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Fill in have got, has got or Fill in hasn’t got,

haven’t got:
Brisa Cuñez

1. Sandra _has got_____ a new umbrella.

2. Sandra _hasn’t got______ a laptop.

3. They _haven’t got_______ flowers.

4. Andrew _has got_____ a calculator.

5. They _have got_____ wonderful bikes.

6. They _have got______ many books.

7. Andrew __hasn’t got______ a camera.

8. Sandra _has got_____ a parrot.

9. Andrew _has got_____ a dog.

10. Sandra hasn’t got____ table tennis rackets.

11. Andrew _hasn’t got______ a tennis rackets.

12. Sandra _hasn’t got______ a calculator.

13. They _haven’t got______ mobiles.

3. Ask and answer the questions:

1. Has_ Andrew got_ a camera? No, he hasn’t___

2. Has_ Sandra got_ three pens? No, she hasn’t _

3. Have_ they got__ bikes? Yes, they have __

4. Has_ Sandra got_ a red balloon? Yes, She has_

5. Has__ Andrew got_ two balloons? No, he hasn’t

6. Have_ they got__ many books? Yes, they have_

4. Look at the pictures and answer about yourself:

1. Have you got a calculator? _Yes, I have_________

2. Have you got sunglasses? _Yes, I have_________

3. Have you got a dog? _No, I haven’t_________

4. Have you got a parrot? No, I haven’t __________

5. Have you got books? Yes, I have___________

6. Have you got a present? No, I haven’t___________

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