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Task 5 - SMM

Name- Nisha Hinduja

Group Name- March CDP 3

What is Ad placement?
Ad placement means the ad spaces which are mostly paid or it could also be defined
as the location a display ad will be shown in. Ad placements can differ in
effectiveness and often require a level of testing to understand where the optimal
placement will be. This will also be decided on the platform that will be used for
advertisement. These are offered by various online websites, publishers and social
networks to display their ads. For example, Google, Youtube, Websites, mobile app
Common advertisement placements include:

 Headers & footers

 Sidebars
 The beginning middle, or end of articles
 The beginning middle, or end of videos

Types of Ad placement:
As social media is quite popular in this digital age digital advertising is also being
used as there are large number of users and audience can be specifically targeted.
Below are some examples of Online ads.
1: Sponsored ads
Sponsored ads are used frequently by business on Instagram and it allows the brand
to promote their posts through paid ads. This ad appears when the users scroll down
through Instagram posts in the home feed itself and also if you want to check out the
business you can click on the link provided in the ad as in this example there is a
shop now option which will directly take you to their website. This allows the brand to
directly sell their product/service available and also to increase reach and following.
Instagram Facebook

2: Story ads
Instagram stories is a quite hit feature on Instagram. These ads appear when user is
seeing the story of other users and while switching between the stories the ad
appears. These ads either have the link that directs users to their website or their
Instagram account and it’s a great way to lead users to brands page or content it
posts on their profile.
Instagram Facebook

3: Skippable Youtube Ads

Everyone uses Youtube in their everyday life and while you watch a video you must
have come across such skippable ads that you can skip in 5 seconds for example.
These ads can either come in the start or even during the video and the person
watching has the option to skip it.
4: Non-skippable Youtube ads
By the name we can understand that these ads can’t be skipped like the previous
one and one has to watch it fully and then the video would be played or it could also
play during video. These ads would be good for the brand if there is a need to raise
awareness as with the skippable ad most of the viewer skip those in a few seconds.
5: Image Ads
Image ads run on the Google which means they can show on websites that partner
with Google to provide ad space. Google will choose to show them on websites your
target audience visits often. These are also known as display ads and it can be static
or interactive graphics and are recommended for brand awareness campaigns,
whereas text ads are inclined more toward users further down the marketing funnel.
6: Twitter

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