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What life lessons were examined by the black panther and his father

When was the characteristic of resilience shown in the movie

Do you notice the undercurrent tension between the two culture today
Black panther is one of the most epic movies ever made starting from its incredible storyline, the
cast and the amazing life lessons we learn from the various characters such as the black panther
himself and his father. Th first lesson is learnt is that even through showing compassion for your
enemies is hard, it is a wise thing to do. T’Challa had opportunities to kill people he regarded as
enemies but he did not do it and he finally found out that two of them were innocent and they
even ended up as valuable allies. With the toxic masculinity in our society today, black panther
teaches men that it is okay to be emotional and its only a human nature. T’Challa cries in
disbelief at his father’s commissions of murder and abandonment. Another important life lkesson
from the movie is that we need people to improve us and better us in whatever we do. From the
beginning of the film, T’Challa works with a team that supports him and enables him to handle
things in an effective way as a Wakanda leader. Through T’Challa we are remined that young
people provide fresh ideas and innovations while elders contribute wisdom an stability hence
they should be respected.
All through Black Panther, there are several instances where the characters face difficult but still
bounce back and continue living their lives normally. T’Challa is presumed to be dead for a
while after falling from a waterfall but he is only in a state of comma and is finally woken up by
Nakia’s herbs. After waking up, he goes back to his kingdom and continues to fight for his
position as the king of Wakanda rather than giving up since he almost lost his life.
Today, there is an undercurrent tension between the African American and the African cultures.
Although black American origin is from Africa, most of them do not feel the need to be
associated with Africa and they tend to believe that they are better than Africans. One would
expect that people from these two cultures would be in solidarity since they have the same skin
color and share a history of racism and slavery but black Americans tend to think they are better
than Africans. African American views about Africans are the stereotypes seen on social media
which make Africa look poor and as if people still live in trees. However, this is false and
African Americans need to understand that Africa is quite developed and some cities match the
standards of cities in the United States. Were it not that the two have the same skin color, the
attitude of black American towards African could be termed as racism since these black
Americans don’t seem to understand that both cultures have a common Origin, Africa.

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