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Physical Education and Health: Sports



When a sport is being played in singles, doubles or team, it is known as

individual, dual and team sports. It needs individual and team effort to
develop coordination, timing and teamwork. For you to enjoy the game, you
must participate actively and should follow the rules and regulations.
At the end of the module, the student is expected to:
1. Identify the essential equipment in playing badminton;
2. Determine the accurate measurements of the equipment and facilities in
badminton; and
3. Understand the origin and history of badminton

Badminton is one of the most enjoyable racket games that can be played by
male and female of any age or skill level. You need quick reflexes and a
physically fit body in order to cope with the game.
Badminton is considered as dual sports played in singles and in doubles. The
primary objective is to hit the shuttlecock over the net towards the
opponent’s floor court in such a way that it cannot be legally returned. This is
being played over the net using a shuttlecock and a racket.
The first player or players who first reach or reaches 21 points wins a game.

History of Badminton
Origin and Development
It was over 2000 years ago in China where the early form of the game was
played: a very similar game called Battledore.
Badminton first originated in India during the 18 th century where it was
known as Poona. The British army officers were very much fascinated by the
game and so they introduced it in England sometime between 1870 and
1880. In England, the game was introduced at the Duke of Beaufort’s summer
home of badminton in Gloucestershire, England from where the game
received its international recognition. It was played on an hour -glass shaped
court which remained unchanged until 1901, when the court was converted
into a rectangle which is used until now.
Before long, badminton clubs and association were formed throughout
England and in 1893, the first Badminton Association was formed. In 1899,

Course Module
the All England Open Badminton Championship was held, the first ever
badminton competition in the world. It was eventually migrated to
continental Europe and it reached India via British military officers and
Indonesia by way of Dutch colonists. Through this expansion comes the
formation of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934. It is the
governing body for International Cup Events.
It was in 1948 when the Premier International Men’s team Thomas Cup was
established and the Uber Cup which is the counterpart for women’s
competition, founded in 1956.
The game was presented as a demonstration sport in 1977 in Munich,
Germany Olympic Games and accepted as an Olympic Medal Sports in 1985.
In 1989, mixed doubles event began with the Sudiman Cup.
In the Philippines, the Badminton Association of the Philippines governed the
game. It is responsible for the promotion and the development of the game in
the country
The BAP is also the body that provides Filipino players competing in
international competitions representing the country. It promotes the game
by conducting local, as well as international, competitions, sponsor seminars
and clinics to aspiring players and technical officials.

Facilities and Equipment

Badminton Playing Court
The official court is rectangle in shape, defined by lines 1 and a half inches
wide. It measures 44 feet long by 22 feet wide for double game and 44 feet
long by 17 feet wide for single game.
Physical Education and Health: Sports

The badminton court. Retrieved from:

content/uploads/2015/02/badminton_court.gif February 10, 2017

There are two service areas on each side of the net, the right and left service
courts, bounded by a line running parallel to the net called the short ser vice
Floor surface is, traditionally, composed of wood, but many synthetic and
plastic courts have been developed. The line shall easily be distinguishable
and preferably be in white or yellow in color.
The post should be 1.55 meters in height.
The specific measurements of the other lines in the court are in the image (in
In a singles game, the service area is bounded by the short service line, the
back line, the center line and the inside side line. According to HL’s
Badminton Handbook, if the server’s score is an even number, the server will
serve from the right service court. If it is odd, the server will serve in the left
Meanwhile, in a doubles game, the service area is bounded by the short
service line, the inside back line, the center line, and the outside side line. The
Badminton Handbook of HL, the serve will always be done by the server on
the right service court. If the first server continues to win the rally, then
he/she will rotate serving between the right- and left-hand service courts.
Once the serve loses, the second player will take over and serve from the
alternate service court.

The Net
The net shall be made of fine cord of dark color and even thickness with a
mesh of not less than 15 mm and not more than 20 mm.
- The net should be 760 mm in depth and at least 6.1 m wide
- 1.524 m height of the net at the center of the court

Course Module
- 1.55 m over the side lines for doubles

Badminton net dimensions. Retrieved from: ton-net-dimensions.jpg on
February 10, 2017

The racket is 680mm in overall length and 230mm in overall width. Most
quality rackets are now made of steel, aluminum, carbon, graphite and
titanium. The overall dimension of a racket cannot exceed 26 ¾ inches in
length, 9 inches in width and 11 ½ inches in head length.

Badminton racket. Image retrieved from: -2.jpg on
February 11, 2017

The main racket parts are called the handle, the butt, the stringed area, the
head, the shaft and throat and the frame.
The head refers to the oval part of the racket that is used to receive and hit
the shuttlecock. The stringed area or stringing is the area or surface with
interlaced strings that strikes the shuttlecock. The frame surrounds the
Physical Education and Health: Sports

stringed area and is connected to the shaft. The shaft is the long part of the
racket. The throat connects the frame and the handle. The handle is where a
player’s hand grips and controls the racket while the butt is the bottom part
of the racket that is enlarged to prevent the hand from slipping.

Badminton racket dimensions. Image retrieved from: ket-
sports/badminton/badminton-racket.jpg on February 13, 2017

Shuttlecocks or shuttle comes in two types: the feathered and the synthetic.
Synthetic shuttle is suitable for recreational games but feathered or official
shuttlecocks must weigh from 4.74 to 5.50 grams with 14 to 16 feathers .

Course Module
Feather vs Nylon shuttle. Retrieved from:
content/uploads/2013/12/Nylon-Vs-Feather-Badminton-Shuttlecock.jpg on February 11, 2017

The shuttle shall have 16 feathers fixed in the base. The feathers can have a
variable length from 64mm to 70mm. The tips of the feathers shall form
58mm to 68mm. The base, or the rubber part securing the feathers together,
shall be 25mm to 28mm in diameter, rounded on the bottom.

Muyot, Fritzie Marie, Soaring with MAPEH (with KPUP Learning Guide).
Quezon City: Bright House Publishing. 2015
What is Badminton? Retrieved from:
Badminton.html on February 10, 2017
Badminton. Retrieved from:
Badminton on February 10, 2017
Badminton Rules FAQ and Court Dimensions. Retrieved from: on February
10, 2017
Brief History of Badminton. Retrieved from:
Badminton/USAB/History/Brief-History-of-Badminton on February
10, 2017
Physical Education and Health: Sports

Origins and History of Badminton. Retrieved from: on
February 10, 2017
What is the size of a badminton court? Retrieved from: on February 10,
Racket: The Different Parts. Retrieved from:
parts on February 11, 2017
How to Warm Up. Retrieved from: on
April 5, 2018

Course Module

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