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Review Article

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

2016, Vol. 53(5) 527–538
! The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0004563216643557

Serum indices: managing assay interference

Christopher-John L Farrell and Andrew C Carter

Clinical laboratories frequently encounter samples showing significant haemolysis, icterus or lipaemia. Technical
advances, utilizing spectrophotometric measurements on automated chemistry analysers, allow rapid and accurate
identification of such samples. However, accurate quantification of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia interference is of
limited value if laboratories do not set rational alert limits, based on sound interference testing experiments.
Furthermore, in the context of increasing consolidation of laboratories and the formation of laboratory networks,
there is an increasing requirement for harmonization of the handling of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia-affected
samples across different analytical platforms. Harmonization may be best achieved by considering both the analytical
aspects of index measurement and the possible variations in the effects of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia interfer-
ences on assays from different manufacturers. Initial verification studies, followed up with ongoing quality control
testing, can help a laboratory ensure the accuracy of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia index results, as well as assist in
managing any biases in index results from analysers from different manufacturers. Similarities, and variations, in the
effect of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia interference in assays from different manufacturers can often be predicted
from the mechanism of interference. Nevertheless, interference testing is required to confirm expected similarities or
to quantify differences. It is important that laboratories are familiar with a number of interference testing protocols and
the particular strengths and weaknesses of each. A rigorous approach to all aspects of haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia
interference testing allows the analytical progress in index measurement to be translated into improved patient care.

Haemolysis, icterus, lipaemia, interference, index, indices
Accepted: 16th March 2016

serum or plasma samples by the use of multiple spec-
Interference with biochemistry assays due to haemoly- trophotometric measurements. Modern analysers are
sis, icterus or lipaemia (HIL) is a common problem in therefore able to identify HIL interference much more
clinical laboratory practice. Traditionally, the identifi- accurately than the traditional approach.1
cation and quantification of HIL interference has been Both commercial assay manufacturers and clinical
performed by visually inspecting for changes in the laboratories have been slow to update their handling
colour and/or clarity of serum or plasma. Any redness,
yellowness or turbidity was subjectively classified into a Laverty Pathology, North Ryde, NSW, Australia
semi-quantitative grade or HIL ‘index’. However, the
Corresponding author:
manufacturers of modern biochemistry analysers have Christopher-John Lancaster Farrell, Laverty Pathology, 60 Waterloo
developed instruments that are able to objectively Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia.
quantify haemoglobin, bilirubin and turbidity in Email:
528 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 53(5)

of HIL interference to take advantage of this technical blood gas samples in a tertiary referral hospital showed
improvement. Indeed, some instrument manufacturers significant haemolysis.7
have their instruments report semi-quantitative HIL Haemolysis results from disruption of the membranes
index results to accommodate laboratory scientists of red blood cells (RBCs). RBCs are robust cells, able to
who are comfortable with this traditional style of withstand significant deformational stresses in the micro-
reporting. Additionally, the acceptability criterion circulation; however, they are more sensitive to tangen-
used by manufacturers to decide the level at which an tial stress.8 Shearing forces beyond 300 Pa cause lysis of
assay shows significant interference is often a trad- normal RBCs.9 In certain patients, this threshold may be
itional generic value (frequently  10%) rather than lowered. Increased mechanical fragility of red cells has
the more rational analyte-specific approach advised been described in diabetes, multiple sclerosis, as well as
by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute in postmenopausal women.10–12
(CLSI).2 Generally, manufacturers will routinely only When blood passes through devices greater than
provide limited information regarding the details of the capillary size, as during blood collection, the most
experimental design and results used to establish the important factor determining whether haemolysis
recommendations regarding HIL interference with occurs is shearing stress, not at the interface of the
their assays. Therefore, a laboratory may have some blood and solid surfaces, but within bulk blood
difficulty in judging the quality of the information pro- undergoing turbulent flow.13 This effect may underlie
vided by the manufacturer or deriving its own conclu- many of the causes of haemolysis given in Table 1.
sions from the manufacturer’s data, for instance, by A number of factors related to sample collection
applying a different acceptability criterion. have been reported to be associated with haemolysis,
Clinical laboratories, too, have been slow to update but may not be causative. For instance, increased rates
their management of HIL interference. It is uncommon of haemolysis have been observed in clinical specimens
for laboratories to perform their own interference when the tourniquet compression time was pro-
testing, and the manufacturers’ recommendations for longed.21 However, under experimental conditions,
interference alert limits are adopted by 95% of labora- when tourniquet application time is varied during mul-
tories.3 Laboratories, individually or as networks, are tiple collections in individual patients, no such effect is
frequently using biochemistry analysers from different seen.22 Factors such as tourniquet application time
manufacturers. In this context, the indiscriminate adop- may correlate with difficulty of venesection, where tur-
tion of manufacturers’ recommendations precludes a bulent blood flow is more likely.
rational, harmonized approach to HIL interference. Haemolysis may interfere with biochemistry results
By modernizing their approach to HIL interference through a number of mechanisms. These may be
and placing a greater emphasis on the HIL indices as broadly categorized into factors that change the con-
analytical results in themselves, laboratory managers centration of the analyte in the sample and those that
will be able to identify interference more accurately interfere with analyte measurement. The release of the
and harmonize the handling of HIL-affected samples RBCs’ intracellular contents will increase the concen-
across a laboratory. trations of analytes present in high concentrations within
the cells (such as potassium, aspartate aminotransferase
Haemolysis has been traditionally considered the most
Table 1. Some of the reported causes of haemolysis.14–20
common pre-analytical error affecting biochemistry
results.4 Recent data, however, suggest that modern Collection into syringe with excessive suction applied to plunger
sample collection, transport and processing procedures or aspiration against resistance
have made haemolysis a less frequent issue in routine Collection through an intravenous cannula, especially if:
practice. Analysis of data from 75 laboratories during The cannula is partially obstructed
2013 found a median rate of haemolysed samples of Blood froths due to a loose connection in the collection
0.44%, with a 25th percentile of 0.12% and a 75th per- assembly
centile of 0.85%.5 The incidence with which labora- Syringe transfer into sample tube, particularly if force is used
‘Traumatic’ collection
tories receive haemolysed samples can vary markedly
Site of collection other than antecubital fossa
depending on where and how their samples are col-
Use of smaller gauge needles
lected. For instance, haemolysis in samples received Errors in handling, including:
from emergency departments has been reported to be Freezing the sample
as high as 31%.6 While such data focus on venous sam- Vigorously shaking the sample tube
ples, other sample types may also be affected by haem- Extracorporeal circulation
olysis at a significant rate. For example, 4% of arterial In-vivo haemolysis
Farrell and Carter 529

(AST) and lactate dehydrogenase) and decrease the con- reaction.35 Another strategy is so-called ‘rate-blanking’,
centrations of analytes present in low concentrations where the measured rate of colour change in the sample
within the cells. For the latter effect to be clinically sig- after addition of sodium hydroxide is used as a correc-
nificant, the analyte must also be controlled within tight tion factor.36
physiological limits. Sodium and chloride are examples of Bilirubin’s antioxidant properties gives it the ability
analytes affected in this manner.23 The release of haemo- to react with hydrogen peroxide,37 which is an add-
globin, or other intracellular components, may also cause itional mechanism of icteric interference. Hydrogen
degradation of the analyte in the sample. Bilirubin is peroxide is an intermediate in some common chemistry
degraded via the pseudoperoxidase activity of haemoglo- assays (including cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid
bin, while intracellular proteases may break down insulin and enzymatic creatinine), which are therefore suscep-
and troponin T.24–26 tible to icteric interference.34,38 Assays may employ a
Haemolysis may interfere with analyte measurement high-efficiency hydrogen peroxide acceptor and/or
via diverse mechanisms. Oxygenated and deoxygenated ferrocyanide to try to minimize this interference.34
haemoglobin have slightly different absorbance spectra The unconjugated and conjugated forms of bilirubin
but show maximal absorbance around 415 nm, with may exert different effects on certain assays.
significant absorbance between 320 and 450 nm and Conjugated bilirubin has been found to cause the
540 and 580 nm.27 Colorimetric assays that use absorb- greater degree of interference with most assays.39
ance measurements in one or more of these ranges are However, this is not always the case; indeed, in some
therefore susceptible to interference. Examples include instances, the unconjugated and conjugated forms of
iron, lipase, albumin and g-glutamyl transferase.23,28 bilirubin have been shown to cause interference in
Alkaline phosphatase assays are susceptible to negative opposite directions. The Abbott Aeroset and Roche
interference because alkali denaturation of haemoglo- Modular triglyceride assays have demonstrated positive
bin may cause a negative offset in absorbance read- interference by unconjugated bilirubin and negative
ings.29 Haemolysis may also cause the release of interference by conjugated bilirubin.39
enzymes that participate in analytical reactions; for
instance, adenylate cyclase causes a positive interfer-
ence with creatine kinase assays.30 It is possible that
multiple mechanisms may influence particular results Lipaemia refers to the sample turbidity resulting from
in haemolysed samples, especially when the haemolysis the light scattering effect of a high concentration of
is marked. lipoprotein particles. The size of the particles in solu-
tion is a major factor determining the extent of light
scatter. Being the largest lipoprotein particles, with
Icterus diameters up to 1000 nm, the accumulation of chylo-
Icterus refers to the yellow colour resulting from microns is the primary cause of lipaemia; however,
increased sample bilirubin concentration.2 Raised bili- the large (60–200 nm diameter) and intermediate (35–
rubin concentrations most frequently result from liver 60 nm diameter) subclasses of VLDL may also contrib-
disease; however, some assays may be sensitive to the ute to sample turbidity.40 The most common cause of
relatively mild hyperbilirubinaemia that occurs in the lipaemia is a recent fatty meal.41 Lipaemia may also be
context of Gilbert’s syndrome or in vivo haemolysis. produced by high alcohol intake, diabetes mellitus,
Icterus exerts effects on chemistry tests primarily renal impairment, total parenteral nutrition, certain
through spectrophotometric and chemical interfer- medications and hereditary conditions.42 Lipaemia
ences. Bilirubin absorbs light between 400 and has been reported to be the most common interferent
540 nm, with a peak around 460 nm.31,32 Colorimetric in outpatient populations, occurring in up to 7.4% of
assays taking primary or secondary absorbance meas- samples.43 Clinical laboratories may encounter an
urements at these wavelengths may be affected, such as increasing incidence of lipaemic samples resulting
phosphate and Jaffe creatinine assays.33,34 In Jaffe cre- from greater use of non-fasting collections. For
atinine assays, the formation of the coloured creatinine- instance, some newer guidelines for cardiovascular dis-
picrate complex is measured by absorbance readings ease risk assessment now permit the use of non-fasting
taken around 500 nm. Under the alkaline conditions lipid measurements, while the acceptance of HbA1c for
of the reaction, bilirubin is oxidized to biliverdin, diabetes diagnosis may decrease the use of fasting glu-
which causes negative interference by decreasing cose measurements.44,45
absorbance of the sample at 500 nm. A number of stra- Lipaemia can cause interference in biochemistry
tegies have been used to minimize this interference. results through a variety of mechanisms. Light scatter-
Potassium ferricyanide may be added to oxidize the ing, differential partitioning of analyte between the
bilirubin to biliverdin prior to initiating the Jaffe polar and aqueous phases of the sample, and
530 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 53(5)


300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700

Wavelength (nm)

Figure 1. Visual spectra of haemoglobin ( ), bilirubin ( ) and lipaemia ( ).2,27,32

interaction of the lipoprotein particles with assay or reaction products or by non-specific interference
reagents may all cause interference in results. with antigen–antibody binding in immunoassays.47,48
Lipaemia causes light scattering across the visual spec-
trum (300 to 700 nm) and consequently exerts profound
effects on turbidimetric and nephelometric assays. The
Measurement of the serum indices
scattering of light shows no specific peaks, but it does All current automated chemistry analysers use the same
increase as the wavelength decreases. Colorimetric principle for HIL index measurements. Multiple spec-
assays taking absorbance readings at the shorter wave- trophotometric absorbance readings are taken, gener-
lengths of the visual spectrum are therefore most sus- ally after dilution of the sample. In the simplest
ceptible to interference. As a result, assays that utilize approach, three bichromatic absorbance measurements
changes in NAD(P)H concentration, which is measured are taken. Because of their spectral overlap, correction
around 340 nm, are susceptible to lipaemia interference. calculations are required to account for the contribu-
The presence of lipoprotein particles with large lipid tion of multiple HIL parameters to absorbance at some
cores may cause interference because of differential par- wavelengths. Figure 1 shows the absorbance spectra of
titioning of analytes between the polar and non-polar haemoglobin, bilirubin and lipaemia. Lipaemia can
phases of the sample. Pseudohyponatraemia is a well- generally be measured without overlap from haemoglo-
recognized effect resulting from sodium remaining in bin or bilirubin by taking a primary wavelength of
the aqueous phase of the sample. If the sample is 650 nm or greater, with the secondary measurement at
diluted prior to analysis, as in indirect ion-selective elec- a longer wavelength. Measurements for haemoglobin,
trode and flame photometry methods, an assumption is whether taken around 570 or 415 nm, must take into
made regarding the proportion of the sample that is account the contribution of lipaemia to absorbance.
aqueous. This assumption does not hold for lipaemic This is achieved by applying a correction factor to the
samples, and the consequence is falsely low results. result based on the measured lipaemia of the sample.
Chloride and potassium results are affected by the Measurements for bilirubin must employ correction
same mechanism.46 Differential partitioning may also factors to account for both lipaemia and haemoglobin
cause erroneous results because of the tendency for absorbance. Some instruments take measurements at
chylomicrons to settle to the top of a sample that is more than three pairs of wavelength to calculate the
left to stand. The chylomicrons will carry with them serum indices. In these instances, the correction equa-
polar analytes, such as steroid hormones and hydropho- tions are more complicated, but generally involve sum-
bic drugs. The results of testing such samples will vary ming the difference of each pair of wavelengths
depending on the level of the tube from which the ana- measured and multiplying the sum by a propriety
lyser aspirates (normally near the top of the tube).41 In factor.49 Table 2 details the characteristics of HIL
addition, there is potential for lipoprotein particles to index measurement for a number of the automated
cause interference by adsorbing hydrophobic reagents chemistry platforms in routine use.
Farrell and Carter
Table 2. Manufacturer information for haemolytic, icteric and lipaemic indices.2,41,50–77

Wavelengths measured (nm) Sample Dilution Manufacturer’s acceptance criterion

volume volume
Lipaemia Haemolysis Icterus (L) Diluent (L) Reporting Sodium CK Albumin

Abbott Architect 500/524; 572/604; 500/524; 5.3 Salinea 200 Semi-quant No No No

572/604; 628/660 572/604; interpretationb interpretationb interpretationb
572/804 628/660
Beckman Coulter AU 660/800 410/480; 480/570; 1.6/2.0 Saline 150 Semi-quant Not stated <10% <10%
600/800 600/800
Beckman Coulter 340, 410, 340, 410, 340, 410, 14 Tris buffer 200 Semi-quant 42 mmol/L or 2% 410 IU/L or 7% 44 g/L or 6%
DxC/Synchron 470, 600, 470, 600, 470, 600,
670 670 670
Ortho Vitros 700 522–750 507–776 35c Nil 0 Quant <4.3 mmol/L <38 IU/L <2 g/L
Roche Integra 659/800 583/629 480/512 5 Saline 125 Quant 410% 410% 410%
Roche Modular 660/700 570/600 480/505 8 Salinea 200 Quant 410% 410% 410%
Siemens Advia 658/694 571/596 478/505 5 Salinea 100 Semi-quant <10% <10% <10%
or quant
Siemens Dimension 700 405/700 452/700 10 Water 165 Semi-quant <10% <10% <10%
Reagent 1 of certain assays may also be used. AST or ALT reagents are recommended.
Manufacturer provides the results of interference testing without interpreting these against a particular acceptance criterion.
Testing does not consume sample (measurement performed in tip of sample probe).

532 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 53(5)

The measurement of serum indices is not immune to In contrast, there is a much looser correlation
interference itself. The correction equations may not between the lipaemic index and triglyceride concentra-
fully account for spectral overlap of HIL absorbance, tion in patient samples, with correlation coefficients
particularly in samples showing marked HIL.2,94 There estimated to be 0.49–0.88.103,104 This poor correlation
are limited data published on these effects, and the is expected because of the large variation in the size and
magnitude and/or direction of bias is likely to be dif- triglyceride content between, and within, lipoprotein
ferent for different instruments because of variations in classes. However, for assays where the interference is
the wavelengths measured and algorithms used.2 Not mediated by the turbidity of the sample, the lipaemic
all manufacturers provide information relating to these index will more accurately indicate the potential for
effects. Where information is provided, it ranges from interference. The complementary information provided
general: ‘samples containing extremely high bilirubin by triglyceride concentration and lipaemic index,
concentrations or samples showing gross haemolysis reported as the logarithm of triglyceride concentration
may produce non-specific lipaemic flags’95 to more spe- to lipaemic index ratio, has been proposed as a useful
cific statements: ‘40 mg/dL bilirubin can have a nega- parameter for discriminating between certain lipopro-
tive effect on the haemolytic index. 500 mg/dL intralipid tein disorders, identifying abnormalities of glycerol
can have a positive effect on the haemolytic index’.96 metabolism and detecting pre-analytical errors due to
Additionally, the presence of other coloured com- a non-fasting state.105 Additionally, interference in tri-
pounds in the sample may interfere with HIL index glyceride assays, as may occur because of high glycerol
results. For instance, Rose Bengal, used in the treat- concentrations, has been identified when patients have
ment of melanoma, has been shown to cause positive a markedly elevated triglyceride result, but a normal
interference in the haemolytic index on some instru- lipaemic index.106
ments97, while Patent Blue V dye, used to identify sen- There may be a role for information technology
tinel lymph nodes during cancer surgery, may cause solutions in highlighting potential inference in HIL
positive interference with the lipaemic index and nega- index results to laboratory staff. For instance, where
tive interference with the haemolytic and icteric indi- it has been established by a laboratory that a lipaemic
ces.98 High concentrations of EDTA, as may occur in index greater than a certain value may produce a false-
under-filled EDTA tubes, may also cause positive inter- high haemolysis index result, a comment may appear
ference in haemolytic index results.99 warning laboratory staff of this effect. Similarly, there
Raised lipaemic index results may occur in samples may be value in the laboratory information system
containing high concentrations of immunoglobulins. A (LIS) monitoring and flagging discrepancies between
study examining 202 visually clear samples with extre- triglyceride results and lipaemic indices as well as bili-
mely high lipaemic index results found all samples to rubin results and icteric indices. This may help identify
have significantly elevated immunoglobulins: 87% instances of interference either in the analytes or their
monoclonal or biclonal gammopathy and 13% poly- corresponding indices. The latter effect may be particu-
clonal gammopathy.50 Conversely, however, only larly helpful because some laboratories may have set up
approximately 25% of samples with a monoclonal pro- their LIS to automatically validate results if the analyte
tein give a raised lipaemic index.50 The high lipaemic results are normal. Even in laboratories where results
index only occurs when the protein precipitates prior to are manually validated, it may be easy for staff to fail to
measurement, either during its interaction with the dilu- notice a high lipaemic flag when all the results of the
ent used for HIL analysis or because it acts as a cryo- reported analytes are normal. In such an instance, some
globulin.100 Susceptibility to this effect varies between form of LIS notification to staff may allow the identi-
different biochemistry analysers.50 fication of an undiagnosed paraprotein.
The icteric and lipaemic indices have corresponding The haemolytic index does not have a corresponding
analytes in routine biochemical analysis, bilirubin and analyte among routine testing panels. However, there
triglycerides, respectively. There is excellent correlation may be value in considering use of the haemolytic index
between the icteric index and the formal laboratory beyond interference testing. Plasma-free haemoglobin
measurement of bilirubin. Indeed, it has been proposed is a useful parameter in the monitoring of intravascular
that the icteric index is used to identify patients with haemolysis and has also been found to be a prognostic
hyperbilirubinaemia who have not had liver function marker, superior to procalcitonin and clinical scoring
tests requested.101 Furthermore, discrepancies between systems, in the context of severe sepsis.107,108
a patient’s bilirubin result and icteric index may be used Accurate HIL index results are important because
to identify interference in the bilirubin assay. For exam- they influence the interpretation of laboratory testing.
ple, paraprotein interference may cause marked false It is therefore appropriate for laboratories to perform
elevations in bilirubin measured by diazo methods, some basic checks to ensure the accuracy of HIL index
but not affect the icteric index.102 results. The CLSI recommends that laboratories
Farrell and Carter 533

consider verifying an instrument’s index results prior to There are a number of considerations when planning
use and perform ongoing quality control (QC).2 HIL interference testing using protocols based on spik-
Verification checks suggested by the CLSI include com- ing-in the interferent. In the case of haemolysis, it is
paring haemolytic and icteric index results to the direct important to add RBC contents to samples rather
analysis of haemoglobin (such as by the cyanomethe- than simply haemoglobin. Haemolysates may be pre-
moglobin method) and both total and direct bilirubin. pared by subjecting whole blood to mechanical trauma,
An alternative verification method proposed by the osmotic shock or freezing. The use of mechanical
CLSI is to simply add haemolysate, bilirubin or intra- trauma, which can be achieved by passing a sample
lipid to patient pools in a range of concentrations multiple times through a fine-gauge needle, will most
expected to generate HIL flags.2 Although not explicitly closely mimic the mechanism of most cases of ex vivo
a component of the CLSI verification guide, labora- haemolysis.79 A shortcoming of this technique is the
tories should also consider evaluating the precision of difficulty of producing the desired increments in the
an instrument’s index results prior to routine use. This haemolytic index. Osmotic shock of washed RBCs, fol-
would also help the verification fulfil the International lowed by freezing, is the procedure recommended by
Organization for Standardization 151890 document.109 the CLSI.78 An additional consideration for analytes,
Basic QC material can be prepared by freezing aliquots such as insulin and troponin T, where the mechanism of
of a patient pool that has had haemolysate or intralipid haemolysis interference is degradation by intracellular
added. QC for the icteric index can be easily prepared enzymes, is the duration for which the sample is
with commercial bilirubin QC material.2 Such checks exposed to intracellular contents. For these analytes,
can help to ensure that HIL indices are performing as it may be important to expose samples to intracellular
expected over time and that there is acceptable agree- enzymes for a similar amount of time to that expected
ment in HIL index results between the different instru- for routine clinical specimens.
ments used by the laboratory. Testing for icteric interference can be done by the
addition of bilirubin. However, it is important that
interference from both the unconjugated and conju-
Interference testing gated bilirubin forms is tested. Certain assays have
It is important that laboratory managers are aware of shown interference with one, but not the other, of
the various approaches to testing the susceptibility of these forms;80 other assays have shown positive inter-
assays to HIL interference. The limitations of the inter- ference with one form and negative interference with
ference information supplied by assay manufacturers, the other.39 Interference studies are commonly per-
as well as the need for many laboratories to manage formed using ditaurobilirubin as a stable alternative
HIL interference on different chemistry analysers, make to the monoglucuronide and diglucuronide conjugate
performing inhouse interference testing all the more bilirubin forms found in vivo. However, concerns have
imperative. Evaluation of HIL interference involves been raised that ditaurobilirubin may not always pro-
using an experimental protocol that best replicates the duce the same interference effects as the glucuronide
interference effects as they occur in patient samples and conjugate forms.2
interpreting the results against rational criteria. Interference from lipaemia is frequently assessed by
Two basic experimental designs are used to evaluate the addition of the soy-based emulsion, intralipid, to
HIL interference. The potentially interfering substance samples. However, there are limitations to the use of
may be spiked into samples and the results compared intralipid. It consists of phospholipid-rich liposomes
with unspiked samples. Alternatively, patient samples and triglyceride-rich artificial chylomicrons 200–
containing the interferent may be obtained and results 600 nm in size (mean 345 nm).81 Therefore, intralipid
from the assay being evaluated compared with results particles are larger than VLDL particles and have a
from a highly specific assay not susceptible to interfer- smaller range of sizes than chylomicrons.
ence. The latter approach has the advantage of showing Additionally, the refractive index of intralipid differs
the interference effects as they occur in patient samples. from lipoprotein particles.81 Consequently, samples
However, this design is less commonly used because of spiked with intralipid may fail to show the same effects
the requirement to identify numerous patient samples as lipaemic patient specimens. Indeed, lipaemic patient
demonstrating a wide range of haemolysis, icterus and specimens, but not samples spiked with intralipid, have
lipaemia, plus the requirement for a highly specific meas- demonstrated negative interference for caeruloplasmin,
urement procedure. Nevertheless, as mass spectrometry creatinine, haptoglobin and prealbumin.82,104
techniques become increasingly used in routine labora- Lipaemia interference testing may employ a vari-
tories, this experimental design may become more feas- ation to the approach of using patient samples.
ible. CLSI guidelines providing detailed instructions on Rather than comparing results to an interference-free
performing interference testing are available.78 method, the lipoproteins may be removed and the
534 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 53(5)

analysis repeated by the routine assay. Lipoprotein taken for setting analyte-specific criteria. Some authors
removal may be achieved by ultracentrifugation, high- have used the criterion that the interference does not
speed centrifugation or treatment of the sample with exceed the total allowable limit of error for the analyte
the commercially available non-ionic cyclodextrin poly- specified by professional bodies, such as the Clinical
mer, lipoclear. Caution needs to be exercised when Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) or the
using lipoclear, as the agent itself may interfere with Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.88,89
certain assays, such as sodium and albumin.83 Even The CLSI has taken a more stringent approach. It
with an ideal experimental protocol, however, there considers an interference to be acceptable when the
may be some patient-to-patient variation in assay inter- result is within a total error specification, considering
ference, related to variations in lipoprotein compos- the bias and imprecision of the assay under investigation
ition. Larger lipoprotein particles may exert a greater and the physiological variability of the analyte, in add-
effect on assays affected by differential partitioning, ition to the effect of the interferent. Therefore, the allow-
while the degree of turbidity is largely influenced by able degree of interference is the residual error after the
the number of particles present.84 bias, imprecision and physiological variability have been
It is recommended that when a spiking protocol is subtracted (as variances) from the total allowable error.78
used for interference experiments, at least two different Another approach is to derive an acceptability limit
analyte concentrations are tested.2 Although HIL inter- for interference directly from biological and/or analyt-
ference is often independent of analyte concentration, it ical variation data. A number of equations have been
is not always the case. Haemolysis interference with rou- used based on different considerations. The equation
tine bilirubin and troponin assays has been shown to I < 1.96  (CVA2 þ CVI2)1/2 specifies that the interfer-
vary with analyte concentration.85,86 The CLSI provides ence (I) is less than the central 95% of the variation
recommendations regarding the analyte concentrations in the result caused by the analytical (CVA) and intra-
at which interference testing should be performed.78 In individual biological variation (CVI).49,90 Others have
addition, there may be merit in performing interference used the equation I < 0.375  (CVI2 þ CVG2)1/2, where
testing with each sample type used by the laboratory. CVG is the between-individual biological variation.39
For instance, differences in the effect of haemolysis on This equation was derived using Gaussian statistics
potassium assays have been demonstrated in venous considering the proportion of a population with results
versus capillary samples.87 outside the reference interval (ideally 5%). It identifies
The setting of acceptability limits is of great signifi- an interference as significant if it increases the propor-
cance in the interpretation of results of interference tion of abnormal results to 6.7% or more.91 Others
studies. Manufacturers often use 10% as their criter- have derived the following equation, by assuming the
ion of acceptability for their assay performance claims quality goals of CVA < ½  CVI and minimal system-
with regard to interferences (Table 2). However, this atic error (SE) are met: I < CVI – 1.96  CVA þ SE.92
generic criterion may not be appropriate for all ana- Figure 2 illustrates how the use of different acceptabil-
lytes, and a more rational approach is to set analyte- ity criteria may influence the interpretation of the
specific criteria. Several different approaches have been results from an interference testing experiment.

(a) 160 (b) 250

155 225

Sodium result (mmol/L)

Creane kinase (U/L)


130 75

125 50
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 250 500 750 1000 1250
Haemolyc index (mg/dL) Haemolyc index (mg/dL)
Sodium 10% Limits CLIA Limits Biological variaon limits CK 10% Limit CLIA Limit Biological variaon limit

Figure 2. The effect of using different acceptability criteria when setting HIL interference alert limits. The interferographs show data
for sodium (a) and creatine kinase (b) from an experiment in which haemolysate was spiked-in to pooled patient serum.94 A number of
examples of acceptability limits are plotted: 10%, allowable limits of error from CLIA, and allowable limits for interference based on
biological variation, using the equation I < 1.96  (CVA2 þ CVI2)1/2.
Farrell and Carter 535

In practice, a laboratory may consider a hierarchy of Roche Cobas 199 mg/dL, Ortho Vitros 173 mg/dL,
HIL index limits, employing up to three levels. First, a while mean results (n ¼ 57) for a sample spiked with
‘grey zone’ limit may be set. A grey zone index may conjugated bilirubin spiked to a concentration of
occur in one of two contexts: (i) the index result is 320 mol/L showed greater variability between the
above the highest HIL level tested for the analyte methods: Abbott Architect 292 mol/L, Roche Cobas
and, therefore, no interference data exist for the result 476 mol/L, Roche Modular 440 mol/L, Siemens
or (ii) the index result lies above the highest level tested Dimension 684 mol/L. There was a similar amount
with no significant interference but below the lowest of intermethod variability for a sample spiked with
level tested with unacceptable interference.2 Second, intralipid, mean results (n ¼ 111): Abbott Architect
the ‘alert index’ is the lowest tested concentration of 371 mg/dL, Roche Cobas 527 mg/dL, Ortho Vitros
haemoglobin, bilirubin or lipaemia at which the analyte 310 mg/dL, Siemens Advia 483 mg/dL.
result is altered to a clinically significant degree. Index The haemolytic index results for a number of meth-
results above the alert index will therefore generate an ods have also been compared to a cyanomethaemoglo-
interference flag. bin reference method. Lippi et al.110 concluded that the
Some laboratories may choose to report some results agreement between haemolytic index results from the
where the HIL indices are above alert levels along with Roche Modular, Roche Integra, Siemens Dimension
an accompanying comment explaining the likely effect RxL, Siemens Advia 2400, Siemens Advia 1800,
of interference on the result.93 Such laboratories may Olympus AU 680 and Coulter DxC 800 with the refer-
then consider a third decision level, the ‘hold index’, ence method was ‘satisfactory’.110 Their data, however,
above which the interference is present to such a did show that the Siemens Advia 2400 and 1800 sys-
degree that the result provides no useful information tems had a proportional positive bias of approximately
to the clinician and should not be reported. 40% compared with the reference method, while the
Laboratories may also consider modifying the alert other quantitative methods (Modular and Integra)
limits depending on analyte concentration, recognizing showed close agreement with the reference method.
that a particular degree of interference may be more or However, when H index results were normalized to
less significant at different analyte concentrations.2 the instrument-specific alert value (as defined by the
manufacturer or local user), the differences were greatly
Managing indices across reduced; for example, the normalized Advia 2400
results were all within 10% of the reference method.
different platforms
This illustrated that difference in H index results were
Managers of laboratories using biochemistry analysers being compensated for by adjustment of the alert limit
from multiple manufacturers face an additional layer of for each instrument. The ‘normalization’ process used
complexity when developing a rational approach to in the study simply involved dividing all results from
HIL interference. A similar challenge is faced by each instrument by a particular factor, therefore factor-
laboratory networks, in which a variety of analytical ing results from different platforms would appear to be
platforms are used, when they attempt to harmonize an alternative approach to attempt to harmonize index
their handling of HIL interference. In such scenarios, results.
consideration first needs to be given to how HIL index The ability of a laboratory to harmonize HIL
results from the different platforms compare and, index results is greatly limited if one or more of the
second, to how HIL interference affects results from analytical platforms reports HIL index results semi-
each analyser. quantitatively. In this instance, it may be difficult to
All current biochemistry analysers use the same prin- alter the limits used to set the semi-quantitative
ciple for HIL index measurement. However, bias in ranges. Nevertheless, it may still be possible to harmon-
index results from different instruments may emerge ize reporting among the different systems by instructing
because of differences in the diluent and dilution the LIS to report the quantitative index results in a
factor used, wavelengths measured and the correction semi-quantitative manner, using the same index
equations employed.110 Despite the ubiquitousness of ranges as used on the platform reporting semi-
HIL testing, there have been few published studies quantitatively. Harmonizing index results to a semi-
comparing HIL results from different platforms. The quantitative method in this manner restricts the ability
WEQAS preanalytical proficiency programme has to set precise alert limits for each assay. It also limits
reported some data on agreement of serum indices.111 the ability to distinguish degrees of HIL above the high-
The haemolytic index results for a single sample were est semi-quantitative category and selectively report
tabulated from a total of 144 laboratories. The mean assay results accordingly.
haemolytic index results for the different instruments There may also be differences in HIL index results
showed good agreement: Abbott Architect 168 mg/dL, from the same analyser at different laboratories because
536 Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 53(5)

of the use of different method parameters. For example, information is inadequate. Laboratory quality can be
some instruments may be set-up to measure indices improved by treating HIL indices as another quantita-
after dilution in saline or in a particular assay reagent, tive assay. HIL index verification and internal quality
as detailed in Table 2. The Siemens Advia may be set- control can ensure the ongoing accuracy of results.
up to use saline or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Method comparison studies may also be appropriate
reagent 1 as the diluent for HIL analysis. However, if laboratories, or laboratory networks, use chemistry
comparison of the use of these two diluents for HIL analysers from different manufacturers. On the basis of
analysis on the same instrument showed that the such studies, factoring HIL results may be considered
haemolytic index was about 15% lower when the to harmonize results from different analysers. Ongoing
ALT reagent was used, compared with the saline as method comparison checks may then ensure consist-
diluent. The icteric and lipaemic indices showed no sig- ency in how samples affected by HIL interference are
nificant differences between results obtained using the handled by the laboratory, independent of the analyser
two diluents.94 on which the sample happens to be measured. A rigor-
The second consideration when managing the indi- ous approach to handling samples demonstrating sig-
ces across different analytical platforms is whether nificant HIL will allow the advances achieved by
assays from different manufacturers are similarly spectrophotometric measurement of these interferences
affected by HIL interference. For analytes where the to be maximized and, consequently, patient safety
mechanism of interference is a change in the concentra- improved.
tion of analyte in the sample, such as the effect of haem-
olysis on sodium and potassium results, the effect of Acknowledgements
HIL is expected to be similar on all platforms. This article was prepared at the invitation of the Clinical Sciences Reviews
Indeed, this has been found to be the case on the Committee of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory
Advia and Modular instruments for sodium and potas-
sium.94 For assays where the mechanism of interference
is interruption of the measurement process, there is a Declaration of conflicting interests
much greater potential for dissimilar effects on different The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
instruments. Icterus, for instance, has been shown to
have no significant effect on some phosphate assays
(Ortho Vitros 250/950 and Hitachi 700/900 platforms), Funding
positive interference with other assays (Technicon The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.
Axon) and negative interference with yet other assays
(Roche Integra and Kone 30i/60i platforms).112
Ethical approval
Therefore, there is much greater scope for harmonizing
Not applicable.
the handling of HIL-affected samples on assays where
the mechanism is change in the concentration of ana-
lyte in the sample, as opposed to where there is inter- Guarantor
ference in the measurement process itself. CF.

Conclusions CF researched literature and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors
HIL interference is a common problem in routine planned, reviewed and edited the manuscript and approved the final version.

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