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1. Read a title by any of the following authors and do the project.

a) SudhaMurthy
b) R.K.Narayan
c) RuskinBond
d) Rudyard Kipling

This project will enhance your reading, writing and comprehension skill.
On an A4 sheet write a book report of the book read by you . Mention the

• Title of the book read

• Name of the author
• What is the book about?
• Why do you like it?
• Write something about the most interesting character. Use the hints given below

Simple, interesting, story, action, description, language, incident, serious,

humour, funny, wonderful, felt, pictures, brave, difficult, problem

2. Learn a good English poem by some renowned poet ( at least 2 minute duration with
introduction) with proper punctuation and expressions. Learn to speak a few lines about
the poet and the theme of the poem. This poem recitation will be part of internal
assessment after holidays.

3. Do one page handwriting practice on every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in your
cursive writing book.

4. Practice loud reading with attention to proper pronunciation, punctuation and

expressions. Daily read a page of any book of your choice.

5. Revise lesson 1 and 2 of Marigold book. Also revise all the grammar topics done till


1. ICT Integration

Make a PPT on Supersenses of animals ./ Poisonous Snakes of India .

a.Make a paper dog.

b. Make a snake puppet.

c..Rangoli making showing different types of snake movements.

2 . Find out about ‘PROJECT TIGER’ and write on a A-4 size sheet.

3. Herbarium sheets - Prepare 4 herbarium sheets. Collect different types of

leaves dry them and paste them on A-4 sheet . Mention its name ,date of
collection and also write their medicinal value.

4. Eating Healthy- Find out a recipe to prepare a healthy snack ,(non –fire
cooking) such as brown bread sandwich , sprout salad or fruit chaat, juices etc.
paste picture also write the names of nutrients present in it . paste the picture on
A-4 size sheet.


1) Practice tables from 2 to 15

2)Activity 1 - Angular Clock

Draw a clock on A-4 size sheet and mark different angles (acute/ obtuse/ right/
straight angle) on it using its both hands .

Make a table mentioning the time on the clock and angle being made at that time

For example -


Time. Angle made


a) 3:00. Right angle

b) 10.55. Acute angle






3) Activity 2-Find the population of Delhi (2020 census) and answer the given
questions -

a) Write its number name in Indian system and put commas also .

b) Write its number name in International system and put commas also .

c) Write its successor

d) Write its predecessor

(Do the above activity on A4 size sheet)

4) Make a maths puzzle or maths game . It should be neatly represented on an

A4 size sheet /chart/cardboard/model. Set your own rules for playing the game or
for solving puzzle .

5) Daily practice sums on basic mathematical operations in rough .


1) ह दिं ी की सल
ु ेख पहु तिका में रोज़ एक सल
ु ेख करें ।

2) "मेरे सपनों का भारि" हिषय पर 15 से 20 पिंहियों की एक तिरहिि कहििा A-4 size sheet
पर हलखें ।

3) हकसी सुप्रहसद्ध कहि/ कहियत्री की 20 से 24 पिंहियों की कहििा याद करें ।

4) एक हिक्षाप्रद क ानी याद करें । (4 से 5 प्रॉप्स बनाएँ)

5) बाल पहत्रकाएँ जैसे ििंपक नदिं न िदिं ामामा आहद पढें ।

6) आर. के . नारायण की क ाहनयाँ पढें ।

7) व्याकरण के हकसी भी एक मनपसिंद हिषय को लेकर उससे जुडा ुआ एक खेल बनाएँ ।

8) रामायण की दो िौपाइयाँ याद कीहजए ।

1. Draw and colour a beautiful scene ( any two)

A) Village Scene

B) Any Festival

C) My Ambition
2) In craft make a decorative thali ( use cardboard base)


Do fabric Painting on handkerchief or any utility cover.


Read books written by Geromino Stilton (like : The Lost Treasure of the
Emerland Eye, The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid) and
other books like Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland etc.

* On different A4 size sheets write the summary of any one



1. Read newspaper daily.

2. Be thorough with the current affairs.


Let us inculcate moral values and good habits in our children

‘’Life without values is like a ship without a rudder’’

Value education includes developing the moral ,cultural, spiritual ability to make proper judgement
and contributes to holistic development of children. It involves character building and opening up
young minds to realize their abilities and capacities.

➢ Get involved in a formal service project such as visiting a senior citizens home or orphanage
along with your parents. This will give an opportunity to develop and practice virtues such as
generosity, kindness, respect and compassion.
➢ Understand your role as a good citizen and develop a sense of duty towards the city by
planting trees and contributing towards cleanliness drive.
➢ Do simple chores such as polishing your shoes, washing your undergarments and laying the
table to become independent and self -reliant.
➢ Watch some inspirational videos and real life stories of people who could achieve a lot by their
hard work.
➢ Practice and follow good manners and etiquettes by using’ thank you’ ,’sorry’ ,’may I’ ,’excuse
me’ in your everyday language.
➢ In your value education notebook, make a list of good habits that you have and also write
about one bad habit that you would like to overcome.
➢ Draw a value wheel in your notebook and list the values which will help you to move forward
in life eg honesty, hard work, etc . Colour using pencil colours.

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