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Rabindranath World School

W-10/3120, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon (HR)

Attempt the following exercises from CBSE sample question papers (previous

1. Reading- Comprehension passage- 8

2. Writing- letter writing
Attempt 2 order placing, 2 order cancellation and 2 complaint letters
3. Grammar
Editing exercises – 5
Gap filling - 5
4. Revise the lessons completed so far.
5. ENGLISH PROJECT- Prepare a project on ‘COVID-19 and its
impact on various sectors of society’. Make it interesting and
informative by collecting relevant information about the pandemic.
Paste suitable pictures and the newspaper clippings to make it more
Please note: Do the holiday homework in A4 assignment sheets and
present it in the form of a folder

ग्रीष्मकालीन गृहकार्य

कक्षा – दसवीं ( हिंदी )

1) निम्नलिखित विषयों में से किन्हीं दो विषयों पर लघु – कथा लेखन कीजिए –

1) सच्चा मित्र 2) कु संगति 3) दानवीर कर्ण 4) अनोखा – शंख 5) न्याय प्रिय राजा

नोट : 1) दोनों कथा ( ए 4 ) शीट पर चित्रों के माध्यम से लिखें |

2) कथा – लेखन निम्न बिन्दुओं को ध्यान में रख कर कीजिए --

क) कहानी सच्ची हो या काल्पनिक , पर उसे रोचक होना चाहिए |

ख) भाषा सरल व मुहावरों का यथासंभव प्रयोग होना चाहिए |

ग) कहानी में जिज्ञासा व उत्सुकता बनी रहनी चाहिए |

घ) कहानी का संदेश स्वयं ही प्रकट होना चाहिए |

2) कोई ( 50 ) मुहावरे अर्थ तथा वाक्यों सहित लिखिए |

3) निम्नलिखित औपचारिक पत्रों में से किन्हीं (2) पत्रों को प्ररूपानुसार सुन्दर , शुद्ध शब्दावली में लिखिए ---

1) बैंक में नया खाता खुलवाने हेतु बैंक प्रबंधक को पत्र लिखिए |
2) परीक्षा अंकों की पुन: जाँच कराने के लिए अखिल माध्यमिक के न्द्रीय शिक्षा बोर्ड के नियंत्रक परीक्षा मंडल को प्रार्थना – पत्र लिखिए |

3) डाक – वितरण में अनियमितता एवं अव्यवस्था हेतु पत्र लिखिए |

नोट : 1) गृह कार्य क्रमबद्ध होना चहिए |

2) सम्पूर्ण कार्य को किसी फीते , रिबन की सहायता से बाँध कर लायें तथा बाहरी पृष्ठ पर आपका नाम ,कक्षा एवं अनुक्रमांक सुसज्जित
कर के लिखें |


A) Make a project on any one topic of the following.

1) Bioremediation
2) Global warming
3) Hormones and roles
4) Biofortification
5) Tropic and Nastic movement in plants

B) Make a PPT (25 slides) on

1) Roll no.1 to 5 – Nutrition
2) Roll no.6 to 10- Respiration
3) Roll no. 11 to 15- Transportation( Human Circulatory System)
4) Roll no.16 to 20- Transpiration in plants
5) Roll no.21 to 25- Excretion
6) Roll no. 26 onwards- Control and Coordination
C) Revise the syllabus for the Mid-term exam.


Make a thermocol model or chart paper model on any one of the


1) Write the chemical formula of the following compounds.

a) Lime b)Nitric acid c)Plaster of Paris d) Sodium acetate e) Baking soda

f) Washing soda g) Bleaching powder h) King of chemical i) Lime stone
g) common salt
2) Write the formula of acid and base used to form any ten salts.
3) Write the name of acid present in the following:
a) Apple b) Curd c) Vinegar d) Lemon e) Orange f) Bee sting g)

(i)Draw ray Diagrams the following
 Image formation by covex lens aand cocave lens
 Image formation by concave mirror and convex mirror.

(ii) Make a project on ohms law that must include

Definition of ohms law
Circuit diagram for verification of ohms law
Graph for ohms law
Advantage and disadvantage of Ohms law


Project report on human eye that must include

 Explanation of various parts of human eye
 Diagram of human eye
 Working of human eye
 Defects of human eye
 Correction of defects in human eye
(iii)Prepare a model to show the advantage of using electrical
appliances in domestic circuit.
(i) Parallel circuit – even Roll nos
(ii) Series circuit – odd Roll nos

(iv) Solve the previous year questions that will be forwarded in your respective
class group

1. Prepare a Project report on Cyclone Amphan.

 What is Cyclone and Cyclone Amphan?
 How did Cyclone originate?
 Cyclone forecast and monitoring
 Precautions taken by Government
 Life Property loss

Guideline for the preparation & submission of the project:

a) Total length of the project will not be more than 15 pages.

b) The project will be hand written & credit will be given to original
drawing & illustrations.
c) The project report will be presented in this order.
 Cover page- showing project title, student information, school, and
 List of contents with page numbers
 Acknowledgements – Acknowledging the school, offices, libraries etc
visited and persons who have helped
 Project over view - purpose, aim methodology and experience while
doing the project
 Summary and conclusion- based on findings
 Bibliography- should have title, page referred, author, publisher, year
of publication and if website then name of website and specific web

2. Revise the syllabus already covered in online classes & complete all
the worksheets and map marking given in the text book.


1. Make a project on the topic 'Gandhi's Movement'.

2. Find out 40 one marker Questions and write its yourself.
3. Complete your all written work (Q/ans., notes, map work,etc) in your
subject notebook.
4. Revise the chapter.

Answer the following questions-


1. What will happen if the government fails to provide 100 days

employment under NREGA?

2. What is the main motive of private sector enterprises?

3. Sahara Airlines and B.S.E.S. are examples of which enterprises?

4. In which year was the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

(NREGA) implemented?

5. Do all persons have the same notion of development? Explain.

6. Explain the important aspects of our lives that are more important than

7. Explain how the goals of different persons may sometimes be conflicting.

8. Explain any three limitations of per capita income.

9. What is the main concern with regard to sustainable development?

10. What is environmental degradation? Give a few examples.

11. What is meant by development? Tell us about the two indicators of

12. What is the importance of Human development Index (HDI)?

Sectors of Indian Economy

1. Can you predict the most dominant sector of economy of India in 2020?
2. Define the term enterprise.
3. For how many days employment is guaranteed under NREGA 2005?
4. Name the sector where more of the people of India employed?
5. Fill in the blanks using the correct option given in the bracket:
i. Employment in the service sector _________ increased to the same
extent as
production. (has/has not)
ii. Workers in the ________ sector do not produce goods. (tertiary /
iii. Most of the workers in the _________ sector enjoy job security.
(organized /
iv. A _________ proportion of labourers in India are working in the
sector. (large / small)
v. Cotton is a _________ product and cloth is a _________ product.
vi. The activities in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are_________
/ interdependent)
6. Describe the role of the state in providing basic services in developing
7. What are the differences in the employment conditions between
organized and
unorganized sectors of the economy?
II Project Work

Consumer Awareness


Sustainable Development

Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an
insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science
disciplines from interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing
the Life skills of the students. Students are expected to apply the Social Science
concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to prepare the project
report. If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different
primary and secondary resources to prepare the project.

Outcome: Students will be able to understand the behavior of consumers and

will also learn their rights and responsibilities as a consumer.

Political science:

Make 15 short question answers from the chapters done.


Q1. Create a presentation on ‘E-Commerce’(minimum 10 slides).

Q2. Create following forms using HTML:-

Q3. Type it in the spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
1) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

2) Format all numbers with appropriate format's).

3) Center the spreadsheet heading "Weekly Income Schedule" across the


4) Format all text as displayed in the sample below.

6) Create formulas to display a total for each item in the Lunch Bar

7) Create formulas to calculate the Total Exp (Total Expenditure).

8) Create formulas to calculate the profit.

9) Create formulas to calculate the totals for each column.


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