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Phonetic and Graphic means of stylistic

Phonetic stylistic devices

Is the way a word, phrase, sound is pronounced, sometimes may convey additional
The existing models of organizing speech or sounds can be divided into two
groups: versification and instrumentation.
Versification is from latin “versus” – стих, “facio” – делаю. Versification is the
art of creating poetry according to the rules of a certain language and poet’s
practice (varieties of poetic feet and metres, rhymes and rhyming patterns).
Instrumentation is the some of speech sound selection and combination message
foregrounding the utterance thus creating expressive and emotive connotations
(euphony - благозвучие, cackophony – неблагозвучие, alliteration, assonance,
Onomatopheia (“sound imitation”) – the use of words in which the sound is
suggestive of the oblect or action designated : crack, jazz, whistle, etc.
It is a combination of speech sounds, which aims at imitating sounds produced in
nature (wind, sea, thunder), by things (machines or tools), and by people (laughter,
sighing, patter of feet).
Ку-ка-ре-ку – cock-a-doo-dle-do; мяу – mew; тик-так - tick-tack.

Things falling into the water: a coin - “plop”; smth larger (dog) – “splash”; human
body – “splosh”
Alliteration is a figure of speech which consists in the repetition of consonants
(especially initial) in words in close succession or accented syllables.
Ex: “the merry month of May”

Assonance –agreement of vowel sounds.

Ex: “weak and weary”
- is a figure of speech based on the repetition sounds or diphthongs without reguard
of consonants, the kind of vowel rhyme. e.g. How sad and bad and mad it was

Graphical stylistic devices

They serve to convey in the written form the effects which in the oral type of
speech are expressed by intonation and stresses. We refer here the emphatic use of
the punctuation and deliberate change of the spelling of a word.
Graphon is the intentional vacation of the graphical shape of a word (word
combination) used to reflect its authentic pronunciation. Graphons indicate
irregularities, carelessness of pronunciation, foreign accent.

Temporary: tender age, intoxication, ignorance of the discussed things.

Permanent: social, territorial, educational factors.

Pure Graphical Stylistic Devices

Multiplication: laaarge, r-r-ruin

Hyphonation: I en-vy her
Capitalization: I Love him
+ The use of italics, the use of punctuation: I Love him!!!

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