noun………….
Underline the adjectivein the following sentences and mention which kind of adjective each of
this is.
1. Neither key opens the door.
2. Who is the first person to climb Mt. Everest?
3. Most criminals are not violent.
4. Few men are free from faults.
5. Little hearing is a dangerous thing.
6. He was a man of few words and great deeds.
7. He is a stupid boy and has little sense.
8. The old man carries a heavy bag.
9. The young man died a glorious death.
10. A living ass is better than a dead lion.
11. Her brother failed in the exam.
12. Who gave you this book?
13. Anita got five pencils.
14. There was a mistake in your answer sheet.
15. A year has twelve months.

Subject:-SS Worksheet

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

i. There are _____ major religions in the world.
ii. The upper castes acted in ways, which did not give the so-called "____ the same
rights as they enjoyed.
iii We have more than _____ languages that are people's mother tongues.

Q2. True/False
i. Dr Ambedkar had also fought for the rights of the Dalits.
ii. There are more than a thousand dance forms.
iii. We feel safe and secure with people who look, talk, dress and think like us.
iv. Government jobs are open to all people.

Q3. Write an example of gender stereotypes.

Q4. How many major religions are there in the world?
Q5. What is the quality that is generally associated with boys and men?
Q6. What prejudice mean?
Q7. Write the name used by government for Dalits.
Q8. Who are untouchables?

Q9. What do you mean by stereotype?

Q10. Who was the first person from Dalit community to go to England for higher

Q11. What is discrimination?

Q12. Why diversity is not always celebrated?

Q13. What does the first page of our constitution states?

Q14. Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly?

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